I would like to call many existing functions like action_confirm () from the server action without going through development. It's possible ? Can you help me ?
Thank you !
I managed to do this following method :
if records:
action = records.print_quotation()
for record in records:
record.message_post(body="Lien bon de commande")
# record.message_post(body="MESSAGE TEST ON LOGGER")
# record.message_post(body=record.action_confirm())
But I don't understand why action_confirm is in a loop and print_quotation is declare via action =. It works but I don't quite understand the logic. If I reverse the roles it doesn't work
The common syntax of record rules is ['|',('user_id','=',user.id),('user_id','=',False)]]
Is there any possiblilties we can use a python method to get the dynamic ids of user?
For Example
You can try something like,
['|',('user_id','=', user.env["your.model"].get_userid().id), ('user_id','=',False)]
def get_userid(self):
domain = []
return self.env["res.user"].search(domain)
Let me know if this works for you.
I have a java function which performs a SQL query:
SELECT usernum, username, uniquenum
FROM table
WHERE username = ? AND uniqenum = ?
In my localhost I can call the similar function with one variable as http://localhost:8080/listUsers?uniqenum=5 but how can I call a function with two variables?
I have tried http://localhost:8080/listUsers?username="John"&uniqenum=5 but it doesn't work.
Assuming that your Java code is set up to take GET requests properly, all you really need to do is remove the double quotes.
Our application uses a number of environments so we can experiment with settings without breaking things. In a typical controller action, I have something like this:
def some_action
if #foo.development_mode == 'Production'
#settings = SomeHelper::Production.lan(bar)
elsif #foo.development_mode == 'Beta'
#settings = SomeHelper::Beta.lan(nas)
elsif #foo.development_mode == 'Experimental'
#settings = SomeHelper::Experimental.lan(nas)
Since we have dozens of these, I figured I could try and dry things up with something like this:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}.lan(bar)"
Which obviously doesn't work - I just get:
How can I reduce this down or do I have to stick with what I've got??
If your concern is that you're ending up with a String rather than the object, you can use String.constantize (Rails only, with standard Ruby you'd have to implement this; it uses Object.const_get(String))
Another option would be .const_get (e.g. Object.const_get(x) where x is your string), you it doesn't, on its own, nest correctly, so you would have to split at "::", etc.
Also, there's the option of using eval to evaluate the String.
But note: eval should be used with great care (it's powerful), or not at all.
This means that instead of:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}.lan(bar)"
You could run:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}".constantize.lan(bar)
Useful Sources:
In the first case, #settings receives the result of the method SomeHelper::Production.lan(bar); in the second, #settings just gets a string. You could use the send method of Object linked here to fire the method, or eval, but this wouldn't be my first choice.
It looks like you might be reinventing a wheel -- Rails already has the concept of "environments" pretty well wired into everything -- they are defined in app/config/environments. You set the environment when you launch the server, and can test like Rails.env.production?. To create new environments, just copy the existing environment file of the one closest to the new one, e.g. copy production.rb to beta.rb and edit as necessary, then test Rails.env.beta?, for example.
But this still leaves you testing which one all over the place. You can add to the config hash (e.g. config.some_helper.lan = 'bar'), which value you can assign to #settings directly. You have to make sure there's either a default or it's defined in all environments, but I think this is probably the right approach ... not knowing exactly what you aim to accomplish.
If I were retrieving the data I wanted from a plain sql query, the following would suffice:
select * from stvterm where stvterm_code > TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()
I have a grails domain set up correctly for this table, and I can run the following code successfully:
def a = SaturnStvterm.findAll("from SaturnStvterm as s where id > 201797") as JSON
return false
In other words, I can hardcode in the results from the Oracle function and have the HQL run correctly, but it chokes any way that I can figure to try it with the function. I have read through some of the documentation on Hibernate about using procs and functions, but I'm having trouble making much sense of it. Can anyone give me a hint as to the proper way to handle this?
Also, since I think it is probably relevant, there aren't any synonyms in place that would allow the function to be called without qualifying it as schema.package.function(). I'm sure that'll make things more difficult. This is all for Grails 1.3.7, though I could use a later version if needed.
To call a function in HQL, the SQL dialect must be aware of it. You can add your function at runtime in BootStrap.groovy like this:
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate
import org.hibernate.Hibernate
def dialect = applicationContext.sessionFactory.dialect
def getCurrentTerm = new SQLFunctionTemplate(Hibernate.INTEGER, "TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()")
dialect.registerFunction('F_Get_Current_term', getCurrentTerm)
Once registered, you should be able to call the function in your queries:
def a = SaturnStvterm.findAll("from SaturnStvterm as s where id > TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()")
I was wondering how I would go about checking to see if a table contains a value in a certain column.
I need to check if the column 'e-mail' contains an e-mail someone is trying to register with, and if something exists, do nothing, however, if nothing exists, insert the data into the database.
All I need to do is check if the e-mail column contains the value the user is registering with.
I'm using the RedBeanPHP ORM, I can do this without using it but I need to use that for program guidelines.
I've tried finding them but if they don't exist it returns an error within the redbean PHP file. Here's the error:Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in /home/aeterna/www/user/rb.php on line 2433
Here's the code that I'm using when trying this:
function searchDatabase($email) {
return R::findOne('users', 'email LIKE "' . $email . '"');
My approach on the function would be
function searchDatabase($email) {
$data = array('email' => $email);
$user = R::findOne('users', 'email LIKE :email, $data);
if (!empty($user)) {
// do stuff here
} // end if
} // end function
It's a bit more clean and in your function
Seems like you are not connected to a database.
Have you done R::setup() before R::find()?
RedBeanPHP raises this error if it can't find the R::$redbean instance, the facade static functions just route calls to the $redbean object (to hide all object oriented fuzzyness for people who dont like that sort of thing).
However you need to bootstrap the facade using R::setup(). Normally you can start using RB with just two lines:
require('rb.php'); //cant make this any simpler :(
R::setup(); //this could be done in rb.php but people would not like that ;)
//and then go...
R::find( ... );
I recommend to check whether the $redbean object is available or whether for some reason the code flow has skipped the R::setup() boostrap method.
Edited to account for your updated question:
According to the error message, the error is happening inside the function find() in rb.php on line 2433. I'm guessing that rb.php is the RedBean package.
Make sure you've included rb.php in your script and set up your database, according to the instructions in the RedBean Manual.
As a starting point, look at what it's trying to do on line 2433 in rb.php. It appears to be calling a method on an invalid object. Figure out where that object is being created and why it's invalid. Maybe the find function was supplied with bad parameters.
Feel free to update your question by pasting the entirety of the find() function in rb.php and please indicate which line is 2433. If the function is too lengthy, you can paste it on a site like pastebin.com and link to it from here.
Your error sounds like you haven't done R::setup() yet.
My approach to performing the check you want would be something like this:
$count = count(R::find('users', 'email LIKE :email', array(':email' => $email)));
if($count === 0)
$user = R::dispense('users');
$user->name = $name;
$user->email = $email;
$user->dob = $dob;
I don't know if it is this basic or not, but with SQL (using PHP for variables), a query could look like
$lookup = 'customerID';
$result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT columnName IN tableName WHERE id='".$lookup."' LIMIT 1"));
$exists = is_null($result['columnName'])?false:true;
If you're just trying to find a single value in a database, you should always limit your result to 1, that way, if it is found in the first record, your query will stop.
Hope this helps