Assignment after not null check - kotlin

I expected that the type of a variable is promoted to a non-null type after a not-null check (like in the Dart language).
val someMap = mapOf("a" to 0L)
val a = someMap['a'] // a is of type Long?
if (a != null) {
val b = a // b is of type Long? and not of type Long. Why?
Can someone explain why this is not the case? Just a matter of taste of the language designers?

Since there is smart-casting, it doesn't matter. It will allow you to use members of a or b inside the if statement without null-safe calls (?.) or null assertions (!!). You can also safely declare b to be a Long without the compiler complaining:
if (a != null) {
val b: Long = a
It is I think a design choice for how implicit types should be inferred that b's type must be explicitly declared if you want it to be considered non-nullable. This is only relevant if passing it to a function with generics, since there is smart-casting.

What you can do instead of explicit null check is using let{} as follows:
val someMap = mapOf('a' to 0L)
val a = someMap['a'] // a is of type Long?
a?.let {
val b = it // b is of type Long

It is called smart casting, basically Kotlin is smart enough to determine that variable can no longer be null after check. More detail and can be found here if you are interested

As to why, only the creators of kotlin can know. But what you can do is this if you want a Long instead of Long? there is this
val b = a!!


Kotlin - Type mismatch: inferred type is Any? but Boolean was expected

I'm trying my hands on Kotlin. Being from a Python background is really giving me a tough time to get the knack of the Kotlin syntax. I'm trying to do a simple dictionary (Mutable Map) operation. However, its giving me exceptions.
This is what I tried. Kotlin compiler
Adding the code snippet for reference.
fun main() {
val openActivityMap = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, Any>>()
val packageName = "amazon"
val currentTime = 23454321234
if((openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("lastAppliedAt") - currentTime) > 3600){
openActivityMap[packageName]?.put("isAlreadyApplied", false)
openActivityMap[packageName]?.put("isAlreadyApplied", false)
I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd like to point out another solution here.
As I commented on the OP, heterogeneous maps with fixed string keys like this are usually better expressed with classes in Kotlin. For instance, in your case, the class for your main map's values could be the following:
data class PackageInfo(
var isAlreadyApplied: Boolean,
var lastAppliedAt: Long,
(you could obviously add more properties if need be)
This would save you all the casts on the final values.
Another point I'd like to make is that if you access the value for a key anyway, you don't need to check up front the existence of the key with containsKey. Maps return null for keys that are not associated with any value (this is why you need to check for null after getting the value).
The compiler cannot see the correlation between containsKey and the subsequent get or [] access. However, it's smart enough to understand a null check if you simply get the value first and then check for null.
This always applies unless you want to tell the difference between keys that aren't in the map and keys that are in the map but associated null values (which is quite rare).
All in all, I would write something like that:
fun main() {
val openActivityMap = mutableMapOf<String, PackageInfo>()
val packageName = "amazon"
val currentTime = 23454321234
val packageInfo = openActivityMap[packageName]
if (packageInfo != null) { // the key was found and the value is smart cast to non-null in the next block
if (packageInfo.isAlreadyApplied) {
if ((packageInfo.lastAppliedAt - currentTime) > 3600) {
packageInfo.isAlreadyApplied = false
} else {
packageInfo.isAlreadyApplied = false
data class PackageInfo(
var isAlreadyApplied: Boolean,
var lastAppliedAt: Long,
I would recommend writing tests first and working in small increments, but this should fix your compilation issues:
fun main() {
val openActivityMap = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, Any>>()
val packageName = "amazon"
val currentTime = 23454321234
if(openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("isAlreadyApplied") as Boolean){
if((openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("lastAppliedAt") as Long - currentTime) > 3600){
openActivityMap[packageName]?.put("isAlreadyApplied", false)
else {
openActivityMap[packageName]?.put("isAlreadyApplied", false)
EDIT: Also I prefer to avoid nullable variables and mutable objects in general, but I suppose there's an exception to every rule.
Couldn't you just declare your Map<String, Any> to return a Boolean instead of Any? So,
val openActivityMap = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, Boolean>>()
It looks like you're trying to use your second Map to store both Booleans and Ints, which is complicating the logic. You'll need to typecast if you decide to approach it without Typing.
There's a problem with the 2 statement below
if((openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("lastAppliedAt") - currentTime) > 3600)
As we all know, an IF statement requires a boolean value for it's param. The types of both statement are unknown at compilation time as they are of a Generic type, Any. As such,
openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("isAlreadyApplied") could be a null or of type Any (Not Boolean).
openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("lastAppliedAt") could be a null or of type Any (an Int was expected here for computation).
This would throw compilation errors as the compiler does not know the types to go with. What could be done is to cast to it's proper types.
openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("isAlreadyApplied") as Boolean ?: false
((openActivityMap[packageName]?.get("lastAppliedAt") as Int ?: 0) - currentTime)
Giving a default value if it's null.
maybe you can try something like this
if (openActivityMap.containsKey(packageName)) {
val packageMap = openActivityMap[packageName]!!
val applyRequired = (packageMap["lastAppliedAt"] as Long - currentTime) > 3600
packageMap["isAlreadyApplied"] = packageMap.containsKey("isAlreadyApplied") && !applyRequired
btw. do you really want to have lastAppliedAt to be in te future? otherewise it will never be > 3600

Not nullable value required to call 'component1()' function of destructuring declaration initializer

Is it possible to make the following code to compile in Kotlin?
val variable: String? = "string"
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
The compiler does not allow destructuring because the expression on the right-hand side is typed as a nullable Pair<Int, Int>?, and it's unclear what values a and b should get in case variable is null.
To solve this, you need to get a not-null expression after =.
There's a lot of different ways to deal with nullable values and produce a not-null value from a nullable one, see: In Kotlin, what is the idiomatic way to deal with nullable values, referencing or converting them
For example, if you want to provide fallback values for a and b, then use the ?: operator as follows:
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
} ?: (0 to 0)
An alternative, for example, would be to check variable for null first:
val (a, b) = checkNotNull(variable) { "variable should never be null" }.run {
1 to 2
Null doesn't have any destructuring declarations. If you want a value of null to destructure like it's a pair of nulls, you could add these extensions:
operator fun <T> Pair<T, *>?.component1() = this?.component1()
operator fun <T> Pair<*, T>?.component2() = this?.component2()
Otherwise, as the other answer shows, you need to provide a default using the Elvis operator.
It's not automatic because it doesn't know what you want. Depending on what you're doing with it, 0 to 0 may be most appropriate, or maybe -1 to -1 or 0 to null or null to null.
The question is, what do you want to do if your variable is null? If you want to throw an exception, go with require or check as #hotkey suggested.
However I have the case where I just want to return if the value is null. So I wrote myself a little helper function that allows for this:
private inline fun <T> T?.exitIfNull(exitBlock: () -> Nothing): T {
if (this == null)
return this
You can call this function as follows:
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
}.exitIfNull {
A nice little use of the Nothing keyword in Kotlin that I personally find quite fascinating

Filtering out non null values from a collection in kotlin

Take a look at this kotlin one liner:
val nonNullArr : List<NonNullType> = nullArray.filter {it != null}
The compiler gives a type error at this line, saying that a list of nullables can't be assigned to a list of non-nulls. But the filter conditional makes sure that the list will only contain non null values. Is there something similar to !! operator that I can use in this situation to make this code compile?
It seems logical to assume that the compiler would take into account the predicate
it != null
and infer the type as
but it does not.
There are 2 solutions:
val nonNullList: List<NonNullType> = nullableArray.filterNotNull()
val nonNullList: List<NonNullType> = nullableArray.mapNotNull { it }
As far as I know, you cannot convert nullable types into nonNull types by just verifying that they are not null. To achieve what you want, you need to manually map nullable values to non-null type by simply creating NonNull type object. For this you can use map extension function.
val nullableArray: Array<String?> = arrayOf("abc", "xyz", null, "efg")
val nonNullList: List<String> = nullableArray.filter { it != null }.map {
Or you can use filterNotNull() method as #forpas suggested in comments
val nonNullList: List<String> = nullableArray.filterNotNull()
Hope it helps you!
You can't assign a nullable type to a non-nullable type of value.
The type-matching maybe works when you assign a value, not after filter operation called.
// the type-matching works before `.filter` is called
val nonNullArr : List<NonNullType> = nullArray//.filter {it != null}
instead, if you want to do this without an error or without concerning the type. Remove the type from the val, so it goes like this
val nonNullArr = nullArray.filter {it != null}
Hope it helps
try using listOfNotNull instead of listOf(), it is equivalent to list.filterNotNull()

Why does var foo = null compile

I am starting with Kotlin and trying to understand something.
var foo: String = null does not compile as expected.
var foo: String? = null should be the correct syntax and compile as expected.
So why does var foo = null compile??
The type of foo in this case will be inferred to Nothing?, which is a very special type. In short, Nothing is a type that is a subtype of every type in Kotlin (therefore Nothing? is a subtype of every nullable type), has no instances, and can be used as a return type for functions that can never return.
Even though Nothing can have no instances, null itself of type Nothing?, which is why it can be assigned to any nullable variable.
You can learn more in depth about Nothing in the official docs, in this excellent Medium article, and in this article that covers the overall Kotlin type hierarchy.
For var foo = null, the type is inferred to Nothing?, and is therefore valid syntax.
var foo = null is equivalent to var foo:Nothing? = null
var foo = "" is equivalent to var foo:String = ""
and slo
var foo = 1 is equivalent to var foo:Int = 1
The compiler is smart enough to infer the type of foo from the right hand expression type.

Comparing two optionals in Kotlin

Consider a class with id field which might be null until stored in database:
class IdableK<T : IdableK<T>> : Comparable<T> {
private var id : Long? = null
I am trying to implement a compareTo method as follows:
override fun compareTo(other: T): Int {
if (id == null) {
return -1;
if ( == null) {
return 1;
return id!!.compareTo(!!)
Is this a correct way of doing it? Would there be a simple way of doing it?
Check out the kotlin.comparisons package. e.g. You can use compareValues:
class IdableK<T : IdableK<T>> : Comparable<T> {
private var id: Long? = null
override fun compareTo(other: T) = compareValues(id,
This is incorrect. If you have two instances with their ids set to null, both instances will return -1 when you call compareTo(other) on them, while if one returns -1 the other should return 1 in a correct implementation. I'm not sure if there are situations where it makes sense to implement compareTo based on nullable properties, but I can't imagine any. Maybe there's a better way for you too?
Also, you should avoid non-null assertions (!!). Since you're using vars, other threads may change the value to null so that even if you did a null check before, the value is now null and !! throws. Instead, you should store both ids in local variables and check these for null values.
If you absolutely have to use compareTo, I'd do it like this:
override fun compareTo(other: T): Int {
val thisId = id
val otherId =
if (thisId == null && otherId == null) return 0
if (thisId == null && otherId != null) return -1
if (thisId != null && otherId == null) return 1
// thisId and otherId are now smart cast to Long
return thisId.compareTo(otherId)
Here is a simple way:
override fun compareTo(other: T) :Int {
return id?.compareTo( ?: return 1) ?: -1
However this piece of code is very unfriendly to a novice kotlin programmer. It involves too much magic that make it look like scala. These 3 question marks make people puzzled, at least they must think for a minute or two before they could realize what is going on in this minimalistic one-liner. I still prefer your edition. It's more verbose, but clear.
And I'm really worried about the symmetric problem. This matters, and isn't just a design problem. If you don't compare nullable properties, there won't be this programming puzzle. It will just be override fun compareTo(other: T) = id.compareTo( Simple, clear, and no misleading.
I would rather throw away all null checking code and just live with those null assertions. Because mostly you won't compare there things until it is fully initialized. If these assertion fails, it means something really bad has happens.
Oh, BTW, I don't know about your project, and if it hits the rare cases that you have to compare nullable properties, I think you could write a special edition of Comparator that consider nulls instead of throwing NPEs. Don't mess with the natural order.