Need some assistance with a Area Calculator in Visual Basics -

I need some help with my code in a Rectangle calculator... So I made a rectangle area calculator that features Length, Width, Area, Number of Rectangles, and Smallest Rectangle... I am also creating a catch bock that handles invalid-cast extractions 2 of them... Also a A expectation class when the value of the result is greater then 1 Million... Here is my code
Public Class Form1
Dim area As Decimal
Dim numberofRectangles As Integer
Dim smallestRectangle As Decimal
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim length As Decimal = CDec(txtLength.Text)
Dim width As Decimal = CDec(txtWidth.Text)
Dim Area As Decimal = width * length
Dim numberofRectangles As Integer = numberofRectangles + 1
Dim smallestRectangle As Decimal = Math.Min(smallestRectangle, Area)
txtArea.Text = Area.ToString("n2")
txtNumberOfRectangles.Text = numberofRectangles.ToString
txtSmallestRectangle.Text = smallestRectangle.ToString("n2")
Catch ex As InvalidCastException
MessageBox.Show("Please check entries for valid numeric data",
Catch ex As OverflowException
MessageBox.Show("Please check to make sure entries aren't too large.",
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & ex.StackTrace,
If area < 1000000000 Then
Throw New FormatException("The rectangle Is too large!")
End If
End Try
End Sub
For one I am having a error where my smallest rectangle is at 999,999,999,00 and For the expectation when the value of the result is greater then 1 Million I am having trouble as you can probably see from the code. Looking for some advice on my code
Edit: Fix the top part Now getting 0.00 in the smallest rectangle box
Should I being using me.compute somehwhere aswell

You misspelled smallestRecntangle - this is why you have needed to redeclare it - it's different to the class variable smallestRectangle. For this reason, you never set smallestRectangle to anything other than 999999999.
Also - you can use a value called Decimal.MaxValue to do the same thing as 999999999, but using the actual maximum possible decimal number. However, I would recommend instead you use Decimal? and assign to null initially. In code, have a check which "is if smallestRectangle is null, then set smallestRectangle, otherwise set it to the minimum of smallestRectangle and area".

Exception handling is for unexpected errors that are out of your control. We can test the user input so we don't need exception handling for that.
This doesn't make sense. If you want to display the Exception message you can use and ampersand & and ex.Message. ex.ToString generally provides more information than you want a user to see.
TryParse will check if the string provided in the first parameter can be converted. It returns True or False. If True it will assign the converted string to the second parameter.
numberofRectangles += 1
is a shortcut way of writing
numberofRectangle = numberofRectangles + 1
The only line of code that could throw an exception is the area calculation so we will limit the Try block to that line.
Your main problem was using the Dim statement for numberofRectangles and smallestRectangle inside the Sub. These variables loose there value at End Sub. They only exist inside the Sub. Although Dim has the same meaning as Private for declaring Class level varaibles, Private is preferred. Dim is used for local variable in a method.
To avoid the problem of having smallest rectangle always being zero, I checked the count and set smallestRectangle to the first rectangles area. After that Math.Min takes over.
Private numberofRectangles As Integer
Private smallestRectangle As Decimal
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim length As Decimal
Dim width As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(txtLength.Text, length) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please check entries for valid numeric data")
Exit Sub
End If
If Not Decimal.TryParse(txtWidth.Text, width) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please check entries for valid numeric data")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Area As Decimal
Area = width * length
Catch ex As OverflowException
MessageBox.Show("Please check to make sure entries aren't too large." &
Exit Sub
Catch ex As Exception
Exit Sub
End Try
numberofRectangles += 1
If numberofRectangles < 2 Then
smallestRectangle = Area
smallestRectangle = Math.Min(smallestRectangle, Area)
End If
txtArea.Text = area.ToString("n2")
txtNumberOfRectangles.Text = numberofRectangles.ToString
txtSmallestRectangle.Text = smallestRectangle.ToString("n2")
End Sub


visual basic: Enter some numbers until a negative value is entered to stop the program

private Sub Command1_Click()
a = InputBox("What is the Number ?", "Input Example"," ")
If a = "-1" Then
End If
End Sub
the whole question is: Enter some numbers until a negative value is entered to stop the program(stop running the what is your number thing). then find the average of the entered numbers.
What I want to do, for now, I want to know how can I make my "a" variable accept any negative value like in the code above it stops when I enter -1 but I want to stop when I enter -3, -10, or any negative value.
There are some helpful answers down below
If you are expecting the usual input to be text then you can use the Double.TryParse method to check if a number was entered. If it was, then you can check if that number is negative, and exit the application if so:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim userMsg As String
userMsg = Microsoft.VisualBasic.InputBox("What is your message?", "Message Entry Form", "Enter your message here", 500, 700)
If userMsg <> "" Then
Dim x As Double
If Double.TryParse(userMsg, x) AndAlso x < 0 Then
End If
MessageBox.Show("No Message")
End If
End Sub
The AndAlso operator only looks at the second argument if the first evaluated to True.
If you would like to repeat some portion of code till specific condition is met, you need to use:
While...End While Statement (Visual Basic)
Do...Loop Statement (Visual Basic)
It's also possible to write conditional loop using For... Next statement
Dim myNumber As Integer = 0
Dim mySum As Integer = 0
Dim myCounter As Integer = 0
Dim answer As Object = InputBox("Enter integer value", "Getting average of integer values...", "")
'check if user clicked "Cancel" button
If answer <> "" Then
'is it a number?
If Int32.TryParse(answer, myNumber)
If myNumber >=0 Then
mySum += myNumber
myCounter += 1
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
Dim average As Double = mySum/myCounter
'you can display average now
Tip: Do not use InputBox, because this "control" is VisualBasic specific. Use custom Form instead. There's tons of examples on Google!

Invalid Conversion - Cast Exception: 'System.InvalidCastException'

I have written a code that works perfectly as long as the user enters the information in correctly. If the user does enter a number in the text box, I have an error message that tells the user data must be entered. When this happens I am getting a cast exception:
Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidCastException' in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Additional information: Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
I am new to this and I would appreciate any suggestions.
The exception occurs on this line:
intDetermineSubTotalCost(intSiteSelected, CInt(txtNumberOfNights.Text))
If I remove the option strict on, it will work with expected conversation, however the project requires it to be on.
Dim intSiteSelected As Double
Dim intNumberOfNights As Integer
Dim blnNightsStayingIsVaild As Boolean = False
Dim blnDiscountIsSelected As Boolean = False
Dim intDiscountChoice As Integer
Dim strDiscountSelected As String = ""
' Call a function to confirm if the Number of Nights staying is valid.
blnNightsStayingIsVaild = ValidateNightsStaying()
' call a function to confirm a discount has been seected.
intDiscountChoice = ValidateSelectedDiscount(blnDiscountIsSelected, strDiscountSelected)
' If number of nights staying and available discount has been selected,
' calculate the subtotal, tax, and final cost.
If (blnNightsStayingIsVaild And blnDiscountIsSelected) Then
intNumberOfNights = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfNights.Text)
intSiteSelected = Me.cmbSelectASite.SelectedIndex
End If
If cmbSelectASite.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
intSiteSelected = 20D
ElseIf cmbSelectASite.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
intSiteSelected = 35D
ElseIf cmbSelectASite.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
intSiteSelected = 55D
End If
intDetermineSubTotalCost(intSiteSelected, CInt(txtNumberOfNights.Text))
Private Function ValidateNightsStaying() As Boolean
' This function validate the value entered for the number of nights staying in campground.
Dim intNightsStaying As Integer
Dim blnValidityCheck As Boolean = False
Dim StrNumberOfNightsErrorMessage As String =
"Please Enter The Number Of Nights You Are Staying (1-99)"
Dim strMessageBoxTitle As String = " You Must Choose Number Of Nights"
intNightsStaying = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfNights.Text)
If intNightsStaying > 0 And intNightsStaying < 100 Then
blnValidityCheck = True
MsgBox(StrNumberOfNightsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle)
blnValidityCheck = True
End If
Catch Exception As FormatException
MsgBox(StrNumberOfNightsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle)
Catch execption As OverflowException
MsgBox(StrNumberOfNightsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle)
Catch execption As SystemException
MsgBox(StrNumberOfNightsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle)
End Try
Return blnValidityCheck
End Function
You could look at something like this that would restrict them from entering non-numeric keypresses.
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
'97 - 122 = Ascii codes for simple letters
'65 - 90 = Ascii codes for capital letters
'48 - 57 = Ascii codes for numbers
If Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 8 Then
If Asc(e.KeyChar) < 48 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) > 57 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Just Do some input checking before your perform you calculations.
For Example A Textbox requiring Input:
If txtInput.text.Contains("whatever you don't want there") Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter The Correct Info")
End if
If Integer.TryParse(txtInput.Text, input) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Some Text.")
End If
This Stops the code crashing if there is an error and gives the user the opportunity to fix their input. Once all the input has been checked, perform your calculations.
There are a few ways to solve this.
You could check that the string is not empty and validate on that.
Change the conversion to a TryParse which IIRC will return 0 on empty
If possible, change the input from a textbox to a numeric up/down control with min and max values of 1 and 99 respectively.
Change your TextBox to a Masked TextBox. Allow only numbers in the mask.

find average of variables

Full disclosure, I'm working on an assignment for COP2170, but the additional feature isn't apart of the assignment just trying to stretch a little further...
I'm trying to add 5 test scores and output the average of the 5 scores, that part works just fine. In addition I'm trying to add an additional feature that will allow the user to enter less than 5 scores and the program will still output the average of whatever scores were entered.
So this works:
And this works:
The problem I'm running into is if the first score is omitted and the rest are filled in, it doesn't work:
Here's the code I've got so far:
Public Class frmTestScoreAverage
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim decScore1, decScore2, decScore3, decScore4, decScore5 As Double ' decScore1-5 to hold test scores1-5
Dim decScoreAverage As Double ' to hold test score average
Dim intDivideBy As Double = 5 ' declare intDivideBy variable with starting value of 5
lblStatusLabel.Text = String.Empty 'set error message to empty string
' Read user input convert to double and assign value to variable
decScore1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore1.Text)
decScore2 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore2.Text)
decScore3 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore3.Text)
decScore4 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore4.Text)
decScore5 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore5.Text)
' Calculate average
decScoreAverage = (decScore1 + decScore2 + decScore3 + decScore4 + decScore5) / intDivideBy
'display result
lblResult.Text = CStr(decScoreAverage)
' Display error message, asks for all scores
lblStatusLabel.Text = "Please enter all test scores"
'Calculate average even without all scores
For Each c As TextBox In Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)() 'loop through each textbox in form see:
If c.Text = String.Empty Then intDivideBy -= 1 'If text equals empty string, Then decrement intDivideBy
'catch divide by zero error
'calculate average
decScoreAverage = (decScore1 + decScore2 + decScore3 + decScore4 + decScore5) / intDivideBy 'add test scores and divide to find average
'display result
lblResult.Text = CStr(decScoreAverage)
lblStatusLabel.Text = "Please enter at least one test score"
End Try
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I'm pretty sure the problem has to do with the way I'm finding the average:
decScoreAverage = (decScore1 + decScore2 + decScore3 + decScore4 + decScore5) / intDivideBy
Is there a way to find the average that will allow for empty variables in any arrangement?
The problem you are having is that Convert.ToDouble(txtBox.text) (with empty string, will make Convert throw an Exception.
Add a validation that the string isn't empty or use TryParse to see if the Textbox value is parseable to a number.
If not String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox.Text) then
dim value as Double
if Double.TryParse(txtBox.Text, value) then
avg += value
When the first one is empty, it goes to the Catch part of the code, then you try to calculate the avg, but the values of the Txtbox are not assigned to the declarations you made, so when it tries to do the average
decScore1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore1.Text) // Exception here to Catch
decScore2 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore2.Text) // Not evaluated
decScore3 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore3.Text) // Not evaluated
decScore4 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore4.Text) // Not evaluated
decScore5 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore5.Text) // Not evaluated
Theses do not have any value, in return this doesn't do what you want
decScoreAverage = (decScore1 + decScore2 + decScore3 + decScore4 + decScore5) / intDivideBy
(Vb code not tested)
Function GetTextValue(dim score as string) as Double
dim value as Double = 0
if (Double.TryParse(score, value))
return value
return value
End Function
decScore1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtScore1.Text)
decScore1 = GetTextValue(txtScore1.Text)
I suggest you store reference to each textbox in an array. You'll see why at the end of this example.
Public Class frmTestScoreAverage
Public Sub New()
Me.boxes = {Me.txtScore1, Me.txtScore2, Me.txtScore3, Me.txtScore4, Me.txtScore5}
End Sub
Private boxes As TextBox()
The common way to validate user input in winforms is to handle the Validating event, usually combined with the error provider class as mentioned by Hans Passant.
Private Sub HandleScoreValidating(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtScore1.Validating, txtScore2.Validating, txtScore3.Validating, txtScore4.Validating, txtScore5.Validating
With DirectCast(sender, TextBox)
If ((Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(.Text)) AndAlso (Not Double.TryParse(.Text, 0.0R))) Then
e.Cancel = True
'Alert or set error provider:
'Me.ErrorProvider1.SetError(DirectCast(sender, Control), "Not double")
e.Cancel = False
'Clear error provider:
End If
End With
End Sub
Now, back to the textbox array. Create a new list of double and iterate the textbox array. If the text isn't empty, parse and add the value to the list. At the end, use the Average extension method to get the average value.
Private Sub HandleCalculate(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim values As New List(Of Double)
For Each box As TextBox In Me.boxes
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(box.Text)) Then
' values.Add(0.0R)
End If
Dim average As Double = values.Average()
End Sub
End Class

VB.NET - Accumulating Numbers and Calculating Average

I have started over and everything is working as intended except for 2 of the accumulating totals, the calculation is not working the way I need it to. Instead of adding previous sales to the total it tacks the new sale on the end...
for example: I input 1 Snowboard and 1 Snowboard with Boots, this works, 1 is shown in the summary for both Snowboards and Snowboards with Boots. However when I try to input again in order to keep a running total of sales I have a problem, I enter 1 Snowboard and 1 Snowboard with Boots, and the summaries show 11 rather than 2. Why does this happen?
' Declare module-level variables and constants.
Private SnowBoardsSold, BootsSold, SaleCount As Integer
Private ItemsSold As Integer
Private TotalSales As Decimal
Const SNOWBOARD_RATE As Decimal = 20D
Const BOOTS_RATE As Decimal = 30D
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click
' Calculate the prices
Dim SnowBoards, Boots As Integer
Dim SnowBoardSale, BootsSale, ThisSale, AverageSalesEver As Decimal
' Convert the Snowboard input to numeric variable.
SnowBoards = Integer.Parse(SnowboardsTextBox.Text)
' Convert Boots if Snowboard was successful.
Boots = Integer.Parse(WithBootsTextBox.Text)
' Calculate values for sale.
SnowBoardSale = SnowBoards * SNOWBOARD_RATE
BootsSale = Boots * BOOTS_RATE
ThisSale = SnowBoardSale + BootsSale
' Calculate summary values.
TotalSales += ThisSale
BootsSold += BootsSale
SnowBoardsSold += SnowBoardSale
SaleCount += 1
AverageSalesEver = TotalSales / SaleCount
' Format and display prices for the sale.
SnowBoardsPriceTextBox.Text = SnowBoardSale.ToString("c")
BootsPriceTextBox.Text = BootsSale.ToString("c")
TotalPriceTextBox.Text = ThisSale.ToString("c")
' Format and display values for the summary.
SnowBoardRentalTextBox.Text += SnowBoards.ToString()
BootsRentalTextBox.Text += Boots.ToString()
TotalChargesTextBox.Text = TotalSales.ToString("c")
AverageChargeTextBox.Text = AverageSalesEver.ToString("c")
Catch BootsException As FormatException
' Handle a Boots exception.
MessageBox.Show("Please enter numbers.", "Data Entry Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
With WithBootsTextBox
End With
End Try
Catch SnowBoardsException As FormatException
' Handle a SnowBoard exception.
MessageBox.Show("Please enter numbers.", "Data Entry Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
With SnowboardsTextBox
End With
Catch AnException As Exception
'Handle any other exception.
MessageBox.Show("Error: " & AnException.Message)
End Try
End Sub
First, you might want to change the way you grab the numbers:
'Convert snowboard input value to numeric variable.
SnowboardInteger = Integer.Parse(SnowboardsTextBox.Text)
Dim SnowboardInteger As Integer
If TryParse.Integer(SnowboardsTextBox.Text, SnowboardInteger) = False then
' if it parses, SnowboardInteger will have the value,
'else the function returns false
MessageBox.Show("Please enter numbers")
End if
Also, you are parsing the textboxes twice. Once in the declaration then right after. This doesnt look right:
SnowboardSaleCountInteger += 1
WithBootsSaleCountInteger += 1
TotalSaleCountInteger += TotalChargesSumInteger ' ?????
AverageChargeInteger = TotalChargesSumInteger / TotalSaleCountInteger
Adding 'charges' to a 'counter' doesnt seem right. If you want the avg shouldnt it be:
TotalSaleCountInteger = SnowboardSaleCountInteger + WithBootsSaleCountInteger
If you want fractions such as 'xx.yy' in the result, AverageChargeInteger should be a Double or Decimal, unless whole dollars are ok for the assignment.
If you need to accumulate from previous clicks, then you need to move some declarations out of the procedure up by SnowboardSumInteger, WithBootsSumInteger so they can accumulate. As it is, WithBootsSaleCountInteger, TotalSaleCountInteger dont do anything and are always 1. I wonder if as a 'SaleCounter' they shouldnt increase by the value in the textbox rather than just 1 (dont have the assignment in front of me).
One more thing you might need to do is here:
SnowboardPriceInteger = SnowboardInteger * SNOWBOARD_RENTAL_RATE
WithBootsPriceInteger = WithBootsInteger * WITH_BOOTS_RENTAL_RATE
TotalPriceInteger = SnowboardPriceInteger + WithBootsPriceInteger
Your constants are Decimal (SNOWBOARD_RENTAL_RATE) so, the result of the calc has to go into a Decimal var, but SnowboardPriceInteger and the other are not. An integer cannot store a fractional result from the multiplication or division.
something like:
' sales accumulators
Private TotalSales As Decimal = 0
Private ItemsSold As Integer = 0
Click Event:
' this sale:
Dim Snowboards As Integer
Dim Boots As Integer
' get the values from the text boxes, then:
Dim SnowBoardSale As Decimal = (SnowBoards * SnowBoardRate)
Dim BootsSale As Decimal = (Boots * BootsRate)
Dim ThisSale As Decimal = SnowBoardSale + BootsSale
' update accumulators
TotalSales += ThisSale
ItemsSold += (Boots + Snowboards)
' calc the average
Dim AverageSalesEver AS Decimal = TotalSales / ItemsSold
' Display results in textboxes
'(this exercise is left to the student ;) )
I think you just confused yourself with too many variables and ones left over from old attempts.

Getting an error when I check a check box

I have a pretty basic program as an assignment (I'm a beginner so it's still tricky for me) that requires you to enter a decimal value, and have a check box do a calculation and then show the result in different labels. I'm constantly getting errors when I checkthe check box with no values added.
Private Sub chkGST_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles chkGST.CheckedChanged
'get txtDollarAmt*const dGST (0.07D) display lblGSTOutput. txtDollarAmt+dGST, display lblTotalOutput
Dim dAmt As String
dAmt = Decimal.Parse(txtDollarAmt.Text)
If chkGST.Checked = True Then
lblGSTOutput.Text = dAmt * dGST
End If
End Sub
Dim dAmt As Decimal
If Decimal.TryParse(txtDollarAmt.Text, dAmt) Then
If chkGST.Checked = True Then
lblGSTOutput.Text = dAmt * dGST
End If
End If
Before trying to parse the text(Convert it to Decimal), check if it is null.
Use Try Catch block.
instead of this line.
dAmt = Decimal.Parse(txtDollarAmt.Text)
Use this-
dAmt = Decimal.Parse(txtDollarAmt.Text)
Catch e As FormatException
End Try