Possible to define multiple forms in a single .ui file in QtDesigner? - pyqt5

I have seen Use a single source file for many QtDesigner forms, which is the gist of my question also, - but it simply recommends:
My advice is to use it as Qt way. Use seperate classes and seperate files for each form. This approach is better.
However, I would like to specifically know - is it possible at all to define multiple forms (say, a "Main Window" and a "Dialog with Buttons Bottom") in a single .ui file, and work with them in QtDesigner?
Basically, for an application of mine, I use QtDesigner .ui file to design the MainWindow, and load that from Python (PyQt5) - and it works great. Now, I'd just like to add a window dialog raised on a click of a button, and I'd also like to use QtDesigner for it, but I wouldn't want to maintain two .ui files. I'd imagine, once such an .ui file (with multiple form definitions) would be loaded in Python, the Python code would just set all forms other than QMainWindow to hidden, and then manage when they are shown appropriately.
(I use QtDesigner on and off, so I do not know it very well - however I recall there was some stuff that QtDesigner couldn't do from the UI, but one could do manually in the .ui file, and after such changes, QtDesigner could still deal with them. So, if there is a way to do this - even if it is not fully supported in the QtDesigner UI - I'd love to know about it, or have a definitive answer that it is not doable).

No, you cannot.
Why not?
UI files are intended for individual widgets (it doesn't matter whether they are intended as top level windows or not) and their possible children.
While I can understand your request, it seems more related to a "project" concept than an UI one. That's not the intent of Designer, which cannot imagine the possible extent of your project; and even if that was the case, it wouldn't be very practical: what if your project could potentially have hundreds of windows? Suppose that you have a main window, open your program, but then you decide to close it: your program would be loading hundreds of windows, but use none of them, causing an unnecessary overhead in the program loading.
The concept is similar to the modularization of OOP: not only you just "load" what you actually need, but you also should "split" the project in different files (modules, not unlike python modules) for better maintenance , reusability and overview. What if you want to have two separate "main" UI files for some reason, and, coincidentally, they use a similar dialog? You should copy that dialog every time, and if at some point you forget that step, you might even cause your program to crash as it's trying to access objects that don't exist or have been just slightly renamed.
Furthermore, some interfaces can be really complex, and automatically loading them at startup would be pointless: if you're using the uic module, you're requiring unnecessary parsing of the whole xml tree of the UI, and that would be for every time a new instance for a window from that file is required.
Maybe, someday, developers at Qt will decide to allow "projects" in Designer (which is probably what Qt Creator does, but I've never used it), but ui files will still be individual, as they should.
So, don't worry too much, it's more a question of habit and a slightly annoying aspect: if your project is well conceived, and you also properly name your files, it won't be a major problem and it will have its benefits anyway (even if you don't consider them as you could).
PS: yes, UI files are XML files and can be edited; you could even create/edit an UI file and do things Designer couldn't. But that's just an "unexpected feature" (or smart hack), for which you can never be always sure about the outcome. In future (or just different) versions the parser could be[come] more strict, with the result that your UI becomes completely unusable. That's not unlike editing pyuic files: the programs that use them expect a known behavior (the XML output of Designer), and common, accepted usage. As the recent pyuic file headers (which, I'd like to mark, was added after a personal suggestion of mine) report: "Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing" ;-)


Edit files as if concatenated as one -- Do any IDEs or text editors have this feature?

Background: I am working with Angular (but my problem is not particular to any language or framework). In Angular, each component requires four separate files. So, we often find ourselves with 40+ files open. But, most of these files can be tiny, less than 20 lines each.
Many IDEs allow you to open your files in multiple windows. Each window can have a different panel, and each panel can have different tabs. This is great, but honestly, still isn't enough.
What I want: In addition to windows, panels, and tabs, I'd like to add another level of organization.
I speculate this has probably existed for decades, but I just don't know what it's called. At the very least, I speculate this has existed at least since Angular was a thing.
For example, here is a screenshot of VSCode with four files open across four panels. (Code taken from Angular dynamic component tutorial):
And here is a quick mockup showing what I'm looking for. Four files are open, but the three shortest ones are "concatenated" into one editor. Arrow-key down from the bottom of one file will bring you to the first line of the next file.
Notably, these files are not actually concatenated on-disk.
TLDR: What text editor can allow me to edit multiple files as if they were concatenated, as in the mockup above?
If the files stay as separate windows/tabs, the file editor would have to shrink each tab to a minimal height, and then tile them vertically. If any editor can do it, I suspect it would be emacs or vim. You might also be able to do it by opening separate editor windows and using a tiling window manager.
We can achieve a similar effect with some text editing magic. It would be something like:
Add a header to each file consisting of a unique separator (e.g. # === magic separator === filename my_file.js ===)
Use cat to combine all the files into one file
Edit this one file
When done, use the separator to break them up and put the text back into the original files
You could easily write some scripts for combining and splitting so you can do it quickly. You can also set up a background script that automatically runs the splitter as you edit the combined file. However, the combined file would essentially be a new file, so you could not view changes on it with git, and VS Code's CodeLens/Inline blame wouldn't work.
One option would be to develop your codebase with the combined files checked in to VCS, and then only have the splitter script as part of your "build" step. So you would make your changes, run ./build.sh which splits the files into some temp directory, and then run your application from there.
Lastly, and I hate to be snide, but the fact is that this problem is best solved by avoiding poorly designed frameworks that do not consider developer ergonomics. Many other languages give the developer much freedom and many tools to organize their code as they wish, rather than imposing constraints like requiring many small components to be in separate files. Java for example also had a similar problem (dunno if more recent versions fixed it) - you can only have one class per file, which creates a huge mess if you like having many small files. C# does not have this limitation and as a result C# codebases can be much tidier than Java codebases.

VB.NET Localization of strings

I've been successful in using form.location.resx files to localize the strings associated with form controls. However, I don't see how to (safely!) add strings to the .resx file(s) and then access them for such things as message boxes.
If I try to add a string to the .resx file using Visual Studio (2017), I get a warning dialog pop-up telling me that this could corrupt the "project item" (form) or my changes could be lost if I change the associated form.
Also, if I use this method, would I need to manually add my strings to each language file separately?
Alternatively, I could create a bunch of Labels to the form with visible=false and then edit their strings in the .resx files and use something like:
But that seems like it would be massively inefficient.
For Windows Forms, the best way to do this is to go into the Designer and set the Language property on the form. This will create a formName.Designer.languagecode.resx file for you. Then you just edit the Text properties of the controls. The changes will go to the resx file for the language you're editing. You can even have different layout and control spacing for each language (useful if a label is short in English but translates to something long in German).
For MessageBox messages, you do the same thing with the Resources.resx file. Just put all the messages in your Resources and duplicate the resx file for each language. Then use the Resource editor to translate the message in the other languages. You can then look up the message using My.Resources.Default.SomeMessageKey
#David: Note that I'm the author of a commercial ".resx" localization program for VS (in the interest of full disclosure). Yes, dwilliss is correct, though the names he used are a little off. For Windows forms, you can't manually update the ".resx" files yourself (directly), hence the warning from VS (don't know why they did things this way - go figure). You won't get that warning for strings you put in "Resources.resx" however. Just manually add "Resources.[LangCode].resx" and update it on your own. You have to add the keys yourself (again, no warnings). You can then simply access each string via the static properties seen in the "code-behind" file "Resources.Designer.cs" (one static property exists for each string you add). These are what MSFT calls "strongly typed" resources. If you access, say, "YourApp.Properties.Resources.SomeMessage" for instance (from "Resources.Designer.cs"), it will be returned in whatever language is currently set in "System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture" (assuming that language's satellite assembly is installed of course). This is all a pain and highly error-prone for other reasons as well, hence the reason I wrote my program (shameless plug but MSFT's way does work, though it's very primitive for handling translation in general - a professional organization relying on an external translator will save a lot of problems and $ in the long run by using a 3rd-party translation program, not mine necessarily though it would be my tool of choice of course, but anything is better than handling it manually).

Why Local Classes don't show up in SE38 Classes list?

I'm writing an ABAP program using OO objects. In SE38, under the class folder of my program, some of my local classes do not show up. Some do.
All my classes are stored in an 'include'. As far as I know there's no Class-Builder capability for local classes.
When I rename a class, sometimes it gets renamed in the folder listing mentioned above, sometimes it doesn't.
When I add new classes, sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't.
What am I missing? Is there a particular way to add local classes to an include with other classes and have it show up in the Classes folder? Is there a way to refresh the listings?
Syntax is is being checked, the program finds the classes, so SAP is reading everything and recognizing it just fine. It just doesn't display under the classes folder.
As much as I enjoy OO, I'm starting to get the feeling that although it's the path forward, it's also semi-masochistic. I'm trying to be the leader of our group to encourage OO over classic ABAP. Things like this though, I have to iron out and understand before I could ever convince others. :)
The list of local objects in SE80/SE38 (classes as well as data types, forms and other stuff) isn't refreshed as frequently as one would like. It's not like the Outline view that you might know from Eclipse or similar tools from other IDEs. When in doubt, you might want to right-click the program in the tree view and rebuild the object list. Or you might want to switch to global classes altogether, which gives you a much better tool support.

What is the best way to organize source code of a large Cocoa application in Xcode?

Here is what I'm looking for:
I'd like to separate pieces of functionality into modules or components of some sort to limit visibility of other classes to prevent that each class has access to every other class which over time results in spaghetti code.
In Java & Eclipse, for example, I would use packages and put each package into a separate project with a clearly defined dependency structure.
Things I have considered:
Using separate folders for source files and using Groups in Xcode:
Pros: simple to do, almost no Xcode configuration needed
Cons: no compile-time separation of functionality, i.e. access to everything is only one #import statement away
Using Frameworks:
Pros: Framework code cannot access access classes outside of framework. This enforces encapsulation and keeps things separate
Cons: Code management is cumbersome if you work on multiple Frameworks at the same time. Each Framework is a separate Xcode project with a separate window
Using Plugins:
Pros: Similar to Frameworks, Plugin code can't access code of other plugins. Clean separation at compile-time. Plugin source can be part of the same Xcode project.
Cons: Not sure. This may be the way to go...
Based on your experience, what would you choose to keep things separate while being able to edit all sources in the same project?
I'm targeting Mac OS X
I'm really looking for a solution to enforce separation at compile time
By plugins I mean Cocoa bundles (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/LoadingCode/Concepts/Plugins.html)
I have worked on some good-sized Mac projects (>2M SLOC in my last one in 90 xcodeproj files) and here are my thoughts on managing them:
Avoid dynamic loads like Frameworks, Bundles, or dylibs unless you are actually sharing the binaries between groups. These tend to create more complexity than they solve in my experience. Plus they don't port easily to iOS, which means maintaining multiple approaches. Worst, having lots of dynamic libraries increases the likelihood of including the same symbols twice, leading to all kinds of crazy bugs. This happens when you directly include some "helper" class directly in more than one library. If it includes a global variable, the bugs are awesome as different threads use different instances of the global.
Static libraries are the best choice in many if not most cases. They resolve everything at build time, allowing code stripping in your C/C++ and other optimizations not possible in dynamic libraries. They get rid of "hey, it loads on my system but not the customer's" (when you use the wrong value for the framework path). No need to deal with slides when computing line numbers from crash stacks. They catch duplicate symbols at build time, saving many hours of debugging pain.
Separate major components into separate xcodeproj. Really think about what "major" means here, though. My 90-project product was way too many. Just doing dependency checking can become a very non-trivial exercise. (Xcode 4 can improve this, but I left the project before we ever were able to get Xcode 4 to reliably build it, so I don't know how well it did in the end.)
Separate public from private headers. You can do this with static libs just as well as you can with Frameworks. Put the public headers in a different directory. I recommend each component have its own public include directory for this purpose.
Do not copy headers. Include them directly from the public include directory for the component. Copying headers into a shared tree seems like a great idea until you do it. Then you find that you're editing the copy rather than the real one, or you're editing the real one, but not actually copying it. In any case, it makes development a headache.
Use xcconfig files, not the build pane. The build pane will drive you crazy in these kinds of big projects. Mine tend to have lines like this:
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) $(foo)/include
Within your public header path, include your own bundle name. In the example above, the path to the main header would be common/foo/include/foo/foo.h. The extra level seems a pain, but it's a real win when you import. You then always import like this: #import <foo/foo.h>. Keeps everything very clean. Don't use double-quotes to import public headers. Only use double-quotes to import private headers in your own component.
I haven't decided the best way for Xcode 4, but in Xcode 3, you should always link your own static libraries by adding the project as a subproject and dragging the ".a" target into your link step. Doing it this way ensures that you'll link the one built for the current platform and configuration. My really huge projects haven't been able to convert to Xcode 4 yet, so I don't have a strong opinion yet on the best way there.
Avoid searching for custom libraries (the -L and -l flags at the link step). If you build the library as part of the project, then use the advice above. If you pre-build it, then add the full path in LD_FLAGS. Searching for libraries includes some surprising algorithms and makes the whole thing hard to understand. Never drop a pre-built library into your link step. If you drop a pre-built libssl.a into your link step, it actually adds a -L parameter for the path and then adds -lssl. Under default search rules, even though you show libssl.a in your build pane, you'll actually link to the system libssl.so. Deleting the library will remove the -l but not the -L so you can wind up with bizarre search paths. (I hate the build pane.) Do it this way instead in xcconfig:
LD_FLAGS = "$(openssl)/lib/libssl.a"
If you have stable code that is shared between several projects, and while developing those projects you're never going to mess with this code (and don't want the source code available), then a Framework can be a reasonable approach. If you need plugins to avoid loading large amounts of unnecessary code (and you really won't load that code in most cases), then bundles may be reasonable. But in the majority of cases for application developers, one large executable linked together from static libraries is the best approach IMO. Shared libraries and frameworks only make sense if they're actually shared at runtime.
My suggestion would be:
Use Frameworks. They're the most easily reusable build artifact of the options you list, and the way you describe the structure of what you are trying to achieve sounds very much like creating a set of Frameworks.
Use a separate project for each Framework. You'll never be able to get the compiler to enforce the kind of access restrictions you want if everything is dumped into a single project. And if you can't get the compiler to enforce it, then good luck getting your developers to do so.
Upgrade to XCode4 (if you haven't already). This will allow you to work on multiple projects in a single window (pretty much like how Eclipse does it), without intermingling the projects. This pretty much eliminates the cons you listed under the Frameworks option.
And if you are targeting iOS, I very strongly recommend that you build real frameworks as opposed to the fake ones that you get by using the bundle-hack method, if you aren't building real frameworks already.
I've managed to keep my sanity working on my project which has grown over the past months to fairly large (number of classes) by forcing myself to practice Model-View-Control (MVC) diligently, plus a healthy amount of comments, and the indispensable source control (subversion, then git).
In general, I observe the following:
"Model" Classes that serialize data (doesn't matter from where, and including app's 'state') in an Objective-C 1 class subclassed from NSObject or custom "model" classes that inherits from NSObject. I chose Objective-C 1.0 more for compatibility as it's the lowest common denominator and I didn't want to be stuck in the future writing "model" classes from scratch because of dependency of Objective-C 2.0 features.
View Classes are in XIB with the XIB version set to support the oldest toolchain I need to support (so I can use a previous version Xode 3 in addition to Xcode 4). I tend to start with Apple provided Cocoa Touch API and frameworks to benefit from any optimization/enhancement Apple may introduce as these APIs evolve.
Controller Classes contain usual code that manages display/animation of views (programmatically as well as from XIBs) and data serialization of data from "model" classes.
If I find myself reusing a class a few times, I'd explore refactoring the code and optimizing (measured using Instruments) into what I call "utility" classes, or as protocols.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
This depends largely on your situation and your own specific preferences.
If you're coding "proper" object-oriented classes then you will have a class structure with methods and variables hidden from other classes where necessary. Unless your project is huge and built of hundreds of different distinguishable modules then its probably sufficient to just group classes and resources into folders/groups in XCode and work with it that way.
If you've really got a huuge project with easily distinguishable modules then by all means create a framework. I would suggest though that this would only really be necessary where you are using the same code in different applications, in which case creating a framework/extra project would be a good way to effectively copy code between projects. In practically all other cases it would probably just be overkill and much more complicated than needed.
Your last idea seems to be a mix of the first two. Plugins (as I understand you are describing - tell me if I'm wrong) are just separated classes in the same project? This is probably the best way, and should be done (to an extent) in any case. If you are creating functionality to draw graphs (for example) you should section off a new folder/group and start your classes and functionality within that, only including those classes into your main application where necessary.
Let me put it this way. There's no reason to go over the top... but, even if just for your own sanity - or the maintainability of your code - you should always endeavour to group everything up into descriptive groups/folders.

Using MSBuild Import to modularize a project

I have developed a large MSBuild project to build a portion of our solution. There's a lot of things going on-- XML parsing/replacing, Windows services, remote copy, etc. As a result, the file has grown really difficult to manage, despite my best efforts to add decorations in comments.
As a goof, I broke out the main chunks of functionality out into separate files, like "XML.targets", "Services.targets", etc and imported them into the main "Build.proj." The build still worked and I immediately found it to be much more manageable.
However, all the info I have read on the Import feature of MSBuild is that it should be used to import reusable targets, ie those than can be consumed by -any- MSBuild project without any modifications. The separate projects I'm creating here are the opposite-- specific to one project and will break by default if use with anything else unless modified.
So I guess what I'm asking is, even though I can... should I? Is there an inherent danger in using Import strictly for the purpose of organizing a large project? Is there a better way to do this?
No, there is no inherent danger. I think it's a good decision to split large project into several .targets files specific to certain operation since it reduces overall complexity. The idea of creating reusable targets means that they should have as little dependencies on the other parts as possible. By analogy you can think of separate .targets files as classes. The less coupled they are - the better. Because modification in one targets file will less likely break the whole process. You can take a peace of paper, draw your targets files as points with your main project in the center and draw all the connections between them. Say if one targets file overrides target from another or expects some properties from it or somehow else depends on it then there is a connection. In the perfect scenario you'll get something like a star.
In short: you should if it reduces complexity.