I create with several v-for loops, some divs which are bigger that my screen. But there is no scrollbar on Firefox or Chrome. So they cut of my div and I can see just a part of the div.
Did I miss something on Vue?
Lot of Data but no scrollbar
Lot of data is fetched and stored in items
<div class="ChildAddItem">
<div>Searchbar placeholder</div>
<div class="ItemChoiche" v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<p v-if="item == null">Null</p>
export default {
data: () => ({
openItemsearch: false,
groupid: '',
playerid: '',
items: []
mounted() {
this.$axios.get("getallData").then((response) => (this.items = response.data));
this.groupid = this.$route.params.group;
this.playerid = this.$route.params.player;
resolved by remove the postion: fixed in the navigation bar css
<div class="test">
<template v-if="arr && arr.length">
<div class="a">rendered in dom</div>
<div class="b">
<span>not render</span>
<el-button>but this child component is created, we can see it in vue-devtool</el-button>
<div class="c" v-else>test</div>
<el-dialog append-to-body :modal="false" :visible="visible" #close="visible = false">1</el-dialog>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
data() {
return {
arr: [],
visible: true
mounted() {
this.arr = [1, 2];
There are many solutions for this, e.g:
add key, change a different tag, and so on, but why ?
Most important, if delete the dialog, it could run with expectations!
this is my first question on stackoverflow.
So, I try to delete a item from array, I see, that in Vue Dev Tools it was deleted, but UI not updating.
I become this array as response from Laravel API and send dynamic to Vue Component like this
<admin-panel :jurisdictions="{{ $jurisdictions }}"></admin-panel>
then in my AdminComponent I redirect to AdminHomeComponent with props like this
<router-view :jurisdictions="jurisdictions"></router-view>
props: ['jurisdictions'],
created() {
this.$router.push({ name: "AdminHomeComponent" }).catch(err => {});
In AdminHomeComponent I have props too and router link to another component JurisdictionsComponent like this
<router-link :to="{name: 'JurisdictionsComponent'}"> Jurisdictions</router-link>
props: ["jurisdictions"]
And then will fun, wenn in JurisdictionsComponent I add a new one, or editing old one it works, there are reactive, but if I try to delete one, it still be reactive and I see this in Vue Dev Tools, but I cann't unterstand, why UI not updating..
<div class="w-100">
<div id="jurisdictionsContainer" ref="jurisdictionsContainer">
<div class="panel-heading d-flex justify-content-between">
<h3 class="panel-title">Jurisdictions</h3>
<div class="pull-right">
<button #click.prevent="$modal.show('create-edit-jurisdiction', {'action' : 'create'})">
<i class="fas fa-plus-square"/> Create new
<table class="table table-hover mt-2 rounded" id="jurisdictions-table">
<thead class="thead-dark ">
<tbody id="jurisdictions-table-body">
here I make v-for
<tr v-if="jurisdictions !== null" v-for="(jurisdiction, index) in this.jurisdictions" v-bind:key="jurisdiction.id"
class="result clickable-row"
#click="show($event, jurisdiction)">
<td class="title">
{{ jurisdiction.title }}
<td class="position-relative">
<button #click="$modal.show('create-edit-jurisdiction', {'jurisdiction': jurisdiction, 'index': index, 'action' : 'edit'})">
<div class="not-clickable">Edit</div>
here a show a delete modal window, use can deside delete or not, my code from ModalDeleteComponent see below
<button #click="$modal.show('delete-jurisdiction', {'jurisdiction': jurisdiction, 'index': index})">
<div class="not-clickable">Delete</div>
<i class="fas fa-trash-alt not-clickable"/>
<delete-jurisdiction #onDeleted="onClickDelete"/>
<create-edit-jurisdiction #create="onClickCreate" #edit="onClickEdit":errors="this.errors.createEdit"/>
export default {
name: "JurisdictionsComponent",
props: ["jurisdictions"],
data() {
return {
isAllSelected: false,
errors: {
createEdit: {},
addEvent: {}
methods: {
* Create a new jurisdiction
* #param data form
onClickCreate(data) {
axios.post("/admin-dashboard/jurisdictions", data.form)
.then(response => {
response.data.image === undefined ? response.data.image = null : response.data.image;
response.data.selected = false;
this.errors.createEdit = {}
.catch(errors => {
this.errors.createEdit = errors.response.data.errors;
Here a try to delete jurisdiction, it deletes from database, from props in Vue Dev Tools but not from UI
* Delete jurisdiction request
* #param index
onClickDelete(index) {
axios.delete("/admin-dashboard/jurisdictions/" + this.jurisdictions[index].id)
.then(() => {
this.$delete(this.jurisdictions, index);
.catch(errors => {
* Edit a jurisdiction
* #param data form
onClickEdit(data) {
axios.patch(this.jurisdictions[data.index].path, data.form)
.then(response => {
this.$set(this.jurisdictions, data.index, response.data);
this.errors.createEdit = {}
.catch(errors => {
this.errors.createEdit = errors.response.data.errors;
<modal name="delete-jurisdiction" #before-open="beforeOpen" height="200" #before-close="beforeClose">
<div class="h-100">
<div v-if="jurisdiction !== null" class="p-4 mt-2">
<h3>Do you want really delete
<a :href="'/admin-dashboard/jurisdictions/'+jurisdiction.id"><strong>{{ jurisdiction.title }}</strong></a>
<span v-if="jurisdiction.events.length > 0">
with {{ jurisdiction.events.length }} {{ jurisdiction.events.length === 1 ? 'event' : "events"}}
<div class="bg-dark d-flex justify-content-around p-2 position-absolute w-100" style="bottom: 0">
<button class="btn btn-danger" #click="submitDelete">Delete</button>
<button class="btn btn-secondary" #click="$modal.hide('delete-jurisdiction')">Cancel</button>
export default {
name: "ModalDeleteJurisdictionComponent",
data() {
return {
jurisdiction: null,
index: ""
methods: {
submitDelete() {
this.$emit('onDeleted', this.index);
beforeOpen (event) {
this.jurisdiction = event.params.jurisdiction;
this.index = event.params.index;
beforeClose(event) {
this.jurisdiction = null;
this.index = "";
I know, my question is too long, but if anyone tries to answer this, I will very happy))
I'm open to any contra questions. Sorry for my English
So, thanks oshell for a tipp. Ich have renamed in jurisdictions to dataJurisdictions and init in created() {this.dataJurisdictions = this.jurisdictions} as well. First of all I want to avoid duplication of data in components and work only with props, but nevertheless it works. Thanks a lot!
You are adding to jurisdictions, which is a prop.
However, you should either update the prop in the parent component, to trigger a prop change and re-render or assign the prop to the components data as initial value and then update data.
Changing prop in parent component can be done using $emit or by using Vuex.
Assigning data locally just needs a different value name.
this.localJurisdictions = this.jurisdictions
And for updating then use this new data value. (Use accordingly in template.)
I am trying to get the selected value to update in my vue component, but it doesn't change and stays empty instead, i can select things but i can't do anything with it.
I have tried adding :value to the v-select component, but it just doesn't update the value whenever i select something.
Since i am still trying this with the example from their documentation, i made a fork on codepen here: https://codepen.io/andyftp/pen/GweKpP so you can try it out.
Anyone can help me here?
<div id="app">
<h1>Vue Select - Ajax</h1>
<v-select label="name"
><template slot="no-options">
type to search GitHub repositories..
<template slot="option" slot-scope="option">
<div class="d-center">
<img :src='option.owner.avatar_url'/>
{{ option.full_name }}
<template slot="selected-option" scope="option">
<div class="selected d-center">
<img :src='option.owner.avatar_url'/>
{{ option.full_name }}
Selected: {{ selected }}
Vue.component("v-select", VueSelect.VueSelect);
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
selected: null, // this needs to be filled with the selected value (id or object), but it stays empty
options: []
methods: {
onSearch(search, loading) {
this.search(loading, search, this);
search: _.debounce((loading, search, vm) => {
).then(res => {
res.json().then(json => (vm.options = json.items));
}, 350)
I have a little issue with setting element's width by using v-bind:style=...
The deal is that properties for style are requried faster, than I can provide them (in mounted). Any idea how to force update after I will fill my array with width's?
<div class="headings ">
<div class="t-cell head" v-for="(header, index) in headings"
:style="'min-width:'+ getHeight(index) +'px'"
<div class="fixed-table text-inline" >
<div class="t-cell head" v-for="(header, index) in headings" :ref="'head' + index">
export default {
mounted: function(){
methods: {
return this.headerWidths[index];
const _that=this;
_that.headerWidths[index] = _that.$refs['head'+index][0].clientWidth
data: function () {
return {
headings: this.headersProp,
It would be great if there would be some method to enforce update, as the width will probably change based on the content inserted.
You are being bitten by the array caveats. Instead of assigning individual array elements (using =), use vm.$set:
getColumnWidths() {
const _that = this;
this.header.forEach(function(element, index) {
_that.$set(_that.headerWidths, index, _that.$refs['head' + index][0].clientWidth)
I'm just starting out with VueJS and I was trying to port over a simple jQuery read more plugin I had.
I've got everything working except I don't know how to get access to the contents of the slot. What I would like to do is move some elements passed into the slot to right above the div.readmore__wrapper.
Can this be done simply in the template, or am I going to have to do it some other way?
Here's my component so far...
<div class="readmore">
<div class="readmore__wrapper" :class="{ 'active': open }">
Read {{ open ? lessLabel : moreLabel }}
export default {
name: 'read-more',
data() {
return {
open: false,
moreLabel: 'more',
lessLabel: 'less'
methods: {
toggle() {
this.open = !this.open;
You can certainly do what you describe. Manipulating the DOM in a component is typically done in the mounted hook. If you expect the content of the slot to be updated at some point, you might need to do the same thing in the updated hook, although in playing with it, simply having some interpolated content change didn't require it.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
readMore: {
template: '#read-more-template',
data() {
return {
open: false,
moreLabel: 'more',
lessLabel: 'less'
methods: {
toggle() {
this.open = !this.open;
mounted() {
const readmoreEl = this.$el.querySelector('.readmore__wrapper');
const firstEl = readmoreEl.querySelector('*');
this.$el.insertBefore(firstEl, readmoreEl);
.readmore__wrapper {
display: none;
.readmore__wrapper.active {
display: block;
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.4.2/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id='app'>
Hi there.
<div>First div inside</div>
<div>Another div of content</div>
<template id="read-more-template">
<div class="readmore">
<div class="readmore__wrapper" :class="{ 'active': open }">
Read {{ open ? lessLabel : moreLabel }}