How to generate valgrind suppressions without manual cut and paste? - valgrind

I want to generate a suppressions file with --gen-suppressions in valgrind.
However, I do not want to have to go through thousands of lines of output the cut and paste out the suppressions and remove the valgrind stack traces / other valgrind output, and resolve .
Is there a way to do this easily? This seems like a very basic use case...
// I want this part vvvvv
match-leak-kinds: reachable
// I do not want this part vvvv
==187526== 2 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 2 of 137
==187526== at 0x483B7F3: malloc (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/
==187526== by 0x4B7C50E: strdup (strdup.c:42)
==187526== by 0x5922D81: _XlcResolveLocaleName (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==187526== by 0x5926387: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==187526== by 0x5925956: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==187526== by 0x592615C: _XlcCreateLC (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==187526== by 0x5943664: _XlcDefaultLoader (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==187526== by 0x592D995: _XOpenLC (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

It is quite unlikely that all of the suppressions are different.
If you create a suppression like
match-leak-kinds: reachable
Then re-run. Typically the error count will go down very quickly and you will only need to add a fairly small number of suppressions (single or low double digits).
(you need to apply your knowledge of the code and libs(s) to get a sensible stack depth for suppressions - too many stack entries and the suppression will be too specific and you need more suppressions, too few and you risk suppressing real problems).


writing on rfid-Tag and locking block using CoE with IO-Link Master (ifm al1330)

i have got the following issues.
I want to Read/Write on a Rfid-Tag and lock this block afterwards.
I have the following hardware:
AL1330, IFM Io-link Master
DTI513, IFM IO-Link Rfid-REader/Writer
Beckhoff, PLC CX5230
Rfid-Tag, ICode Slix,
I can read the Uid, can write and Read Data Bytes on the RFID.
I fail to lock the Block afterwards. I tried various ways with CoE Communication.
I divide the Problem into 3 steps:
Step 1:
Craft the CMD responsible for the Lock on the Tag.
This is specified in the responsible Norm
this are the Flags
This leads me for example to this Command
Step2 : Calculating the CRC
-For the CRC in the Norm there is one Example (CRC Iso/IEC 13239)
0x22 0x20 0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67 0x89 0xab 0x04 0xe0 0x0b
this command shall lead to CRC BAE3.
My Oscat Lib Block Basic.CRC_Gen with this Parameter returns this value
Same as
With more testing, the crc calucaltions differ, and i do not know why and how,
and which one is correct.
- More testing and i recognized, the Oscat Library FB Basic.CRC_Gen
fills any Input, shorter than 4 bytes, with 0x00.
- there should be the workaround, to use addressed commands with the optional Uid.
Writing the Command with the appended CRC to Tag via CoE
- i use the Beckhoff FBs to access CoE
I can acces the different IDs with Subids and get Results,
so this works
i found the IO-Acyclic Command, which i think is the right one, to issue commands to
the tag
the docu in the AL1330 shows this
I tried a lot of different stuff, but cannot make it happen.
Problem is, i am not sure, if the CMD is correct or not, the CRC is wrong or how to make the Acyclic Command to work.
I tried for days and found no solution.
So i would be very glad for tips and hints in the right direction.
I hope i do not violate any rules

how do i know in advance that the buffer size is enough in nanopb?

im trying to use nanopb, according to the example:
the buffer size is initialized to 128:
uint8_t buffer[128];
my question is how do i know (in advance) this 128-length buffer is enough to transmit my message? how to decide a proper(enough but not waste too much due to over-large) size of buffer before initial (or coding) it?
looks like a noob question :) , but thx for your quick suggestion.
When possible, nanopb adds a define in the generated .pb.h file that has the maximum encoded size of a message. In the file examples/simple/simple.pb.h you'll find:
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define SimpleMessage_size 11
And could specify uint8_t buffer[SimpleMessage_size];.
This define will be available only if all repeated and string fields have been specified (nanopb).max_count and (nanopb).max_size options.
For many practical purposes, you can pick a buffer size that you estimate will be large enough, and handle error conditions. It is also possible to use pb_get_encoded_size() to calculate the encoded size and dynamically allocate storage, but in general that is not a great solution in embedded applications. When total system memory size is limited, it is often better to have a constant sized buffer that you can test with, instead of having the available amount of dynamic memory vary at the runtime.

Issues with Valgrind when running Petsc

I receive the following errors from valgrind.
==30996== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==30996== at 0x12B28904: ??? (in /usr/lib64/
==30996== by 0xE12CF9A: ibv_open_device (in /usr/lib64/
==30996== by 0xAAFA03B: btl_openib_component_init (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xAAF0832: mca_btl_base_select (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xAAF0160: mca_bml_r2_component_init (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xAAEE95D: mca_bml_base_init (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xABE96D9: mca_pml_ob1_component_init (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xABE75A8: mca_pml_base_select (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xAA98BD3: ompi_mpi_init (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0xAAB87EC: PMPI_Init_thread (in /sw/arcts/centos7/openmpi/1.10.2-gcc-4.8.5/lib/
==30996== by 0x5D4664: PetscInitialize.part.3 (in /scratch/kfid_flux/ykmizu/ROMLSS/bin/ks_main.x)
==30996== by 0x49B5B4: main (in /scratch/kfid_flux/ykmizu/ROMLSS/bin/ks_main.x)
and this error repeats itself over and over again. I don't understand why PetscInitialize would give me a hard time. It's one of the first things I call in my main.c file after I initialize ints and doubles and etc.
PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL);
SlepcInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL);
Are these just false errors? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Getting a little desperate about this. Thank you.
There are discussions here.
It seems that you use Open MPI which is noisy under valgrind. You can try to compiler two versions of PETSc (so two different PETS_ARCHs): one uses the optimized MPI in your system, and another is built using MPICH with the configure option --download-mpich.
For debugging, you can select the PETSC_ARCH compiled with mpich. For performance evaluation, you can select another PETSC_ARCH compiled with optimized MPI of your platform.
Additionaly, if you want to use both PETSc and SLEPc, you can select either PetscInitialize or SlepcInitialize for start their environment. It makes no sense to repeat two times.
I hope it's helpful for you.

suppress warnings related to certain library

How can I tell valgrind to stop showing any kind of error related to a certain library? I got lots of reports that look like this:
==24152== Invalid write of size 8
==24152== at 0xD9FF876: ??? (in /usr/lib64/dri/
==24152== by 0x110647AF: ???
==24152== Address 0x7f3c98553f20 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
I could prune them by the address (0x7fxxxxxxxxxx is not something that is allocated at userland), but my valgrind build seems not to accept --ignore-ranges=0x7f0000000000-0x7fffffffffff
You can generate suppression-lists using --gen-suppressions=all. Then you can add those to some .supp file under lib/valgrind.

Accessing frame info in gdb

In gdb, is there a way to access the contents of info frame in a script?
I'm debugging a problem somewhere between Apache, PHP, APC and my own code, and I have about a hundred cores to choose from. Following the instructions here
I end up with a stacktrace like:
#0 0x0121a31a in do_bind_function (opline=0xa94dd750, function_table=0x9b9cf98, compile_time=0 '\0') at /usr/src/debug/php-5.2.7/Zend/zend_compile.c:2407
#1 0x0124bb2e in ZEND_DECLARE_FUNCTION_SPEC_HANDLER (execute_data=0xbfef7990) at /usr/src/debug/php-5.2.7/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:498
#2 0x01249dfa in execute (op_array=0xb79d5d3c) at /usr/src/debug/php-5.2.7/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:92
#3 0x01261e31 in ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_VAR_HANDLER (execute_data=0xbfef80d0) at /usr/src/debug/php-5.2.7/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:7809
#4 0x01249dfa in execute (op_array=0xb79d55ec) at /usr/src/debug/php-5.2.7/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:92
#26 0x09caa894 in ?? ()
#27 0x00000000 in ?? ()
The stack will always look similar, with function execute and ZEND_something interleaved several times. I need to go up to the last instance of execute (up 2 in this case) and print myVar.
Obviously gdb knows the function names, but does it surface them in any user variables I could access?
Typing frame 2 shows a one-line version, and info frame shows a single stackframe in detail. I want to do something like
while ($current_frame.function_name != "execute") {up;} print myVar but I don't see how to do it strictly within gdb.
Is there a variable / structure / special memory location / something that allows access to gdb's information on either the whole stack (like bt) or to the current stack frame (like info frame)?
GBD 7.1 has support for accessing frame information from Python for exactly this kind of scripting.