Why do DKIM public keys always end with 'IDAQAB'? - dkim

I have noticed that all the DKIM public keys generated always end with the string 'IDAQAB'.
Any reason to it or are there cases where DKIM public keys will not end with the same string all the time ?.

DKIM public keys are encoded in the binary DER format and shared as Base64 in the DNS. RSA public keys consist of a modulus and an exponent. The exponent is typically 65537, which is 01 00 01 in hexadecimal. DER prefixes this value with 02 for the integer type and 03 for the length of the exponent in bytes. The Base64 encoding of 02 03 01 00 01 is IDAQAB (at the right offset).
Before the modulus, which is unique for each RSA public key, there are nested length prefixes and an object identifier. This information is identical for RSA keys of the same length, which is why you find many DKIM public keys which also share the same prefix, such as MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA.


Getting public key from DNSKEY RR public key field using Python

I am trying to parse and validate DNSSEC responses without using any DNS specific libraries. I am able to get the hexstring representation of a RSA key from the public key field value present in the DNSKEY RRs. According to RFC 8017, the RSA public key is represented with the ASN.1 type RSAPublicKey format which has a modulus and exponent. However, it doesn't specify anything more.
The hexstring(same as in Wireshark) is
I saw other similar posts and tried to follow the solutions. Most of the solutions try to get it from a pem file or binary data or base64 encoded form. When I try to convert the hex to those forms and use the solution, I get errors like 'RSA key format not supported' etc..
Is there anyway I can get the public key from the hex? I would really appreciate any inputs! Thanks!
I finally managed to find the solution.
According to RFC 3110 section 2, we can split the given value into exponent length, exponent and modulus. I split them as specified and converted the hexadecimal to integer. The text from RFC is below
The structure of the algorithm specific portion
of the RDATA part of such RRs is as shown below.
Field Size
----- ----
exponent length 1 or 3 octets (see text)
exponent as specified by length field
modulus remaining space
For interoperability, the exponent and modulus are each limited to
4096 bits in length. The public key exponent is a variable length
unsigned integer. Its length in octets is represented as one octet
if it is in the range of 1 to 255 and by a zero octet followed by a
two octet unsigned length if it is longer than 255 bytes. The public
key modulus field is a multiprecision unsigned integer. The length
of the modulus can be determined from the RDLENGTH and the preceding
RDATA fields including the exponent.

computing the exchange hash for ecdsa-sha2-nistp256

I am writing code for an SSH server and can not get past the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Reply part of the connection. The client also closes the connection and says "Host Key does not match the signature supplied".
I am using putty as the client and a PIC micro-controller is running the server code.
From RFC 5656 [SSH ECC Algorithm Integration] :
"The hash H is formed by applying the algorithm HASH on a
concatenation of the following:
string V_C, client's identification string (CR and LF excluded)
string V_S, server's identification string (CR and LF excluded)
string I_C, payload of the client's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
string I_S, payload of the server's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
string K_S, server's public host key
string Q_C, client's ephemeral public key octet string
string Q_S, server's ephemeral public key octet string
mpint K, shared secret
the host key algorithm and key exchange algorithm is ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 and ecdh-sha2-nistp256 respectively.
referring to RFC 4251 for data type representations, as well as the source code in openSHH (openBSD) this is what I have concatenated.
4 bytes for then length of V_C followed by V_C
4 bytes for then length of V_S followed by V_S
4 bytes for length of I_C followed by I_C (payload is from Message Code to the start of Random Padding)
4 bytes for length of I_S followed by I_S (payload is from Message Code to the start of Random Padding)
4 bytes for the length of K_S followed by K_S (for K_S I used the same group of bytes that is used to calculate the fingerprint)
4 bytes for the length of Q_C followed by Q_C (i used the uncompressed string which has length of 65 - 04||X-coordinate||Y-coordinate)
4 bytes for the length of Q_S followed by Q_S
4 bytes for the length of K followed by K (length is 32 or 33 depending is the leading bit is set or not. If it is set then K is preceded by a 00 byte)
Once concatenated I hash it with SHA256 because I'm using NISTP256. SHA256 outputs 32 bytes which is the size of the curve, so I take the whole SHA256 output and perform the signature algorithm on it.
I can never get the correct signature from my message concatenation.
I know my signature algorithm is correct because given the message hash output I can get the correct signature.
I know my shared secret is correct because I get the same output as online shared secret calculators.
I know the SHA256 is correct because I get the same result using online calculators.
This leads me to assume the error is in the concatenation of the exchange hash.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
ECDSA signature generation is non-deterministic, i.e. part of the input is the hash and part of the input consists of random bytes. So whatever you do, you will always get a different signature. This is all right because signature verification will still work.
The only way to get a repeated signature is to mess with the random number generator (during testing, you don't want to sign two values using the same random number: you'd expose the private key!).

Convert "emailAdress=<email-address>" found in Subject field of x.509 SSL certificate to hexadecimal

I have a 'Subject' of SSL x.509 certificate given as
Subject: C=XX, ST=XX, L=XX, O=XX, OU=XX, emailAddress=admin#adobe.pw, CN=trustasia.asia
and I want to covert this to binary stream as found in SSL certificate when it is sent on wire, I know definition Subject field is given in RFC-5280 in ASN.1 notation and DER encoding rules given in x.609 are to covert this field to binary representation, these two documents and with little help from code(which gave hexadecimal representations of OID such as id-at-countryName:{0x55, 0x04, 0x06}) i was able to covert all the RDNs(RelativeDistinguishedNames) to their binary representation, but I am stuck with emailAdress filds.
I found its OID:1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 but don't know what it is hexadecimal representation.
Can you please guide me how can I covert this to binary representation.
I suspect that you are talking about OID encoding using ASN.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). I would suggest to check this article to get detailed information about OBJECT_IDENTIFIER encoding rules: OBJECT IDENTIFIER
OID string value conversion to ASN.1 DER will result in:
06 09 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 09 01
where, 0x06 -- is OBJECT_IDENTIFIER tag identifer, 0x09 -- encoded OID value length in bytes, the rest bytes (2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 09 01) represent OID binary form
emailAddress is of type IA5String so it would appear in the certificate in the same form as shown in subject line: 'admin#adobe.pw'.

I understand the mathematics of RSA encryption: How are the files in ~/.ssh related to the theory?

I went through the math in the "worked example" in the RSA wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(algorithm) and understood it entirely. For the remainder of this question, I will use math variables consistent with the wiki page.
I'm on a Unix machine and I'm looking in the ~/.ssh directory and I see all these files
and I want to connect the theory with the practice.
What exactly is in id_rsa? If I cat it
cat id_rsa
I get a big jumble of characters. Is this some representation the number n = pq? What representation is it exactly? base 64? If so, then is id_rsa.pub suppose to be some representation of the numbers e and n?
In general, I'm trying to connect the theory of RSA with the actual practice as implemented through the ssh program on Unix machines. Any answers or pointers to the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
id_rsa is a base64-encoded DER-encoded string. The ASN.1 syntax for that DER-encoded string is described in RFC3447 (aka PKCS1):
Version ::= INTEGER { two-prime(0), multi(1) }
{-- version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present --})
RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
version Version,
modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER, -- e
privateExponent INTEGER, -- d
prime1 INTEGER, -- p
prime2 INTEGER, -- q
exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1)
exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1)
coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p
otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL
DER encoding uses a tag-length-value notation. So here's a sample private key:
Here's the hex encoding:
The 30 is because it's a SEQUENCE tag. The 82025c represents the length. The first byte means the length is of the "long form" (82 & 80) and that the next two bytes represent the length (82 & 7F). So the actual length of the SEQUENCE is 025c. So after that is the value.
Then you get to the version. 02 is of type int, 01 is the tag length and 00 is the value. ie. it's a two-prime key as opposed to a multi-prime key.
More info on the Distinguished Encoding Rules.
Trying to understand ASN.1 is a lot more complicated and a lot of it, for the purpose of understanding the formatting of RSA private keys, is unnecessary. For X.509 it becomes more necessary but RSA keys aren't nearly as complicated, formatting-wise, as X.509 certs.
Hope that helps!

SSL certificate signature verification

I'm trying to verify certificate on an embedded board manually because it doesn't support Openssl or other libraries. However it does have libraries for MD5 and SHA1 hashes and RSA encryption.
From what I understand to verify the certificate, first compute the SHA1 hash (or MD5) of the certificate; then decode the signature using CA's public key to obtain a hashed value. These two hash values should be the same.
SHA1 hash produces a 20 byte value and MD5 produces 16 byte value. However, RSA decoding of the signature does not. If the CA's key is 1024 bits, the decode signature will be 80bytes; if the CA's key is 512 bits, the decoded signature will be 40 bytes. So I can't really compare the 20 bytes SHA1 value against the 40 or 80 bytes Decoded Signature.
Am I doing something wrong? Or am I missing a step?
The missing bit is the padding algorithm.
You use RSA with a specific padding algorithm, and the same algorithm also tells you how to take the result (when you decrypt the signature) and extract from it the actual data (the hash).