Copying folders from S3 to an Azure Storage Blob and receiving "cannot list objects, access is denied" error. Anyone else have this and resolve it? - amazon-s3

I've confirmed that my S3 credentials are set correctly and even tried full permissions on the bucket and still receive the same message. On the Azure side, I've added Storage Blob Data Owner permissions to my account and can list files I manually upload through the portal with the credentials I used (signing in through AAD rather than using a token).
Any help is appreciated here.

As it turned out there were no issues with either the Azure or AWS configuration. Trying the same commands in a linux VM worked perfectly. If you're experiencing this error it may be an issue with the AWS CLI or some other local config.


AWS Backup from S3 Access Denied

I am trying to setup a simple on-demand backup of an s3 bucket in AWS and anything I try I always get an access denied. See screenshot:
I have tried create a new bucket which is completely public, I've tried setting the access policy on the Vault, I've tried in different regions, all have the same result. Access Denied!
The messaging doesn't advise anything other than Access Denied, really helpful!
Can anyone give me some insight into what this message is referring to and more over how I can resolve this issue.
For aws backup, you need to set up a service role.
Traditionally you need 2 policies attached.
For S3, it seems there is a separate policy that you need to attach to your service role.
Just putting this here for those who will be looking for this answer.
To solve this problem for AWS CDK (javascript/typescript) you can use the following examples:
or this:

S3 Replication - s3:PutReplicationConfiguration

I have been attempting to introduce S3 bucket replication into my existing project's stack. I kept getting an 'API: s3:PutBucketReplication Access Denied' error in CloudFormation when updating my stack through my CodeBuild/CodePipeline project after adding the Replication rule on the source bucket + S3 replication role. For testing, I've added full S3 permission ( s3:* ) to the CodeBuild Role for all resources ( "*" ), as well as full S3 permissions on the S3 replication role -- again I got the same result.
Additionally, I tried running a stand-alone, stripped down version of the CF template (so not updating my existing application infrastructure stack) - which creates the buckets (source + target) and the S3 replication role. It was deployed/run through CloudFormation while logged in with my Admin role via the console and again I got the same error as when attempting the deployment with my CodeBuild role in CodePipeline.
As a last ditch sanity check, again being logged in using my admin role for the account, I attempted to perform the replication setup manually on buckets that I created using the S3 console and I got the below error:
You don't have permission to update the replication configuration
You or your AWS admin must update your IAM permissions to allow s3:PutReplicationConfiguration, and then try again. Learn more about Identity and access management in Amazon S3 API response
Access Denied
I confirmed that my role has full S3 access across all resources. This message seems to suggest to me that the permission s3:PutReplicationConfiguration may be different then other S3 permissions somehow - needing to be configured with root access to the account or something?
Also, it seems strange to me that CloudFormation indicates the s3:PutBucketReplication permission, where as the S3 console error references the permission s3:PutReplicationConfiguration. There doesn't seem to be an IAM action for s3:PutBucketReplication (ref: only s3:PutReplicationConfiguration.
Have you checked Permission Boundary? Is this in a corporate control tower or stand alone account?
Deny always wins so if you have a Permission Boundary that excludes some actions even when you have explicitly allowed it you may run into issues like this.
It turns out that the required permission (s3:PutReplicationConfiguration) was actually being blocked by a preventive ControlTower Guard Rail that was put in place on the OU the AWS account exists in. Unfortunately, this DENY is not visible as a user from anywhere within the AWS account, as it exists outside of any Permission Boundary or IAM Policy. This required some investigation from our internal IT team to identify the source of the DENY from the guard rail control.

Access issue accessing s3 selectively for application running under ecs. But works from CLI

When i access s3 through my code which is running under ecs. I can access only few files but for few files i get access denied exception. I have access to the bucket and the object are not restricted based on object leve;. i am using DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain.
But the same files can be downloaded using AWS cli under the same assumed role.
Can help me understand what can be the issue?

Application in EKS fails to access S3 bucket

My application running in EKS (AWS Kubernetes) is failing to access an S3 bucket.
I'm getting a 400 Bad Request errors in my app.
I suspect a permission is missing, so for testing I added arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess to any role I could find related to my EKS cluster. Still failing.
Using an S3 client from my local computer, I can access the bucket so I suspect I'm missing some configuration.
Any ideas?
Ok... issue was resolved. I'm leaving this here for future reference.
The problem was a mismatch of the bucket region, us-west-2 and the endpoint I had configured in my application. It should have been
The error returned by S3 was not clear.
I hope this helps others.

Amazon S3 suddenly stopped working with EC2 but working from localhost

Create folders and upload files to my S3 bucket stopped working.
The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Everything seems to work previously as i did not change anything recently
After days of testing - i see that i am able to create folders in my bucket from localhost but same code doesnt work on the EC2 instance.
I must resolve the issue ASAP.
Does your EC2 instance have a role? If yes, what is this role? Is it possible that someone detached or modified a policy that was attached to it?
If your instance doesn't have a role, how do you upload files to S3? Using the AWS CLI tools? Same questions for the IAM profile used.
If you did not change anything - are you using the same IAM credentials from the server and localhost? May be related to this.
Just random thoughts...