How to select text inside input when the input get mounted (Vue3 ) - vue.js

I have this form that I created, basically what its doing is creating a new input with a random value each time I click on ADD_INPUT button. the thing I want is each time I create a new INPUT with random value the value get selected.
Sorry for my very bad English.
I've tried creating a new customized directive like this :
directives: {
focusInput: {
// directive definition
mounted(el) {
but it breaks idy

Hoy can use select()
new Vue({
el : '#app',
data : {
text: 'some text'
methods : {
select() {
mounted() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="select">ADD_INPUT</button>
<input type="text" v-model="text" ref="input">
Composition API
setup() {
const input = ref(null)
function select() {
return {


can't get computed to work in a super simple html & js script

Just started on a vue tutorial and am simple stuck within the first 5 minutes trying to follow their example - these are my 2 files ( i try to start without building a vue project but include it directly in the html ).
the on Input works but the part with myFunc isn't working ( it should work according the tutorial but not in my end ) - the result i get on screen is this :
The code here - very simple - anyone can help what it is i'm doing wrong ?
<head><script src=""></script>
<script src="jsTest.js"></script>
<div id ="app">
<input v-on:input="onInput"/>
{{ myFunc }}
<div v-html ="myFunc" />
console.log ("wew");
new Vue({
el :"#app",
data: {
textInput :''
computed: {
myFunc : function () {
this.textInput = "*";
methods : {
onInput : function (event) {
this.textInput =;
Your code has many errors.
data should return an object
The computed should be use to display a (formatted) value
Here is you code corrected :
Working codepen :
new Vue({
el :"#app",
data () {
return {
textInput :''
computed: {
myFunc : function () {
return this.textInput
methods : {
onInput : function (event) {
this.textInput =;

VueJS: how to trigger 'change' on <input> changed programmatically

I'm going to build a customized virtual keyboard, so that's the first problem I've encountered.
I have an input element, whose value is changed from outside, in my case by pressing a button. The problem is that there seems to be no way to trigger the normal 'change' event.
Neither clicking outside the input, nor pressing Enter gives any result. What might be the correct way of solving this problem?
<div class="app-input">
<input #change="onChange" type="text" v-model="value" ref="input">
<button #click="onClick">A</button>
export default {
name: "AppInput",
data() {
return {
inputDiv: null,
value: ""
props: {
msg: String
methods: {
onClick() {
this.value = this.value + "A";
onChange() {
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.inputDiv = this.$refs.input;
The whole pen can be found here.
v-on:change would only trigger on a direct change on the input element from a user action.
What you are looking for is a wathcer for your data property, whenever your value changes, watcher will execute your desired function or task.
watch: {
value: function() {
The watch syntax is elaborated on the provided official vuejs docs link. use your data property as the key and provide a function as a value.
Check the snippet.
export default {
name: "AppInput",
data() {
return {
inputDiv: null,
value: ""
props: {
msg: String
methods: {
onClick() {
this.value = this.value + "A";
onChange() {
// this one:
watch: {
value: function() {
// --- rest of your code;
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.inputDiv = this.$refs.input;
When I build any new vue application, I like to use these events for a search input or for other inputs where I don't want to fire any functions on #change
<div class="class">
<input v-model="searchText" #keyup.esc="clearAll()" #keyup.enter="getData()" autofocus type="text" placeholder="Start Typing ..."/>
<button #click="getData()"><i class="fas fa-search fa-lg"></i></button>
These will provide a better user experience in my opinion.

Replace tag dynamically returns the object instead of the contents

I'm building an chat client and I want to scan the messages for a specific tag, in this case [item:42]
I'm passing the messages one by one to the following component:
import ChatItem from './ChatItem'
export default {
props :[
name: 'chat-parser',
data() {
return {
testData: []
methods : {
parseMessage(msg, createElement){
const regex = /(?:\[\[item:([0-9]+)\]\])+/gm;
let m;
while ((m = regex.exec(msg)) !== null) {
msg = msg.replace(m[0],
createElement(ChatItem, {
props : {
"id" : m[1],
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
return msg
render(createElement) {
let user = "";
let msg = this.parseMessage(this.$, createElement)
return createElement(
// "hello",// createElement("render function")
createElement('span', '['+ this.$'] '),
I thought passing createElement to the parseMessage method would be a good idea, but it itsn't working properly as it replaces the tag with [object object]
The chatItem looks like this :
<span v-model="item">chatITem : {{ id }}</span>
export default {
data: function () {
return {
item : [],
props :['id'],
created() {
// this.getItem()
methods: {
getItem: function(){
obj.item = ["id" : "42", "name": "some name"]
Example :
if the message looks like this : what about [item:42] OR [item:24] both need to be replaced with the chatItem component
While you can do it using a render function that isn't really necessary if you just parse the text into a format that can be consumed by the template.
In this case I've kept the parser very primitive. It yields an array of values. If a value is a string then the template just dumps it out. If the value is a number it's assumed to be the number pulled out of [item:24] and passed to a <chat-item>. I've used a dummy version of <chat-item> that just outputs the number in a <strong> tag.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
ChatItem: {
props: ['id'],
template: '<strong>{{ id }}</strong>'
data () {
return {
text: 'Some text with [item:24] and [item:42]'
computed: {
richText () {
const text = this.text
// The parentheses ensure that split doesn't throw anything away
const re = /(\[item:\d+\])/g
// The filter gets rid of any empty strings
const parts = text.split(re).filter(item => item)
return => {
if (part.match(re)) {
// This just converts '[item:24]' to the number 24
return +part.slice(6, -1)
return part
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-for="part in richText">
<chat-item v-if="typeof part === 'number'" :id="part"></chat-item>
<template v-else>{{ part }}</template>
If I were going to do it with a render function I'd do it pretty much the same way, just replacing the template with a render function.
If the text parsing requirements were a little more complicated then I wouldn't just return strings and numbers. Instead I'd use objects to describe each part. The core ideas remain the same though.

How to run a function in Vue.js when state changes

I'm looking to run a function when the state changes in my Vue app.
In my component I'm able to get the boolean state of isOpen. I'm looking to run a function that adds focus to my form input when the modal opens and isOpen is set to true. I've tried using a watcher but with no luck. I'm opening my modal by calling :class="{ 'is-open': search.isOpen }" in the html and showing it via css. Any help would be most appreciated.
data() {
return {
isFocussed: this.$,
//checks the state of isOpen?
computed: {
search() { return this.$ },
watch: {
isFocussed() {
methods: {
formfocus() {
please check my snippet which shows the good way to work in Vue.js, you can work with refs which is very helpful instead of document.getElementById()
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isOpen: false,
computed: {
watch: {
this.$nextTick( function () {
methods: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button v-on:click="isOpen = !isOpen">show modal</button>
<div v-if="isOpen">
<input ref="search" type="text" placeholder="search">
EDIT: i have added a conditional if on the watch, i hope this solves the problem
I am not sure what your template looks like but here is how I set focus on a conditional element.
<input type="text" class="search-input" v-model="search" :class="{'collapsed-search': hideInput}" placeholder="Enter keyword" ref="search">
notice the ref="search" on the input.
here is the method when the input condition is true
toggleSearch() {
this.hideInput = !this.hideInput = ''
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
this.$ is called after the element has been fully created which is the purpose of the setTimeout

Is it possible to use a v-model from inside a component template?

Can the v-model syntax be used from inside a Vue component template?
The following works as expected when included directly in an .html
<input type="text" v-model="selected_service_shortname">
Putting the following stuff into a component template does not work.
var service_details = {
template: `
<input type="text" v-model="selected_service_shortname">
vm = new Vue({
el: "#app",
components: {
'service-details': service_details
Results in vue.min.js:6 ReferenceError: selected_service_shortname is not defined
Changing the template syntax to
<input type="text" v-model="this.$parent.selected_service_shortname">
Seems to halfway work -- changes applied externally to selected_service_shortname appear in the input box as expected. But making changes to the input box directly results in Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
Is what I'm trying to do a supported use case? If so, are there working examples somewhere?
You can implement support for v-model in your component. This is covered in the documentation here.
Here is an example.
var service_details = {
props: ["value"],
template: `
<input type="text" v-model="internalValue">
computed: {
internalValue: {
get() {
return this.value
set(v) {
this.$emit("input", v)
Basically, v-model, by default, is simply sugar for passing a value property and listening for the input event. So all you need to do is add a value property to your component, and emit an input event. This can also be customized as described in the documentation.
var service_details = {
props: ["value"],
template: `
<input type="text" v-model="internalValue">
computed: {
internalValue: {
get() {
return this.value
set(v) {
this.$emit("input", v)
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
selected_service_shortname: "some service name"
components: {
'service-details': service_details
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<service-details v-model="selected_service_shortname"></service-details>
Selected Service Shortname: {{selected_service_shortname}}
Used in the parent like this:
<service-details v-model="selected_service_shortname"></service-details>