Laravel Authorize Multiple Permission - laravel-8

I want to control the index of my controller via two permissions, the user must have either 'Permission1' or 'Permission2'. Both together is also possible.
Currently I check for one permission:
I have tried:
$this->authorize('Permission1' || 'Permission2');
$this->authorize(['Permission1' || 'Permission2']);
$this->authorize(['Permission1', 'Permission2']);
Controller Constructor:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('permission:' . Permission::PERMSSION1, ['only' => [
]]); // Here I don't know how to adjust it too
And a few more, but nothing seems to work.
How can I query the authorization for Permission1 OR Permission2?

Did you tried with $this->authorizeEither('Permission1', 'Permission2'); ?


How to check if user is logged in, in Shopware 6 Storefront Controller or Subscriber?

I am looking for the right way on how to check, if a user is logged in, in the Shopware 6 storefront. I am writing a plugin (not an app), and want to use this in Controllers and/or Subscribers.
Should I:
Use the Storefront API? (but how? which path?)
Use the default symfony way? (isGranted) - but with which Roles? Isn't the role handling different?
Use some built-in functionality like a special service that I can fetch by Dependeny Injection (but which one?)?
Thanks to #Uwe Kleinmann, I found a solution, that works in a subscriber like this:
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
ProductPageLoadedEvent::class => 'onProductPageLoaded'
public function onProductPageLoaded(ProductPageLoadedEvent $event): void
$saleschannelContext = $event->getSaleschannelContext();
$customer = $saleschannelContext->getCustomer();
if(NULL === $customer) {
$customer = 'not-logged-in';
'myextension', new ArrayStruct([
'test' => $customer
The SalesChannelContext has a $customer (accessible with getCustomer()) attribute. This context is usually injected into both Storefront controllers and subscribers for any Storefront events.
It is only set, if the current user is logged-in.
You may also use the _loginRequired and _loginRequiredAllowGuest flags in the #Route annotation of a storefront controller's method. This is handy if you only want to allow access for logged in customers as this will automatically redirect logged out users to the login page and back to the origin after they logged in.
* #Route("/my/custom/page", name="", methods={"GET"}, defaults={"_loginRequired"=true, "_loginRequiredAllowGuest"=true})

Redirect user after login in laravel 5.1

I am trying to implement a feature where, after logging in, a user gets redirected to a URL depending on their role. I have the roles part set up, but I'm having trouble testing the user's properties immediately after login.
I followed the instructions here to create a user login page. I have an AuthController that looks like this:
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\User;
use Validator;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\ThrottlesLogins;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers;
class AuthController extends Controller {
use AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers, ThrottlesLogins;
protected $redirectTo = '/test';
My __construct() function validates the user, but I don't know how to access the user object only immediately after login. This is what I presently have:
public function __construct() {
$this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'getLogout']);
if ( \Auth::check() ) {
$user = \Auth::user();
if ( $user->admin() ) {
// an admin
$this->redirectTo = '/admin';
} else {
// it's a client
$this->redirectTo = '/client/dashboard';
$user = \Auth::user();
if ( is_object($user) ) {
} else {
$this->redirectTo = '/auth-not-object';
When I first attempt to log in with an administrator account, I get to the path /auth-not-object, because there isn't any authenticated user object at that point.
After having attempted to log in, but getting a bad redirect, when I revisit the /login url, I get redirected to /home, which I believe is the default $redirectTo in the traits this class uses. So that means we've passed the AuthController __construct() method without having changed the $redirectTo, even though there is an authenticated user.
I've found other questions, such as How to add extra logic on login condition in Laravel 5.2 and laravel redirect to url after login, but I don't understand how to apply those answers. For instance, the accepted answer to the second question shows new methods, getCredentials() and login(), which don't exist in the poster's original class. I am not sure in what class to add them, or where to call them from, in my codebase.
Other similar answers show a radically different way of authenticating users, such as this. It seems that, to use that solution, I would need to re-write my code, and forgo the use of the traits, which include bonus features like login throttling and so on.
Is there a way I can redirect users based on role after login, while still using these built-in traits?
Im not sure if the 5.1 auth is the same as the 5.2 auth, but if it is, remove all that from the construct and add this method:
protected function handleUserWasAuthenticated( Request $request, $throttles, $guard )
if ($throttles) {
$this->clearLoginAttempts( $request );
if ( method_exists( $this, 'authenticated' ) ) {
return $this->authenticated( $request, Auth::guard( $guard )->user() );
return redirect()->intended( $this->redirectTo );
this is the method that will determine the redirect and you have access to the user object.
I take the above back, just add the following to your controller;
protected function authenticated( $request, $user ) {
return redirect()->intended( $user->admin() ? '/admin' : '/client/dashboard' );
That should work nicely

Laravel Authentication with condition

I am using Laravel 5.1 and Laravel's default authentication system.
In database (MySQL) I add a new column named 'role'. The value will be 1 for admin and 2 for members.
Now I want to give login permission only for admin, means where the value is 1. How can I do that?
Actually I solved it. I just add these code in postLogin() method of AthenticatesUsers.php method.
// If role is equal to 1, user allowed to login
// You can change $admin value anytime according to database Design
// Example: In role column the value for admin is 2 or A. You just need to change the value of $admin.
$userData = User::select('role')->where('email',$request['email'])->first();
$admin = 1;
$role = $userData->role;
if($role == $admin){
$request['role'] = $role;
I feel that there are better ways to achieve what you're after, such as middleware, however given what you're after this would be one way to do it.
Upon logging in a user us sent to 'home', unless you specify otherwise in the AuthController.
Inside your routes.php, if you just set up a GET route to point to a HomeController (or whatever you name it) then you could use a function to run the tests you're after.
Route::get('home', 'HomeController#index');
public function index()
//If they are yet to log in then return your normal homepage
if (Auth::guest())
return View::make('home');
//Run your tests here to check their role and direct appropriately
//Given you have added the role column to the users table, you can access it like so:

How do I make a construct to have beforeAuth only apply to certain views/functions in Laravel 4

I have a resource in Laravel I have called artists with an ArtistsController. I would like to add filters to some of the pages, but not all. I know I can add a filter to all of the functions/views in the resource controller like so:
public function __construct()
$this->beforeFilter('auth', array('except' => array()));
How do I add the beforeAuth filter to only a certain view/function? I would like a user to be logged in in order to go the "index" view, but I would like a user to be able to go to the "show" pages without necessarily being logged in:
public function index()
$artists = Artist::all();
return View::make('artists.index', compact('artists'))
->with('artists', Artist::all())
->with('artists_new', Artist::artists_new());
public function show($id)
$artist = Artist::find($id);
return View::make('', compact('artist'))
->with('fans', Fan::all());
Is there a way to do this? Thank you.
Not sure if this helps but you could use the only key instead of the except (if I understand your question correctly).
$this->beforeFilter('auth', array('only' => array('login', 'foo', 'bar')));
Although that would still go in the constructor.

Yii framework not checking roles in accessRules

I am creating some kind of admin panel in Yii framework, and im setting state at login like this
public function authenticate()
else if($record->pwd!==$this->password)
return !$this->errorCode;
I checked if state was really set, echoed out on view. Later i put that role in accessrules()
public function accessRules()
return array(
array('allow', // allow all users to perform 'index' and 'view' actions
array('deny', // deny all users
And i can't access those pages with this user logged in. What is the problem ?
Have a look here,
You need to create the main role and assign it via the user id.
If you need simple Role based access control without the long RBAC process then this article is just for you