Odoo automatic method call in model - odoo

I have this model:
class Data(models.Model):
_name = 'aibot.data'
_description = 'aibot.data'
symbol = fields.Char(string='Symbol', required=False)
ref = fields.Float(string='Amount', required=False)
amount = fields.Float(string='Amount', required=False)
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', required=True, ondelete='cascade',
default=lambda self: self.env.uid, help="User")
I have this python dict:
m = [
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 87},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 25},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 31},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 26},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 90},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': -18}
And this method:
def rep(self):
parse = 1
self.search([('create_uid', '=', 'user.id')]).unlink()
m = [
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 87},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 25},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 31},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 26},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 90},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': -18}
for i in m:
print('hola', '')
All works fine. But, I need automatic execution of this method on Data class call from tree view, report..., to fill out the table before anything else.

If table aibot.data is to hold report data lines of the report table, you can do the following to fill in automatically when the report object record will be created:
m = [
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 87},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 25},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 31},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 26},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': 90},
{'symbol': '2', 'ref': 7.8, 'amount': -18}
class Report(models.Model):
_name = 'aibot.report'
_description = 'this is the report object'
# data lines for the report
data_ids = fields.One2many('aibot.data','report_id')
def default_get(self, fields_list):
res = super().default_get(fields_list)
data_ids = []
for i in m:
res['data_ids'] = data_ids
return res
class Data(models.Model):
_name = 'aibot.data'
report_id = fields.Many2one('aibot.report')
symbol = fields.Char(string='Symbol', required=False)
ref = fields.Float(string='Amount', required=False)
amount = fields.Float(string='Amount', required=False)


Google Analytics data api dictionary to pandas data frame

I exported google analytics data in below dictionary format with 3 Dimensions and 2 metrics. How can I change this format to pandas data frame. I don't need the columns rowCount,minimums,maximums,nextPageToken. Thank you
{'reports': [{'columnHeader': {'dimensions': ['ga:date', 'ga:eventCategory',
'ga:eventAction'], 'metricHeader': {'metricHeaderEntries': [{'name': 'ga:totalEvents', 'type':
, {'name': 'ga:UniqueEvents', 'type': 'INTEGER'}, {'name': 'ga:eventvalue', 'type':
{'rows': [{'dimensions': ['20220820', 'accordion ', 'accordion'], 'metrics':
[{'values': ['547', '528', '0']}]},
{'dimensions': ['20220817', 'accordion click', 'benefits'], 'metrics': [{'values': ['26',
'26', '0']}]},
{'dimensions': ['20220818', 'accordion click', 'for-your-dog '], 'metrics': [{'values': ['1',
'1', '0']}]},
{'dimensions': ['20220819', 'account', 'register'], 'metrics': [{'values': ['1465', '1345',
{'dimensions': ['20220820', 'account', 'reminders'], 'metrics': [{'values': ['59', '54',
, 'rowCount': 17, 'minimums': [{'values': ['1', '1', '0']}], 'maximums': [{'values':
['40676', '37725', '5001337']}]}, 'nextPageToken': '1000'}]}
final dataframe format below

Pandas - Extract value from Dataframe based on certain key value not in a sequence

I have a Dataframe in the below format:
id, ref
101, [{'id': '74947', 'type': {'id': '104', 'name': 'Sales', 'inward': 'Sales', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-A'}}]
102, [{'id': '74948', 'type': {'id': '105', 'name': 'Return', 'inward': 'Return Order', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-C'}},
{'id': '750001', 'type': {'id': '342', 'name': 'Sales', 'inward': 'Sales', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-X'}}]
103, [{'id': '74949', 'type': {'id': '106', 'name': 'Sales', 'inward': 'Return Order', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-B'}},
104, [{'id': '67543', 'type': {'id': '106', 'name': 'Other', 'inward': 'Return Order', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-BA'}}]
I am trying to extract rows that have name = Sales and return back the below output:
101, Prod-A
102, Prod-X
103, Prod-B
I am able to extract the required data if the key value pair appears at the first instance but I am not able to do so if it is not the first instance like in the case of id = 102
df['names'] = df['ref'].str[0].str.get('type').str.get('name')
df['value'] = df['ref'].str[0].str.get('inwardIssue').str.get('key')
df['output'] = np.where(df['names'] == 'Sales', df['value'], 0)
Currently I am able to only get values for id = 101, 103
Let us do explode
id ref inwardIssue
0 101 [{'id': '74947', 'type': {'id': '104', 'name':... Prod-A
2 103 [{'id': '74949', 'type': {'id': '106', 'name':... Prod-X
3 104 [{'id': '67543', 'type': {'id': '106', 'name':... Prod-B
If you already have a dataframe in that format, you may convert it to json format and use pd.json_normalize to turn original df to a flat dataframe and slicing/filering on this flat dataframe.
df1 = pd.json_normalize(df.to_dict(orient='records'), 'ref')
The output of this flat dataframe df1
id type.id type.name type.inward type.outward inwardIssue.id \
0 74947 104 Sales Sales PO 76560
1 74948 105 Return Return Order PO 76560
2 750001 342 Sales Sales PO 76560
3 74949 106 Sales Return Order PO 76560
4 67543 106 Other Return Order PO 76560
0 Prod-A
1 Prod-C
2 Prod-X
3 Prod-B
4 Prod-BA
Finally, slicing on df1
df_final = df1.loc[df1['type.name'].eq('Sales'), ['type.id', 'inwardIssue.key']]
type.id inwardIssue.key
0 104 Prod-A
2 342 Prod-X
3 106 Prod-B

Pandas - Extract value from Dataframe based on certain key value

I have a Dataframe in the below format:
id, ref
101, [{'id': '74947', 'type': {'id': '104', 'name': 'Sales', 'inward': 'Sales', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-A'}}]
102, [{'id': '74948', 'type': {'id': '105', 'name': 'Return', 'inward': 'Return Order', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-C'}}]
103, [{'id': '74949', 'type': {'id': '106', 'name': 'Sales', 'inward': 'Return Order', 'outward': 'PO'}, 'inwardIssue': {'id': '76560', 'key': 'Prod-B'}}]
I am trying to extract rows that have name = Sales and return back the below output:
id, value
101, Prod-A
103, Prod-B
Use str[0] for first lists with Series.str.get by values by keys of dicts:
#if necessary convert list/dict repr to list/dict
import ast
df['ref'] = df['ref'].apply(ast.literal_eval)
df['names'] = df['ref'].str[0].str.get('type').str.get('name')
df['value'] = df['ref'].str[0].str.get('inwardIssue').str.get('key')
print (df)
id ref names value
0 101 [{'id': '74947', 'type': {'id': '104', 'name':... Sales Prod-A
1 102 [{'id': '74948', 'type': {'id': '105', 'name':... Return Prod-C
2 103 [{'id': '74949', 'type': {'id': '106', 'name':... Sales Prod-B
And then filter by boolean indexing:
df1 = df.loc[df['names'].eq('Sales'), ['id','value']]
print (df1)
id value
0 101 Prod-A
2 103 Prod-B

Pandas - Extracting value based of common key

I have a Dataframe in the below format:
id, key1, key2
101, {'key': 'key_1001', 'fields': {'type': {'subtask': False}, 'summary': 'Title_1' , 'id': '71150'}}, NaN
101, NaN,{'key': 'key_1002', 'fields': {'type': {'subtask': False}, 'summary': 'Title_2' , 'id': '71151'}}
102, {'key': 'key_2001', 'fields': {'type': {'subtask': False}, 'summary': 'Title_11' , 'id': '71160'}}, NaN
102, NaN,{'key': 'key_2002', 'fields': {'type': {'subtask': False}, 'summary': 'Title_12' , 'id': '71161'}}
I am trying to achieve the below output from the above Dataframe.
id, key_value_1, key_value_2
101, key_1001, key_1002
102, key_2001, key_2002
Output of df.dict()
{'id': {103: '101', 676: '101'}, 'key1' : {103: {'fields': {'type': {'subtask': False}, 'summary': 'Title_1' , 'id': '71150'},
676: nan}
You can use:
key1 key2
101 key_1001 key_1002
102 key_2001 key_2002

pandas same attribute comparison

I have the following dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame([{'name': 'a', 'label': 'false', 'score': 10},
{'name': 'a', 'label': 'true', 'score': 8},
{'name': 'c', 'label': 'false', 'score': 10},
{'name': 'c', 'label': 'true', 'score': 4},
{'name': 'd', 'label': 'false', 'score': 10},
{'name': 'd', 'label': 'true', 'score': 6},
I want to return names that have the "false" label score value higher than the score value of the "true" label with at least the double. In my example, it should return only the "c" name.
First you can pivot the data, and look at the ratio, filter what you want:
new_df = df.pivot(index='name',columns='label', values='score')
label false true
c 10 4
If you only want the label, you can do:
which gives
array(['c'], dtype=object)
Update: Since your data is result of orig_df.groupby().count(), you could instead do:
and look at the rows with values <= 1/3.