Fill vue multiselect dropdown from another component - vue.js

I am currently working on a project and could use some help.
I have a backend with an endpoint which delivers an array of strings with approximately 13k entries. I created a component in DropdownSearch.vue which should be used on several different views with differing inputs. For this specific purpose I used vueform/multiselect. If I only try to add the dropdown without any information it works perfectly. Also if I access the endpoints and console.log() it it will work properly and deliver me an output. But if I try to initialize the output to the dropdown the whole page will stop working, the endpoint won't give me a response and the application freezes.
import Multiselect from "#vueform/multiselect";
import { ref }from "vue"
export default {
name: "DropdownSearch",
components: { Multiselect },
props: {
selectorOne: {
type: String,
default: "<DEFAULT VALUE>",
required: true,
selectorTwo: {
type: String,
default: "<DEFAULT VALUE>",
required: true,
selectorThree: {
type: String,
default: "<DEFAULT VALUE>",
required: true,
dropdownOne: {
type: Array
dropdownTwo: {
type: Array
dropdownThree: {
type: Array
setup() {
const valueDropdownOne = ref()
const valueDropdownTwo = ref()
const valueDropdownThree = ref()
return {valueDropdownOne, valueDropdownTwo, valueDropdownThree}
<style src="#vueform/multiselect/themes/default.css"></style>
selectorOne="Merkmale auswählen"
selectorTwo="Monographien auswählen"
selectorThree="Orte auswählen"
import DropdownSearch from "../components/DropdownSearch.vue";
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
export default {
components: { DropdownSearch },
setup() {
const dropdownOne = ref([]);
const dropdownTwo = ref([]);
const dropdownThree = ref([]);
const getPlaces = async () => {
const response = await fetch("");
const places = await response.json();
return places;
onMounted(async () => {
const places = await getPlaces();
dropdownThree.value = places;
return {
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

it is not the problem of vue
the library you used may not support virtual-list, when the amount of data becomes large, the actual dom element will also become large
you may need to find another library support virtual-list, only render dom in visual range or implement a custom component by a virtual-library

I found a solution to the given problem, as #math-chen already stated the problem is the amount of data which will resolve in the actual Dom becoming really large. Rather than using virtual-lists, you can limit the amount of entries displayed which can easily be done by adding
to the multiselect component, filtering all items can easily be handled by javascript itself.


dynamically highlight block with highlight.js in vue app

I have a VueJS where I have created a component for rendering the contents from a WYSIWYG component (tiptap).
I have the following content being returned from the backend
let x = 0;
enum A {}
function Baa() {}
I'm using highlight.js to highlight this code snippet in the following manner:
import { defineComponent, h, nextTick, onMounted, onUpdated, ref, watch } from 'vue';
// No need to use a third-party component to highlight code
// since the `#tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight` library has highlight as a dependency
import highlight from 'highlight.js'
export const WYSIWYG = defineComponent({
name: 'WYSIWYG',
props: {
content: { type: String, required: true },
setup(props) {
const root = ref<HTMLElement>(null);
const highlightClass = 'hljs';
const hightlightCodes = async () => {
console.log(root.value?.querySelectorAll('pre code')[0]);
setTimeout(() => {
root.value?.querySelectorAll('pre code').forEach((el: HTMLElement) => {
highlight.highlightElement(el as HTMLElement);
}, 2000);
watch(() => props.content, hightlightCodes);
return function render() {
return h('div', {
class: 'WYSIWYG',
ref: root,
innerHTML: props.content
Now, when I visit the page by typing the URL in the browser, it highlights the typescript code
Whenever I visit a different page and click on my browser's "Go back" button, it makes the code completely vanishes
What I have tried
I can see that the line root.value?.querySelectorAll('pre code') is returning the correct items and the correct code is present but the code vanishes after the 2 seconds passes - due to setTimeout.
How can I make highlight.js highlight the code parts whenever props.content changes?
Option 1
Use Highlight.js Vue integration (you need to setup the plugin first, check the link):
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
content: { type: String, required: true },
<highlightjs :code="content" language="ts" />
Option 2
Use computed to reactively compute highlighted HTML of props.content
Use sync highlight(code, options) function to get the highlighted HTML
Use HTML as-is via innerHTML prop or v-html directive
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import highlight from 'highlight.js'
const props = defineProps({
content: { type: String, required: true },
const html = computed(() => {
const { value } = highlight.highlight(props.content, { lang: 'ts' })
return value
<div v-html="html" />

How can I change the locale of a VueI18n instance in a Vue file, and have it apply to all other Vue files in the application?

I am currently trying to implement a feature where a user can select a language from a dropdown menu in a Settings page (SettingsDialog.vue), updating all of the text to match the new language. This application has multiple Vue files like a MenuBar.vue, HelpDialog.vue, each pulling from translation.ts for their English translations. However, I noticed that selecting a language from the dropdown menu only changed the elements inside my SettingsDialog.vue file, not all of the other Vue files I have.
I tried using the Vue-I18n documentation implementation of changing locale globally in the file. I was expecting for the locale of the entire application to change after selecting a language in SettingsDialog.vue, applying my English translations in translation.ts to the Menu Bar, Help Page, etc. What happened is that the translations from translation.ts only applied to the SettingsDialog.vue page, no where else.
I guess it would be helpful to add that this is an Electron application, and the Vue files in the project use Quasar. Each file does have the correct import statements.
// ...
window.datalayer = [];
const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false,
locale: "",
.use(store, storeKey)
id: process.env.VUE_APP_GTM_CONTAINER_ID ?? "GTM-DUMMY",
vueRouter: router,
enabled: false,
.use(Quasar, {
config: {
brand: {
primary: "#a5d4ad",
secondary: "#212121",
plugins: {
.use(ipcMessageReceiver, { store })
// ...
<!-- Language Setting Card -->
<q-card flat class="setting-card">
<div id="app" class="text-h5">{{ $t("言語") }}</div>
<q-card-actions class="q-px-md q-py-sm bg-setting-item">
<div id="app">{{ $t("言語を選択する") }}</div>
<q-space />
{ value: 'ja', label: '日本語 (Japanese)' },
{ value: 'en', label: '英語 (English)' },
anchor="center left"
self="center right"
// ...
<script lang="ts">
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
// ...
setup(props, { emit }) {
const { t, locale } = useI18n({ useScope: "global" });
// ...
return {
// ...
<q-bar class="bg-background q-pa-none relative-position">
v-if="$ && !isFullscreen"
<img v-else src="icon.png" class="window-logo" alt="application logo" />
v-for="(root, index) of menudata"
root.type === 'button' ? (subMenuOpenFlags[index] = false) :
// ...
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, computed, ComputedRef, watch } from "vue";
import { useStore } from "#/store";
import MenuButton from "#/components/MenuButton.vue";
import TitleBarButtons from "#/components/TitleBarButtons.vue";
import { useQuasar } from "quasar";
import { HotkeyAction, HotkeyReturnType } from "#/type/preload";
import { setHotkeyFunctions } from "#/store/setting";
import {
} from "#/components/Dialog";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
import messages from "../translation";
type MenuItemBase<T extends string> = {
type: T;
label?: string;
export type MenuItemSeparator = MenuItemBase<"separator">;
export type MenuItemRoot = MenuItemBase<"root"> & {
onClick: () => void;
subMenu: MenuItemData[];
export type MenuItemButton = MenuItemBase<"button"> & {
onClick: () => void;
export type MenuItemCheckbox = MenuItemBase<"checkbox"> & {
checked: ComputedRef<boolean>;
onClick: () => void;
export type MenuItemData =
| MenuItemSeparator
| MenuItemRoot
| MenuItemButton
| MenuItemCheckbox;
export type MenuItemType = MenuItemData["type"];
export default defineComponent({
name: "MenuBar",
components: {
setup() {
const { t } = useI18n({
// ...
const menudata = ref<MenuItemData[]>([
type: "root",
label: t("ファイル"),
onClick: () => {
// ...
const messages = {
en: {
// MenuBar.vue
ファイル: "File",
エンジン: "Engine",
ヘルプ: "Help",
// SettingDialog.vue
言語: 'Language',
言語を選択する: 'Select Language',
オフ: 'OFF',
エンジンモード: 'Engine Mode',
// HelpDialog.vue
ソフトウェアの利用規約: 'test',
export default messages;
Maybe there are more problems but now I see two:
Your menudata should be computed instead of just ref. Right now you are creating a JS object and setting it label property to result of t() call. When global locale changes this object is NOT created again. It still holds same value the t() function returned the only time it was executed - when setup() was running
// correct
const menudata = computed<MenuItemData[]>(() => [
type: "root",
label: t("ファイル"),
onClick: () => {
// ...
This way whenever changes, your menudata is created again with new translation
As an alternative, set label to key and use t(label) inside the template. However computed is much more effective solution...
You don't need to pass messages to useI18n() in every component. Only to the global instance. By passing config object into a useI18n() in a component you are creating Local scope which makes no sense if you are storing all translations in a single global place anyway

Vue3 - after provide/inject object inside component is loosing data

I'm having small issue with provide/inject in my project.
In App.vue, I'm pulling data from DB and pushing it into object. With console log I checked and all data it's there.
<router-view />
export default {
provide() {
return {
user: this.user,
data() {
return {
user: '',
methods: {
///pulling data from DB
func() {
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
const user = [];
for (const id in data) {
id: data[id].user_id,
firstName: data[id].user_firstname,
lastName: data[id].user_lastname,
email: data[id].user_email,
phone: data[id].user_phone,
address1: data[id].user_address_1,
address2: data[id].user_address_2,
address3: data[id].user_address_3,
address4: data[id].user_address_4,
group: data[id].user_group,
this.user = user;
.catch((error) => {
created() {
Console log of object user App.vue
Object { id: "3", firstName: "test", lastName: "test", … }
Next I'm injecting it into component. Object inside component exists, but empty - all data cease to exist.
export default {
inject: ["user"],
console log of object user in component
<empty string>
While in App.vue data is still there, in any components object appears to be empty, but it is there. Any idea why?
Thanks for help.
In short, this happens because you are reassigning user rather than changing user.
Let's say you have a Child component that consumes your inject data and renders the users in a list:
<div> Child </div>
<li v-for="user in users" :key=""> {{}} </li>
import {inject} from "vue";
export default {
name: "Child",
setup() {
const users = inject("users");
return {users};
To provide the users from parent component, all you need to ensure is that users itself is a reactive object, and you keep changing it from the parent rather than reassigning it.
I am going to use the composition api to illustrate what I mean. Compared to options api, everything in composition api is just plain javascript hence there is a lot less behind-the-scene magic. At the end I will tell you how options api is related to the composition api.
<button #click=generateUsers>
Generate Users
import {reactive, provide, toRefs} from "vue";
import Child from "./Child.vue";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
setup() {
const data = reactive({users: ""});
const generateUsers = () => {
// notice here you are REASSIGNING the users
data.users = [
{id: 1, name: "Alice"}, {id: 2, name: "Bob"}
// this way of provide will NOT work
provide("users", data.users);
// this way works because of toRefs
const {users} = toRefs(data);
provide("users", users);
return {generateUsers};
A few things to note:
the data options in the options api is exactly the same as const data = reactive({users: ""}). Vue will run your data() method, from where you have to return a plain object. And then Vue will automatically call reactive to add reactivity to it.
provide, on the other hand, is not doing any magic - neither in options api, nor in the composition api. It just passes whatever it is given to the consuming component without any massaging.
the reason provide("users", data.users) does not work as you would expect is that the way you populate the users is not a change to the same data.users object (which actually is reactive), but a reassign all together.
the reason toRefs works is because toRefs links to the original parent.
With this understanding in mind, to fix your original code, you just need to ensure you change, instead of reassigning, the users. The simplest way is to define user as an array and push into it when you load data. (in contrast to defining it initially as a string and reassigning it later)
P.S. what also works in composition api, and is a lot simpler, is to:
<button #click=generateUsers>
Generate Users
import {ref, provide} from "vue";
import Child from "./Child.vue";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
setup() {
const users = ref();
const generateUsers = () => {
// notice here you are not reassigning the users
// but CHANGING its value
users.value = [
{id: 1, name: "Alice"}, {id: 2, name: "Bob"}
provide("users", users);
return {generateUsers};

vue3 performance warning using ref

vue is throwing this message:
Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can
lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided by
marking the component with markRaw or using shallowRef instead of
<component v-for="(el, idx) in elements" :key="idx" :data="el" :is="el.component" />
setup() {
const { getters } = useStore()
const elements = ref([])
onMounted(() => {
fetchData().then((response) => {
elements.value = parseData(response)
return { parseData }
is there a better way to do this?
First, you should return { elements } instead of parseData in your setup i think.
I solved this issue by marking the objects as shallowRef :
import { shallowRef, ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { EditProfileForm, EditLocationForm, EditPasswordForm} from '#/components/profile/forms'
const profile = shallowRef(EditProfileForm)
const location = shallowRef(EditLocationForm)
const password = shallowRef(EditPasswordForm)
const forms = [profile, location, password]
<component v-for="(form, i) in forms" :key="i" :is="form" />
So you should shallowRef your components inside your parseData function. I tried markRaw at start, but it made the component non-reactive. Here it works perfectly.
you could manually shallowCopy the result
<component v-for="(el, idx) in elements" :key="idx" :data="el" :is="{...el.component}" />
I had the same error. I solved it with markRaw. You can read about it here!
my code :
import { markRaw } from "vue";
import Component from "./components/Component.vue";
data() {
return {
Component: markRaw(Component),
For me, I had defined a map in the data section.
import TheFoo from '#/TheFoo.vue';
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
data: function () {
return {
someMap: {
key: TheFoo
The data section can be updated reactively, so I got the console errors. Moving the map to a computed fixed it.
import TheFoo from '#/TheFoo.vue';
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
computed: {
someMap: function () {
return {
key: TheFoo
I had this warning while displaying an SVG component; from what I deduced, Vue was showing the warning because it assumes the component is reactive and in some cases the reactive object can be huge causing performance issues.
The markRaw API tells Vue not to bother about reactivity on the component, like so - markRaw(<Your-Component> or regular object)
I also meet this problem today,and here is my solution to solve it:
setup() {
const routineLayoutOption = reactive({
board: {
component: () => RoutineBoard,
table: {
component: () => RoutineTable,
flow: {
component: () => RoutineFlow,
I set the component variant as the result of the function.
And in the ,bind it like compoennt()

vuejs treeselect - delay loading does not work via vuex action

Using Vue TreeSelect Plugin to load a nested list of nodes from firebase backend. It's doc page says,
It's also possible to have root level options to be delayed loaded. If no options have been initially registered (options: null), vue-treeselect will attempt to load root options by calling loadOptions({ action, callback, instanceId }).
loadOptions (in my App.vue) dispatch vuex action_FolderNodesList, fetches (from firebase) formats (as required by vue-treeselect), and mutates the state folder_NodesList, then tries to update options this.options = this.get_FolderNodesList but this does not seems to work.
Here is the loadOptions method (in app.vue)
loadOptions() {
let getFolderListPromise = this.$store.dispatch("action_FolderNodesList");
getFolderListPromise.then(_ => {
this.options = this.get_FolderNodesList;
Vue errors out with Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "options". Expected Array, got String with value ""
I am not sure what am I doing wrong, why that does not work. A working Codesandbox demo
<div class="section">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-7">
<div class="field">
placeholder="Select your favourite(s)..."
v-model="value" />
<pre>{{ get_FolderNodesList }}</pre>
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import Treeselect from "#riophae/vue-treeselect";
import "#riophae/vue-treeselect/dist/vue-treeselect.css";
export default {
data() {
return {
value: null,
options: null,
called: false
components: {
computed: mapGetters(["get_FolderNodesList"]),
methods: {
loadOptions() {
let getFolderListPromise = this.$store.dispatch("action_FolderNodesList");
getFolderListPromise.then(_ => {
this.options = this.get_FolderNodesList;
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
folder_NodesList: ""
getters: {
get_FolderNodesList(state) {
return state.folder_NodesList;
mutations: {
mutate_FolderNodesList(state, payload) {
state.folder_NodesList = payload;
actions: {
action_FolderNodesList({ commit }) {
fmRef.once("value", snap => {
var testObj = snap.val();
var result = Object.keys(testObj).reduce((acc, cur) => {
id: cur,
label: cur,
children: recurseList(testObj[cur])
return acc;
}, []);
commit("mutate_FolderNodesList", result);
Any help is appreciated.
It seems you are calling this.options which would update the entire element while only the current expanding option should be updated.
It seems loadOptions() is called with some arguments that you can use to update only the current childnode. The first argument seems to contain all the required assets so I wrote my loadTreeOptions function like this:
loadTreeOptions(node) {
// On initial load, I set the 'children' to NULL for nodes to contain children
// but inserted an 'action' string with an URL to retrieve the children
axios.get(node.parentNode.action).then(response => {
// Update current node's children
node.parentNode.children =;
// notify tree to update structure
errors => this.onFail(
Then I set :load-options="loadTreeOptions" on the <vue-treeselect> element on the page. Maybe you were only missing the callback() call which updates the structure. My installation seems simpler than yours but it works properly now.