How can I loop over an array of sets/maps with varying data types - kotlin

I want to make it so that I keep my code dry and create 3 (or more, or less) buttons with somewhat the same structure. So I create a list of objects to loop over and put the data inside the object to use in several places in the AppButton.
I might think a bit too Pythonic, because that's my main language and I only recently started using Kotlin. What I normally do in Python:
app_buttons = [
I've tried something similar in Kotlin with mapOf:
val appButtons = arrayOf(
"title" to getString(R.string.app_btn_example1),
"icon" to R.drawable.ic_some_icon_1_64,
"uriString" to "myapp://example1",
and then loop over them and getting from the map:
for (entry in appButtons) {
) {
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(entry.get("uriString"))).apply {
val name = getString(R.string.saved_account_key)
putExtra(name, sharedPref.getString(name, null))
But then I get Type mismatch. Required String. Found {Comparable &}?. I don't know what types to put where...
Ok different approach, using setOf and destructuring:
val appButtons = arrayOf(
for ((text, icon, uriString) in appButtons) {
) {
But now I get the following:
Destructuring declaration initializer of type Set<{Comparable<*> &}> must have a 'component1()' function
Destructuring declaration initializer of type Set<{Comparable<*> &}> must have a 'component2()' function
Destructuring declaration initializer of type Set<{Comparable<*> &}> must have a 'component3()' function
How do I make this work? How do I create a basic list of objects and loop over them with the correct types? It feels so simple in Python. I'm clearly missing something.

Rather than using maps, you should create a data class. For example:
data class ButtonModel(
val title: String,
val icon: Int,
val uriString: String,
You can then create the array like this:
val appButtons = arrayOf(
title = getString(R.string.app_btn_example1),
icon = R.drawable.ic_some_icon_1_64,
uriString = "myapp://example1",
Or without the parameter labels if you prefer:
val appButtons = arrayOf(
Then, rather than getting them with get or [], you can just use the dot syntax:
) {
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(entry.uriString)).apply {
val name = getString(R.string.saved_account_key)
putExtra(name, sharedPref.getString(name, null))


Kotlin Generic problem, UNCHECKED_CAST , required:Nothing

data class Element<T>(
val key: String,
val valueOne: T,
val valueTwo: T,
val comparator: Comparator<T>,
val comparatorValue: CompareResult
enum class CompareResult(
val value: Int
) {
fun <T> matchesComparison(list:Collection<Element<T>>): Pair<Boolean, List<String>> {
val failedComparisons = mutableListOf<String>()
for (element in list) {
val compareValue =, element.valueTwo)
if (element.comparatorValue.value != compareValue) {
return Pair(failedComparisons.isEmpty(), failedComparisons)
val stringComparator = Comparator.comparing(String::toString)
val intComparator = Comparator.comparing(Int::toInt)
val elementsToCompare = listOf(
Element("number", 1, 2, intComparator, CompareResult.LESS),
Element("first name", "a", "a", stringComparator, CompareResult.EQUAL),
Element("last name", "a", "b", stringComparator, CompareResult.EQUAL)
matchesComparison(elementsToCompare).second.joinToString(", ","Failed elements: \"","\"")
I often get faced with comparing two different object properties with the same values.
As an example object A has props number,firstname,lastname. What i want to do is create a list have and have a function which goes over these Elements and returns which props have failed the comparison. I've managed to use generics for both the object and the matchesComparison function which returns the failed comparisons. The problem begins when i want to pass this list which is of type Collection<Element<out Any>> to this function is i get a type missmatch. instead of using unchecked casts to force the Comparator to be of type Any i would like to do this
val stringComparator = Comparator.comparing(String::toString)
val intComparator = Comparator.comparing(Int::toInt)
The result value that of the script above should be Failed elements: "last name"
I tried changing the signature of the function to out any but then the method has both params as of type Nothing. I really want to avoid unsing unchecked casts.
matchesComparison() doesn't need to be generic in this case. It doesn't really care what is the type of the whole input collection, so we can simply use * here.
Then we have another problem. The compiler isn't smart enough to notice that while we perform operations on a single element, all its properties are of matching types. As a result, it doesn't allow to use element.comparator on element.valueOne and element.valueTwo. To fix this problem, we simply need to create a separate function which works on a single Element, so it understand the type for all properties is the same:
fun matchesComparison(list:Collection<Element<*>>): Pair<Boolean, List<String>> {
fun <T> Element<T>.matches() = comparatorValue.value ==, valueTwo)
val failedComparisons = mutableListOf<String>()
for (element in list) {
if (!element.matches()) {
return Pair(failedComparisons.isEmpty(), failedComparisons)
Also, I believe such matches() function should be actually a member function of Element. It seems strange that while Element is pretty independent and it contains everything that is needed to perform a comparison, it still requires to use external code for this. If it would have a matches() function then we wouldn't need to care about its T. matches() would work with any Element.

Kotlin filter list by predicate

I am trying to filter a list based on a condition that a property inside the list is an enum type. But I get an error on the filter function. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this error and why it is happening?
Type inference failed. The value of the type parameter T should be mentioned in input types (argument types, receiver type or expected type). Try to specify it explicitly.
My code is below:
data class Person(
val name: String,
val ageInDays: Int,
val currentStatus: List<Status>,
data class Status(
val name: String,
val activity: Activity
enum class Activity {
fun main() {
var build = listOf(
Person("abc", 3655, listOf(
Status("abcProc1", Activity.COOK),
Status("abcProc2", Activity.CLEAN),
Status("abcProc2", Activity.SLEEP),
Person("ghi", 500, listOf(
Status("ghiProc", Activity.COOK),
Status("ghiProc", Activity.SLEEP),
Person("def", 1000,listOf(
Status("defProc", Activity.SLEEP)
println(build.filter { it.currentStatus.contains(Activity.CLEAN) })
currentStatus is a List<Status>. The only type of object that could be in the list is a Status (or subtype thereof). So it doesn't make sense to call contains on the list with an argument that is not a Status. An Activity is not a subtype of Status.
Assuming you want to filter your list of Status to only include instances of Status for which the activity property is Activity.CLEAN, you would do it like:
build.filter { it.currentStatus.any { status -> status.activity == Activity.CLEAN } }
or slightly less efficient but possibly clearer logic:
build.filter { }

About binarySearch() of Kotlin List

I ran the examples in the official Kotlin documentation in the local Android Studio, and found that the results are different from what I expected, but I don’t know what is causing this?
data class Produce(
val name: String,
val price: Double
This is the data class I defined
val list2 = listOf(
Produce("AppCode", 52.0),
Produce("IDEA", 182.0),
Produce("VSCode", 2.75),
Produce("Eclipse", 1.75)
this is my source list
println(list2.sortedWith(compareBy<Produce> {
}.thenBy {
The output on the console is:
[Produce(name=Eclipse, price=1.75), Produce(name=VSCode, price=2.75), Produce(name=AppCode, price=52.0), Produce(name=IDEA, price=182.0)]
I call binarySearch() like this
println("result: ${
Produce("AppCode", 52.0), compareBy<Produce> {
}.thenBy {
I think the result should be 2, but it is 0
result: 0
I don't know why it turned out like this. Plase help me . thanks a lot
sortedWith() does not modify the list, it returns a new, sorted collection. When calling list2.binarySearch() you still search through original, unsorted list.
You need to either do something like:
Or create your list with mutableListOf() and then use sort() which sorts in-place.
Broot is right. You need to pass the sorted list to the binarySearch() function. To clarify in code:
val comparator = compareBy<Produce> { it.price }.thenBy { }
val sorted = list2.sortedWith(comparator)
val foundIndex = sorted.binarySearch(Produce("AppCode", 52.0), comparator)
println("Found at: $foundIndex")
Produce(name=Eclipse, price=1.75)
Produce(name=VSCode, price=2.75)
Produce(name=AppCode, price=52.0)
Produce(name=IDEA, price=182.0)
Found at: 2

Kotlin iterate a collection and map a certain value to new map

I have a map of collections . I need to get a list of ids from that..
val m1 = mapOf("id" to 1, "name" to "Alice")
val m2 = mapOf("id" to 2, "name" to "Bob")
val m3 = mapOf("id" to 3, "name" to "Tom")
val nameList = listOf(m1, m2, m3)
The result shall be [1, 2, 3]
Assuming you want a list as per the example, not a map as per the title, I would do it like this:
val result = {
it.getValue("id").also { id ->
require(id is Int) { "id must be an Int" }
} as Int
This has the advantage of handling the following errors cleanly:
The id key is missing: NoSuchElementException: Key id is missing in the map
The id value is not an Int: IllegalArgumentException: id must be an Int
First things first, I believe that if you can, you should use classes instead of maps for storing heterogeneous data like this. So instead of your maps, you can use:
data class Person(val id: Int, val name: String)
val m1 = Person(id = 1, name = "Alice")
val m2 = Person(id = 2, name = "Bob")
val m3 = Person(id = 3, name = "Tom")
val list = listOf(m1, m2, m3)
val idsList = { } // no error handling required, rely on the type system
Now, if you really want to use maps like that, you have several options.
If you're certain the id key will be present and its value will be an Int, you can use the following: { it["id"] as Int }
This will fail with NullPointerException if id is not present in one of the maps or with ClassCastException if it's not an Int.
Normally you should make sure your map matches your contract at creation time, and not when accessing this kind of information.
But if you need to handle errors here for some reason, you can use the following instead: {
(it.getValue("id") as? Int) ?: error("'id' is not an Int")
getValue fails on absent keys with NoSuchElementException, and the error() call fails with IllegalStateException. You can also use other kinds of exceptions using throw or require().
If you want to just ignore the entries that don't have a valid integer id, you can use the following:
nameList.mapNotNull { it["id"] as? Int }
If you want to ignore the entries that don't have an id, but fail on those who have a non-integer id, you can use this:
nameList.mapNotNull { map ->
map["id"]?.let { id ->
(id as? Int) ?: error("'id' is not an Int")
These 2 last examples rely on mapNotNull, which filters the elements out if their mapped value is null.

Why filtering out null map keys doesn't change type to not nullable in kotlin?

I have a list of objects with an optional id as String and I want to make a map out of it.
I want to have the keys of my map as non nullable: so something like this:
data class Foo(
val id: String? = null
val someStuff: String? = null,
val foo = listOf(Foo("id1"), Foo())
val bar = foo.filterNot { == null }.associateBy { }
Here bar type is Map<String?, Foo> but not Map<String, Foo>
My workaround is to add a non null asserted call: !!, but it doesn't seem clean.
Is there an easy and safe way to do this?
This looks like something that contracts could help with, but currently a contract expression can't access properties of the class in use.
As a workaround, you could define a 2nd class that has a non-null id, like so
data class Foo(
val id: String? = null,
val someStuff: String? = null
data class Foo2(
val id: String,
val someStuff: String? = null
val foo = listOf(Foo("id1"), Foo())
val bar = foo
.mapNotNull { if ( != null) Foo2(, it.someStuff) else null }
.associateBy { }
There's a six-year-old open feature request for Map.filterNotNullKeys() and a four-year old open feature request for Map.associateByNotNull().
In my opinion, the associateBy {!! } would be cleanest for readability. But you could do it like this:
val bar = foo.mapNotNull { { to it } }.toMap()
As for your actual question, that logic is way too many steps for the compiler to infer. Your last function call to associateBy sees a nullable, so it infers a nullable. For the compiler to figure this out, it would have to step back and see that the List that you call associateBy on happens to have filtered out certain objects in a way that happens to ensure that a certain nullable property won't be null within this specific list, and it's the same property that you are associating with. Now imagine it has to do this for every call to any generic function, and the various lambdas involved could potentially have multiple lines of code. Compile times would skyrocket.