Upgrading from Esri.Arcgis.Client 10.2.x to Arcgis.Runtime.100.x - arcgis

Hello fellow arcgis developers.
I am about to migrate from old Arcgis.Client .Net to Arcgis.Runtime .Net.
And looking at the documentation I cant find what corresponding namespaces they are now using in the Arcgis.Runtime 100.x.
Now when running Arcgis.Client i have these all namespace i need to change for the corresponding in Arcgis.Runtime 100.13 and as i mentioned could not find in the documentation:
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Local;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry;
I have been looking at this guide but I dont mention the namepaces above.

It’s not a 1:1 but most namespaces are under Esri.ArcGISRuntime.* instead of Esri.ArcGIS.Client.*. Let intellisense and auto complete in Visual Studio help you discover them. Also not all classes are 1:1 so they might be named different or use a completely different and improved approach now


Using ILNnumerics with c++\cli #ilnumerics

I'm looking for a numerical package that I can call from managed C++\CLI. ILNumerics is aimed at .NET development, so I would assume it can be used with / from C++\CLI.
However I cannot find any reference to this effect.
So can I use ILNumerics with C++\CLI? If so, where do I find typical resources and examples?
If not, is there a numerics package that is compatible with C++\Cli that can be called and integrated as straightforward as with C#? I have a difficult time finding one that is.
Thanks, Jan

Phalcon: How i can design a website with multi languages?

Later i worked with symfony framework. In this framework we can easily build a multi language project by using FOSUserBundle. But i do'nt know what to do in phalcon! In the Phalcon documentation (multi-lingual-support) explained a way for it! But if i have many languages this way is too difficult!
Do yo know about any provided library for multi language projects?
You can either use the Phalcon\Translate to translate all your strings in respective arrays - one file per language. The reference in the documentation as you correctly posted is here and it refers to the native array adapter.
There are additional adapters in the incubator repo, for PO files or database driven.
You might also want to see the internationalization area in the documentation.
take a look at this piece of code

updating IDE old to new C++ Builder

I'm currently trying to compile an old program (made with C++ builder 2 or 3) with the "current" Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2.
So, I was wondering whether there is an easy way to use the old code, as Borland once claimed to be fully compatible to lower versions... however I couldn't find a "project-file", only source-code (.cpp, .h, .res, etc.).
I tried to "add to project" the main .cpp, however there seem to be some wrong include-paths... it also seem to use the OWL-package and includes its important source-files...
I'm a bit confused which type of main project I have to open first, since you need to open a new project before adding the source to it. As the running .exe has a GUI, I tried a Form-Window first, but it may be better to use a console or service as the real form is produced within the code as far as I understand.
So, after installing OWL and correcting the include-paths, do you think it should be running fine? Or is there something else to take care of?
If your old project was using OWL, you're probably well outside of the supported upgrade path.
That being said, valid C++ code should still compile and work and I've heard of people using OWL with recent versions of C++Builder. (via OWLNext)
Regarding your confusion as to which type of project to use, I believe a console application would be your best bet. A forms application is completely wrong, that will bring in the VCL and give you no end of problems trying to reconcile the different windowing systems. A service application is a completely different beast as well, and isn't meant for GUI applications. A console application should work, but you'll need more. The OWLNext project has a wiki that should help quite a bit.

Are there some free NHibernate generator tool with C#, NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes?

Are there some free NHibernate generator tool with C#, NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes?
I don't want to use the xml mapping file, but want to use attributes, do you know some good generator tools which can support the latest version of NHibernate 3.3.1? Thanks!
I am a developer for the nmg codeplex tool. There was a new release this afternoon, if you still get an error, post the exception on codeplex and I will fix it tomorrow morning.
NHibernate mapping generator. This is probably the best free one I've found.
You can make use TT templates, mygeneration or and other tool which makes code based on templates. The tool is just a code generator, it does not know anything from NHibernate. The templetes you make will do the magic of generating for a specific product/version.

Setting up a Database Diagram in VS2012 & SSDT?

I'm working myself through this book called Head First C#.NET as I want to get into programming.
Basically the book was written for VS2010, but since my employer has bought me a MSDN License, I decided to go for VS2012 instead.
One of the assignments in the book is to create a local database, and make a database diagram for it. Unfortunately, this functionality has been removed from VS itself from VS2012 and upwards.
I've already googled it, and read that this was replaced by SSDT. Hence, I installed SSDT but I'm still not able to view and/or create a Database Diagram.
Is the "Diagram" functionality completely deprecated from 2012 and should I be looking at something complete different to get what I want / need?
According to this post, there is no diagram support in SSDT.