Setting the Vue Component for a BlockGroup - piranha-cms

I'm trying to build a custom component in Piranha called Table. It consists of a BlockGroup called TableBlock, which contains a BlockGroup called TableRowBlock, which itself contains a list of fields of type TableCellField.
I've never embedded a BlockGroup inside a BlockGroup before and not sure if it's possible, but I hope it is.
A BlockGroup by default is rendered by the block-group (or block-group-horizontal?) Vue component in the admin, but I want to render it with my own custom Vue component.
It seems like even though I set the Component property on the BlockGroup, it ignores it and it still defaults to one of the default components for a BlockGroup, such as block-group or block-group-horizontal.
Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
namespace Piranha.Extend.Blocks
[BlockGroupType(Name = "Table", Category = "Content", Icon = "fas fa-images", Component = "table-block")]
[BlockItemType(Type = typeof(TableRowBlock))]
public class TableBlock : BlockGroup
[BlockGroupType(Name = "Table Row", Category = "Content", Icon = "fas fa-images", Component = "table-row-block")]
[BlockItemType(Type = typeof(TableCellField))]
public class TableRowBlock : BlockGroup
public int RowNumber { get; set; }
public override string GetTitle()
return "Row";
namespace Piranha.Extend.Fields
[FieldType(Name = "TableCell", Shorthand = "Text", Component = "table-cell-field")]
public class TableCellField : IField
public string Value { get; set; }
public int ColumnNumber { get; set; }
public string GetTitle()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ColumnNumber.ToString()) ? ColumnNumber.ToString() : "";
Here's the "table-block" Vue component:
<div :id="uid" class="block-group">
<template v-for="child in model.items">
<component v-bind:is="child.meta.component" v-bind:uid="child.meta.uid" v-bind:toolbar="toolbar" v-bind:model="child.model"></component>
export default {
props: ["uid", "toolbar", "model"],
methods: {
mounted: function () {
Here's the "table-row-block" Vue component:
<tr :id="uid" class="block-group">
<template v-for="child in model.items">
<component v-bind:is="child.meta.component" v-bind:uid="child.meta.uid" v-bind:toolbar="toolbar" v-bind:model="child.model" v-on:update-title="updateTitle($event)"></component>
export default {
props: ["uid", "toolbar", "model"],
methods: {
mounted: function () {
var self = this;
Here's the "table-cell-field" Vue component:
<td :id="uid">
<input class="form-control" :placeholder="meta.placeholder" v-model="model.value" v-on:change="update()" type="text" />
<input class="form-control" v-model="model.columnNumber" type="hidden" />
export default {
props: ["uid", "model", "meta"],
methods: {
update: function () {
Here's the error I'm getting:

Unfortunately none of the things you’re trying to do is currently supported, that means:
Block groups can’t contain other block groups, only blocks.
Block groups can’t have custom vue components, they use the selected built in rendering in the manager.
The second one would be easy to support, and could be added in a service release. The first one however couldn’t be added without serious redesign of the editor UI/UX since the built in model doesn’t support collections on multiple levels.
The best solution with the current data model is to simply add a global field to the Table block that specifies the number of columns. This could then be used when rendering the custom block group component if support was added to this.


Vue pass data from compontent 1 to a method in component 2

I have a parent component and a childcomponent.
In my parent component I call a simple childcomponent-method to save an email to the email variable. But the variable email does not change.
My Parentcomponent:
import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent";
export default {
components: {ChildComponent},
methods: {
openDocument(d) {
My Childcomponent:
Email: {{ email }}
export default {
data: function () {
return {
email: ''
methods: {
saveEmail(email) { = email; // this does NOT change my email variable
Why my email variable does not change? How can I change this variable?
In vue it is not work like that. You have to use Probs:
Parent :
<div class="container">
<child-component :email ="email"></child-component> // NEW HERE
import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent";
module.exports = {
data: function () {
return {
methods: {
openDocument(d) { = ""
Child component:
<div class="container">
<h1>Profile Form Component</h1>
module.exports = {
module.exports = {
props: ['email'], //NEW HERE
created: function () {
console.log( //prints out an empty string
As you I added 2 comment NEW HERE in the code , these 2 lines are really important for what you wanna do.
The code that I giving you is an example (not a complete answer) , Probs is the solution of what you asked for.
Hope it Helps <3.
The ChildComponent variable only holds the recipe for creating components of this type - but it does not hold your actual component. Your actual component lives inside your template - you have to add a ref attribute to it (e.g. <custom-component ref="custom" ... />) and then reference it like this.$refs.custom.saveEmail()

Is it possible to create a vue component to render a list of global components dynamically?

I have some global-registered base components to be listed & rendered on the UI as the user drag and drop it on the layout editor. Then, I want it to be processed on a <ComponentRenderer/> component.
Inside of <ComponentRenderer/>, I currently have this kind of logic:
<div class="component-renderer">
v-if="input.type == 'radio'"
v-if="input.type == 'checkbox'"
v-if="input.type == 'input'"
Now instead of hard-coding & comparing it manually using v-if, I want it to dynamically compare itself and render it's element and properties so that I don't need to register the other one when a new component was added. Something that looks like this:
<div class="component-renderer" v-html="preRenderComponent"></div>
export default {
props: {
targetedComponent: {
type: Object,
required: true
computed: {
preRenderComponent() {
return this.$options.components.filter(
component => == "base" + this.targetedComponent.type.toLowerCase() // E.g: 'input'
Is it possible? And if possible, how could I render the element and properties? Knowing that when I do console.log(Vue.options.components) and exploring it, it does not provide the element that gonna be rendered.
First thing first, I would say thanks for Steven Spungin & Phil for giving an information about this issue.
I tried to implements it on my code and it does work as I expected. For anyone who wondering what is it looks like, here I provides the code that have been implemented.
LayoutRenderer.vue :
v-if="pageComponents.length != 0"
:margin="[10, 10]"
v-for="component in pageComponents"
<!-- <ComponentRenderer :component="component"></ComponentRenderer> -->
<Component :is="named(component)"></Component>
import VueGridLayout from "vue-grid-layout";
export default {
components: {
GridLayout: VueGridLayout.GridLayout,
GridItem: VueGridLayout.GridItem
data() {
return {
pageComponents: []
created() {
methods: {
fetchComponents() {
let pageId = this.$route.params.component.pageId;
this.$store.dispatch("components/fetchComponents", pageId).then(() => {
this.pageComponents = this.$store.getters["components/components"];
named(component) {
let componentName = this.$options.filters.capitalize(component.type);
return `Base${componentName}`;

How to change vue.js components data outside scope

I want to change vue.js data outside the default export statement. Given the example below, how would I go about doing that?
<h6 class="font-weight-normal mb-3">{{ name }}</h6>
export default {
data() {
return {
name: ""
let changeName = (name) => {
//How do I change the name data property here
If you assign the component to a variable/constant, you should be able to simply trigger the proxy setter of the data object or with component-level methods.
const component = new Vue({
data() {
return {
name: "Initial value."
methods: {
changeName(newName) { = newName;
// Mount it to an element (for demo purposes)
document.getElementById('btn-setter').onclick = function() { = 'Changed with SETTER';
document.getElementById('btn-method').onclick = function() {
component.changeName('Changed with METHOD');
// Uncomment this to start exporting it.
// export default component;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<h6 class="font-weight-normal mb-3">{{ name }}</h6>
<button id="btn-setter">Change with setter</button>
<button id="btn-method">Change with method</button>
You can write any function you want in the page outside of the component (or export statement) but you would need to invoke it in your methods section or somewhere in the component. I use this for functions that create default values, instead of importing them from outside just write a function initVal = () => someVal then in the data or computed or somewhere reference initVal (no this).

Get input values from child components in Vue

I would like to retrieve all input values from my child components (client and advice, seen below), but not sure how to proceed.
<div id="client">
<input type="text" v-model="" />
<input type="text" v-model="client.code" />
export default {
data() {
return {
client: {
name: '',
code: '',
<div id="advice">
<input type="text" v-model="" />
<input type="text" v-model="" />
<div v-for="index in 2" :key="index">
<input type="text" v-model="advice.amount[index]" />
export default {
data() {
return {
advice: {
foo: '',
bar: '',
Each component has more fields than the above example.
My home page (parent) looks as simple as:
<form id="app" #submit="printForm">
<clientInfo />
<advice />
<input type="submit" value="Print" class="btn" />
import clientInfo from "#/components/clientInfo.vue";
import advice from "#/components/advice.vue";
export default {
components: {
methods: {
printForm() {}
My first idea was to $emit, but not sure how to do that efficiently with more than 20 fields without attaching a #emitMethod="parentEmitMethod" to every single field.
My second idea was to have a Vuex store (as seen below), but I don't know how to save all the states at once and not sure if I should.
new Vuex.Store({
state: {
client: {
advice: {
You could use FormData to get the values of the form's <input>s or <textarea>s that have a name attribute (anonymous ones are ignored). This works even if the form has nested Vue components that contain <input>s.
export default {
methods: {
printForm(e) {
const form =
const formData = new FormData(form) // get all named inputs in form
for (const [inputName, value] of formData) {
console.log({ inputName, value })
You could use v-model with your custom components. Let's say you want to use them like this:
<advice v-model="adviceData"/>
For this, you would need to watch for value changes on your input elements inside your advice component and then emit an input event with the values. This will update the adviceData binded property. One generic way to do this could be including a watcher inside your advice component, like this:
export default {
data() {
return {
advice: {
foo: '',
bar: '',
watch: {
advice: {
handler: function(newValue, oldValue) {
this.$emit('input', newValue);
deep: true,
This way you will not have to add a handler for each input field. The deep option must be included if we need to detect changes on nested data in the advice object.
I think you can achieve what you want is when the user writes something using#change this will trigger a method when the input value is changed, you could use a button instead or anything you want, like this:
The child component
<input type="text" v-model="advice.amount[index]" #change="emitCurrStateToParent ()"/>
You gotta add #change="emitCurrStateToParent ()" in every input you have.
emitCurrStateToParent () {
this.$emit("emitCurrStateToParent", this.advice)
Then in you parent component
<child-component v-on:emitCurrStateToParent="reciveDataFromChild ($event)"></child-component>
reciveDataFromChild (recivedData) {
// Do something with the data
I would use a button instead of #change, like a "Save" button idk, the same goes for vuex, you can use the #change event
saveDataAdviceInStore () {
this.$store.commit("saveAdvice", this.advice)
Then in the store
mutations: {
saveAdvice (state, advice) {
state.advice = advice

Vue: Using input value in function

I am using Single File Components and I have a modal component that has an
input box but I can't get the value of the input in a function below using the v-modal name. It keeps coming back as 'name is not defined'. Am I using the v-model attribute incorrectly?
<input v-model="name" class="name"></input>
export default {
methods: {
applyName() {
let nameData = {{name}}
You're right, you're using the v-model property incorrectly.
First off you need to define a piece of state in your component, using data:
export default {
data: () => ({
name: '',
methods: {
log() {
You can then bind this piece of data in your component using v-model="name", just like you did. However, if you want to access this piece of state in your method, you should be using in your applyName() method.
Your {{name}} syntax is used to get access to the data in your template, like so:
My name is: {{name}}!
You have to use this pointer to access the model:
<input v-model="inputName" class="name"></input>
export default {
data() {
return {
inputName: '',
methods: {
applyName() {
// Notice the use of this pointer
let nameData = { name: this.inputName };
Look at the doc
In the template, you are referring by name to data, computed or methods. In this case, it refers to data. When the input changes the name then the data is updated.
It is possible to use in a function referring to this.
<input v-model="name" class="name"></input>
export default {
data() {
return { name: '' }
methods: {
applyName() {
let nameData =