Kotlin Sorting a list of objects based on their coordinate( lat and long) using Haversine formula - kotlin

I want to sort a list based on their latitude and longitude...
Here is my code:
import java.util.*
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
import java.io.File
import java.io.InputStream
import java.util.Comparator
data class Property(val Pcode: Int, val Locality: String, val State: String, val Comments: String, val Category: String, val Longitude: Double, val Latitude: Double)
class SortPlaces(currentLatitude: Double, currentLongitude: Double) : Comparator<Property> {
var currentLat: Double
var currentLng: Double
override fun compare(property1: Property, property2: Property): Int {
val lat1: Double = property1.Latitude
val lon1: Double = property1.Longitude
val lat2: Double = property2.Latitude
val lon2: Double = property2.Longitude
val distanceToPlace1 = distance(currentLat, currentLng, lat1, lon1)
val distanceToPlace2 = distance(currentLat, currentLng, lat2, lon2)
return (distanceToPlace1 - distanceToPlace2).toInt()
fun distance(fromLat: Double, fromLon: Double, toLat: Double, toLon: Double): Double {
val radius = 6378137.0 // approximate Earth radius, *in meters*
val deltaLat = toLat - fromLat
val deltaLon = toLon - fromLon
val angle = 2 * Math.asin(
Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLat / 2), 2.0) +
Math.cos(fromLat) * Math.cos(toLat) *
Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLon / 2), 2.0)
return radius * angle
init {
currentLat = currentLatitude
currentLng = currentLongitude
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val command = Scanner(System.`in`)
val running = true
while (running) {
val inputStream: InputStream = File("./src/main/kotlin/suburbs.json").inputStream()
val inputString = inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
val gson = GsonBuilder().create()
val packagesArray = gson.fromJson(inputString , Array<Property>::class.java).toList()
println("Please enter a suburb name: ")
val suburbName = command.nextLine()
println("Please enter the postcode: ")
val postcode = command.nextLine()
val userProperty: Property? = packagesArray.find{ it.Locality.toLowerCase().equals(suburbName.toLowerCase()) && it.Pcode == postcode.toInt()}
//sort the list, give the Comparator the current location
Collections.sort(packagesArray, new SortPlaces(userProperty.Latitude, userProperty.Longitude));
I got error: Too many arguments for public open fun <T : Comparable<T!>!> sort(list: (Mutable)List<T!>!): Unit defined in java.util.Collections
at my sort{} function
my userProperty has to be Property? because the find{} method return Property?
Then Collections.sort() can not sort Property? type because the SortPLaces only accept Comparator not Comparator<Property?>
What should I do?

There are multiple errors in your code. To create a new object in Kotlin, you don't write the word new like you do in Java. Also, as you have noticed, find returns a nullable type - Property?. You need to check for nulls when using userProperty. A Property matching the criteria you want may not necessarily be found, after all.
if (userProperty != null) {
Collections.sort(packagesArray, SortPlaces(userProperty.Latitude, userProperty.Longitude))
} else {
// no property is found! Think about what you should do in such a case
Since you are sorting the list in line, you should not make an immutable list with toList when you are deserialising the JSON, but rather a MutableList:
val packagesArray = gson.fromJson(inputString, Array<Property>::class.java).toMutableList()
Also, you seem to be using a lot of Java APIs. In Kotlin, a lot of the Java APIs that you are using have more idiomatic Kotlin counterparts. To sort the list, you don't need the SortPlaces class at all. Simply use sortBy on the array, and call your distance function in the lambda.
data class Property(
val pcode: Int,
val locality: String,
val state: String,
val comments: String,
val category: String,
val longitude: Double,
val latitude: Double,
fun distance(fromLat: Double, fromLon: Double, toLat: Double, toLon: Double): Double {
val radius = 6378137.0 // approximate Earth radius, *in meters*
val deltaLat = toLat - fromLat
val deltaLon = toLon - fromLon
val angle = 2 * asin(
sin(deltaLat / 2).pow(2.0) +
cos(fromLat) * cos(toLat) *
sin(deltaLon / 2).pow(2.0)
return radius * angle
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val running = true
while (running) {
val inputStream = File("./src/main/kotlin/suburbs.json").inputStream()
val inputString = inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
val gson = GsonBuilder().create()
val packagesArray = gson.fromJson(inputString , Array<Property>::class.java).toMutableList()
println("Please enter a suburb name: ")
val suburbName = readLine()
println("Please enter the postcode: ")
val postcode = readLine()
val userProperty = packagesArray.find {
it.locality.lowercase() == suburbName?.lowercase() && it.pcode == postcode?.toInt()
//sort the list, give the Comparator the current location
if (userProperty != null) {
packagesArray.sortBy {
distance(userProperty.latitude, userProperty.longitude, it.latitude, it.longitude)
} else {
// did not find such a property!


Evaluating a string in kotlin

I wrote a code in kotlin for evaluating a given string from Divison to subtraction, it works but it gives the wrong answer, for example i got a string x in the first line which have answer -215.96666 whereas the answer from code is -237.366666 idk where the error is. i saw more people using stack for doing it, but i wanted to do this way for evaluating a string
var x : String = "5+4-10x20-40/30x20+34/20"
fun div(x: String): String {
val lis1 = x.split("-").toMutableList()
for (ele1 in lis1) {
if ("/" in ele1) {
val pos1 = lis1.indexOf(ele1)
val lis2 = ele1.split("+").toMutableList()
for (ele2 in lis2) {
if ("/" in ele2) {
val pos3 = lis2.indexOf(ele2)
val lis3 = ele2.split("x").toMutableList()
for (ele3 in lis3) {
if ("/" in ele3) {
val pos4 = lis3.indexOf(ele3)
val lis4 = ele3.split("/")
val div = (lis4[0].toDouble() / lis4[1].toDouble()).toString()
lis3[pos4] = div
lis2[pos3] = lis3.joinToString("x")
lis1[pos1] = lis2.joinToString("+")
return (lis1.joinToString("-"))
fun mul(x : String) : String{
val lis1 = x.split("-").toMutableList()
for (ele1 in lis1) {
if("x" in ele1){
val pos1 = lis1.indexOf(ele1)
val lis2 = ele1.split("+").toMutableList()
for(ele2 in lis2){
if("x" in ele2){
val pos2 = lis2.indexOf(ele2)
val lis3 = ele2.split("x")
val mul = (lis3[0].toDouble() * lis3[1].toDouble()).toString()
lis2[pos2] = mul
lis1[pos1] = lis2.joinToString("+")
return (lis1.joinToString("-"))
fun add(x : String): String {
val lis1 = x.split("-").toMutableList()
for(ele1 in lis1){
if("+" in ele1){
val pos1 = lis1.indexOf(ele1)
val lis2 = ele1.split("+")
val add = (lis2[0].toDouble() + lis2[1].toDouble()).toString()
lis1[pos1] = add
return (lis1.joinToString("-"))
fun sub(x : String) : String{
val lis1 = x.split("-").toMutableList()
var sub = 0.0
for(ele1 in lis1){
sub -= ele1.toDouble()
return (sub.toString())
fun eval(x: String): String {
val divanswer = div(x)
val mulanswer = mul(divanswer)
val addanswer = add(mulanswer)
return sub(addanswer)
fun main(args: Array<String>){
i wanted the answer as -215.96666 but the answer given by code is -237.366666
In the case of this specific input, there are two bugs involved.
First bug is related to the fact you first process + and then -, but in mathematics we should process them together, from left to right. As a result, your algorithm processes this: 1-1+1 (correct answer: 1) as: 1-(1+1) (answer: -1). Alternatively, I believe handling - first and then + should work properly.
Second bug is that in sub() you start from 0 and subtract even the first number, but the first number should be actually added or used as an initial value.
I believe after fixing these two bugs, it should provide a correct answer for this specific input, but there are probably more bugs like these. For example, you incorrectly handle chains of the same operator, you only care about the first pair, so 1+1+1 becomes 2 (and then it is turned to -2 due to earlier mentioned bug).
As a general advice, learn to use a debugger and analyze how your data changes while your code is processing it. Even if you simply print your intermediate results: divanswer, mulanswer and addanswer and then run them through Google for processing, you will notice there is a problem somewhere at the add() step. Then rinse and repeat until everything works correctly.
Thanks to #broot for spotting this, the problem was with the addition and subtraction part, now that i merged them into one and got the correct answers for strings i input, here is the full code corrected.
var x : String = "5+4-10x20-40/30x20+34/20"
fun div(x: String): String {
val lis1 = x.split("-").toMutableList()
for (ele1 in lis1) {
if ("/" in ele1) {
val pos1 = lis1.indexOf(ele1)
val lis2 = ele1.split("+").toMutableList()
for (ele2 in lis2) {
if ("/" in ele2) {
val pos3 = lis2.indexOf(ele2)
val lis3 = ele2.split("x").toMutableList()
for (ele3 in lis3) {
if ("/" in ele3) {
val pos4 = lis3.indexOf(ele3)
val lis4 = ele3.split("/")
val div = (lis4[0].toDouble() / lis4[1].toDouble()).toString()
lis3[pos4] = div
lis2[pos3] = lis3.joinToString("x")
lis1[pos1] = lis2.joinToString("+")
return (lis1.joinToString("-"))
fun mul(x : String) : String{
val lis1 = x.split("-").toMutableList()
for (ele1 in lis1) {
if("x" in ele1){
val pos1 = lis1.indexOf(ele1)
val lis2 = ele1.split("+").toMutableList()
for(ele2 in lis2){
if("x" in ele2){
val pos2 = lis2.indexOf(ele2)
val lis3 = ele2.split("x")
val mul = (lis3[0].toDouble() * lis3[1].toDouble()).toString()
lis2[pos2] = mul
lis1[pos1] = lis2.joinToString("+")
return (lis1.joinToString("-"))
fun final(x: String): Double {
val substr = StringBuffer()
var answer = 0.0
var opr = '+'
for(ele in x.indices){
var current = x[ele]
if(current in '0'..'9' || current == '.'){
if(current == '-' || current == '+'){
var operand = substr.toString().toDouble()
when (opr){
'+' -> answer += operand
'-' -> answer -= operand
opr = current
val num = substr.toString().toDouble()
'+' -> answer += num
'-' -> answer -= num
return answer
fun eval(x: String): Double {
val divanswer = div(x)
return final(mul(divanswer))
fun main(args: Array<String>){

Passing Lamda function to Generic function not working

I am playing with Kotlin and I am trying to convert a working Scala code to Kotlin. Everything seems to go pretty well but the compiler gives me this error and I dont know how to handle it.
Type mismatch: inferred type is Any but ExQuestion was expected for this line: return makeMap(questions, add2)
I am using a generic function because I need to access members of type A when building the map and the members would be visible through the lambda function provided.
Here's the code which you can copy into the Kotlin sandbox:
data class ExQuestion(val area: String, val rId: String, val text: String, val rIdAnswer: String, val line: Long)
fun main() {
fun <A> makeMap(list: List<A>, addValue: (A, MutableMap<String, A>) -> Unit): Map<String, A> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, A>()
for( item in list) {
addValue(item, map)
return map
val add2: (ExQuestion, MutableMap<String, ExQuestion>) -> Unit =
{ question: ExQuestion, map: MutableMap<String, ExQuestion> ->
val key = question.rId
if (map[key] == null) {
map[key] = question
} else {
println("Id Frage mehrfach vorhanden - " + key)
val questions = listOf(ExQuestion("Area", "Q01", "text", "A01",1))
return makeMap(questions, add2)
Working code:
data class ExQuestion(val area: String, val rId: String, val text: String, val rIdAnswer: String, val line: Long)
fun main() {
fun <A> makeMap(list: List<A>, addValue: (A, MutableMap<String, A>) -> Unit): Map<String, A> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, A>()
for( item in list) {
addValue(item, map)
return map
val add2: (ExQuestion, MutableMap<String, ExQuestion>) -> Unit =
{ question: ExQuestion, map: MutableMap<String, ExQuestion> ->
val key = question.rId
if (map[key] == null) {
map[key] = question
} else {
println("Id Frage mehrfach vorhanden - " + key)
val questions = listOf(ExQuestion("Area", "Q01", "text", "A01",1))
val map = makeMap(questions, add2)
I'm not sure what your question is, but you can convert your list of questions to a map keyed on rId by doing:
val map = questions.map { it.rId to it }.toMap()
{Q01=ExQuestion(area=Area, rId=Q01, text=text, rIdAnswer=A01, line=1)}
Update in response to comments.
You can achieve that without a mutable map by doing something like this:
val map = questions
.groupBy { it.rId }
.mapValues { (key, values) ->
if (values.size > 1) println("Id Frage mehrfach vorhanden - $key")
However, I think your mutable map solution is fine and arguably clearer, so this is just for demonstration.

Kotlin - Random.nextInt Range

Aim of code: Shopping system,function which shows a matched product name from the warehouse
what is the no. range of Random.nextInt() if no no. is assigned inside ()?
in fun fillWarehouse, if i do not set no. inside "StockUnit(Random.nextInt(),Random.nextInt())", when i call println("Number of items: ${p.availableItems}") in main, No. -890373473 / 1775292982 etc. were generated.
if i set 100 inside like "StockUnit(Random.nextInt(100),Random.nextInt(100))", No. 263 / 199 etc. were generated. why is it not within 0-100? may i know how to change my code, so that "Number of items" is within 100?
any links or topics should i work for, to write better code?
i cannot find the answers from https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.random/
Sincere thanks!
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val warehouse = Warehouse()
println("Show info")
fun showInfo(warehouse: Warehouse) {
println("Get Info")
val input = readLine() ?: "-"
val p = warehouse.getProductByName(input)
if (p != null) {
println("Product: $p")
println("Number of items: ${p.availableItems}")
println("Profit: ${p.profitPerItem}")
class Warehouse {
private val products = mutableListOf<Product>()
fun getProductByName (productName: String): Product? {
for (prod in products)
if (prod.productName == productName) return prod
return null
fun fillWarehouse (productName: String,
basePrice: Double,
productDescription: String,
chargeOnTop: Double = 50.0,
intialStockUnits: Int = 3) {
val newProduct = Product(productName, basePrice, basePrice * (1 + chargeOnTop / 100), productDescription)
//add quantity, daysBeforeExpiration
for (i in 1 .. intialStockUnits){
val unit = StockUnit(Random.nextInt(),Random.nextInt() )
open class Product(
val productName: String,
var basePrice: Double,
open val salesPrice: Double,
val description: String) {
var stockUnits = mutableListOf<StockUnit>()
// availableItems = Total of stockUnits
var availableItems: Int = 0
get() = stockUnits.sumBy { it.quantity }
class StockUnit(var quantity:Int, var daysBeforeExpiration:Int){

Is there a function to search in a ArrayList from a position?

I read carefully the ArrayList documentation in Kotlin and apparently there is no way to search a value in ArrayList starting from a pointer. The alternative is write your own function iterating the right elements in ArrayList and testing the condition.
So I've programmed the following code:
fun <T> ArrayList<T>.findNext(cond: (T) -> Boolean, p: Int = 0): Int {
for (i in p..this.lastIndex)
if (cond(this[i])) return i
return -1
data class Person (
var name: String,
var age: Int
fun main() {
var v = arrayListOf<Person>()
v.add(Person("Paul", 22))
v.add(Person("Laura", 24))
v.add(Person("Paul", 50))
v.add(Person("Mary", 24))
println(v.findNext({it.name=="Paul"})) // 0
println(v.findNext({it.name=="Paul"}, 1)) // 2
println(v.findNext({it.name=="Paul"}, 3)) // -1
Is there something better than this?
You can avoid any intermediate collections:
inline fun <T> List<T>.findNext(p: Int = 0, cond: (T) -> Boolean) =
listIterator(p).withIndex().asSequence().find { cond(it.value) }?.let { it.index + p }
By swapping the arguments you can call it like this:
println(v.findNext {it.name=="Paul"}) // 0
println(v.findNext(1) {it.name=="Paul"}) // 2
println(v.findNext(3) {it.name=="Paul"}) // null
fun main() {
var v = arrayListOf<Person>()
v.add(Person("Paul", 22))
v.add(Person("Laura", 24))
v.add(Person("Paul", 50))
v.add(Person("Mary", 24))
println(v.findNext({ it.name == "Paul" },0))//IndexedValue(index=0, value=Person(name=Paul, age=22))
println(v.findNext({ it.name == "Paul" },2))//IndexedValue(index=2, value=Person(name=Paul, age=50))
println(v.findNext({ it.name == "Paul" },3))//null
private fun <T> List<T>.findNext(cond: (T) -> Boolean, position: Int): IndexedValue<T>? {
return withIndex().filter { it.index >= position }.firstOrNull { cond(it.value) }
maybe use withIndex and a filter ?
val arrayNames = listOf<String>("Paul", "Ann", "Paul", "Roger","Peter")
arrayNames.withIndex().filter {
it.value == "Paul" //value contains the original name
println(it.index) //indext contains the position.
this will give you the output 0 and 2
for your case (person object instead of String) you will use
it.value.name == "Paul"

Combining/merging data classes in Kotlin

Is there a way to merge kotlin data classes without specifying all the properties?
data class MyDataClass(val prop1: String, val prop2: Int, ...//many props)
with a function with the following signature:
fun merge(left: MyDataClass, right: MyDataClass): MyDataClass
where this function checks each property on both classes and where they are different uses the left parameter to create a new MyDataClass.
Is this possible possible using kotlin-reflect, or some other means?
EDIT: more clarity
Here is a better description of what i want to be able to do
data class Bob(
val name: String?,
val age: Int?,
val remoteId: String?,
val id: String)
fun bob(){
val original = Bob(id = "local_id", name = null, age = null, remoteId = null)
val withName = original.copy(name = "Ben")
val withAge = original.copy(age = 1)
val withRemoteId = original.copy(remoteId = "remote_id")
//TODO: merge without accessing all properties
// val result =
assertThat(result).isEqualTo(Bob(id = "local_id", name = "Ben", age=1, remoteId = "remote_id"))
If you want to copy values from the right when values in the left are null then you can do the following:
inline infix fun <reified T : Any> T.merge(other: T): T {
val propertiesByName = T::class.declaredMemberProperties.associateBy { it.name }
val primaryConstructor = T::class.primaryConstructor
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("merge type must have a primary constructor")
val args = primaryConstructor.parameters.associateWith { parameter ->
val property = propertiesByName[parameter.name]
?: throw IllegalStateException("no declared member property found with name '${parameter.name}'")
(property.get(this) ?: property.get(other))
return primaryConstructor.callBy(args)
data class MyDataClass(val prop1: String?, val prop2: Int?)
val a = MyDataClass(null, 1)
val b = MyDataClass("b", 2)
val c = a merge b // MyDataClass(prop1=b, prop2=1)
A class-specific way to combine data classes when we can define the fields we want to combine would be:
data class SomeData(val dataA: Int?, val dataB: String?, val dataC: Boolean?) {
fun combine(newData: SomeData): SomeData {
//Let values of new data replace corresponding values of this instance, otherwise fall back on the current values.
return this.copy(dataA = newData.dataA ?: dataA,
dataB = newData.dataB ?: dataB,
dataC = newData.dataC ?: dataC)
#mfulton26's solution merges properties that are part of primary constructor only. I have extended that to support all properties
inline infix fun <reified T : Any> T.merge(other: T): T {
val nameToProperty = T::class.declaredMemberProperties.associateBy { it.name }
val primaryConstructor = T::class.primaryConstructor!!
val args = primaryConstructor.parameters.associate { parameter ->
val property = nameToProperty[parameter.name]!!
parameter to (property.get(other) ?: property.get(this))
val mergedObject = primaryConstructor.callBy(args)
nameToProperty.values.forEach { it ->
run {
val property = it as KMutableProperty<*>
val value = property.javaGetter!!.invoke(other) ?: property.javaGetter!!.invoke(this)
property.javaSetter!!.invoke(mergedObject, value)
return mergedObject
Your requirements are exactly the same as copying the left value:
fun merge(left: MyDataClass, right: MyDataClass) = left.copy()
Perhaps one of use isn't properly understanding the other. Please elaborate if this isn't what you want.
Note that since right isn't used, you could make it a vararg and "merge" as many as you like :)
fun merge(left: MyDataClass, vararg right: MyDataClass) = left.copy()
val totallyNewData = merge(data1, data2, data3, data4, ...)
Classes in Kotlin don't keep track of their deltas. Think of what you get as you're going through this process. After the first change you have
current = Bob("Ben", null, null, "local_id")
next = Bob(null, 1, null, "local_id")
How is it supposed to know that you want next to apply the change to age but not name? If you're just updating based on nullability,
#mfulton has a good answer. Otherwise you need to provide the information yourself.
infix fun <T : Any> T.merge(mapping: KProperty1<T, *>.() -> Any?): T {
//data class always has primary constructor ---v
val constructor = this::class.primaryConstructor!!
//calculate the property order
val order = constructor.parameters.mapIndexed { index, it -> it.name to index }
.associate { it };
// merge properties
val merged = (this::class as KClass<T>).declaredMemberProperties
.sortedWith(compareBy{ order[it.name]})
.map { it.mapping() }
return constructor.call(*merged);
infix fun <T : Any> T.merge(right: T): T {
val left = this;
return left merge mapping# {
// v--- implement your own merge strategy
return#mapping this.get(left) ?: this.get(right);
val original = Bob(id = "local_id", name = null, age = null, remoteId = null)
val withName = original.copy(name = "Ben")
val withAge = original.copy(age = 1)
val withRemoteId = original.copy(remoteId = "remote_id")
val result = withName merge withAge merge withRemoteId;