How to call postgres position() function in jpa query - sql

I'm want to retreive posts from database ordered by ids given in IN operator
I'm using below spring data JPA query to get posts from database, but postgres is not respecting order of rows specified in given postIds list in result and returning result ordered by postId descending (or ascending, doesn't matter)
#Query("SELECT p from Post p where p.postId in (:postIds))
fun findPostByIdIn(postIds: List<Long>): List<Post>
To maintain order of result, i could use this query
SELECT p from posts p where p.post_id in (10000442, 10000436, 10000440) ORDER BY POSITION(post_id::text IN '10000442, 10000436, 10000440');
My question is, how can i use position() function (which is standard postgresql function) from jpa query with given params? Do i must need to use native query? If so, how can i use native query in spring boot ?
I've tried below query but both of them are not working
"SELECT p from posts p where p.post_id in (:postIds) ORDER BY POSITION(p.post_id::text IN ':postIds')",
nativeQuery = true
"SELECT p from posts p where p.post_id in (:postIds) ORDER BY POSITION(p.post_id\\:\\:text IN ':postIds')",
nativeQuery = true
It says ` The column name post_id was not found in this ResultSet.`

Try to make List<Object[]> as return type instead of List then check result content to analyze the issue.


Why Spring Data JPA is not support "limit" statement? [duplicate]

In Hibernate 3, is there a way to do the equivalent of the following MySQL limit in HQL?
select * from a_table order by a_table_column desc limit 0, 20;
I don't want to use setMaxResults if possible. This definitely was possible in the older version of Hibernate/HQL, but it seems to have disappeared.
This was posted on the Hibernate forum a few years back when asked about why this worked in Hibernate 2 but not in Hibernate 3:
Limit was never a supported clause
in HQL. You are meant to use
So if it worked in Hibernate 2, it seems that was by coincidence, rather than by design. I think this was because the Hibernate 2 HQL parser would replace the bits of the query that it recognised as HQL, and leave the rest as it was, so you could sneak in some native SQL. Hibernate 3, however, has a proper AST HQL Parser, and it's a lot less forgiving.
I think Query.setMaxResults() really is your only option.
// SQL: SELECT * FROM table LIMIT start, maxRows;
Query q = session.createQuery("FROM table");
If you don't want to use setMaxResults() on the Query object then you could always revert back to using normal SQL.
The setFirstResult and setMaxResults Query methods
For a JPA and Hibernate Query, the setFirstResult method is the equivalent of OFFSET, and the setMaxResults method is the equivalent of LIMIT:
List<Post> posts = entityManager.createQuery("""
select p
from Post p
order by p.createdOn
The LimitHandler abstraction
The Hibernate LimitHandler defines the database-specific pagination logic, and as illustrated by the following diagram, Hibernate supports many database-specific pagination options:
Now, depending on the underlying relational database system you are using, the above JPQL query will use the proper pagination syntax.
SELECT AS id1_0_,
p.created_on AS created_2_0_,
p.title AS title3_0_
FROM post p
ORDER BY p.created_on
LIMIT ?, ?
SELECT AS id1_0_,
p.created_on AS created_2_0_,
p.title AS title3_0_
FROM post p
ORDER BY p.created_on
SQL Server
SELECT AS id1_0_,
p.created_on AS created_on2_0_,
p.title AS title3_0_
FROM post p
ORDER BY p.created_on
row_.*, rownum rownum_
SELECT AS id1_0_,
p.created_on AS created_on2_0_,
p.title AS title3_0_
FROM post p
ORDER BY p.created_on
) row_
WHERE rownum <= ?
WHERE rownum_ > ?
The advantage of using setFirstResult and setMaxResults is that Hibernate can generate the database-specific pagination syntax for any supported relational databases.
And, you are not limited to JPQL queries only. You can use the setFirstResult and setMaxResults method seven for native SQL queries.
Native SQL queries
You don't have to hardcode the database-specific pagination when using native SQL queries. Hibernate can add that to your queries.
So, if you're executing this SQL query on PostgreSQL:
List<Tuple> posts = entityManager.createNativeQuery(
p.title AS title
from post p
ORDER BY p.created_on
""", Tuple.class)
Hibernate will transform it as follows:
p.title AS title
FROM post p
ORDER BY p.created_on
Cool, right?
Beyond SQL-based pagination
Pagination is good when you can index the filtering and sorting criteria. If your pagination requirements imply dynamic filtering, it's a much better approach to use an inverted-index solution, like ElasticSearch.
If you don't want to use setMaxResults, you can also use Query.scroll instead of list, and fetch the rows you desire. Useful for paging for instance.
You can easily use pagination for this.
#QueryHints({ #QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.cacheable", value = "true") })
#Query("select * from a_table order by a_table_column desc")
List<String> getStringValue(Pageable pageable);
you have to pass new PageRequest(0, 1)to fetch records and from the list fetch the first record.
You need to write a native query, refer this.
#Query(value =
"SELECT * FROM user_metric UM WHERE UM.user_id = :userId AND UM.metric_id = :metricId LIMIT :limit", nativeQuery = true)
List<UserMetricValue> findTopNByUserIdAndMetricId(
#Param("userId") String userId, #Param("metricId") Long metricId,
#Param("limit") int limit);
String hql = "select userName from AccountInfo order by points desc 5";
This worked for me without using setmaxResults();
Just provide the max value in the last (in this case 5) without using the keyword limit.
My observation is that even you have limit in the HQL (hibernate 3.x), it will be either causing parsing error or just ignored. (if you have order by + desc/asc before limit, it will be ignored, if you don't have desc/asc before limit, it will cause parsing error)
If can manage a limit in this mode
public List<ExampleModel> listExampleModel() {
return listExampleModel(null, null);
public List<ExampleModel> listExampleModel(Integer first, Integer count) {
Query tmp = getSession().createQuery("from ExampleModel");
if (first != null)
if (count != null)
return (List<ExampleModel>)tmp.list();
This is a really simple code to handle a limit or a list.
Criteria criteria=curdSession.createCriteria(DTOCLASS.class).addOrder(Order.desc("feild_name"));
List<DTOCLASS> users = (List<DTOCLASS>) criteria.list();
for (DTOCLASS user : users) {
Below snippet is used to perform limit query using HQL.
Query query = session.createQuery("....");
You can get demo application at this link.
You can use below query
NativeQuery<Object[]> query = session.createNativeQuery("select * from employee limit ?");
#Query(nativeQuery = true,
value = "select from otp u where =:email order by u.dateTime desc limit 1")
public List<otp> findOtp(#Param("email") String email);

Query with a sub query that requires multiple values

I can't really think of a title so let me explain the problem:
Problem: I want to return an array of Posts with each Post containing a Like Count. The Like Count is for a specific post but for all users who have liked it
For example:
const posts = [
post_id: 1,
like_count: 100
post_id: 2,
like_count: 50
Now with my current solution, I don't think it's possible but here is what I have so far.
My query currently looks like this (produced by TypeORM):
"p"."uid" AS "p_uid",
"p"."created_at" AS "post_created_at",
"l"."uid" AS "like_uid",
"l"."post_liked" AS "post_liked",
"ph"."path" AS "path",
"ph"."title" AS "photo_title",
"u"."name" AS "post_author",
COUNT(like_id) AS "like_count"
"likes" "l"
"posts" "p"
ON "p"."post_id" = "l"."post_id"
"l"."post_liked" = true
AND l.post_id = $1
AS "like_count"
"posts" "p"
"likes" "l"
ON "l"."post_id" = "p"."post_id"
"photos" "ph"
ON "ph"."photo_id" = "p"."photo_id"
"users" "u"
ON "u"."user_id" = "p"."user_id"
At $1 is where the post.post_id should go (but for the sake of testing I stuck the first post's id in there), assuming I have an array of post_ids ready to put in there.
My TypeORM query looks like this
async findAll(): Promise<Post[]> {
return await getRepository(Post)
.addSelect(subQuery =>
.select('COUNT(like_id)', 'like_count')
.from(Like, 'l')
.innerJoin('', 'p')
.where('l.post_liked = true AND l.post_id = :post_id', {post_id: 'a16f0c3e-5aa0-4cf8-82da-dfe27d3f991a'}), 'like_count'
.addSelect('p.created_at', 'post_created_at')
.addSelect('', 'post_author')
.addSelect('l.uid', 'like_uid')
.addSelect('l.post_liked', 'post_liked')
.addSelect('ph.title', 'photo_title')
.addSelect('ph.path', 'path')
.leftJoin('p.likes', 'l')
.innerJoin('', 'ph')
.innerJoin('p.user', 'u')
Why am I doing this? What I am trying to avoid is calling count for every single post on my page to return the number of likes for each post. I thought I could somehow do this in a subquery but now I am not sure if it's possible.
Can someone suggest a more efficient way of doing something like this? Or is this approach completely wrong?
I find working with ORMs terrible and cannot help you with this. But the query itself has flaws:
You want one row per post, but you are joining likes, thus getting one row per post and like.
Your subquery is not related to your main query. It should instead relate to the main query's post.
The corrected query:
ph.path AS photo_path,
ph.title AS photo_title, AS post_author,
FROM likes l
WHERE l.post_id = p.post_id
AND l.post_liked = true
) AS like_count
FROM posts p
JOIN photos ph ON ph.photo_id = p.photo_id
JOIN users u ON u.user_id = p.user_id
ORDER BY p.uid;
I suppose it's quite easy for you to convert this to TypeORM. There is nothing wrong with counting for every single post, by the way. It is even necessary to get the result you are after.
The subquery could also be moved to the FROM clause using GROUP BY l.post_id within. As is, you are getting all posts, regardless of them having likes or not. By moving the subquery to the FROM clause, you could instead decide between INNER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN.
The query would benefit from the following index:
CREATE INDEX idx ON likes (post_id, post_liked);
Provide this index, if the query seems too slow.

JPA and JPQL LIMIT when used in subquery

First I would like to point that I know how I could do this in SQL by using the LIMIT but because JPQL doesn't allow LIMIT keyword hence my question:
I have a JPQL query that return places and their linked tags:
List<Object[]> p = entityManager.createQuery("
SELECT p, t.tagName
FROM Place p LEFT JOIN .... ...
for example this could return
place1 | tag1
place1 | tag2
place1 | tag3
place2 | tag1
place2 | tag4
Now.. I obviously cannot simply return the full database places.. and i cannot simply put a LIMIT at the end of the quest because im returning tags so I don't how how many row etc..
In SQL I would do something like this
SELECT, t.tag_name FROM ... WHERE p.idPlace IN (SELECT p.idPlace FROM ... WHERE... LIMTI 10);
I would make a sub query and use the LIMIT in there to only select the place I want.
But because JPQL doesn't allow LIMIT, for now what I'm doing is a 2nd Database call to retrieve my desired placeIds and using the entityManager setMaxResult. to limit. and then I feed these Ids into the other query.
Could someone more experienced with JPA tell me if this a good practice? Is there a other way of doing the things without having to make 2 separated database call ?
Ps: the reason i'm selecting t.tagName directly in the query is because the collection PlaceTag (inside the Place entity) is LAZILY initialised and if I access it in java it will trigger an extra database call.. I DID i have tried to use JOIN FETCH like this:
List<Place> places = entityManager.createQuery("" +
"SELECT p FROM Place p " +
"JOIN FETCH p.PlaceTag pt " +
"JOIN FETCH pt.tag t").setMaxResults(10).getResultList();
So I could do something like this in java (without triggering a new database when accessing p.getPlaceTag() and getTag()
for (Place p : places) {
for (PlaceTag pt: p.getPlaceTag())
But I get this error about the query:
Query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched
association was not present in the select list
Thank you!
String query = "SELECT p FROM Place p "
+ "JOIN p.PlaceTag pt "
+ "JOIN pt.tag t";
List<Place> places = entityManager.createQuery(query)
.setFirstResult((pageNumber-1) * pageSize)

translating a query on collections from SQL to nhibernate

I have a database schema, where I have a Product, Category, CategoryFeature, and an ProductCategoryFeatureValue.
The Model is mapped using Fluent NHibernate, but basically is as follows.
Category [one] <-> [many] CategoryFeature
Product [many] <-> [many] ProductCategoryFeatureValue
Basically, the features available to a product are listed in the ProductCategoryFeatureValue table, which is the 'middle-link' for the many-to-many collection.
I need to create a query, where i can find all products, which have ALL the features selected by the user.
Example, doing a search for two features with ids 643229 & 667811 in SQL terms, I would do something like this:
JOIN ProductCategoryFeatureValue AS feature1 ON = feature1.ProductID AND feature1.categoryfeatureid = 643229
JOIN productcategoryfeaturevalue AS feature2 ON = feature2.ProductID AND feature2.categoryfeatureid = 667811
Another query which I could do is this:
((SELECT id FROM productcategoryfeaturevalue AS feature1 WHERE feature1.ItemGroupID = AND feature1.categoryFeatureID = 643229 LIMIT 1) IS NOT NULL)
((SELECT id FROM productcategoryfeaturevalue AS feature2 WHERE feature2.ItemGroupID = AND feature2.categoryFeatureID = 667811 LIMIT 1) IS NOT NULL)
Both have been tested and work well. However, I cannot seem to reproduce them using NHibernate. Any ideas?
I believe you want something like this in SQL
Select *
from Products p
where in (
select fv.ProductId
from ProductCategoryFeatureValue fv
where fv.CategoryFeatureID in (643229,643230)
group by fv.ProductId
having count(*)=#NumberOfDistinctFeaturesSelected
That will stop you having to JOIN to the ProductCategoryFeatureValue table multiple times for every feature selected by the user. At the very least your going to get a nicer query plan. If you don't like the IN clause you could also use a temp table instead.
In terms of translating this into NHibernate it doesn't support any HAVING clause logic in the Criteria API but it is supported using HQL.
HQL Examples
var results = session.CreateQuery("from Product p where p.Id in (
select fv.Product.Id
from ProductCategoryFeatureValue fv
where fv.CategoryFeature.Id in :featureids
group by fv.Product.Id
having count(fv)=:features
.SetParameter("featureids", arrayOfFeatureIds)
.SetParameter("features", arrayOfFeatureIds.Count)
Not 100% sure from the question exactly what your mappings are but this may be close to what you need
object[] featureIds = new object[2];
featureIds[0] = 643229;
featureIds[1] = 667811;
ICriteria criteria = base.CreateCriteria(typeof(Product));
"ProductCategoryFeatureValue", JoinType.InnerJoin);
"CategoryFeature", JoinType.InnerJoin);
criteria.Add(Expression.In("CategoryFeature.ID", featureIds));
If the "Expression.In" doesn;t quite do what you are after you could just do a quick loop adding
criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("CategoryFeature.ID", featureIds[i]));
I think your biggest problem is adding a condition on a join. I haven't tried it yet, but have been looking forward to the feature of NH 3.+ that lets you add a criteria join.
CreateAlias(string associationPath, string alias, JoinType joinType, ICriterion withClause) CreateCriteria(string associationPath, string alias, JoinType joinType, ICriterion withClause)

NHibernate Return Values

I am currently working on a project using NHiberate as the DAL with .NET 2.0 and NHibernate 2.2.
Today I came to a point where I had to join a bunch of entities/collections to get what I want. That is fine.
What got me was that I do not want the query to return a list of objects of a certain entity type but rather the result would include various properties from different entities.
The following query is not what I am doing but it is kind of query that I am talking about here.
select, sum(price.amount), count(item)
from Order as order
join order.lineItems as item
join item.product as product,
Catalog as catalog
join catalog.prices as price
where order.paid = false
and order.customer = :customer
and price.product = product
and catalog.effectiveDate < sysdate
and catalog.effectiveDate >= all (
select cat.effectiveDate
from Catalog as cat
where cat.effectiveDate < sysdate
group by order
having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount
order by sum(price.amount) desc
My question is, in this case what type result is supposed to be returned? It is certainly not of type Order, neither is of type LineItems.
Thanks for your help!
you can always use List of object[] for returning data and it will work fine.
This is called a projection, and it happens any time you specify an explicit select clause that contains rows from various tables (or even aggregate / summary data from a single table).
Using LINQ you can create anonymous objects to store these rows of data, like this:
var crunchies = (from foo in bar
where foo.baz == quux
select new { foo.corge, foo.grault }).ToList();
Then you can do crunchies[0].corge for example to pull out the rows & columns.
If you are using NHibernate.Linq this will "just work".
If you're using HQL or Criteria API, then what Fahad mentioned will work. You'll get a List<object[]> as a result, and the index of the array references the order of the columns that you returned in your select clause.