Navigating multi-module App with nested fragments - kotlin

I'm trying to implement a multi-module app structure with navigation between modules. The challenge Im having is doing this with a structure that contains nested fragment containers.
The design uses a single activity.The main activity layout comprises of an actionbar and fragment container. This container is used to host the different 'main' module fragment.
app:navGraph="#navigation/nav_graph_app" />
Each module has a single 'parent' like fragment with a fragment container and bottomNavbar. This fragment container is used to host the detail fragments of each module and is the home fragment in the modules nav graph.
app:navGraph="#navigation/nav_graph_contacts" />
The app module contains a top level nav graph linking each modules parent fragment (these are not nested graphs or the modules nav graph, as the module's detail fragments are not used in the apps container view).
Each module has a bottom level nav graph linking the detail fragments of that module. This is used in conjunction with the bottomNavbar to navigate between module fragments [works].
For example, the goal is to have a button, on the home screen of the home module, that when clicked moves the user to a screen within another module, such as the contacts list screen in the Contact module.
There are two actions:
Navigate the Main container to the new module home fragment. (managed by the navContorller in the App)
Navigate the module container to the new details fragment. (managed by the navController in the module)
Presently I'm working with interfaces and trying to inject (hilt) into the main activity to achieve no.1. However, I'm always running into issues that the home module cant see the apps nav_graph or there are missing dependencies (i.e. it wants the dependency to get the nav_graph). I believe a simlar process should work between fragments for no.2
Concept reference:
This following code is functional when but for links outside the module i.e. it isnt.
interface HomeModuleNavInterface {
fun gotoContacts(navController: NavController)
class HomeModuleNavContract : HomeModuleNavInterface {
override fun gotoContacts(navController: NavController) {
class HomeNavigator {
fun providesHomeNavInterface(): HomeModuleNavContract = HomeModuleNavContract()
class FragmentHomeNavigation : Fragment(R.layout.fragment_home_navigation) {
lateinit var homeModuleNavigation: HomeModuleNavContract
Any suggestions or direction is appreciated. Thanks.


Cannot map custom js to my custom template in bigcommerce shopica theme with stencil

I 've added custom page and js for it in stencil bigcommerce.
It works fine locally but when I push it on bigcommerce, it does not work well.
I have added custom template template/pages/custom/page/custom-layout.html and I've added custom js for it in assets/js/custom/custom.js.
I've configured some loading settings in assets/js/app.js as follows:
const customClasses = {
'pages\\custom\\page\\custom-layout': () => import('./custom/custom')
It works locally; but, on a server, it does not at all.
Your customClasses object should use forward slashes like so:
"pages/custom/page/custom-layout": () => import("./custom/custom")
You should also make sure that your custom.js file is extending the PageManager class like so:
import PageManager from "../page-manager";
export default class CustomClass extends PageManager {
constructor(context) {
// other constructor code here
onReady() {
// your code for the onReady event here
// ... any other code
If this is done properly your custom JS class will be injected to the page. However, once you bundle and upload your theme, you must also make sure to apply your custom template to the page, as the config.stencil.json file is not packaged with your theme. This can be done from within the BigCommerce control panel by going to Storefront > Web Pages > [Your page] and changing the Template Layout File accordingly.

androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:2.2.0, get "You must call removeView() on the child's parent first." on navController.popBackStack()

I like use data binding and navigation graph. But after update androidx dependencies from androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:2.0.0 on 2.2.0 application is crashed after press button "Back". Crash always after return from other fragment to previous fragment containing FragmentPagerAdapter.
in build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
// This is work
// implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2'
// implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:2.0.0'
// This generate error after backstack
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'
implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:2.2.0'
For see a problem and getting error, please download example from Otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain where the error occurs.
Press on any button on any page.
Press hardware "Back" button.
Get error message:
2020-02-11 16:15:13.119 2429-2429/in.pagerview.navigation.databinding.onbackstack E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: in.pagerview.navigation.databinding.onbackstack, PID: 2429
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
at android.view.ViewGroup.addViewInner(
at android.view.ViewGroup.addView(
at androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.addView(
at android.view.ViewGroup.addView(
at android.view.ViewGroup.addView(
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
But all code for transition fragment and data binding is generated automatically. I do not known where i must call removeView().
If you try to use old dependencies, then invert all comments in code and layouts. And popBackStack() will work correctly.
I do not found anything about this error. May be, I do something incorrect?
The solution is just to add this code to every fragment:
public void onDestroyView() {
if(binding.getRoot().getParent() != null)
I really recommend you to create a BaseFragment which has this code and every fragment will extends from it, so you will not have to repeat the code on every fragment class.

Using Sugar ORM when also using singleton application class

I have extended the Android.Application class so that I can keep state (using the application as the singleton).
However, I now want to use the Sugar ORM library to simplify my DB access, but the Sugar docs ( require that I specify 'SugarApp' as my application class in AndroidManifest.xml.
Which clashes with my Application class that extends Android Application.
Is there an alternative approach?
From the Sugar docs:
E.g. by changing the android:name attribute of the application tag.
<application android:label="#string/app_name" android:icon="#drawable/icon"
<meta-data android:name="DATABASE" android:value="sugar_example.db" />
<meta-data android:name="VERSION" android:value="2" />
<meta-data android:name="QUERY_LOG" android:value="true" />
<meta-data android:name="DOMAIN_PACKAGE_NAME" android:value="com.example" />
Answering my own question -tut tut ;-)
It's simple, I just changed my Custom App class to extend SugarApp instead of Android.Application, as SugarApp itself extends android app!
If you take a look at SugarApp class, you will find that it extends Application class overriding the onCreate() & onTerminate() methods doing its scaffolding:
public void onCreate() {
public void onTerminate() {
The only thing you have to do if you want to keep your base application class is to add those method calls to your custom class.
In this way, you can maintain your custom application class instead of extending SugarApp class.

Adding PatternMatchListener to Eclipse Console in which stage of View Lifecycle

I am developing an Eclipse plug-in which will be triggered by a specific pattern string found (e.g., stack trace) in the default console opened in Eclipse and will show some notification in a custom view. I know how add the listener to the available consoles.But I am not sure in which phase of Eclipse View life cycle I need to add the listener. Currently I am adding in createPartControl which is not what I want, because it forces to me to open the view manually to perform the binding the listener with the consoles.
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
//got the default console from ConsolePlugin
TextConsole tconsole=(TextConsole)defaultConsole;
tconsole.addPatternMatchListener(new IPatternMatchListener() {
// implementation codes goes here
Any help will be appreciated.

Adobe AIR ANE default platform can't find method name

I have an Adobe AIR ANE that builds and runs fine on iOS. I want to run this app in the AIR simulator, but with an actionscript version of the native ANE.
Reading the docs, it seems like a default profile would be perfect for this.
I added the default profile to the extension.xml file. I added a AS implementation of the native interface to every project in my workspace. I have made methods static/not static, etc. I have tried everything but I keep getting this error:
ArgumentError: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name
I am at a complete loss. Here are the relevant files:
<extension xmlns="">
<platform name="iPhone-ARM">
<platform name="default">
My AS implementation:
public class ApsalarNativeInterface
public function ApsalarNativeInterface()
private static function initExtension():void
public function initApsalar(apiKey:String, secret:String):void
my native interface:
import flash.external.ExtensionContext;
public class ApsalarInterface
private static const EXTENSION_ID : String = "";
private var context : ExtensionContext;
public function ApsalarInterface()
this.context = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext(EXTENSION_ID, null);
public function initApsalar(apiKey:String, secret:String):void
{"initApsalar", apiKey, secret);
Here is my adt command line (library.swf is the lib that contains the two above files:
/Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/bin/adt -package -target ane ../../$PRODUCT_NAME.ane extension.xml -swc NativeInterface.swc -platform iPhone-ARM -C . library.swf -platform default -C . library.swf
Like I said, I am at a complete loss on this one.
Sorry for the much delayed response, but I think you'd benefit from checking out this wonderful tutorial:
Based on your code snippets above, it looks like you're trying to define your pure-ActionScript implementation in a different package, with a different classname. Seems you actually want to use the same package+class+method names and just store it in a different library (so it's bundled as its own SWF). Then you tell ADT how to bundle things.