Vuejs Filter add Span - vue.js

I'm filtering with vuejs, only the output I want is written in the ".00" span in the comma. how can i do it?
1.500 ,00
<p class="amount">{{ 1500 | toTL }}</p>
Vue.filter('toTL', function (value) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat('tr-TR', { currency: 'TRY', minimumFractionDigits: 2}).format(value);

I declared you value in the data() function like so :
data () {
return {
number: '1500,00',
newNumber: [],
What I did to make this work is make a created function like so :
created() {
this.newNumber = this.number.split(',')
Then, in the frontend (your p and span) :
<p>{{ newNumber[0] }}<span>,{{newNumber[1]}}</span></p>
What I did is turn a value into an array by using the split() function.
There is probably a way better solution but this is what I came up with in a short amount of time, I hope it helps.


In vue, how do I filter a data object to only show values from the last 24 hours?

I have an array with some data objects that were created on various dates. I would like to only display the objects that were created within the last 24 hours.
I have tried to use moment for this, by using subtract on the date values, but it has no effect. Maybe someone here could come up with a suggestion.
Here are my computed properties. I use these because I am outputting the data in a bootstrap table, so the "key" represents the different values inside the object.
My table:
<b-card class="mt-4 mb-4">
My array (I am actually importing from a database, but for this question I will just write it manually) Please note I am just showing a single object here. In reality I have hundreds of objects
data: {
tasks: [
{ message: 'Foo' },
{ creationDateTime: '03-02-2022' },
{ isRead: false }
In my computed properties I then pass them to the table
computed: {
fields() {
return [
key: 'message',
label: 'message'),
sortable: true,
key: 'creationDateTime',
label: 'Date created',
formatter: date => moment(date).subtract(24, 'hours').locale(this.$i18n.locale).format('L'),
sortable: true,
key: 'isRead',
label: 'Has been read'),
sortable: true,
As I said, using subtract does not work. It still shows all objects in my database
I tried doing the reduction on the whole array as well, but I just get the error:
"TypeError: this.list.filter is not a function"
return moment(this.tasks.filter(task => !task.done)).subtract(24, 'hours')
I'm out of ideas.
In Moment, you can check if a date is within the last 24 hours with:
moment().diff(yourDate, 'hours') < 24
(note that future dates will also pass this check, but you can easily adjust it).
You can put this into your computed property:
return []
return this.tasks.filter(task => !task.done && moment().diff(task.creationDateTime, 'hours') < 24)
And that's it, now newTasks should contain all tasks from the last 24 hours that are not done.

VueJS2: How to pluck out one property of an array and use it to find matching value in the second array?

I have two arrays. I am trying to pluck out a property from one array and use it to find the value of another property in the other way. How to do this? Let me explain:
I have an array of objects that looks like so:
"code1234char3": "mdr",
"name": "Mandar",
"code1234char3": "man",
"name": "Mandingo",
// etc...
I have another array of objects that looks like so:
p_uID: 1,
nameLang3Char: 'mdr',
p_uID: 2,
nameLang3Char: 'man'
// etc..
I have a Vue template with an unordered list like so:
<ul v-for="x in divisionLanguages" :key="x.p_uID">
<li>Name: FOO
<li>Language: {{x.nameLang3Char}} - XXX</li> <--how to get 'name' value from 'languageCodes' and place here?
Expected output should be:
Name: FOO
Language: mdr - Mandar
Name: BAR
Language: man - Mandingo
I tried to do something like in Vue SFC template (but did not work):
<li>Language: {{ languageName(x.nameLanguage3Char) }}</li>
methods: {
languageName(nameLanguage3Char) {
const name = this.divisionLanguages.filter(x => x.code6392char3 === nameLanguage3Char)
I hope this makes sense of what I am trying to do.
Update: Thanks to #kellen in the comments, I change from filte() to find() like so:
languageName(nameLang3Char) {
const languageName = this.languageCodes.find(
x => x.code1234char3 == nameLang3Char
return languageName
and in I did:
<li>Language: {{ languageName(x.nameLang3Char).name }}</li>
and it works...but I get error in console:
Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined"
Have you tried combining these arrays before rendering them? If you were able to combine both objects before creating that list, that would make your life easier. Another thing I noticed is you're using filter, when find might be a better option to return a single value rather than an array.

Get multiple values from array fetch

I am sending a get request to a api where the values are inside a array.
I want to get multiple values simultaneously.
How can I do this other than using index to get specific key values?
For example below, I want every result of[4].artist.artist_name but don't want to have to use index [4].
methods: {
fetchMusic(e) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
axios.get(' ... ', {
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
.then((response) => response).then(this.setResults);
setResults(results) {
this.artists =[4].artist.artist_name;
this.artistname =[0].artist.artist_name;
Thanks for any inputs on my code
Here is an example on how to fetch an API and display it's info by looping on the items:
Basically, get the results (an array so), then loop on each iteration of this array and display the wished data accordingly with something like
<div v-for="result in fetchedResults" :key="">
<span>Name: {{ result.username }}</span> ~
<span>email: {{ }}</span>
Btw, don't forget the key, it's important. More info here about this point.
Official documentation's examples on how to loop on an array.

use vue.js with chartist.js to create a chart that track balance progress

I'm doing some training to better learn how to use vue.js and electron. I've decided to make a simple app to track the profit/loose of a trading day. I will calculate the difference between the end balance and the start balance of every day with a subtraction operation. After some trouble I'm able to get the result of the operation on the DOM using the computed function of vue. What I want to do is to use chartist.js to create a simple chart that will track the results after it is calculated. I'm not sure how to proceed, what I want is to have on the chart every end balance with the calculated difference with the previous amount showed. Can anyone help me with an example?
My actual vue.js code
let app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
s: '',
e: '',
computed: {
return Number(this.e) - Number(this.s);
Sample data:
20/03/2020 2,309.99 2,332.25
23/03/2020 2,332.25 2,343.30
24/03/2020 2,343,30 2,424.62 (+81,32€)
25/03/2020 2,424.62 2,519.56 (+94,94€)
26/03/2020 2,519.56 2,544.46 (+24,90€)
27/03/2020 1,346.00
You just need two convert your data into two arrays, dates for your x-axis and values for your y-axis.
data () {
return {
input: [
['23/03/2020', '2,309.99', '2,332.25'],
['24/03/2020', '2,343,30', '2,424.62'],
['25/03/2020', '2,424.62', '2,519.56']
computed: {
dates () {
values () {
x => parseFloat(x[2].replace(',','')) -
example with vue-chartjs:

v-modal with a multi part variable

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to ask this, but I'm having trouble setting up a v-model that has multiple parts.
v-model="formInputs.input_ +"
That would end up being this in the data:
return {
formInputs: {
input_(its id here): ''
//example input_5
Is it possible to chain values inside a v-model?
You can use [] instead of . as key accessor:
v-model="formInputs['input_' +]"