How to use telegram bot API forwardMessage method for bot command in python? - telegram-bot

I'm trying to create a command for bot where user can write it like this:
/send "message"
And that message is sent to bot owner from the bot.


Share telegram bot messages with another user

I have a telegram bot that I send messages to via Python. I would like another user to be able to see these messages as well. Can't seem to figure out how to do it, nor what to do?

How do I send messages to a Telegram Bot?

I have created a Telegram Bot. As per the docs - any other telegram user can send messages to the bot
Users can interact with bots in two ways:
Send messages and commands to bots by opening a chat with them or by adding them to groups.
Now other users are being allowed to send messages, but those messages do not show on the bot chat. Am I missing to configure something?

How can i delete all messages in telegram chat with node js

I want to delete all messages in telegram bot chat, without saving their ids to DB.
Telegram bot is written on node-telegram-api

How to work (call)by bot telegram with php?instead in telegram app

I build bot telegram.
Is possible to work/call/use bot in php ? Not build it. I want use bot.
i want use bot without telegram app.
is it possible?
Yes, you download php bot source on hosting and using via browser string.
Must have:
Bot token
SSL certificate

How can a Telegram Bot figure out that user has opened the chat window?

How can a bot send a message to the user, when user just opens the chat.
User has already added a Telegram bot to his list of contacts and started conversation
Later on, user opens the chat window with that bot
Bot "sees" that user has opened the chat window, but hasn't written anything yet
Bot should say "hello, what can I help you with?" to the user
Is there any event/trigger for a step #3 in Telegram Bot API?
No. There is no trigger for each time user opens the chat window but for the first time as below:
When someone opens a chat with bot "FOR THE FIRST TIME", automatically
Telegram sends /start command to bot .It is like an ordinary command
when user sends a command or write /start and send, so your bot can
catch it and say hello or do any commands to that user. As soon as
user opens the chat window with your bot, Telegrams send this message
automatically to your bot containing info about user and so on.