Print logs only when the tests failed in karate - karate

With Karate API tests, I would like to print the request and reponse only when the test fails.
How can I achieve that in karate.
Consider the below scenarios
Feature: Validate Addition.
Scenario Outline: Verify Addition
* def sum = <num1> + <num2>
And match sum == 10
* print "number1:" + num1 + " number2:" + num2
| num1 | num2 |
| 5 | 5 |
| 7 | 3 |
| 3 | 8 |
| 1 | 5 |
| 1 | 9 |
In the above scenario I get the print for every iteration. Is it possible to print the numbers only when the match fails.
I think it would be more efficient if we can have such option.

Short answer is that it is not possible. You can try contributing code to make this happen. Or maybe you should use REST-assured or Selenium - those sound more like a good fit for you, based on all your questions.
One thought is that you can switch off all logging by making the levels ERROR etc. and then write some custom hook. Refer to hooks here:
Also refer to how to create custom reports here:


In BDD, should scenarios be abstract descriptions of behvaior, or should they contain concrete examples?

I feel I have reached a fundamental dillema in writing BDD scenarios as a tester.
When writing BDD scenarios from testing perspective, I tend to end up using concrete examples with concrete data and observing the state, i.e. Given these initial values, When user performs an action, Then these final values should be observed. Example with an initial dataset given in Background:
Given following items are in the store
| type | name | X | Y | Z | tags |
| single | el1 | 10 | 20 | 1.03 | t1 |
| multi | el2 | 10 | 20 | 30 | t2 |
| single | el3 | 10 | 3.02 | 30 | t3 |
Scenario: Adding tag to multi-type item
Given Edit Item Popup is opened for item: el2
When user adds tag NEWTAG
And user clicks on Apply changes button
Then item store should display following items
| type | name | X | Y | Z | tags |
| single | el1 | 10 | 20 | 1.03 | t1 |
| multi | el2 | 10 | 20 | 30 | t2, NEWTAG |
| single | el3 | 10 | 3.02 | 30 | t3 |
The initial dataset from Background can be reused in all (or most) scenarios that deal with modifying and adding/deleting items, in relation to particular feature. I can also iterate the scenario over some data set that explores the problem space, boundary conditions etc. (trivial example here: tags with too many or forbidden chars).
But when requirements are not entirely clear I sometimes go with a different approach and start from a more abstract description of the behavior (so that scenarios can become the specification), which seems to me as the more (for lack of a better word) correct way of doing BDD. So I end up with behavior descriptions which are perfectly clear when a human is reading them from the requirement analysis position, but appear to be extremely vague when you shift to testing perspective:
Scenario: Adding tag to multi-type item
Given Edit Item Popup is opened for multi-type item
When user adds a new tag
And user clicks on Apply changes button
Then that item should have that tag displayed in item store
For some reason I feel way better writing a scenario like that, as it seems closer to BDD ideals (describing the behavior, doh!). But at the same time I feel terrible because of 2 reasons:
A lot of details are implicit here and thus hidden deep in the implementation. Because of that, while implementing, we need to ask ourselvs a ton of questions like 'what initial data should I use here?', 'how to keep track of which item are we handling?', 'how deep should I examine the final state?'. This all goes away when you just compare final state with a reference table, as in the first approach.
(Possibly more serious) I am not exploring the problem space here at all, while bugs often await us somewhere in dark corners of that space.
One could argue that these 2 approaches I presented are just extreme ends of a spectrum, but I still see them fundamentally different, and often find myself wondering which approach to chose.
So, how do you write your BDD (test) scenarios? Data-driven and state-comparing, or full blown abstract descriptions of behavior?

Karate - How to pass a variable to another feature file using table [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Karate - How to call multiple external features from a single main feature
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
After doing some reading, I have figured out how to send variables to another feature file. However, how do I pass a variable when I am using a table?
The setup is:
* table valueTable
| number | mode | time | status |
| 12345 | mobile | 100 | 200 |
* call read('feature1.feature#scenario1') valueTable
So if I use the following line to pass variable through, I get failures:
* call read('feature1.feature#scenario1') {table1: '#(valueTable)', payload1: '#(payload)'}
Of course in above, 'payload' is the variable I want to pass to the second feature file. I don't have any issues passing variables if there is no table involved.
Please advise.
Works for me. Put this in a new feature:
* table valueTable
| number | mode | time | status |
| 12345 | 'mobile' | 100 | 200 |
* call read('called.feature') { table1: '#(valueTable)' }
And in called.feature have this:
* print __arg
And it works fine. So if you are still stuck, please follow this process:

In cucumber feature file, scenario outline table can have < >-delimited parameters of Examples

Please tell me if this is possible to have angle parameter in the table of Example (of Scenario Outline). I am new in feature file development hence need your help.
Feature: Testing table can have angle parameter of examples
Scenario Outline: outline
When a table step:
| Day | Months |
| 30 | <Months> |
Then verify if day exist in this month<DoesContainInThisMonth>
| Months | DoesContainInThisMonth |
| Jan | No |
| Feb | No |
| Mar | Yes |
I do not have a straight solution to this problem the way you are looking for.
But maybe a different approach could help.
To give an example: in the column "Months" you could have a list of months that meet each requirement ("Days"?). And then, check if a specific month is included in this list in the StepDefinitions code. This way, you only need one table.
In my opinion that makes the test more clear, which is one of the benefits of BDD.
If you provide more information about the objective of this scenario, it is likely more contributing answers will come up.

Creating an SSIS job to split a column and insert into database

I have a column called Description:
| Description/Title |
| Liszt, Hungarian Rhapsody #6 {'Pesther Carneval'}; 2 Episodes from Lenau's 'Faust'; 'Hunnenschlacht' Symphonic Poem. (NW German Phil./ Kulka) |
| Beethoven, Piano Sonatas 8, 23 & 26. (Justus Frantz) |
| Puccini, Verdi, Gounod, Bizet: Arias & Duets from Butterfly, Tosca, Boheme, Turandot, I Vespri, Faust, Carmen. (Fiamma Izzo d'Amico & Peter Dvorsky w.Berlin Radio Symph./Paternostro) |
| Puccini, Ponchielli, Bizet, Tchaikovsky, Donizetti, Verdi: Arias from Boheme, Manon Lescaut, Tosca, Gioconda, Carmen, Eugen Onegin, Favorita, Rigoletto, Luisa Miller, Ballo, Aida. (Peter Dvorsky, ten. w.Hungarian State Opera Orch./ Mihaly) |
| Thomas, Leslie: 'The Virgin Soldiers' (Hywel Bennett reads abridged version. Listening time app. 2 hrs. 45 mins. DOLBY) |
| Katalsky, A. {1856-1926}: Liturgy for A Cappella Chorus. Rachmaninov, 6 Choral Songs w.Piano. (Bolshoi Theater Children's Choir/ Zabornok. DOLBY) |
Please note that above I'm only showing 1 field.
Also, the output that I would like is:
| Word | Count |
| Arias | 3 |
| Duets | 2 |
| Liszt | 10 |
| Tosca | 1 |
I want this output to encompass EVERY record. I do not want a separate one of these for each record, just one global one.
I am choosing to use SSIS to do this job. I'd like your input on which controls to use to help with this task:
I'm not looking for a solution, but simply some direction on how to get started with this. I understand this can be done many different ways, but I cannot seem to think of a way to do this most efficiently. Thank you for any guidance.
This script does an excellent job of concatenating everything:
select description + ', ' as 'data()'
from [BroincInventory]
for xml path('')
But I need guidance on how to work with this result to create the required output. How can this be done with c# or with one of the SSIS components?
edit: As siyual points out below I need a script task. The script above obviously will not work since there's a limit to the size of a data point.
I think term extraction might be the component you are looking for. Check this out:

how to increment field value each time selenium test is run?

is there any simple way to increment for example field value by +1 every time Selenium test is run through Selenium IDE?
Command: Type
Target: some kind of id
Value: number+1
EDIT 1 :thanks for a reply krosenvold. i got your idea and this is a simplified version of what i got so far:
store | 10 | x
storeEval | storedVars['x'] = ${x}+1 |
variable's x value does realy get incremented, but how would you save that value between distinct test runs? is it even possible?
should i get $x value every time the test is run and at the end of it assign $x value to some dummy element on testing page, so i could retrieve that previously incremented value the next time test is run?
Correct Answer
store | 10 | i
store | javascript{storedVars.i++;} | i
echo | ${i}
This is solution for your problem
store | 10 | i
store | javascript{storedVars.i++;}
echo | ${i}
store | 0 | iterator
echo | ${iterator} |
execute script | return parseInt(${iterator}) + 1 | iterator
echo | ${iterator} |
As result will be:
You can use eval;
eval($('elementId').value = $('elementId').value +1);
The exact syntax I'm showing implies prototype on the client;
document.getElementById('elementId').value should also do the trick in a standard DOM environment.
This worked for me
storeEval | storedVars['nextRow'] = ${nextRow}+1 |