when to use Property-Based Testing? - testing

I am trying to learn Propery-Based Testing(PBT)I think I know how to implement it but when should I apply PBT?
For example in this case I am trying to compare if the function getCurrentName() returns the expected name. Should I randomize this test?
public void getNameTest() {
assertEquals(nameProxy, proxyFoto.getCurrentName());

Your question is so generic that it cannot have a specific answer. I suggest you look at some of the stuff that has been written about how to come up with good properties, e.g. https://johanneslink.net/how-to-specify-it/
As for your concrete example, the answer if writing a property for the current name makes sense depends on a few things:
How does the name get into the proxy object? Is there a reasonable chance that depending on the shape/length/encoding etc of the name the behaviour is different?
What is the name being used for? Should it be normalised, formatted, shortened or processed in any specific way?
Properties and PBT are about finding and falsifying assumptions about the behaviour of your code under test. If there is nothing that you might get wrong, any form of automated testing can be considered unnecessary. If there are quite a few edge cases and paths that could show unexpected behaviour, then PBT looks like a worthwhile approach.
As a pragmatic recommendation: Start to translate some of your example tests into properties and see which ones are pulling their weight. Then try to add additional properties, eg by using ideas from the article I linked to.


Downsides about using interface as parameter and return type in OOP

This is a question independent from languages.
Conceptually, it's good to code for interfaces(contracts) instead of specific implementations. I've got no problem understanding merits about the practice.
However, when I really code in that practice, the users of my classes, from time to time need to cast the interfaces for specific needs of specific functions provided by specific classes that implement that interface.
I understand there must be something wrong, either on my side or on the user's side, as the interface should expose all methods/properties(in the case of c#) that can possibly be necessary.
The code base is huge, and the users are clients.
It won't be particularly easy to make changes on either side.
That makes me wonder some downsides about using interface as parameter and return type.
Can people please list demerits of the practice? And please, include any solution if you know how to work around it.
Thanks a lot for enlightening me.
To be a bit more specific:
Assume we have a class called DbInfoExtractor. It has a public method GetInfo, as follows:
public IInformation GetInfo(IInfoParam);
where IInformation is an interface implemented by specific classes like VideoInfo, AudioInfo, TextInfo, etc; IInfoParam is an interface implemented by specific classes like VidoeInfoParam, AudioInfoParam, TextInfoParam, etc;
Apparently, depending on the specific object passed into the method GetInfo, the DbInfoExtractor needs to take different actions, as it is reasonable to assume that for different types of information, the extractor considers different sets of aspects(e.g. {size, title, date} for video, {title, author} for text information, etc) as search keys and search for relevant information in different ways.
Here, I see two options to go on:
1, using if ... else ... to decide what actually to take depending on the type of the parameter the GetInfo method receives. This is certainly bad, as avoiding this situation is one the very reasons we use polymorphism.
2, We should call IInfoParam.TakeAction(), and each specific implementation of IInfoParam has its own TakeAction() method to actually search and find the corresponding information from the database.
This options seems better, but still quite bad, as it shouldn't be the parameter that takes action searching and finding the information; it should be the responsibility of DbInfoExtractor.
So how can I delegate the TakeAction back to DbInfoExtractor? (I actually wrote some code to do this, but it's neither standard nor elegant. Basically I make parameter classes nested classes in DbInfoExtractor, so that they can call various versions of TakeAction of DbInfoExtractor.)
Please enlighten me!
Why not
public IVideoInformation GetVideoInformation(VideoQuery);
public IAudioInformation GetAudioInformation(AudioQuery);
// etc.
It doesn't look like there's a need for polymorphism here.
The query types are Query Objects, if you need those. They probably don't need to be interfaces; they know nothing about the database. A simple list of parameters (maybe just ID) might be sufficient.
The question is what does the client have, and what do they want? That's your interface.
Switch statements and casting are a smell, and typically mean that you've violated the Liskov substitution principle.

Design pattern - object used for common data access

I am looking for the correct design pattern to use in the following situation:
I have a process which runs and during this process I need to attach several properties to an object in the system. The object is of the same type but at runtime it might exhibit slightly different behaviour and therefore the way the properties are set can be different depending on the type.
Regardless of the type and behaviour of these objects I want to set the same properties on each.
I then need an object to parse these properties at another point in the process
What is the best way to approach this?
I would suggest you not try to pick a design pattern before coding. First, write the code. Then, start abstracting any redundant code, or code that varies. To understand abstracting code that varies, read Head First Design Patterns. At the very beginning of that book is an example of abstracting what varies, using the strategy pattern. The SimUDuck example there is one of the best-explained examples I've ever seen of the strategy pattern. It sounds like that's what you're asking about. However, your question doesn't have a concrete example of what you're trying to do, so giving a concrete example is difficult here.
Having said that, it sounds like you need good, ol' fashioned polymorphism here: you need to treat all objects the same way, and set the same properties, just with different values. To do this, create an interface and have all of your different types implement that interface. Then, in the calling/consuming code, deal with each of those concrete types as the interface.
If you try to pick a design pattern first, many times you'll end up finding that things change based on the details of the implementation, and your original guess at a design pattern ends up being the wrong fit. Then you end up coding to meet a design pattern and not solving the real problem. Write the code first, even if it's ugly. Get it working. Then find areas to abstract and it will naturally evolve into a design pattern on its own.
If i properly understand, you want add behaviours in runtime???
If yes, so i think - decorator (aka wrapper) design pattern can be good.

What are the drawbacks of encapsulating arguments for different cases in one object?

I'll give you an example about path finding. When you wnat to find a path, you can pick a final destination, a initial position and find the fastest way between the two, or you can just define the first position, and let the algorithm show every path you can finish, or you may want to mock this for a test and just say the final destination and assume you "teleport" to there, and so on. It's clear that the function is the same: finding a path. But the arguments may vary between implementations. I've searched a lot and found a lot of solutions: getting rid of the interface, putting all the arguments as fields in the implementation, using the visitor pattern...
But I'd like to know from you guys what is the drawback of putting every possible argument (not state) in one object (let's call it MovePreferences) and letting every implementation take what it needs. Sure, may you need another implementation that takes as argument that you didn't expect, you will need to change the MovePreferences, but it don't sound too bad, since you will only add methods to it, not refactor any existing method. Even though this MovePreferences is not an object of my domain, I'm still tempted to do it. What do you think?
(If you have a better solution to this problem, feel free to add it to your answer.)
The question you are asking is really why have interfaces at all, no, why have any concept of context short of 'whatever I need?' I think the answers to that are pretty straightforward: programming with shared global state is easy for you, the programmer, and quickly turns into a vortex for everyone else once they have to coalesce different features, for different customers, render enhancements, etc.
Now the far other end of the spectrum is the DbC argument: every single interface must be a highly constrained contract that not only keeps the knowledge exchanged to an absolute minimum, but makes the possibility of mayhem minimal.
Frankly, this is one of the reasons why dependency injection can quickly turn into a mess: as soon as design issues like this come up, people just start injecting more 'objects,' often to get access to just one property, whose scope might not be the same as the scope of the present operation. [Different kind of nightmare.]
Unfortunately, there's almost no information in your question. Do I think it would be possible to correctly model the notion of a Route? Sure. That doesn't sound very challenging. Here are a few ideas:
Make a class called Route that has starting and ending points. Then a collection of Traversals. The idea here would be that a Route could completely ignore the notion of how someone got from point a to point b, where traversal could contain information about roads, traffic, closures, whatever. Then your mocked case could just have no Traversals inside.
Another option would be to make Route a Composite so that each trip is then seen as the stringing together of various segments. That's the way routes are usually presented: go 2 miles on 2 South, exit, go 3 miles east on Santa Monica Boulevard, etc. In this scenario, you could just have Routes that have no children.
Finally, you will probably need a creational pattern. Perhaps a Builder. That simplifies mocking things too because you can just make a mock builder and have it construct Routes that consist of whatever you need.
The other advantage of combining the Composite and Builder is that you could make a builder that can build a new Route from an existing one by trying to improve only the troubling subsegments, e.g. it got traffic information that the 2S was slow, it could just replace that one segment and present its new route.
Consider an example,
Say if 5 arguments are encapsulated in an object and passed on to 3 methods.
If the object undergoes change in structure, then we need to run test cases for all the 3 methods. Instead if the method accepts only the arguments they need, they need not be tested.
Only problem I see out of this is Increase in Testing Efforts
Secondly you will naturally violate Single Responsibility Principle(SRP) if you pass more arguments than what the method actually needs.

OOP Design Question - Validating properties

I have the habit of always validating property setters against bad data, even if there's no where in my program that would reasonably input bad data. My QA person doesn't want me throwing exceptions unless I can explain where they would occur. Should I be validating all properties? Is there a standard on this I could point to?
public void setName(String newName){
if (newName == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be null");
name = newName;
//Only call to setName(String)
You're enforcing your method's preconditions, which are an important part of its contract. There's nothing wrong with doing that, and it also serves as self-documenting code (if I read your method's code, I immediately see what I shouldn't pass to it), though asserts may be preferable for that.
Personally I prefer using Asserts in these wildly improbable cases just to avoid difficult to read code but to make it clear that assumptions are being made in the function's algorithms.
But, of course, this is very much a judgement call that has to be made on a case-by-case basis. You can see it (and I have seen it) get completely out of hand - to the point where a simple function is turned into a tangle of if statements that pretty much never evaluate to true.
You are doing ok !
Whether it's a setter or a function - always validate and throw meaningfull exception. you never know when you'll need it, and you will...
In general I don't favor this practice. It's not that performing validation is bad, but rather, on things like simple setters it tends to create more clutter than its worth in protecting from bugs. I prefer using unit tests to insure there are no bugs.
Well, it's been awhile since this question was posted but I'd like to give a different point of view on this topic.
Using the specific example you posted, IMHO you should doing validation, but in a different way.
The key to archieving validation lies in the question itself. Think about it: you're dealing with names, not strings.
A string is a name when it's not null. We can also think of additional characteristics that make a string a name: is cannot be empty nor contain spaces.
Suppose you need to add those validation rules: if you stick with your approach you'll end up cluttering your setter as #SingleShot said.
Also, what would you do if more than one domain object has a setName setter?
Even if you use helper classes as #dave does, code will still be duplicated: calls to the helper instances.
Now, think for a moment: what if all the arguments you could ever receive in the setName method were valid? No validation would be needed for sure.
I might sound too optimistic, but it can be done.
Remember you're dealing with names, so why don't model the concept of a name?
Here's a vanilla, dummy implementation to show the idea:
public class Name
public static Name From(String value) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) throw new ...
if (value.contains(' ')) throw new ...
return new Name(value);
private Name(string value) {
this.value = value;
// other Name stuff goes here...
Because validation is happening at the moment of creation, you can only get valid Name instances. There's no way to create a Name instance from an "invalid" string.
Not only the validation code has been centralized, but also exceptions are thrown in a context that have meaning to them (the creation of a Name instance).
You can read about great design principles in Hernan Wilkinson's "Design Principles Behind Patagonia" (the name example is taken from it). Be sure to check the ESUG 2010 Video and the presentation slides
Finally, I think you might find Jim Shore's "Fail Fast" article interesting.
It's a tradeoff. It's more code to write, review and maintain, but you'll probably find problems quicker if somehow a null name gets through.
I lean towards having it because eventually you find you do need it.
I used to have utility classes to keep the code to a minimum. So instead of
if (name == null) { throw new ...
you could have
Then Java added asserts to the language and you could do it more directly. And turn it off if you wanted.
It's well done in my opinion. For null values throw IllegalArgumentException. For other kind of validations you should consider using a customized exceptions hierarchy related to your domain objects.
I'm not aware of any documented standard that says 'validate all user input' but it's a very good idea. In the current version of the program it may not be possible to access this particular property with invalid data but that's not going to prevent it from happening in the future. All sorts of interesting things happen during maintenance. And hey, you never know when someone will reuse the class in another application that doesn't validate data before passing it in.

testing objects using DAO

Continuing another but similar question about testing (see here). I'll use a similare example (pseudocode)
class LinkDisplayer
method constructor(LinkStorage)
method displayLatestLinksByCategory(number_of_them)
class LinkStorage
method saveLink(Link)
method retrieveLatestLinksByCategory(category, number_of_them)
class Link
method getUrl()
method getDescription()
method getCategory()
So the linkDisplayer uses the LinkStorage to get Link(s). The behavior I want to test is 'shouldDisplayLatestLinks'. In my test, do I need to mock LinkStorage, and let it return mocked Link objects with mocked getUrl() etc behavior?
Testing 'leaf' classes is easy enough but I still find it very difficult to find my way in testing the other ones.
Short Answer:
You should be mocking/stubbing anything that is not under the direct control of your SUT. Only test the behavior of your SUT, and never write a test that attempts to confirm behavior that is outside that scope (ie. testing mocks/stubs).
Long Answer:
it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees. When you are the one who wrote all the code you can find it difficult sometimes to steer clear of testing too granular of an implementation detail.
You have the right idea with wanting to test behavior, and rightly so red flags went off when you started thinking about your test. This is exactly what TDD is all about, as it helps to expose design flaws. Just remember though, only test the behavior of the SUT. Everything else should be under the control of your unit test (mocks), otherwise it would not be a unit test.
Put yourself in the position of the consumer of the LinkDisplayer class, and ask yourself "How would I use this in production code?" You would probably just call the method and expect that it worked. You most certainly would not make a call to the database to ensure that it did in fact retrieve the correct number of elements, or that they were sorted by category would you? So why attempt to write a test for that.
What should the end result be of calling displayLatestLinksByCategory?
I see two possible answers to that question based on your sample, and what actions you should take based on those answers:
Get some stuff from the database using a specific method, and display it somewhere.
If this is what that method does, then those are the only two things you should be testing for. Mainly, that the right method was called on the data access component with the right arguments; and that the data returned got to where it needed to go.
What you should not be testing is the shape*** of the data returned as this would only be testing behavior that your test is already in complete control over. It would be like testing that a variable you just set to true in your test is in fact true.
Get some stuff from the database using a specific method and return it
At this point red flags should be going off all over the place. If this is the only thing that this method is good for, then you have to ask yourself why you would not just call the data access method directly? As the consumer of this class you already have control over which data access component is being used (you provided it) so why have a middle man.
* It is ok to test how your SUT responds to specifically shaped data. You might want to throw an exeption if null is returned, or the collection is empty. You might want to clip extra values from the list if more than N were returned, but you never want to test something that is outside the behavior of your SUT. Because you are in direct control over how the data being returned from you mocks is shaped, testing that would lead to the worst kind of test possible; a test that doesn't test anything, but still passes.