Use Doxygen 1.9 (built from source) in CMake - cmake

I am not that much sound in CMake and which leads to me in this issue. I am trying to use Doxygen in a project using CMake. Previously, I have used Doxygen version 1.8.11 which was installed from Ubuntu package manager. I have simply followed the following command to install Doxygen
sudo apt-get install doxygen
And in the project in CMakeLists.txt file I have included
find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED)
Everything works flawlessly.
But now for a specific reason I have to upgrade my Doxygen version which is not available in Ubuntu package manager, that's why I have built the binary by following this. The downloaded Doxygen Source directory and my project directory are not the same.
My query is how can I tell CMake to search for this newly installed/build Doxygen?
Still, I am finding the version of Doxygen is 1.8.11
I am using Ubuntu 16.04, cmake version 3.19.0-rc3


CMake version in CLion not updating

I cloned a project from my teacher, and I wanted to run it on CLion. However, I noticed an error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
CMake 3.14 or higher is required. You are running version 3.13.2
I configured a new CMake debugger in CLion, but I still keep getting the error.
I have a new version of CMake installed:
When I install a new CMake version in cygwin, CLion returns this:
Does anyone know what I am missing or doing wrong?
It sounds like you want CLion to use your newest version of CMake (instead of the bundled 3.13.2 version). To do that, you must add a new Toolchain (see here) or modify an existing one (see here):
On Windows CLion, navigate to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Toolchains, and choose the toolchain you want to modify.
At the CMake: section, select a custom CMake installation by choosing the path to your custom CMake executable (likely a bin folder).
Click OK to save your changes.
Eventually, I solved the problem by installing a new version of CMake inside the cygwin installer. I also updated CLion, because I had the 2018 version and that version only supports CMake versions up to and including 3.13. After updating CLion to the 2019 version, it supported CMake versions up to and including 3.15. Because the CMake version 3.16 is pretty recently released. CLion automatically takes the maximum supported version, which in this case is the 3.15. The minimum version in de CMakeLists.txt was 3.14, so 3.15 worked fine.

What is the best multiplattform IDE to use with CMAKE?

I'm trying to set up a multiplattform project using CMake, so its easy to setup on any PC.
Basicly the CMAKE script sets up all settings for the projects and finds all libraries automatically.
But after trying a few IDE's like codeblocks and eclipse it seams like CMake integration in these is pretty lackluster.
Does anybody have a few recommendations for better IDE's?
They should have an included debugger and code completion and should be easy to setup on windows and linux.
Have a look at clion, that fully integrates CMake, but I dislike the editor, not really user friendly.
Starting with version 2.6.0 CMake includes a generator for Eclipse CDT 4.0 or newer. It works together with the Makefile generators (i.e. "Unix Makefiles", "MinGW Makefiles", "MSYS Makefiles", and maybe "NMake Makefiles"). This generator creates a set of .project/.cproject files that can be imported in Eclipse using File > Import > Existing Eclipse project.

Jython and ImageJ : cannot find jython.jar

I want to use an imageJ plugin (that I downloaded) coded in python. I put the .py file in the ImageJ plugin folder, and then I installed it using the Plugin>install on ImageJ. It now appears in the plugin list. However, when I try to use it, I get the following error:
Jython.jar was not found in the plugins folder or is outdated.
There is a jython.jar in the jars folder of ImageJ, but I still tried to install a newer version of jython. I put the new downloaded jython.jar in the jars folder of imageJ, but it still does not work.
I am using a windows 10 computer, with ImageJ 1.48v, and I installed both versions 2.5.4rc1 and 2.7 of jython.
Could someone help me? Thanks!

How to build a mono project which depends nunit by Makefile?

I'm using mono 2.8.2 with MonoDevelop 2.4.2.
When I try to compile my project using the make files generated by MonoDevlop, I got
Looking for required packages
Checking for package 'nunit'.. ERROR: Package named 'nunit' >= 2.4 not found.
Try adjusting your PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
I tried to install nunit to GAC, but it didn't work.
Any idea of what is wrong?
When compiling with MonoDevelop pkg config is used rather than GAC. Look here.

pjsip using cmake

Has someone compiled pjsip using cmake?
The project does not have a way of using CMake to build the library itself (yet). But you can link to pjproject libs from your CMake project.
Here's a snippet from one of mine that uses pjproject as a dependency:
pkg_check_modules(PJSIP libpjproject>=1.14 REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your_target ${PJSIP_LIBRARIES})
This requires pkg-config as well, and that pjproject.pc should be in it's default search path, or in directory in $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
This should work on Linux and OS X.
I just made cmake-based compilation of PJSIP v2.3.
I use this compilation only on Windows platform for now, not tested on linux.
On Linux I recommend use PKG_CONFIG tool to discover PJSIP for your app.
Having peeked at their repository, the project is auto-tools/configure based. You would need to port the build system yourself. Depending on complexity, it is not that hard to accomplish. I have converted many projects to cmake. Maybe the pjsip comunity would welcome an upgrade to their build system, as I see they support multiple platforms like iphone, and windows through visual studio.
If you are using Clion IDE then it can automatically generate cmake file for pjproject. Just import it and it will open a wizard. You’ll need to specify the location of the sources, then select project files and include directories. Clion has the ability to make the cmake file from existing projects. for more help please see this link Clion Documentation