IntelliJ id not showing Run button not able to click it ethier - intellij-idea

Since I created a new project in another place it did not leting me run my code.


Navigate to class in project view - intelij

I upgraded my IDE to the new version 2019.3
in the previous version I have the ability to navigate in the project view to the class that I am currently working on.
today this is not displayed
how can I restore it?
this is the old menu, I want to add the icon that is marked in purple
Could it be you have the option Always Select Opened File enabled under the cog menu? When this is enabled the file currently open in the editor is selected automatically in the project view. This makes the "locate" action unnecessary and it is hidden.

How to do a svn compare between local code base and latest from repository like in Eclipse

In Eclipse, when click Synchronize view it will show up a tree structure of diff comparison from local to svn repo. Click on each file will pop up view to show code diff.
Is there a similar feature in Intellij and how to activate it? I am on latest Intellij Ultimate btw.
Click on the Version Control button on the bottom, click on the Incoming tab. Hit the refresh button (circle with arrows). First time it will ask you if you want to set up automatic refresh. It will then show any changes pending from the repository. You can click on files and get a diff. (You may have to right click on a revision and select "Show Affected Files".)
There is no exact same view in IDEA. See
You can use Subversion -> Compare to the Latest repository version from a file's context menu.
There is also the Incoming tab that shows changes from the server not yet applied to your working copy. You could invoke Show Diff with local from the Details pane of the Incoming change

IntelliJ Idea shortcut not working

I'm using IntelliJ Idea IDE, and have assigned ctrl+S to build projects shortcut. Unfortunately it is not working. However, I do get it working if I first open the 'Build' menu, and then press ctrl+S. I know ctrl+S is assigned to save project, and I purposedly want to always build the project on save. Is it wrong or errorneus to assign one shortcut to two actions?
How to get ctrl+S to work as a shortcut for building the project, simultaneously allowing it to be a shortcut for save?

How to reopen ViewPart?

I am working to make an Eclipse Plugin. I used a plugin project template that generated a View class which extends ViewPart. I think that it is part of SWT.
My problem is that the View is like a window inside of the main Frame which has buttons for close, minimize. I clicked on the X button of the View by mistake. Now I cannot make it visible again even if I relaunch the Eclipse Application.
Now, my Eclipse application looks like this:
It had some panels and buttons before. But I cannot make the View visible again. How should I make to bring it back? I have tried to delete the plugin project from Eclipse and import it again. But it did not work.
I bet that there it is an easy way to make the View visible again but I do not know how. Is there any setting through MANIFEST file? Or other file?
Specify the -clearPersistedState argument when you run the RCP (this assumes you are using Eclipse 4.x).
1) quick solution
restart workbench with clear workspace option checked under run configuration ..
2) Full Solution
you should add a menu in menu bar to open your view so that you can open your view when ever you want
create a command say openMyMenu
create a handler for it and call below code from handler execute method.
add that command to main menu bar..
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().showView(<view ID>);

My project with Kal in a workspace: thinks Kal is the primary target

I looked at all of the prior answers in SO for an answer to this question: I have created a workspace, added Kal and then added a NEW project, an empty tab bar application. Both build successfully; but when I try to do a run on my project, nothing happens (the "bong" from pressing an invalid key occurs), like it's not eligible to be run!
Q1: Do I have to create the workspace, then add MY project, then add Kal? Or is there a setting to indicate that my project depends on Kal, therefore my project is the main project? (When I try to add Kal as a dependency to my project, nothing shows up in the pop-up window).
Q2: Because this is a workspace, I understand that XCode takes care of the linker settings; do I still have to make all the changes to the search paths, as indicated in the Kal docs?
Here is what my scheme looks like:
Try using "⌘ + shift + ."(⌘ + <) followed by pressing "Manage Schemes…" in the left of the popup that appears then pressing the + above "Edit…" in the new popup in the next popup(geez!) hit the picker next to target select Soari under the Soari.xcodeproj and naming it whatever you like. Next in the top left corner of Xcode clicking the button with your project's title adjacent to the build/run and stop button will open up the scheme selector. If you're in a workspace it is normal that your projects have separate schemes but adding it should've fixed that.