Unable to run kotlinc-native command - kotlin

I'm trying to run the Kotlin/Native Hello Program
but the terminal says the command kotlin-native cannot be found. I'm on a MacBook, using zsh (get same error when I use bash) and installed Kotlin via Homebrew before, so kotlin and it's compiler works on my machine, the kotlinc command works just fine. I'm trying to use the compiler instead of gradle for now. Is there a different command I'm supposed to be using?

It sound like you may have had a similar problem to me. Installing kotlin-native via homebrew did not install the kotlinc-native command.
To get the command working, I had to do the following:
Go to https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases and get the latest version of Kotlin
Extract it to .kotlin in the home directory
Add export PATH="$HOME/.kotlin/bin:$PATH" to .zshrc
The problem with this method is that it's completely disconnected from Homebrew. You will have to run the steps again every time you want to update Kotlin.

You've typed kotlin-native but the tutorial says kotlinc-native, which is the actual name of the process file.
If kotlinc works then you might just have a typeo.
I don't use these processes directly, but I'm somewhat familiar with them. My guess is check the name.


GNUstep - fatal error: 'objc/objc.h' file not found on Ubuntu 20.04

I have the following problem:
I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and I am trying to set up GNUstep which is required for certain source binaries I want to build
(for the sake of completion, the program I want to build is called Advanced Rendering Toollḱit, information can be found here: https://cgg.mff.cuni.cz/ART/).
When building with the clang-9 compiler, after invoking the make command, I receive this error message:
fatal error: 'objc/objc.h' file not found
I should mention that I am still fairly new to Linux in general. What I did was installing GNUstep via
sudo apt-get install gnustep gnustep-devel
as advised on the website (http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/GNUstep_under_Ubuntu_Linux). It resulted in receiving the mentioned error.
/usr/include/GNUstep/Foundation/Foundation.h:31:9: fatal error: 'objc/objc.h' file not found
The next thing I tried was to download the provided configuration scripts from the same webpage and execute them. When I did, I received the following feedback:
checking whether objc really works... no. I don't seem to be able to use your Objective-C compiler to produce
working binaries! Please check your Objective-C compiler installation.
If you are using gcc-3.x make sure that your compiler's libgcc_s and libobjc
can be found by the dynamic linker - usually that requires you to play
with LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/ld.so.conf.
Please refer to your compiler installation instructions for more help.
configure: error: The Objective-C compiler does not work or is not installed properly.
Maybe I am getting something wrong, however, my whole intention of installing GNUstep is to make Objective-C programming possible on a non-Apple machine. Therefore I do not understand why it is complaining about a non-working Objective-C compiler (by the way, I end up with the same result when using gcc and g++ as compilers).
I did do some research and I came across some StackOverflow posts, suggesting me to install libobjc2, but I suspect this to be depreciated with Ubuntu 20.04.
I honestly don't know what's wrong and I highly appreciate a little push in the right direction! Many thanks in advance for helping me!
Although I cannot tell what exactly the bug was in my case, I got some external help and together we came up with a solution that worked for me.
For debugging purposes, we created a test user account in my Ubuntu environment and repeated the whole process. It worked flawlessly.
We concluded that something must have been wrong locally with regard to my user account. I am sure there was something wrong with my environment variables, although I failed to clearly identify the bug (I am a Linux beginner). I chose the easy way out, backed up important files, deleted and re-created my root user account and then it worked. I hope, this may help any other who has the same problem.
#skaak, thank you for your help and suggestions!
As people are pointing, if you want to use clang to compile objective C programs in Ubuntu you have to install libobjc2 (mainstream project here) but it's currently not packaged in Ubuntu. It's possible that there was a package with the same or similar name, as you found out, but that was a different thing. This manual installation worked for me:
wget https://github.com/gnustep/libobjc2/archive/v2.0.tar.gz
tar xvzf v2.0.tar.gz
cd libobjc2-2.0
mkdir build
cd build
export CC=`which clang`
export CXX=`which clang++`
cmake ..
sudo make install

Compile lime-legacy on RPi

I am trying to run some code on RPi2 and unfortunately I am forced (thanks to haxeui) to use legacy version of the lime. There is no precompiled version for RPI, so I have to build it on my own.
Trying to run hxcpp build in on legacy/project ends up with error, that options file is not provided.
Second thing I tried is executing
lime rebuild linux -Dlegacy -Drpi -v
But it seems, that legacy flag get overridden with the rpi as no legacy file is created.
I am using git version of lime/openfl/haxe/hxcpp on latest rasbpian which I compiled thanks to the http://www.gepatto.nl/get-piratepig-running-on-a-raspberry-pi-2-with-raspbian-jessie/ tutorial.
How can I run build with both legacy and rpi flags?
Via OpenFL forum, current dev branches does no longer support legacy, yo you need to switch to openfl3 branch for openfl and master branch for lime.

How to add Major compiler framework

I am trying to automatically generate some mutation for a java program using Major through Mac terminal. And in Major's document, it states installation is just to unzip the folder. However, my terminal seems not to recognize the Major commends, in other words, it is not using the Major compiler. Has anyone encountered a similar situation? What should I do to use its compiler?
Solution by adding it to the executable path in terminal:
export PATH="/Users/username/Desktop/major-1.1.7_jre7/major/bin:$PATH"

Bugzilla install on Windows 7 with Apache & Mysql

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
Apache 2.2.25
ActivePerl 5.18.2 Build 1802 (64 bit)
Bugzilla 4.4.5 (extracted)
Okay, I have followed step-by-step instructions as indicated here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Win32Install
There's 1 major issue that I've researched all day and cannot find a solution. It's the "ppm install DBD-mysql" issue. There is no "DBD-mysql". When I use the ppm gui, there's a DBD-mysqlpp , but that's not what's needed.
When I run in a command window: C:\bugzilla\checksetup.pl , I get the only error:
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) not found
For MySQL, Bugzilla requires that perl's DBD::mysql 4.001 or later be
installed. To install this module, run the following command (as Administrator):
ppm install DBD-mysql
Well, I found DBD-mysql 4.028 here: http://search.cpan.org/~capttofu/DBD-mysql-4.028
However, trying to get the perl ppm (perl package manager) gui to see it, but even pointing the link in the gui preferences it still wouldn't see it to download and install it. This sucks.
So, I manually downloaded it and saw some crap "makefile.pl" file. Look, I use WINDOWS not LINUX, so naturally I rolled my eyes but it quickly became clear that I HAD to do this. Well, after about an hour of screwing around I was finally able to make a mysql_config.pl file. Oh wow, great.... now what!? What do I do next with this??
Not only is this part aggravating, but now I need mod_perl in my Apache. Okay, so I look in my .conf file where I can uncomment:
#LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
Guess what... it's not there. (facepalm)
So I researched and downloaded mod_perl 2.0.8 from: http://perl.apache.org/download/index.html
Heh, ... guess what... another damn "makefile" file!! Let me tell you, this is as bad as being a MAC user in the late 90's and trying to find a program to be compatible.
So, my 2 main questions are these:
How do I get DBD-mysql properly installed
How do I get the mod_perl properly installed
I have been working 12 hours non-stop trying to get Bugzilla installed. At this point, I'm so frustrated beyond believe I'm ready to scrap this and install flyspray or some other php/mysql bug tracking system.
For future reference in case anyone stumbles upon this item:
Most Perl modules have installation instructions, either in their .pod documentation or in a README or INSTALL file.
Most Perl modules follow a similar installation mechanism: create a makefile; run make; make test (which runs a set of tests, unsurprisingly), and then install the module. From the commandline, this looks like the following:
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Both mod_perl and DBD::mysql have platform-specific installation information in the release notes.
DBD-mysql is a package that you can find in ActiveState Package Repository. That means that it should be installed at the time you installed ActivePerl, making your question really strange. I know it because I just did it yesterday, and everything worked just fine.
A possible solution for this issue is:
Open the command line in Windows;
Type ppm, press enter and wait. A GUI for the Perl Package Manager will be displayed;
Search for DBD-mysql. If you find it, schedule it for installation by right-clicking it and clicking on Install DBD-mysql 4.022;
Although, you probably won't find it. If you don't, press Ctrl+P and, in the dialog that appears, select the Repositories tab. Add a new repository:
Name: ActiveState-Package-Repository
Location: http://ppm4.activestate.com/MSWin32-x64/5.16/1604/package.xml
It will update the list of packages. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
If you prefer doing it by the command line, these are the instructions:
ppm repo add ActiveState-Package-Repository http://ppm4.activestate.com/MSWin32-x64/5.16/1604/package.xml
ppm install DBD-mysql

Can't uninstall GlassFish 3

Okay, so here is the deal:
I was trying to install the java jdk so i can work on an android project in eclipse on this computer, but there are just so many different installations of java its impossible, for me atleast, to figure out exactly which one i needed. so i went with "JDK 7u3 with Java EE". But this also installed this GlassFish stuff, which i have no idea what is or what it does, and when i was going through all the eclipse stuff i decided to just keep my other computer for work. so i removed eclipsed and the stuff needed for that, and i removed the java stuff, but then when i try to uninstall the GlassFish, it can't, and gives me the error:
"Could not find the required version of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment in '(null)'."
I have now been trying for several hours, scouring the web to figure out some way of removing this, install all kinds of java stuff, removing it again, reinstalling, but nothing works. I don't really care what GlassFish is or what it does, i just want it, and all the java stuff gone for good.
How can i accomplish this?
under Microsoft Windows 7 (or others), use that command line :
uninstall.exe -j "%JAVA_HOME%"
You installed first jdk1.6 then uninstalled it. In this time, you install glassfish3 and glassfish wrote set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_x in its config file but you use now jdk1.7
Open C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat
Search 'set AS_JAVA'
Change its value to your current jdk path ( eg. C:\Progra¨1\Java\jdk1.7.xx )
Try to uninstall again.
You can run the uninstall specifying the jvm to use:
try this following command to uninstall
C:\glassfish3\uninstall.exe -j <java home dir>
as stated in the error message. it worked for me.
GlassFish is a Java EE application server developed in open source, so you can create server-side services that your android apps can consume. Of course, is sounds like you are not really interested in this :-)
The Java EE SDK install/uninstall instructions are here: http://java.sun.com/javaee/sdk/javaee6sdk_install.jsp
What you probably want to download, the Java 7 SDK (JDK 7) is here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
Make sure you download the JDK (Java Developer Kit) and not the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
Hope this helps.
These didn't work for me running java 1.6.0_24 in Windows 7:
I tried modifying the asenv.bat file that glassfish uses to find the jre to point to my jre.
I tried manually putting it in as in C:\glassfish3\uninstall.exe -j . This was per the official Oracle documentation.
The only thing that worked was to use the original path and move the bin and lib folders from my java installation to the directory that the error dialog
specified. Then the Glassfish uninstall started up and completed with no problems.
I was able to uninstall the glasshfish server by using the below command
uninstall.exe -javahome "%JAVA_HOME%"
Note: We need to set the JAVA_HOME in the environment variable and classpath variable