How to find webelement when there is no ID in Selenium test script - selenium

I have a button displayed on the browser with the following tag which doesn't have ID or a single CSS class name. How can I find the Webelement and add a click to this button.
<button aria-describedby="notes" aria-label="Notes" autofocus="" class="btn btn-primary" role="dialog" type="button">OK</button>

Web elements can be located by XPath or CSS Selectors based on any unique combination of any attribute values or / and tag names and also based on their parent or child elements.
Since you didn't share the entire HTML of that page we can only guess about the correct unique locator for that element.
With XPath it can be something like:
In CSS Selector style it will be

Consider locating the Element by Tag Name. Go to the parent element which has a id or class name and get subelements by tag name (parentelement.find_element_by_tag_name('button')) which is your button
Besides that, the button in your example has two classes.
You click on a button via the .click() command.


Not able to select first element using css selector

I have a requirement where HTML elements have following structure.
<div class="user">
I want to click on first element using css selector.
I am using Behat 3 for automation.
You can do it in multiple ways, one of them is to use the existing step:
I follow "Name"
Another way is to find the element and use the click() on it, or to create a custom step that clicks on the element by selector, for example using css selector I click ".user a"

Can't click to Customize link when div+link together with FakeAnchor class using selenium web driver

Can't click to Customize link when div+link together with FakeAnchor class using selenium web driver
In my Ajax application, we have dropdown + link (Customize) together in div and i want to click to Customize link. I have locator and which was working fine for Customize link with old selenium but it doesn't with latest web driver. Can anyone please point me the problem or suggest something to make it work?
Clicking to Customize link should open respected option (it actually opens dialog).
Below locator clicks to dropdown button instead of Customize link due to such a complex page DOM which has no actual href or anchor tag.
<div id="zcs1_repeatDesc" class="FakeAnchor" style="cursor: pointer;">Customize</div>
I think your locator is not unique, may be it is locating dropdown element that's why it clicks to dropdown button instead of Customize link.
You should try using By.xpath() with text() node to locate this element as below :-
webDriver().findElement(By.xpath(".//div[text() = 'Customize']")).click();
Or As I'm seeing in HTML element has id attribute, if it's unique I'd to locate desire element and it's not being changed dynamically, you can try also using as below :-
Edited :- If you want to click using JavascriptExecutor try as below :-
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click()", webDriver().findElement(By.xpath(".//div[text() = 'Customize']")));

Behat to click on element by class or ID name?

Is it possible for behat to find an element by class name to click on? It looks like only the following is searched for: id|name|title|alt|value
For example, how could you successfully identify this element to click on?
<a class="button medium round signup" href="" data-reveal-id="signupModal">sometext</a>
Also here is a simple page with a button, that has an ID. How come the following does not access the button?
<button id="myBtn" type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
Given I am on ""
When I press "myBtn"
The button can not be accessed because it is contained in an iframe, you need to switch to that iframe to make the button available.
You can create steps to click on an element by any type of identifier (class included), or you can implement new step that requires css/xpath selectors.
Here you can find an example of a method to click by selector.
The first HTML code is nothing but a HREF. Behat should be easily able to identify it by using the line below:
Given I follow "sometext"
If the above doesn't work, you can simply use the CSS selector and click the element:
$locator = '.';

various ways to find elements by using Webdriver #FindBy annotations

I am trying to find the solution for my Webdriver script to work. I need your help to find the solution in my scenario.
I have a web application that creates form by using tabbed screen. There is a Next and Back buttons that have similar attributes and I cant find the solution.
xpath doesn't work, CSS has the same name and its getting confused.
here is the "Next" button that needs to be clicked:
<div class="button" style="margin-right: 5px;">
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitForm('metaStudyAction!moveToData.action')" value="Next">
I would like to use #FindBy annotation to find the element. Can I use HOW with multiple attributes?
You can use css for multiple attributes
#FindBy(css = "[type='button'][value='Next']")
private WebElement button;

How To Write Selenium Xpath

I am stuck here. I am trying a write Xpath for the following. I am trying to click "Browse". The ID is changing every time.
I have tried this as my Xpath:
<a id="ext-gen43" class="x-tab-right" href="#">
<em class="x-tab-left">
<span class="x-tab-strip-inner">
<span class="x-tab-strip-text ">Browse</span>
Inorder to write xpath's by yourself you must first install firebug
and firepath plugins, they are the plugins available for Firefox
You can also install xpath checker which is another plugin available for firefox. It's a awesome plugin because you can actually
see the UI elements in the xpath checker as you are writing the
Inorder to write xpath's by yourself you must following the child and parent hierarchy available in the HTML tab in firebug.
Hover on the element you want to write xpath for using the small blue arrow available in the firebug toolbar in the top left corner.
Now click on the element, you would observe that the tag for the respective element in the firebug is highlighted.
Say your tag looks like :-
<label> class="control-label col-sm-3" for="name"> Your Name <label>
So the xpath for respective tag would be :-
//label[#class="control-label col-sm-3"]
So the above xpath specifies //parent tag which is label and into the bracket we should specify the locator, locator can be id, class, name anything.
And in your case the xpath would be :-
Have You tried copy xpath for given element in your browser(check element -> copy xpath)?
Then delete id and check once again.
It should be easy if you know how to select element by xpath with given class.
Try to use firepath to get xpath. It`s addon for FireFox