Why am I getting - "Cannot call API for app 439150000328651 on behalf of user 1245010195894306" - api

This error message was generated right after a scheduled post on Heropost failed to upload. We are just an end user of Heropost and we are not the developer. We were suggested to raised this to the attention of the community.
#heropost #problemsseen8yearsago #hopingthatthiscanbefound


When REST-API in Orchestration step returns error, display error page

We're calling a REST-API technical profile in the OrchestrationStep. In the event where the REST-API returns an error, it redirects back to the application and displays the error as a query string.
Is there a way that instead of displaying the error in the query string, it will display a custom error page?
Also why is api.error not displayed in this case?
Note: The REST-API is needed to be called in the OrchestrationStep rather than the ValidationTechnicalProfile
Assuming you are using Oauth/OpenId, the way B2C responds to the application is based on the response_mode query parameter that's passed to it when you call the policy. The response_mode can be query, form_post, or fragment.
Here's a link to the Microsoft's auth code flow docs that shows the response_mode query parameter in action along with it's available options: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/authorization-code-flow#1-get-an-authorization-code
api.error only displays for unhandled exceptions and doesn't cover every use case.
An answer to another post (Error handling in Azure B2C Custom Policy REST Call) from someone on the engineering team states that anything but a 200 from an API halts the journey execution and returns an error to the app immediately, so unless you put the rest call in a validation tech profile, this is the behavior you're going to get.

(ssg-wsg) Keep getting error with error code 403

i am in UAT Phase and try to call the UAT API but keep getting error with error code 403, what shd i do to be able to call the API, below pict is my code
enter image description here
There doesn't seem to be enough information to tell what is the problem. Since you are given UAT access, the proper channel would be to contact their service desk on your issue: https://developer.ssg-wsg.gov.sg/webapp/faq?anchor=WhoCanIContactIfIHaveQuestionsAboutTheseAPIs

How to handle errors in PayPal smart button?

enter image description hereI want to handle the errors which Paypal returns when payment failed while using Paypal smart button. Here, I am using 'actions.order.authorize' method to make payment authorization. In this scenario, If I get payment failed or any payment errors I have to handle that, So I want to receive the error response as JSON object type. But I am not getting the error in JSON type. I need the error details like debug_id, description, links in JSON type to proceed with the error handling process from our app. Here is the error returns as callback Click to view image
There is some documentation here, though not much about handling errors on the client-side: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/integration-features/auth-capture/#integrate-authorize-capture
You can see if the "authorization" object has those error details, otherwise maybe the onError function will be called with them

DocuSign Envelope lock API issue

I’m using the rest api to create an envelope, and then configure it using the api sender view call (/restapi/v2/accounts//envelopes//views/sender) to get the DocuSign UI. Creating the envelope and viewing it the first time using sender view to bring up the docusign api works fine.
The problem occurs if instead of sending the envelope I click ‘save as draft’. When I try to go back to the envelope and view it again using sender view I get the following error with http status of 400:
"message": "The envelope is locked. The lock must be released before requesting the sender token for envelope, id = xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx."
The lock seems to wear off after time (apprx 20 mins). However after it wears off I can only view the item once, and then the lock is reapplied. This error only happens on my demo account but not on production, so it seems like it's an account setting, but I can't figure out what/where the setting is.
We have a bug logged on our side where Save Draft isn't correctly
releasing the lock on the envelope. We should have a fix for this issue
in our DEMO environment soon. The locking feature is currently only "ON"
in our DEMO environment but not in our Production environments while we
find and fix potential issues such as the one identified here. More
information about locking is in our February service pack (PDF) release
notes available here: https://www.docusign.com/support/releases.

PushSharp "Notification send timed out" issue

I am trying to use PushSharp to send notification to my mobile devices using Google Gcm.
I downloaded the sample application from github depending upon that I have written my sample code. below is my sample code.
var googleKey = CustomConfigurationManager.GetValueFromSection("appSettings", "GoogleServerAccessKey");
AndroidPushBroker.RegisterGcmService(new PushSharp.Android.GcmPushChannelSettings(googleKey));
GcmNotification androidNotifcation = new GcmNotification().WithDryRun()
.WithJson("{\"alert\":\"Hello World!\",\"badge\":7,\"sound\":\"sound.caf\"}");
The issue is though I have used WithDryRun() and upon hooking up request it shows json data with "dry_run": true, but still I receive Notification failed error with reason : "Notification send timed out".
Anybody can tell me what am I missing ?
try to run it without WithDryRun(), and see do you get anything in events like NotificationSent, ChannelException, NotificationFailed or ServiceException.