Is there an easier way to grab a single value from within a Pandas DataFrame with multiindexed columns? - pandas

I have a Pandas DataFrame of ML experiment results (from MLFlow). I am trying to access the run_id of a single element in the 0th row and under the "tags" -> "run_id" multi-index in the columns.
The DataFrame is called experiment_results_df. I can access the element with the following command:
I thought I should be able to grab the value itself with a statement like the following:[0,('tags','run_id')]
# or...
But either of those just results in the following rather confusing error (as I'm not setting anything):
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part.
It's working now, but I'd prefer to use a simpler syntax. And more than that, I want to understand why the other approach isn't working, and if I can modify it. I find multiindexes very frustrating to work with in Pandas compared to regular indexes, but the additional formatting is nice when I print the DF to the console, or display it in a CSV viewer as I currently have 41 columns (and growing).

I don't understand what is the problem:
df = pd.DataFrame({('T', 'A'): {0: 1, 1: 4},
('T', 'B'): {0: 2, 1: 5},
('T', 'C'): {0: 3, 1: 6}})
# Output
0 1 2 3
1 4 5 6
How to extract 1:
>>> df.loc[0, ('T', 'A')]
>>>[0, ('T', 'A')]
>>> df.loc[0, (slice(None), 'A')][0]


Subset multiindex dataframe keeps original index value

I found subsetting multi-index dataframe will keep original index values behind.
Here is the sample code for test.
level_one = ["foo","bar","baz"]
level_two = ["a","b","c"]
df_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((level_one,level_two))
df = pd.DataFrame(range(9), index = df_index, columns=["number"])
Above code will show dataframe like this.
foo a 0
b 1
c 2
bar a 3
b 4
c 5
baz a 6
b 7
c 8
Code below subset the dataframe to contain only 'a' and 'b' for index level 1.
df_subset = df.query("(number%3) <=1")
foo a 0
b 1
bar a 3
b 4
baz a 6
b 7
The dataframe itself is expected result.
BUT index level of it is still containing the original index level, which is NOT expected.
#Following code is still returnning index 'c'
Index(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object')
My first question is how can I remove the 'original' index after subsetting?
The Second question is this is expected behavior for pandas?
Yes, this is expected, it can allow you to access the missing levels after filtering. You can remove the unused levels with remove_unused_levels:
df_subset.index = df_subset.index.remove_unused_levels()
Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object')
It is normal that the "original" index after subsetting remains, because it's a behavior of pandas, according to the documentation "The MultiIndex keeps all the defined levels of an index, even if they are not actually used.This is done to avoid a recomputation of the levels in order to make slicing highly performant."
You can see that the index levels is a FrozenList using:
[I]: df_subset.index.levels
[O]: FrozenList([['bar', 'baz', 'foo'], ['a', 'b', 'c']])
If you want to see only the used levels, you can use the get_level_values() or the unique() methods.
Here some example:
[I]: df_subset.index.get_level_values(level=1)
[O]: Index(['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], dtype='object')
[I]: df_subset.index.unique(level=1)
[O]: Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object')
Hope it can help you!

Select columns from data frame using 1, 0 list , pandas

I have a list of 1,0 where each element is corresponding to an index of a column on a data frame, for example:
df.columns = ['a','b','c']
binary_list = [0,1,0]
based on that I want to select only b column from the data frame as on my binary list it has 1 only corresponds to b
is there a way to perform that in pandas?
P.S this is my first time posting on stackoverflow, apologies if I am not following a specific styling
If the binary list is aligned with the columns, you can use boolean indexing:
df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
binary_list = [0,1,0]
df.loc[:, map(bool, binary_list)]
0 2

Error in using Pandas groupby.apply to drop duplication

I have a Pandas data frame which has some duplicate values, not rows. I want to use groupby.apply to remove the duplication. An example is as follows.
df = pd.DataFrame([['a', 1, 1], ['a', 1, 2], ['b', 1, 1]], columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
0 a 1 1
1 a 1 2
2 b 1 1
# My function
def get_uniq_t(df):
if df.shape[0] > 1:
df['D'] = df.C * 10 + df.B
df = df[df.D == df.D.max()].drop(columns='D')
return df
df = df.groupby('A').apply(get_uniq_t)
Then I get the following value error message. The issue seems to do with creating the new column D. If I create the column D outside the function, the code seems running fine. Can someone help explain what caused the value error message?
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (3, 3), indices imply (2, 3)
The problem with your code is that it attempts to modify
the original group.
Other problem is that this function should return a single row
not a DataFrame.
Change your function to:
def get_uniq_t(df):
iMax = (df.C * 10 + df.B).idxmax()
return df.loc[iMax]
Then its application returns:
a a 1 2
b b 1 1
Edit following the comment
In my opinion, it is not allowed to modify the original group,
as it would indirectly modify the original DataFrame.
At least it displays a warning about this and is considered a bad practice.
Search the Web for SettingWithCopyWarning for more extensive description.
My code (get_uniq_t function) does not modify the original group.
It only returns one row from the current group.
The returned row is selected based on which row returns the greatest value
of df.C * 10 + df.B. So when you apply this function, the result is a new
DataFrame, with consecutive rows equal to results of this function
for consecutive groups.
You can perform an operation equivalent to modification, when you
create some new content, e.g. as the result of groupby instruction
and then save it under the same variable which so far held the source

Looking for built-in, invertible, list-of-list-accepting constructor/deconstructor pair for pandas dataframes

Are there built-in ways to construct/deconstruct a dataframe from/to a Python list-of-Python-lists?
As far as the constructor (let's call it make_df for now) that I'm looking for goes, I want to be able to write the initialization of a dataframe from literal values, including columns of arbitrary types, in an easily-readable form, like this:
df = make_df([[9.75, 1],
[6.375, 2],
[9., 3],
[0.25, 1],
[1.875, 2],
[3.75, 3],
[8.625, 1]],
['d', 'i'])
For the deconstructor, I want to essentially recover from a dataframe df the arguments one would need to pass to such make_df to re-create df.
officially at least, the pandas.DataFrame constructor accepts only a numpy ndarray, a dict, or another DataFrame (and not a simple Python list-of-lists) as its first argument;
the pandas.DataFrame.values property does not preserve the original data types.
I can roll my own functions to do this (e.g., see below), but I would prefer to stick to built-in methods, if available. (The Pandas API is pretty big, and some of its names not what I would expect, so it is quite possible that I have missed one or both of these functions.)
FWIW, below is a hand-rolled version of what I described above, minimally tested. (I doubt that it would be able to handle every possible corner-case.)
import pandas as pd
import collections as co
import pandas.util.testing as pdt
def make_df(values, columns):
return pd.DataFrame(co.OrderedDict([(columns[i],
[row[i] for row in values])
for i in range(len(columns))]))
def unmake_df(dataframe):
columns = list(dataframe.columns)
return ([[dataframe[c][i] for c in columns] for i in dataframe.index],
values = [[9.75, 1],
[6.375, 2],
[9., 3],
[0.25, 1],
[1.875, 2],
[3.75, 3],
[8.625, 1]]
columns = ['d', 'i']
df = make_df(values, columns)
Here's what the output of the call to make_df above produced:
>>> df
d i
0 9.750 1
1 6.375 2
2 9.000 3
3 0.250 1
4 1.875 2
5 3.750 3
6 8.625 1
A simple check of the round-trip1:
>>> df == make_df(*unmake_df(df))
>>> (values, columns) == unmake_df(make_df(*(values, columns)))
BTW, this is an example of the loss of the original values' types:
>>> df.values
array([[ 9.75 , 1. ],
[ 6.375, 2. ],
[ 9. , 3. ],
[ 0.25 , 1. ],
[ 1.875, 2. ],
[ 3.75 , 3. ],
[ 8.625, 1. ]])
Notice how the values in the second column are no longer integers, as they were originally.
>>> df == make_df(df.values, columns)
1 In order to be able to use == to test for equality between dataframes above, I resorted to a little monkey-patching:
def pd_DataFrame___eq__(self, other):
pdt.assert_frame_equal(self, other,
return False
return True
pd.DataFrame.__eq__ = pd_DataFrame___eq__
Without this hack, expressions of the form dataframe_0 == dataframe_1 would have evaluated to dataframe objects, not simple boolean values.
I'm not sure what documentation you are reading, because the link you give explicitly says that the default constructor accepts other list-like objects (one of which is a list of lists).
In [6]: pandas.DataFrame([['a', 1], ['b', 2]])
0 1
0 a 1
1 b 2
[2 rows x 2 columns]
In [7]: t = pandas.DataFrame([['a', 1], ['b', 2]])
In [8]: t.to_dict()
Out[8]: {0: {0: 'a', 1: 'b'}, 1: {0: 1, 1: 2}}
Notice that I use to_dict at the end, rather than trying to get back the original list of lists. This is because it is an ill-posed problem to get the list arguments back (unless you make an overkill decorator or something to actually store the ordered arguments that the constructor was called with).
The reason is that a pandas DataFrame, by default, is not an ordered data structure, at least in the column dimension. You could have permuted the order of the column data at construction time, and you would get the "same" DataFrame.
Since there can be many differing notions of equality between two DataFrame (e.g. same columns even including type, or just same named columns, or some columns and in same order, or just same columns in mixed order, etc.) -- pandas defaults to trying to be the least specific about it (Python's principle of least astonishment).
So it would not be good design for the default or built-in constructors to choose an overly specific idea of equality for the purposes of returning the DataFrame back down to its arguments.
For that reason, using to_dict is better since the resulting keys will encode the column information, and you can choose to check for column types or ordering however you want to for your own application. You can even discard the keys by iterating the dict and simply pumping the contents into a list of lists if you really want to.
In other words, because order might not matter among the columns, the "inverse" of the list-of-list constructor maps backwards into a bigger set, namely all the permutations of the same column data. So the inverse you're looking for is not well-defined without assuming more structure -- and casual users of a DataFrame might not want or need to make those extra assumptions to get the invertibility.
As mentioned elsewhere, you should use DataFrame.equals to do equality checking among DataFrames. The function has many options that allow you specify the specific kind of equality testing that makes sense for your application, while leaving the default version as a reasonably generic set of options.

using pd.DataFrame.apply to create multiple columns

My first question here!
I'm having some trouble figuring out what I'm doing wrong here, trying to append columns to an existing pd.DataFrame object. Specifically, my original dataframe has n-many columns, and I want to use apply to append an additional 2n-many columns to it. The problem seems to be that doing this via apply() doesn't work, in that if I try to append more than n-many columns, it falls over. This doesn't make sense to me, and I was hoping somebody could either shed some light on to why I'm seeing this behaviour, or suggest a better approach.
For example,
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10,2))
def this_works(x):
return 5 * x
def this_fails(x):
return np.append(5 * x, 5 * x)
df.apply(this_works, 1) # Two columns of output, as expected
df.apply(this_fails, 1) # Unexpected failure...
Any ideas? I know there are other ways to create the data columns, this approach just seemed very natural to me and I'm quite confused by the behaviour.
SOLVED! CT Zhu's solution below takes care of this, my error arises from not properly returning a pd.Series object in the above.
Are you trying to do a few different calculations on your df and put the resulting vectors together in one larger DataFrame, like in this example?:
In [39]:
print df
0 1
0 0.718003 0.241216
1 0.580015 0.981128
2 0.477645 0.463892
3 0.948728 0.653823
4 0.056659 0.366104
5 0.273700 0.062131
6 0.151237 0.479318
7 0.425353 0.076771
8 0.317731 0.029182
9 0.543537 0.589783
In [40]:
print df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.hstack((x*5, x*6))), axis=1)
0 1 2 3
0 3.590014 1.206081 4.308017 1.447297
1 2.900074 4.905639 3.480088 5.886767
2 2.388223 2.319461 2.865867 2.783353
3 4.743640 3.269114 5.692369 3.922937
4 0.283293 1.830520 0.339951 2.196624
5 1.368502 0.310656 1.642203 0.372787
6 0.756187 2.396592 0.907424 2.875910
7 2.126764 0.383853 2.552117 0.460624
8 1.588656 0.145909 1.906387 0.175091
9 2.717685 2.948917 3.261222 3.538701
FYI in this trivial case you can do 5 * df !
I think the issue here is that np.append flattens the Series:
In [11]: np.append(df[0], df[0])
array([ 0.33145275, 0.14964056, 0.86268119, 0.17311983, 0.29618537,
0.48831228, 0.64937305, 0.03353709, 0.42883925, 0.99592229,
0.33145275, 0.14964056, 0.86268119, 0.17311983, 0.29618537,
0.48831228, 0.64937305, 0.03353709, 0.42883925, 0.99592229])
what you want is it to create four columns (isn't it?). The axis=1 means that you are doing this row-wise (i.e. x is the row which is a Series)...
In general you want apply to return either:
a single value, or
a Series (with unique index).
Saying that I kinda thought the following may work (to get four columns):
In [21]: df.apply((lambda x: pd.concat([x[0] * 5, x[0] * 5], axis=1)), axis=1)
TypeError: ('cannot concatenate a non-NDFrame object', u'occurred at index 0')
In [22]: df.apply(lambda x: np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), axis=1)
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (10,), indices imply (10, 2)
In [23]: df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]), axis=1) # works
Maybe I expected the first to raise about non-unique index... but I was surprised that the second failed.