MSP430 I2C SCL line idling high (when it should be idling low) - embedded

I have the MSP430 configured as an i2c master device and it is talking with two slave devices: a battery fuel gauge (LTC2943) and a battery charger (LT8491 evaluation board). I noticed that when talking with the battery charger, a duplicate byte gets sent over the i2c bus (this is bad); let's call it a 'ghost' byte. I only see this ghost/duplicate byte when talking with the battery charger but never with the fuel gauge. Both of those slave devices are on the same bus and I'm performing the same operation on both of them (reading 2-bytes); see code below. After several days of frustration, I noticed a peculiar difference between the two devices…
I noticed that when I talk to the fuel gauge (i2c address 0x64), the i2c clock line (SCL) idles low. But when I talk to the battery charger (i2c address 0x10) the SCL line idles high. Notice the SCL line behavior after the address byte in the provided pictures (links below). Per the MSP430 datasheet, it is my understanding that the SCL line should be idling LOW after the slave the address is pushed on the line (see page 833 of the MSP430 family guide here: There's a comment that says: "Bus stalled (SCL held low) until data available".
A few questions related to this:
Why does the SCL line idle differently on those two devices (see picture links below) even though they are on the same i2c bus and we are performing the same 2-byte read operation and using the same i2c driver code?
The MSP430 family guide (page 833) has that comment that says: "Bus stalled (SCL held low) until data available". Whose responsibility it is to hold the SCL low in this case? Is it the master (MSP430) or the slave device?
In the same page of the family guide (page 833), there are cases where it appears that a certain action needs to be performed DURING the transmission of a data byte, is this a hard requirement? For example, let's consider the case where we want to write one byte to the slave device, then follow it with a repeated start and then read one byte. The timing diagram on page 833 implies that we need to set UCTR=0 and UCTXSTT=1 DURING the transmission of the current data byte. What would happen if we set these registers AFTER the data byte has been transmitted?
The 'ghost' byte that I am seeing when talking with the battery charger is basically the MSP430 pushing the contents of the TXBUF out on the bus again! This occurs even after we have already configured the the MSP430 to be in receive mode. Please notice how/when/where I am toggling P4.6 in code as well as in the logic captures (see pictures). Why does this ghost byte happen?! Why does the MSP430 push it's TXBUF out on the line again?
Zoomed out picture of i2c communication:
Zoomed in picture with fuel gauge (good communication):
Zoomed in picture with battery charger (bad communication):
My code:
#include <string.h>
#include "driverlib.h"
#define BATTERY_CHARGER_I2C_ADDR ( 0x10 )
#define FUEL_GAUGE_I2C_ADDR ( 0x64 )
#define GENERAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MS ( 3 ) //When waiting for an i2c flag/condition, timeout after 3 milliseconds so we don't get stuck waiting forever
//local (static) functions
static void init_hardware( void );
static bool hwm_i2c_master_receive_data( uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t* read_ptr, uint8_t size_bytes );
static bool hwm_i2c_master_send_data( uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t* write_ptr, uint8_t size_bytes, bool issue_stop );
void main (void)
uint8_t write_data;
uint8_t read_data[2];
//Initialize HWM manager
__delay_cycles( 1000000 ); //delay for about 1 second (1 cycle ~ 1us)
//read 2 bytes from fuel gauge
write_data = 0x08;//address of voltage register
hwm_i2c_master_send_data( FUEL_GAUGE_I2C_ADDR, &write_data, 1, false );
hwm_i2c_master_receive_data(FUEL_GAUGE_I2C_ADDR, read_data, 2);
//read 2 bytes from battery charger
write_data = 0x28;//address of Rsense1 configuration register
hwm_i2c_master_send_data( BATTERY_CHARGER_I2C_ADDR, &write_data, 1, false );
hwm_i2c_master_receive_data( BATTERY_CHARGER_I2C_ADDR, read_data, 2);
} //main()
static void init_hardware( void )
Timer_A_initContinuousModeParam timerA_cont_param;
//Disable internal watchdog timer
//Set VLO to drive ACLK with a divider of 1 (i.e. run ACLK at 10KHz)
//This block of code basically initializes TimerA1 to run continuously at 1KHz
memset( &timerA_cont_param, 0, sizeof(timerA_cont_param) );
timerA_cont_param.clockSource = TIMER_A_CLOCKSOURCE_ACLK; //ACLK to drive TimerA1
timerA_cont_param.clockSourceDivider = TIMER_A_CLOCKSOURCE_DIVIDER_10; //Divide ACLK by 10 in order to get 1KHz
timerA_cont_param.timerInterruptEnable_TAIE = TIMER_A_TAIE_INTERRUPT_DISABLE; //Disable TimerA1 overflow interrupt
timerA_cont_param.timerClear = TIMER_A_DO_CLEAR; //Clear/reset TimerA1 counter
timerA_cont_param.startTimer = true; //Start TimerA1 counter
Timer_A_initContinuousMode( TIMER_A1_BASE, &timerA_cont_param );
//Configure P4.6 as an output pin for debugging (timing purposes)
GPIO_setAsOutputPin( GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN6 );
GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin( GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN6 );
//This block initializes the i2c peripheral
//Configure pins P1.6 (SDA) and P1.7 (SCL) for I2C (secondary module functionality)
PMM_unlockLPM5(); //Clear the LOCKLPM5 bit so the GPIO and i2c configuration takes effect
//Configure the I2C bus
EUSCI_B_I2C_initMasterParam i2c_master_init_param = {0};
i2c_master_init_param.selectClockSource = EUSCI_B_I2C_CLOCKSOURCE_SMCLK; //use SMCLK clock signal
i2c_master_init_param.i2cClk = CS_getSMCLK(); //Give SMCLK freq in Hz
i2c_master_init_param.dataRate = EUSCI_B_I2C_SET_DATA_RATE_100KBPS; //100KBps datarate
i2c_master_init_param.byteCounterThreshold = 0; //Don't care because 'no auto stop'
i2c_master_init_param.autoSTOPGeneration = EUSCI_B_I2C_NO_AUTO_STOP; //We will handle the stop bit manually
EUSCI_B_I2C_initMaster( EUSCI_B0_BASE, &i2c_master_init_param );
EUSCI_B_I2C_enable(EUSCI_B0_BASE); //Enable the I2C bus (i.e. pull it out of reset state)
static bool hwm_i2c_master_receive_data( uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t* read_ptr, uint8_t size_bytes )
bool proceed;
proceed = true;
//Basic sanity checks on address and size
if( NULL == read_ptr || 0 == size_bytes )
return false;
//Set P4.6 high for debugging (see scope captures)
GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin( GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN6 );
UCB0I2CSA = slave_addr; //Set slave address
UCB0CTLW0 &= ~UCTR; //Set I2C bus in receiver (read) mode
UCB0IFG &= ~UCNACKIFG; //Clear NACK interrupt flag (fresh start)
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXSTT; //Issue START condition
//Wait for START condition to complete
TA1R = 0;
while( proceed && (UCB0CTLW0 & UCTXSTT) && (TA1R < GENERAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MS) );
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0CTLW0 & UCTXSTT));
//If size is one byte, request STOP condition now! This is time critical (but not sure why :/)
if( proceed && (1 == size_bytes) )
//Check that we received ACK from slave
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0IFG & UCNACKIFG));
//Loop through and pull the requested number for bytes from the RX buffer
while( proceed && (size_bytes > 0) )
//Wait for RX buffer to be ready/full
TA1R = 0;
while( (!(UCB0IFG & UCRXIFG0)) && (TA1R < GENERAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MS) );
proceed = proceed && (UCB0IFG & UCRXIFG0);
if( proceed )
*read_ptr = UCB0RXBUF; //Pull byte out of RX buffer
read_ptr++; //Increment pointer
size_bytes--; //Decrement number of bytes left to read
//If there's only one byte left to read, request STOP condition. This is time critical (again, not sure why)
if( 1 == size_bytes )
//Wait for the STOP condition to complete
TA1R = 0;
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0CTLW0 & UCTXSTP));
if( !proceed )
//If we got here, it means something went bad (e.g. timed out or slave NACK'ed),
//let's request STOP to terminate communication
//wait for stop to complete
TA1R = 0;
//Clear P4.6
GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin( GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN6 );
return proceed;
} //hwm_i2c_master_receive_data()
static bool hwm_i2c_master_send_data( uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t* write_ptr, uint8_t size_bytes, bool issue_stop )
bool proceed;
proceed = true;
//Basic sanity checks on address and size
if( NULL == write_ptr || 0 == size_bytes )
return false;
UCB0I2CSA = slave_addr; //Set slave address
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTR; //Set I2C bus in transmit mode
UCB0IFG &= ~UCNACKIFG; //Clear NACK interrupt flag (fresh start)
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXSTT; //Issue START condition
//Wait for START condition to complete
TA1R = 0;
while( proceed && (UCB0CTLW0 & UCTXSTT) && (TA1R < GENERAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MS) );
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0CTLW0 & UCTXSTT));
//At this point, we have just pushed the slave address over the i2c line.
//According to the MSP430 datasheet, the MSP430 would/should hold the
//SCL line low until we put something in the UCB0TXBUF.
//In other words, during this delay, the SCL should be held low. This is
//true when talking with the fuel gauge (LTC2943) but is NOT the case when
//talking with the battery charger! Why is that?!
__delay_cycles( 100 ); //delay of ~100us, please notice the SCL line (pictures) during this delay
//Wait for tx buffer to be ready/empty
TA1R = 0;
while( proceed && (!(UCB0IFG & UCTXIFG0)) && (TA1R < GENERAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MS) );
proceed = proceed && (UCB0IFG & UCTXIFG0);
//Check that we received ACK from slave
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0IFG & UCNACKIFG));
//Loop through and send the data
while( proceed && (size_bytes > 0) )
//Set P4.6 high for debugging
GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin( GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN6 );
//Place byte in tx buffer for transmission
UCB0TXBUF = *write_ptr;
//Wait for byte to flush out of tx buffer
TA1R = 0;
while( proceed && (!(UCB0IFG & UCTXIFG0)) && (TA1R < GENERAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MS) );
proceed = proceed && (UCB0IFG & UCTXIFG0);
//Check the ACK after every byte to make sure it went ok
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0IFG & UCNACKIFG));
//Increment write pointer and decrement remaining size
//If caller requested a STOP condition to be sent
if( proceed && issue_stop )
//Issue STOP condition
//Wait for STOP condition to go through
TA1R = 0;
proceed = proceed && (!(UCB0CTLW0 & UCTXSTP));
if( !proceed )
//If we got here, it means something went bad (e.g. timed out or slave NACK'ed),
//let's request STOP to terminate communication
//wait for stop to complete
TA1R = 0;
GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin( GPIO_PORT_P4, GPIO_PIN6 );
return proceed;
} //hwm_i2c_master_send_data()


UART Serial Bridge using MSP430 FR5994

I am trying to create a UART bridge using MSP430. I have a sensor sending strings to the MSP430 which I intend to send to my PC. Additionally, the sensor responds to commands which I intend to send using my PC through the MSP430 bridge. The commands I am sending to the sensor reach it without any flaw. However, the messages sent by the sensor reach the TXBUF of the UART connected to my PC but does not appear on the terminal. On checking the registers I see 0x000A on the TXBUF but it appears to recieve all the chahracters. But nothing is printed.
I am using the following code:
#include <msp430.h>
unsigned char *msg;
unsigned char i=0 , j=0;
int main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // stop watchdog timer
// Pin Initialization
P6SEL1 |= BIT1;
P6SEL0 &= ~BIT1;
P6SEL1 |= BIT0;
P6SEL0 &= ~BIT0;
P2SEL1 |= BIT5;
P2SEL0 &= ~BIT5;
P2SEL1 |= BIT6;
P2SEL0 &= ~BIT6;
// UART Initialization
UCA1CTLW0 |= UCSSEL__SMCLK; // Using 1 MHZ clock
UCA3BRW = 6; // Baud Rate set to 9600
UCA3MCTLW = UCOS16 | UCBRF_8 | 0x2000;
UCA1BRW = 6;
UCA1MCTLW = UCOS16 | UCBRF_8 | 0x2000;
__enable_interrupt(); // Interrupt enable
while (1)
// UART A3 connected to the PC.
#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma vector=EUSCI_A3_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCI_A3_ISR(void)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
void __attribute__ ((interrupt(EUSCI_A3_VECTOR))) USCI_A3_ISR (void)
#error Compiler not supported!
switch(__even_in_range(UCA3IV, USCI_UART_UCTXCPTIFG))
case USCI_NONE: break;
case USCI_UART_UCTXIFG: break;
default: break;
// UART A1 connected to the sensor.
#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma vector=EUSCI_A1_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCI_A1_ISR(void)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
void __attribute__ ((interrupt(EUSCI_A1_VECTOR))) USCI_A1_ISR (void)
#error Compiler not supported!
switch(__even_in_range(UCA1IV, USCI_UART_UCTXCPTIFG))
case USCI_NONE: break;
while(!(UCA1IFG&UCTXIFG)); //Trying to read a string
*(msg+i) = UCA1RXBUF;
j = *(msg+i);
case USCI_UART_UCTXIFG: break;
default: break;
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
First, the problems that I see with your listing:
(p1) Even though the baud rates of both UARTs are the same, your design does not make use of proper (see problem 3 below) buffering in the event that both the PC and the sensor is sending data at the same time. To make matters worse, both your ISRs contain blocking while loops that don't buffer and only waste time until the interrupt flags clears.
(p2) Your source (shown below) is likely coded in error:
while(!(UCA1IFG&UCTXIFG)); //Trying to read a string
*(msg+i) = UCA1RXBUF;
j = *(msg+i);
because the body of the while loop is actually empty due to the trailing ";" so the code within the open/closing brackets that follows is not part of the while loop.
(p3) The pointer variable msg was never initialized. Most likely it points to random heap memory or unused portion of the stack, so the program doesn't crash right away. Eventually, it would because the variable i is incremented but never decremented, so memory is "one time used" by the sensor ISR.
My suggestions:
(s1) Declare two buffers, one for data arriving from the PC and the other for data arriving from the sensor. Remove the "unsigned char *msg" and replace with something like this:
unsigned char pc_data[256];
unsigned char sensor_data[256];
The size 256 is on purpose to create a poor-mans circular buffer when used with an 8-bit index variable. When the variable reaches 255 and is incremented, it will simply roll back to 0. In this case both i and j as you already declared can be used, but maybe pc_data_index and sensor_data_index would be better understood. You also need two more variables for the size of the buffer, maybe pc_data_count and sensor_data_count. If your procssor cannot afford this much buffer space, then decrease to a modular amount (i.e., 2^BUFSIZE, where BUFSIZE = 32) and use the modular operator when updating the index like this:
pc_data_index = (pc_data_index + 1) % BUFSIZE;
(s2) Change both ISR routines to process both the USCI_UART_UCRXIFG and USCI_UART_UCTXIFG interrupt events. The ISRs should not contain any loops, simply buffer data or write data out from buffer. Here is an example:
switch(__even_in_range(UCA1IV, USCI_UART_UCTXCPTIFG))
case USCI_NONE: break;
// Byte was received from sensor, so buffer it
sensor_data[sensor_data_count++] = UCA1RXBUF;
sensor_data_index = (sensor_data_index + 1) % BUFSIZE;
// Enable the TX interrupts to send the buffered data
// Sensor UART is ready to send next byte
UCA3TXBUF = sensor_data[sensor_data_index];
// Disable the TX interrupt if no more data to send
if (sensor_data_count == 0) UCA1IE &= ~UCTXIE;

Why HM-10 doesn't send an OK if i send AT from an MSP430 Launchpad?

I'm trying to set up an UART communication with a HM-10 chip on a Texas Instruments MSP430 Launchpad, but I ran into a very elementary problem.
What I want to achieve is to send an "AT" through UART to HM-10, and receive an answer for that. By the way this is a code I found here and I slightly modified for my purposes.
#include "msp430g2553.h"
const char string[] = { "AT" };
unsigned int i;
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop the Watch dog
//------------------- Configure the Clocks -------------------//
if (CALBC1_1MHZ==0xFF) // If calibration constant erased
while(1); // do not load, trap CPU!!
DCOCTL = 0; // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings
BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; // Set range
DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation
//---------------- Configuring the LED's ----------------------//
P1DIR |= BIT0 + BIT6; // P1.0 and P1.6 output
P1OUT &= ~BIT0 + BIT6; // P1.0 and P1.6 = 0
//--------- Setting the UART function for P1.1 & P1.2 --------//
P1SEL |= BIT1 + BIT2; // P1.1 UCA0RXD input
P1SEL2 |= BIT1 + BIT2; // P1.2 UCA0TXD output
//------------ Configuring the UART(USCI_A0) ----------------//
UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2 + UCSWRST; // USCI Clock = SMCLK,USCI_A0 disabled
UCA0BR0 = 104; // 104 From datasheet table-
UCA0BR1 = 0; // -selects baudrate =9600,clk = SMCLK
UCA0MCTL = UCBRS_1; // Modulation value = 1 from datasheet
//UCA0STAT |= UCLISTEN; // loop back mode enabled
UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Clear UCSWRST to enable USCI_A0
//---------------- Enabling the interrupts ------------------//
IE2 |= UCA0TXIE; // Enable the Transmit interrupt
IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; // Enable the Receive interrupt
_BIS_SR(GIE); // Enable the global interrupt
i = 0;
UCA0TXBUF = string[i]; // Transmit a byte
_BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Going to LPM0
// Transmit and Receive interrupts //
#pragma vector = USCIAB0TX_VECTOR
__interrupt void TransmitInterrupt(void)
P1OUT ^= BIT0;//light up P1.0 Led on Tx
if (i == sizeof string - 1)
UCA0TXBUF = string[i++];
#pragma vector = USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void ReceiveInterrupt(void)
// light up P1.6 LED on RX
if (UCA0RXBUF == 'O')
P1OUT ^= BIT6;
IFG2 &= ~UCA0RXIFG; // Clear RX flag
According to the datasheet I should receive an OK answer for this command.
If there was an 'O' in the RX buffer, I would expect the LED to light up on my board, but that doesn't happen.
Using Code Composer, I also verified with adding a breakpoint to the RX interrupt that there is indeed no RX answer.
I believe this is entirely a software question, that's why I put it here. I'm using the correct rotation of jumpers( and RX is wired to TX and vica versa.
I would appreciate if you could point out if I was doing anything conceptionally wrong or if I just made a mistake. Thank you!
I see a problem in the interrupt routine TransmitInterrupt(): you should use UCA0TXBUF = string[++i]; because using "i++" you transmit two times the letter "A". The test about sizeof(string) should also be retouched.
Then, I would not trust too much the datasheet. I think that, despite what the datasheet says, every command sent to the modem must be terminated by CR (\r), otherwise how could the modem discern an "AT" from an "AT+RESET"? I am not really sure but the datasheet doesn't seem a high quality one. Anyway, it's a quick test (to add a \r to the end of the string).
Finally, the CTS and RTS signals can play a role too. Some modem wants RTS asserted, other modems don't care, and terminology sometimes is confusing: when datasheet says RTS, does it mean RTS of the modem or RTS of the host? I hope this helps, you should do a few scientific tries.
I think for everyone who is working with HM-10 devices in the future I want to answer this question, because it has I think its own sort of mini-literature, which was first frustrating, but then I kind of liked the challenges it posed to me.
Some of the problems are hardware related, so this post might need to be moved to an embedded engineering section. (Great consequence - you cannot be 100% sure before checking it with a scope)
Know your hardware - HM-10 has tons of versions, and it turned our one needed an extra potential divider because it has a 3.3V logic level high instead of 5V. This website is a fantastic place to start. Though, ours turned out to be an MLT-BT05 which is a clone of a clone. It doesn't have iBeacon capability on its firmware, so if you don't want to power cycling, then you should probably avoid this one.
About the coding bit the most important thing is to check with \n, \r and \n\r, as linuxfan briefly mentioned its importance above, because some of the devices need it. The best place to start is AT and if it works, then use AT+HELP and find the version, usually AT+VERSION command so you can identify with 100% certainty which chip you have.
Currenetly it is prototyped on an Arduino, but I will include working code as soon as its finished on MSP430.
The Arduino code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(9, 10); // RX, TX
char commandbuffer[50];
int j = 0;
void setup()
memset(commandbuffer, 0, sizeof(commandbuffer));
analogWrite(12, 255);
analogWrite(11, 0);
// Start the hardware serial port
// un REM this to set up a Master and connect to a Slave
Serial.println("BLE CC41A Bluetooth");
Serial.println("Trying to connect to Slave Bluetooth");
bluetooth.println("AT"); // just a check
bluetooth.println("AT+INQ"); // look for nearby Slave
bluetooth.println("AT+CONN1"); // connect to it */
void loop()
// while there is data coming in, read it
// and send to the hardware serial port:
while (bluetooth.available() > 0) {
char inByte =;
// Read user input if available.
if (Serial.available()) {
delay(10); // The DELAY!
char temp =;
if (temp == '\n')
memset(commandbuffer, 0, sizeof(commandbuffer));
j = 0; // Reset
commandbuffer[j++] = temp;

Traffic lights simulation and xbee communication

So i am having this project. The system will give priority to emergency vehicles when they get close to traffic lights and when they get close i want to change the state of the traffic lights from red to green but in correct sequence.
I have managed to pull it off but it doesnt work with a real car because the xbees (coordinator on the vehicle and end device on home-made traffic lights) take sometime to communicate which is not enough for the speed of a vehicle approaching traffic lights with lets say an average speed of 60km/h.
The system works like this. There is an arduino on the vehicle which has a GPS shield and an xbee set to COORDINATOR on it. In the program on the arduino it checks if the gps reads coordinates that are saved inside the arduino so it checks against real time coordinates and if they match, the xbee gets to send a message across to the corresponding xbees that are set as end-devices on the traffic lights which again setup is arduino + xbee.
The problem 1 is i need to make a faster connection between the xbees (COORDINATOR - END DEVICE)
Here is the arduino sketch for ARDUINO-GPS-COORDINATOR. Note: GPS Shield is from adafruit and i use their code plus some of mine.
// Test code for Adafruit GPS modules using MTK3329/MTK3339 driver
// This code shows how to listen to the GPS module in an interrupt
// which allows the program to have more 'freedom' - just parse
// when a new NMEA sentence is available! Then access data when
// desired.
// Tested and works great with the Adafruit Ultimate GPS module
// using MTK33x9 chipset
// ------>
// Pick one up today at the Adafruit electronics shop
// and help support open source hardware & software! -ada
#include <Adafruit_GPS.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11);
SoftwareSerial xbee(13,12);
// If using hardware serial (e.g. Arduino Mega), comment out the
// above SoftwareSerial line, and enable this line instead
// (you can change the Serial number to match your wiring):
//HardwareSerial mySerial = Serial1;
Adafruit_GPS GPS(&mySerial);
// Set GPSECHO to 'false' to turn off echoing the GPS data to the Serial console
// Set to 'true' if you want to debug and listen to the raw GPS sentences.
#define GPSECHO true
// this keeps track of whether we're using the interrupt
// off by default!
boolean usingInterrupt = false;
void useInterrupt(boolean); // Func prototype keeps Arduino 0023 happy
void setup()
Serial.println("Adafruit GPS library basic test!");
xbee.println("SoftwareSerial on coordinator working!");
// uncomment this line to turn on RMC (recommended minimum) and GGA (fix data) including altitude
// uncomment this line to turn on only the "minimum recommended" data
// For parsing data, we don't suggest using anything but either RMC only or RMC+GGA since
// the parser doesn't care about other sentences at this time
// Set the update rate
GPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ); // 1 Hz update rate
// For the parsing code to work nicely and have time to sort thru the data, and
// print it out we don't suggest using anything higher than 1 Hz
// Request updates on antenna status, comment out to keep quiet
// the nice thing about this code is you can have a timer0 interrupt go off
// every 1 millisecond, and read data from the GPS for you. that makes the
// loop code a heck of a lot easier!
// Ask for firmware version
// Interrupt is called once a millisecond, looks for any new GPS data, and stores it
char c =;
// if you want to debug, this is a good time to do it!
#ifdef UDR0
if (c) UDR0 = c;
// writing direct to UDR0 is much much faster than Serial.print
// but only one character can be written at a time.
void useInterrupt(boolean v) {
if (v) {
// Timer0 is already used for millis() - we'll just interrupt somewhere
// in the middle and call the "Compare A" function above
OCR0A = 0xAF;
usingInterrupt = true;
} else {
// do not call the interrupt function COMPA anymore
usingInterrupt = false;
// difference_ratio
float diff_ratio = 0.010;
float coord_lat = 23;
float coord_lon = 23;
uint32_t timer = millis();
void loop() // run over and over again
// in case you are not using the interrupt above, you'll
// need to 'hand query' the GPS, not suggested :(
if (! usingInterrupt) {
// read data from the GPS in the 'main loop'
char c =;
// if you want to debug, this is a good time to do it!
if (c) Serial.print(c);
// if a sentence is received, we can check the checksum, parse it...
if (GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {
// a tricky thing here is if we print the NMEA sentence, or data
// we end up not listening and catching other sentences!
// so be very wary if using OUTPUT_ALLDATA and trytng to print out data
//Serial.println(GPS.lastNMEA()); // this also sets the newNMEAreceived() flag to false
if (!GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA())) // this also sets the newNMEAreceived() flag to false
return; // we can fail to parse a sentence in which case we should just wait for another
// if millis() or timer wraps around, we'll just reset it
if (timer > millis()) timer = millis();
// approximately every 2 seconds or so, print out the current stats
if (millis() - timer > 2000) {
timer = millis(); // reset the timer
Serial.print("\nTime: ");
Serial.print(GPS.hour, DEC); Serial.print(':');
Serial.print(GPS.minute, DEC); Serial.print(':');
Serial.print(GPS.seconds, DEC); Serial.print('.');
Serial.print("Date: ");
Serial.print(, DEC); Serial.print('/');
Serial.print(GPS.month, DEC); Serial.print("/20");
Serial.println(GPS.year, DEC);
Serial.print("Fix: "); Serial.print((int)GPS.fix);
Serial.print(" quality: "); Serial.println((int)GPS.fixquality);
if (GPS.fix) {
//Serial.print("Location: ");
//Serial.print(GPS.latitude, 4); Serial.print(;
//Serial.print(", ");
//Serial.print(GPS.longitude, 4); Serial.println(GPS.lon);
Serial.print("Location (in degrees, works with Google Maps): ");
Serial.print(GPS.latitudeDegrees, 4);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println(GPS.longitudeDegrees, 4);
//Serial.print("Speed (knots): "); Serial.println(GPS.speed);
//Serial.print("Angle: "); Serial.println(GPS.angle);
//Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.println(GPS.altitude);
//Serial.print("Satellites: "); Serial.println((int)GPS.satellites);
if(GPS.latitudeDegrees + diff_ratio >= coord_lat && coord_lat >= GPS.latitudeDegrees - diff_ratio) {
if(GPS.longitudeDegrees + diff_ratio >= coord_lon && coord_lon >= GPS.longitudeDegrees - diff_ratio){
Serial.println("location OKAY");
//if((float)GPS.latitude > (home_lat - diff_ratio) && (float)
The important part is where it says if(GPS.fix()) and later on.
And here is the sketch for the traffic light simulation which if it receives the message "K" it will stay to green light until it does not receive it anymore.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial xbee(3,2);
int greenled = 8; //Led's and pins
int yellowled = 9;
int redled = 10;
int ard_led = 13;
void setup(){
pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redled, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
if(xbee.available() > 0 && == 'K' && digitalRead(ard_led) == 0){
//Serial.println("second block");
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH); //Yellow and red on for 2 seconds
}else if(xbee.available() > 0 && == 'K' && digitalRead(ard_led) == 1){
//Serial.println("third block");
else if(!xbee.available() && != 'K' && digitalRead(greenled) == 0){
//Serial.println("first block");
digitalWrite(redled, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH); //Yellow and red on for 2 seconds
digitalWrite(redled, LOW); //Red and Yellow off
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenled, HIGH); //Green on for 5 seconds
digitalWrite(greenled, LOW); //Green off, yellow on for 2 seconds
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH);
} else if(!xbee.available() && != 'K' && digitalRead(greenled) == 1 && digitalRead(yellowled == 0)){
//Serial.println("fourth block");
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW);
void blinking_green(){
digitalWrite(redled, LOW); //Red and Yellow off
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW);
Problem 2: How can i interrupt the traffic lights simulation instantly when it receives a message from a nearby arduino to change the traffic light to green BEFORE it finishes that loop? Because in a real example green and red light would say for over 20 seconds.
Question: Will a faster baud rate on the xbees achieve faster xbee communication?
thank you in advance
You need to change the loop() on your traffic light simulation. Have a variable you use to store the "state" of the light, along with a timer to keep track of when the next state change happens. This way, your loop can also check the XBee serial input every time around.
if (xbee_event_happened()) {
timer = millis();
switch (state) {
if (millis() - timer > 1000) {
timer = millis();
if (millis() - timer > 1000) {
timer = millis();
if (millis() - timer > 5000) {
state = STATE_GREEN;
timer = millis();
if (millis() - timer > 3000) {
timer = millis();
// etc.
This just covers the basics, but it shows an important aspect of loop() function design -- it should never run for more than a few milliseconds. Don't have a delay inside of your main loop, track the state of the device and then use logic to decide if the state needs to change on that pass of the loop.
Additionally, use higher baud rates when possible to avoid latency from serial transmissions, get rid of the 700ms delay in your loop, and organize your if/else structure better:
if (xbee.available() > 0) {
character =;
if (character == 'K') {
if (digitalRead(ard_led)) {
// second block
} else {
// third block
} else if (character == 'X') {
// do something different? Vehicle left area?

No r/w bit made available to firmware by I2C peripheral of STM32F40x chips

I was wondering if anyone has found a way to determine the intention of a master communicating with an stm32f40x chip? From the perspective of the firmware on the stm32f40x chip, the ADDRess sent by the master is not available, and the r/w bit (bit 0 of the address) contained therein is also not available. So how can I prevent collisions? Has anyone else dealt with this? If so what techniques did you use? My tentative solution is below for reference. I delayed any writes to the DR data register until the TXE interrupt occurs. I thought at first this would be too late, and a byte of garbage would be clocked out, but it seems to be working.
static inline void LLEVInterrupt(uint16_t irqSrc)
uint8_t i;
volatile uint16_t status;
I2CCBStruct* buffers;
I2C_TypeDef* addrBase;
// see which IRQ occurred, process accordingly...
switch (irqSrc)
case I2C_BUS_CHAN_1:
addrBase = this.addrBase1;
buffers = &this.buffsBus1;
case I2C_BUS_CHAN_2:
addrBase = this.addrBase2;
buffers = &this.buffsBus2;
case I2C_BUS_CHAN_3:
addrBase = this.addrBase3;
buffers = &this.buffsBus3;
// ...START condition & address match detected
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_ADDR) == SET)
// I2C_IT_ADDR: Cleared by software reading SR1 register followed reading SR2, or by hardware
// when PE=0.
// Note: Reading I2C_SR2 after reading I2C_SR1 clears the ADDR flag, even if the ADDR flag was
// set after reading I2C_SR1. Consequently, I2C_SR2 must be read only when ADDR is found
// set in I2C_SR1 or when the STOPF bit is cleared.
status = addrBase->SR1;
status = addrBase->SR2;
// Reset the index and receive count
buffers->txIndex = 0;
buffers->rxCount = 0;
// setup to ACK any Rx'd bytes
I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(addrBase, ENABLE);
// Slave receiver mode
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_RXNE) == SET)
// I2C_IT_RXNE: Cleared by software reading or writing the DR register
// or by hardware when PE=0.
// copy the received byte to the Rx buffer
buffers->rxBuf[buffers->rxCount] = (uint8_t)I2C_ReadRegister(addrBase, I2C_Register_DR);
if (RX_BUFFER_SIZE > buffers->rxCount)
// Slave transmitter mode
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_TXE) == SET)
// I2C_IT_TXE: Cleared by software writing to the DR register or
// by hardware after a start or a stop condition or when PE=0.
// send any remaining bytes
I2C_SendData(addrBase, buffers->txBuf[buffers->txIndex]);
if (buffers->txIndex < buffers->txCount)
// ...STOP condition detected
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_STOPF) == SET)
// STOPF (STOP detection) is cleared by software sequence: a read operation
// to I2C_SR1 register (I2C_GetITStatus()) followed by a write operation to
// I2C_CR1 register (I2C_Cmd() to re-enable the I2C peripheral).
// From the reference manual RM0368:
// Figure 163. Transfer sequence diagram for slave receiver
// if (STOPF == 1) {READ SR1; WRITE CR1}
// clear the IRQ status
status = addrBase->SR1;
// Write to CR1
I2C_Cmd(addrBase, ENABLE);
// read cycle (reset the status?
if (buffers->txCount > 0)
buffers->txCount = 0;
buffers->txIndex = 0;
// write cycle begun?
if (buffers->rxCount > 0)
// pass the I2C data to the enabled protocol handler
for (i = 0; i < buffers->rxCount; i++)
status = ProtProcRxData(buffers->rxBuf[i]);
status = PTEKProcRxData(buffers->rxBuf[i]);
#error ** Invalid Host Protocol Selected **
if (status != ST_OK)
buffers->rxCount = 0;
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_AF) == SET)
// The NAck received from the host on the last byte of a transmit
// is shown as an acknowledge failure and must be cleared by
// writing 0 to the AF bit in SR1.
// This is not a real error but just how the i2c slave transmission process works.
// The hardware has no way to know how many bytes are to be transmitted, so the
// NAck is assumed to be a failed byte transmission.
// EV3-2: AF=1; AF is cleared by writing ‘0’ in AF bit of SR1 register.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_AF);
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_BERR) == SET)
// There are extremely infrequent bus errors when testing with I2C Stick.
// Safer to have this check and clear than to risk an
// infinite loop of interrupts
// Set by hardware when the interface detects an SDA rising or falling
// edge while SCL is high, occurring in a non-valid position during a
// byte transfer.
// Cleared by software writing 0, or by hardware when PE=0.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_BERR);
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_OVR) == SET)
// Check for other errors conditions that must be cleared.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_OVR);
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_TIMEOUT) == SET)
// Check for other errors conditions that must be cleared.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_TIMEOUT);
// a spurious IRQ occurred; log it
I'm not shure if I understand you. May you should provide more information or an example about what you would like to do.
Maybe this helps:
My experience is, that in many I2C implementations the R/W-Bit is used together with the 7-bit-address, so most of the times, there is no additional function to set or reset the R/W-Bit.
So that means all addresses beyond 128 should be used to read data from slaves and all addresses over 127 should be used to write data to slaves.
There seems to be no way to determine if the transaction initiated by receipt of the address is a read or a write even though the hardware know whether the LSbit is set or clear. The intention of the master will only be known once the RXNE or TXE interrupt/bit occurs.

SD over SPI returns invalid response on CMD8

I'm working on an SPI SD driver for an LPC4088 microcontroller. However, when I send CMD8 (after CMD0) to detect if I'm working with a V2 or high capacity card, I get a weird response. Instead of getting a correct response( 0x01 for highest bits, 0x1AA for the lower 12) or an error I get 0x00 00 00 02 1F, which doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Code I use for initialization:
bool initialize () {
//0. Initialize SPI
//1. Set clock to 400kHz
//2. Assert CS signal (=0)
// 3. Delay at least 74 clocks
// 4. Deassert CS signal
// 5. Delay at least 16 clocks
uint8_t argument[4];
// 6. Send CMD0 (reset, go to idle)
if (!send_command(CMD::GO_IDLE_STATE, CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE::GO_IDLE_STATE, response, argument)) {
return false;
// 7. Send CMD8
bool version2;
pack_argument(argument, 0x1AA);
if (!send_command(CMD::SEND_IF_COND, CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE::SEND_IF_COND, response, argument)) {
return false;
if ((response[0] & 0xFE) == 0x04) {
//unknown command. This means we have version1
version2 = false;
} else if (response[0] & 0xFE) {
//other error, let's bail
return false;
} else {
//Response, we're version2
version2 = true;
if (response[4] != 0xAA) {
return false;
send_command code:
bool send_command(CMD::value cmd, uint8_t response_size, uint8_t *response, uint8_t *argument) {
Crc7_SD crc;
crc += cmd | 0x40;
crc += argument[3] & 0xFF;
crc += argument[2] & 0xFF;
crc += argument[1] & 0xFF;
crc += argument[0] & 0xFF;
SPI::send(cmd | 0x40);
SPI::send(argument[3] & 0xFF);
SPI::send(argument[2] & 0xFF);
SPI::send(argument[1] & 0xFF);
SPI::send(argument[0] & 0xFF);
SPI::send((crc << 1) | 1);
volatile uint8_t data;
unsigned int timeout = SD_CMD_TIMEOUT;
do {
data = SPI::receive();
} while(timeout && (data & 0x80));
if (timeout == 0) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < response_size; i++) {
//First byte is already read above
if (response) {
response[i] = data;
data = SPI::receive();
return true;
To make sure that I didn't had an error in the SPI protocol I've verified the input and output with a logic analyzer. Result: CMD0 followed by CMD8. It seems that I'm sending the correct commands, but still I get this weird response.
Additional info about the setup:
Microcontroller is an LPC4088
Microcontroller is connected with this OEM board
The SD card module is connected to the serial expansion connector of the OEM board
The logic analyzer is connected to the SD card module
I've used 2 different versions of both the microcontroller and the OEM board to rule out that there is a hardware error in one of those. Unfortunately I don't have a second SD controller available.
I've used a SanDisk Ultra SDHC 4GB Class 6 SD card and a Transcend SDHC 4GB Class 4 SD card, both gave exactly the same result.
And last but not least, I have very little experience with embedded software, so it might just be some small stupid error.
It turned out that there was some noise on the MISO line. The code was correct, but due to the noise the microcontroller got a different result then intended. With the help of some electronics guy I was able to filter this by soldering a capacitor between MISO and ground.