Parallel sampling and groupby in pandas - pandas

I have a large df (>=100k rows and 40 columns) that I am looking repeatedly sample and groupby. The code below works, but I was wondering if there is a way to speed up the process by parallelising any part of the process.
The df can live in shared memory, and nothing gets changed in the df, just need to return 1 or more aggregates for each column.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
data['variant'] = np.repeat(['A', 'B'],50)
samples_list = []
for i in tqdm(range(0,1000)):
df = data.sample(
frac=1, # take the same number of samples as there are rows
replace=True, # allow the same row to be drawn multiple times
random_state=i # set state to be i for reproduceability
'A': 'count',
'B': [np.nanmean, np.sum, np.median, 'count'],
'C': [np.nanmean, np.sum],
'D': [np.sum]
df['experiment'] = i
samples_list.append( df )
# Convert to a df
samples = pd.concat(samples_list)

If you have enough memory, you can replicate the data first, then groupby and agg:
n_exp = 10
samples=(data.sample(n=len(data)*n_exp, replace=True, random_state=43)
.assign(experiment=np.repeat(np.arange(n_exp), len(data)) )
.groupby(['variant', 'experiment'])
.agg({'A': 'count',
'B': [np.nanmean, np.sum, np.median, 'count'],
'C': [np.nanmean, np.sum],
'D': [np.sum]
This is 4x faster with your sample data on my system.


How to apply scipy.signal.decimate to a dataframe to prevent alliasing before downsampling the timeseries

I have made a few modifications to your question to make it more appropriate for StackOverflow. Here's the updated version:
Copy code
I have two pandas DataFrames, dfb and dfv, where dfb has a higher sampling rate than dfv. I want to downsample dfb to align it with dfv. However, I am aware that I need to apply a low-pass filter to avoid aliasing. Can you suggest any improvements to the following function and what is the best way to apply a low-pass filter on a DataFrame before downsampling a time series?
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import decimate
# Generate example dataframes
dfb = pd.DataFrame({'a': range(0, 100, 2), 'b': range(0, 100, 2)}, index=pd.date_range('2022-01-01', periods=50, freq='2s'))
dfv = pd.DataFrame({'c': range(0, 100, 5), 'd': range(0, 100, 5)}, index=pd.date_range('2022-01-01', periods=20, freq='10s'))
def downsample_dataframe(dfb, dfv, filter_order=4):
freq_dfb = pd.infer_freq(dfb.index)
freq_dfv = pd.infer_freq(dfv.index)
q = int(pd.to_timedelta(freq_dfb).total_seconds()/pd.to_timedelta(freq_dfv).total_seconds())
dfb_downsampled = pd.DataFrame()
for column_name in dfb.columns:
signal = dfb[column_name]
signal = decimate(signal, q, zero_phase=True, axis=0, n=filter_order)
dfb_downsampled[column_name] = signal
dfb_downsampled.index = dfv.index
return dfb_downsampled
Are there any suggestions on how to improve this function? Is there a suggested method for aligning two timeseries by first applying

Numpy equivalent of pandas replace (dictionary mapping)

I know working on numpy array can be quicker than pandas.
I am wondering if there is a equivalent way (and quicker) to do pandas.replace on a numpy array.
In the example below, I have created a dataframe and a dictionary. The dictionary contains the name of columns and its corresponding mapping. I wonder if there is any function which would allow me to feed a dicitonary to a numpy array to do the mapping and yield a quicker processing time?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Dataframe
d = {'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': [4, 5, 6]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
# dictionary I want to map
d_mapping = {'col1' : {1:2 , 2:1} , 'col2' : {4:1}}
# result using pandas replace
# Instead of a pandas dataframe, I want to perform the same operation on a numpy array
df_np = df.to_records(index=False)
You can try I believe it depends on the number of unique elements to replace.
def replace_values(df, d_mapping):
def replace_col(col):
# extract numpy array and column name from pd.Series
col, name = col.values,
# generate condlist and choicelist
# for every key in mapping create a boolean mask
condlist = [col == x for x in d_mapping[name].keys()]
choicelist = d_mapping[name].values()
# use np.where to keep the existing value which won't be replaced
return, choicelist, col)
return df.apply(replace_col)
replace_values(df, d_mapping)
I also believe that you you can speed up the code above if you use lists/arrays in the mapping instead of dicts and replace keys(), and values() calls with index lookups:
d_mapping = {"col1": [[1, 2], [2, 1]], "col2": [[4], [1]]}
lookups and are also expensive
m = d_mapping[name]
condlist = [col == x for x in m[0]]
choicelist = m[1]
np.isin(col, m[0]),
Here is the benchmark
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2, 3], "col2": [4, 5, 6]})
# dictionary I want to map
d_mapping = {"col1": [[1, 2], [2, 1]], "col2": [[4], [1]]}
d_mapping_2 = {
col: dict(zip(*replacement)) for col, replacement in d_mapping.items()
def replace_values(df, mapping):
def replace_col(col):
col, (m0, m1) = col.values, mapping[]
return[col == x for x in m0], m1, col)
return df.apply(replace_col)
from timeit import timeit
print(" ", timeit(lambda: replace_values(df, d_mapping), number=5000))
print("df.replace: ", timeit(lambda: df.replace(d_mapping_2), number=5000))
On my 6-year old laptop it prints: 3.6562702230003197
df.replace: 4.714512745998945 is ~20% faster

How to find pearson correlation between rows in two dataframes

I have a dataframe that I split into two dataframes of the same amount of columns and rows (df1 and df2). I want to write a function that will go through each row and feed their values into the scipy.stats.pearsonr() function. How would I do this?
Something like:
for index, row in d1.iterrows():
print(scipy.stats.pearsonr(df1.loc[index], df2.loc[index]))
If you just want the function, try this:
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
df1 = pd.DataFrame(
'A': [0,2,3,4,5],
'B': [2,3,4,5,6],
'C': [5,6,7,8,9],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
'A': [2,1,3,4,5],
'B': [3,2,4,5,6],
'C': [7,7,7,3,3],
def pandas_pearsonr(df1, df2):
assert len(df1)==len(df2)
coefs = []
for i in range(0, len(df1)):
coefs.append(pearsonr(df1.iloc[i].values, df2.iloc[i].values))
return pd.DataFrame(index=df1.index, data=coefs, columns=['coef', 'p-value'])
pandas_pearsonr(df1, df2)
Output looks like this:
coef p-value
0 0.976221 0.139109
1 0.996271 0.054996
2 1.000000 0.000000
3 -0.720577 0.487754
4 -0.838628 0.366717
But I think, it can be more pythonic. And maybe you can use pandas.DataFrame.corr

Getting standard deviation on a specific number of dates

In this dataframe...
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
tf = 365
dt =
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Cat': np.repeat(['a', 'b', 'c'], tf),
'Date': np.tile(pd.date_range(dt, periods=tf), 3),
'Val': np.random.rand(3*tf)
How can I get a dictionary of standard deviation of each 'Cat' values for a specific number of days - back from the last day for a large dataset?
This code gives the standard deviation for 10 days...
{s: np.std(df[(df.Cat == s) &
(df.Date > today-datetime.timedelta(days=10))].Val)
for s in df.Cat.unique()}
...looks clunky.
Is there a better way?
First filter by boolean indexing and then aggregate std, but because default value ddof=1 is necessary set it to 0:
d1 = df[(df.Date>dt-datetime.timedelta(days=10))].groupby('Cat')['Val'].std(ddof=0).to_dict()
print (d1)
{'a': 0.28435695432581953, 'b': 0.2908486860242955, 'c': 0.2995981283031974}
Another solution is use custom function:
f = lambda x: np.std(x.loc[(x.Date > dt-datetime.timedelta(days=10)), 'Val'])
d2 = df.groupby('Cat').apply(f).to_dict()
Difference between solutions is if some values in group not matched conditions then is removed and for second solution is assignd NaN:
d1 = {'b': 0.2908486860242955, 'c': 0.2995981283031974}
d2 = {'a': nan, 'b': 0.2908486860242955, 'c': 0.2995981283031974}

Slice pandas' MultiIndex DataFrame

To keep track of all simulation-results in a parametric run, i create a MultIndex DataFrame named dfParRun in pandas as follows:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
limOpt = [0.1,1,10]
reimbOpt = ['Cash','Time']
xOpt = [0.1, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06, .07, .08]
zOpt = [1,5n10]
arrays = [limOpt, reimbOpt, xOpt, zOpt]
parameters = list(itertools.product(*arrays))
nPar = len(parameters)
variables = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
nVar = len(variables)
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(parameters, names=['lim', 'reimb', 'xMax', 'zMax'])
dfParRun = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand((nPar, nVar)), index=index, columns=variables)
To analyse my parametric run, i want to slice this dataframe but this seems a burden. For example, i want to have all results for xMax above 0.5 and lim equal to 10. At this moment, the only working method i find is:
df = dfParRun.reset_index()
df.loc[(df.xMax>0.5) & (df.lim==10)]
and i wonder if there is a method without resetting the index of the DataFrame ?
option 1
use pd.IndexSlice
caveat: requires sort_index
dfParRun.sort_index().loc[pd.IndexSlice[10, :, .0500001:, :]]
option 2
use your df after having reset_index
df.query('xMax > 0.05 & lim == 10')
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
limOpt = [0.1,1,10]
reimbOpt = ['Cash','Time']
xOpt = [0.1, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06, .07, .08]
zOpt = [1, 5, 10]
arrays = [limOpt, reimbOpt, xOpt, zOpt]
parameters = list(itertools.product(*arrays))
nPar = len(parameters)
variables = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
nVar = len(variables)
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(parameters, names=['lim', 'reimb', 'xMax', 'zMax'])
dfParRun = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(*(nPar, nVar)), index=index, columns=variables)
df = dfParRun.reset_index()