why can't I execute a simple powershell rasdial command in my runspace in a vb.net winforms app? - vb.net

I've built an app that contains a PowerShell runspace.
It works perfectly for everything I've thrown at it.... until today.
One bit of functionality I've added detects when the user is trying to access corporate resources and will highlight if their VPN has become disconnected.
We use an always on VPN with certificate auth, so no username/password is required.
The runspace, and the app it is contained within run in the context of the user.
I've been able to demonstrate this by outputting the current environment user from within the runspace, which comes back as me (i.e. not system or administrator or anything silly).
I have a really simple bit of PowerShell that will attempt 4 times to reconnect the VPN before reporting back a failure, checking before each retry for a success.
This code works perfectly if I run ISE (standard, NOT elevated), but when I pass this code to be executed I get an error coming back from rasdial, which simply says 'the data is invalid'.
The PowerShell is simple enough...
$myvpn = Get-VpnConnection | Where-Object {$_.ServerAddress -eq "vpn.example.com"}
$VPNStatus = ( $myvpn ).ConnectionStatus
if ($VPNStatus -eq "Connected")
$output= 0
$attempt = 0
Write-output "not connected"
rasdial $myvpn.name
$check = (Get-VpnConnection | Where-Object {$_.ServerAddress -eq "vpn.example.com"}).ConnectionStatus
start-sleep -Seconds 4
$attempt ++
} Until ($attempt -gt 3 -or $check -eq "Connected")
if ($check -eq "Connected")
$output= 0
$output= 1
I've got no idea why it won't work in the runspace, but will work in normal PowerShell with ease. My first suspicion was the context, but like I said I've disproven that theory.
I've googled the hell out of the error and can't seem to find any related results.
I've also tried to work around it, spawning an actual PowerShell session (ie not in a runspace) and passing in the command, but that also fails when spawned from my app.
Has anyone seen this before or similar behaviour when using runspaces/pipelines etc. within vb.net?
Are there any weird permissions pitfalls that I may have overlooked?
Edit: Expanded the powershell to be fully inclusive

So I've got to the bottom of this just now... Turns out the PS command will only work in an x64 shell, and my app's runspace was being spawned x86.
I changed the app to target x64 and it worked first time.
This post on Technet was the breadcrumbs that got me over the finish line.


Can not refresh $env:variable inside of Start-Job block

I am trying to have a controller inside of mother script. It has to check status of $Env:var and depending of value do something. The problem is I can not refresh it anyhow. It catches the value on the beginning of execution and then $Env:var stay static, despite on what happens with $Env:var outside of Start-Job block.
Start-Job -Name Controller -scriptblock {
if ($Env:var -eq 100){
# lot of different stuff
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Unfortunately i am limited with PS 3.0 on my environment.
Indeed, the $Env Environment variables are set once the PowerShell process is launched, and they don't get refreshed when the value changes.
If the environment variables change outside of PowerShell, you have to read them directly from the registry to get the current value. The base locations are:
System Environment Variables
Get-Item "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
User Environment Variables
Get-Item HKCU:\Environment

VB.net and powershell variables

I have a Visual Studio form running with VB.net and I'm collecting info needed to setup an AD user. In the end, this info will need to simply be passed to Powershell with no return info needed. Before that though, I need it to check if a printer code has already been assigned to someone before allowing it to be submitted to another user. I have a simple powershell script written up for it.
(We use the Pager field to store the printer code.)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Page = $args[0]
Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $Page } | FT Name
I setup the code I found HERE, and attempted to modify it to my script but it keeps crashing on
Dim results As Collection(Of PSObject) = MyPipeline.Invoke()
It gives me: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Management.Automation.ParseException' occurred in System.Management.Automation.dll
If I run his little 6+5 basic example script, it works, but when I try to retrieve info and return a name, it doesn't like it. How can I get it to return the name of the person if it find it? And since it won't run, I'm not even sure if passing the printer code as $args[0] is going to work yet.
Your results is expecting a collection of PowerShell objects. When you pipe the Get-ADUser command to Format-Table, it effectively strips the object down to a stream of strings. Try without the | FT Name.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory #if you're using powershell 3 or later, this may be redundant
# $Page = $args[0] # don't need to do this
$results = Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $args[0] }
Write-Verbose $results
#Write-Verbose $results.Name #try this if the above one works
Write-Verbose may be causing an issue.
Try this:
Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $args[0] }
Just that one line as the total PS code. (Assuming you have PowerShell 3.0 or later, you don't need Import-Module) That line will return objects of type TypeName: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser (from `Get-ADUser username | Get-Member).
You may also be able to use the .Net object type directly, without PowerShell. I'm not knowledgeable about .NET beyond what I picked up working with PowerShell.
Accessing AD using .NET, info from MSDN.

Why isn't handles.exe discovering my DLL while ProcessExplorer can?

The problem:
On a windows server 2012 r2 box, I'm trying to use Chef to programmatically replace a .dll command component (aka a vb 6 library that I've registered on the box using regsvr32.exe) but when I try to copy over the file, the app pool of the website has a lock on it. I'm not sure if it matters, but the w3wp process is set to run as 32 bit via IIS.
My Solution (which isn't working):
In order to fix it, I was thinking about using a command line tool to find the reference to the dll and then recycling the app pool that's using it. Unfortunately, while I can get SysInternals' process explorer to find the dll, Handles.exe (the supposed command line version of process explorer) does not return anything. I was hoping that someone might be able to tell me how I was using handles incorrectly, or if there was a better tool for this.
Process Explorer - it has found my dll ComHelper.dll
Handles via command line - it has not found my dll ComHelper.dll
-- Edit --
This is the output of handles when I point it at w3wp while running as Admin
I would suspect you are running into access issues. Are you running Handle from an elevated command prompt ? Are you able to get any output covering handles in w3wp.exe (by using the pid of the process in handle.exe command line) ?
Looking at the handle enum output of w3wp.exe it seems,
listdll.exe -d ComHelper.dll
may be what you are looking for. Handle seems to be focused on files opened not dlls loaded. listdll is a tool that can be downloaded from sysinternals.
Alright so 32 bitness did matter. I ended up having to resort to powershell as opposed to trying to use handles. The code for finding a PID that has a lock on your file is scattered around the internet, but here's the link:
http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2013/12/01/weekend-scripter-determine-process-that-locks-a-file.aspx (it's marv the robot's answer at the bottom)
For the record, this is what was suggested
$isLocked = $false
Get-Process | foreach{
$processVar = $_;$_.Modules | foreach{
if($_.FileName -eq $lockedFile){
$isLocked = $true
$processVar.Name + " PID:" + $processVar.id
This is what I had translated it into with my powershell noobishness
$lockedFile = "E:\Components\___ComHelper.dll"
$list = Get-Process
foreach ($process in $list)
foreach ($module in $process.Modules)
if ($module.FileName -ne $lockedFile) { continue }
$process.Name + " PID:" + $process.Id

opensplice dds Hello Word Example

I am posting here after asking the question at the openslice dds forum, and not receiving any reply.I am trying to use opensplice dds on a ubuntu machine. I am not sure if it serves as a proof of proper installation, but I have pasted my release.com file below. Now, I was able to run the ping pong example just fine. But when I ran the executable sac_helloworld_pub ( HelloWorld example in the C programming language), I got the following error
vishal#expmach:~/HDE/x86.linux2.6/examples/dcps/HelloWorld/c/standalone$ ./sac_helloworld_pub
Error in DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant: Creation failed: invalid handle
I did some searching, and it looks like I need to be running the ospl start command from the terminal. But when I do so, I get a No command ospl found message. Below is the release.comfile's contents
echo "<<< OpenSplice HDE Release V6.3.130716OSS For x86.linux2.6, Date 2013-07-30 >>>"
if [ "${SPLICE_ORB:=}" = "" ]
if [ "${SPLICE_JDK:=}" = "" ]
. $OSPL_HOME/etc/java/defs.$SPLICE_JDK
release.com (END)
Sorry for the holidays-driven lack of 'reactivity' on the OpenSplice forum .. I've answered your question there though ..
Here's that same answer for completeness:
*For the 6.3 community-edition, the deployment-model changed from shared-memory (v5.x) to the so-called single-process standalone deployment mode where the middleware is simply linked (as libraries) with the application so you don't need to start any daemons first (as was the case for the federated 'shared-memory' mode that was the default in V5).
So its OK that you get the error when trying to call 'ospl' as thats not used anymore so isn't in the distribution.
Now to your issue, your release.com looks OK to me, but perhaps you didn't actually 'source' it in your environment i.e. calling it with a '.' in front of it:
promtp> . release.com
you can verify that by doing an 'echo $OSPL_HOME' in your shell and see if it actually shows the value of the env. variable as set by the release.com.
Hope that helps,

proc_open interaction

Here's what I'm trying to achieve: open a shell (korn or bash, doesn't matter), from that shell, I want to open a ssh connection (ssh user#host). At some point it is likely to happen I will be prompted for either a password or I might be asked whether or not I'm sure I want to connect (offending keys).
Before anyone asks: yes, I am aware there is a plugin for ssh2 exec calls, but the servers I'm working on don't support it, and are unlikely to do so.
Here's what I've tried so far:
$desc = array(array('pipe','r'),array('pipe','w'));//used in all example code
$p = proc_open('ssh user#host',$desc,$pipes);
if(!is_resource($p)){ die('#!#$%');}//will omit this line from now on
sleep(1);//omitting this,too but it's there every time I need it
Then I tried to read console output (stream_get_contents($pipes[1])) to see what I have to pass next (either password, yes or return 'connection failed: '.stream_get_contents($pipes[1]) and proc_close $p.
This gave me the following error:
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
So, I though ssh was called in the php:// io-stream context, seems a plausible explanation of the above error.
Next: I though about my first SO question and decided it might be a good idea to open a bash/ksh shell first:
$p = proc_open('bash',$desc,$pipes);
And take it from there, but I got the exact same error message, only this time, the script stopped running but ssh did run. So I got hopeful, then felt stupid and, eventually, desperate:
$p=proc_open('bash && ssh user#host',$desc,$pipes);
After a few seconds wait, I got the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 133693440 bytes)
The Call Stack keeps bringing up the stream_get_contents line, even in my last desperate attempt:
#!/path/to/bin/php -n
$p = proc_open('bash && ssh user#host',array(array('pipe','r'),array('pipe','w')),$ps);
if (!is_resource($p))
$msg = stream_get_contents($ps[1]);
I know, its a mess, a lot of fflush and redundancy, but the point is: I know this connection will first prompt me for offending keys, and then ask a password. My guess is the stream in $pipes[1] holds the ssh connection, hence it's content is huge. what I need then, is a pipe inside a pipe... is this even possible? I must be missing something, what good is a pipe if this isn't possible...
My guess is the proc_open command is wrong to begin with, (error: Broken pipe). But I really can't see any other way around the first error... any thoughts? Or follow up questions if the above rant isn't at all clear (which it probably isn't).
Before anyone asks: yes, I am aware there is a plugin for ssh2 exec
calls, but the servers I'm working on don't support it, and are
unlikely to do so.
There are actually two. The PECL module, which is a PITA that most servers don't have installed anyway and phpseclib, a pure PHP SSH2 implementation. An example of its use:
$ssh = new Net_SSH2('www.domain.tld');
if (!$ssh->login('username', 'password')) {
exit('Login Failed');
echo $ssh->exec('pwd');
echo $ssh->exec('ls -la');