Put yellow dot inside the ion-range slider knob - ionic4

can anyone help me with how can I make this yellow dot within the ion-range knob?


How to remove the black border of the selected item of wxHtmlListBox?

Our class inherits wxHtmlListBox, and it overrides both GetSelectedTextColour and GetSelectedTextBgColour to customize the colors, because the default background color of the selected item on Windows is light gray, and the bigger background is white. They make it difficult to visually tell which item is selected.
After overriding the two methods, though everything works good, there is an ugly black frame encompassing the selected item. The black frame also appears in the official example htlbox.
To recreate the problem, please follow these steps
Run htlbox.
Uncheck [Listbox | Draw seperators] to dismiss the distraction.
[Listbox | Set selection background... | (Choose a color) | Select]
and the ugly black frame appears, encompassing the selected item.
How do we remove the black frame/border? Any suggestion? Thanks.

WebStorm, how do you change panels colors? (I am already using Dracula theme)

I am using Dracula theme but would like to change all the panels to darker color and can't figure how.
See image below, the areas I circled in red

Additive Color Composition in Matplotlib: Combine Red and Green to Get Yellow

Here is a plot where semi-transparent red and yellow dots are shown.
I was counting on obtaining a yellowish hue, when green and red dots are superposed, but this is obviously not what is happening (see figure).
Am I wrong that red and green colors should combine additively?
Can somebody explain how to use an additive color combination model to achieve my goal?

Remove selected color from image (grayscale graphic)

enter image description here
enter image description here
Hi guys! I have the following task: I must paint the black and white house, leaning to a result as the colored one.
I figured out, there must be a way to somehow "remove" the white color, so there is only the black outlines left. From there I will make an underlayer and will insert color/materials etc.
The hard part and the essential in my question is: The black outlines are ranging from true black to very light grey. Is there a way I can somehow delete all white (0,0,0) pixels and for the others: the more "black" they have, the more opacity they get. So a grey pixel with a value around (126,126,126) will be left, but with a 50% opacity.
have you tried, copying the same image on top of the original image, change the copied image blending mode to overlay, use the select tool on the white area, and then click the select tab on top menu, from that tab click select similar,so you have all the white area selected, then select the original layer, and then erase, you can also erase delete the copied image. Good Luck!
Yes you can,
Open "Select" menu and choose "Color Range", it will open a dialog box, inside that box you can choose from the drop down at the top if you want to select Reds, Yellows, Greens, etc. or you can select Sampled Colors with the eyedropper tool, so you can select the white color from anywhere at the image then you can handle the color range sensitivity from the slide bar called Fuzziness, the lower number is the lower range of white color and vise versa :)
As Ahmed Alaa said, use the "Color Range" tool, but for coloring in black and white images, see if my Youtube tutorial can help.
P.S. Sorry this post is bad, i'm new-ish.

UISlider in thermometer-ios

I need to set the UISlider in thermometer. Here am setting the slider left track image in red color and right track image in white color and a thermometer image is available.when the user tap on the slider,value increases and it gives the look of thermometer.How to set the slider inside that image?I have tried in many ways but UISlider is hiding behind the thermometer image. And also please tell me the image size for thumb,left track and right track images.
Please refer the fourth screenshot in the above link.I want to do the exact.
Please help.