Is there a way to automate this Python script in GCP? - authentication

I am a complete beginner in using GCP functions/products.
I have written the following code below, that takes a list of cities from a local folder, and call in weather data for each city in that list, eventually uploading those weather values into a table in BigQuery. I don't need to change the code anymore, as it creates new tables when a new week begins, now I would want to "deploy" (I am not even sure if this is called deploying a code) in the cloud for it to automatically run there. I tried using App Engine and Cloud Functions but faced issues in both places.
import requests, json, sqlite3, os, csv, datetime, re
from import bigquery
#from import storage
list_city = []
with open("list_of_cities.txt", "r") as pointer:
for line in pointer:
Base_URL = ""
yday = - datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
Date = yday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
table_id = f"sonic-cat-315013.weather_data.Historical_Weather_{yday.isocalendar()[0]}_{yday.isocalendar()[1]}"
credentials_path = r"PATH_TO_JSON_FILE"
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = credentials_path
client = bigquery.Client()
schema = [
bigquery.SchemaField("city", "STRING", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Date", "Date", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Hour", "INTEGER", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Temperature", "FLOAT", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Humidity", "FLOAT", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Condition", "STRING", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Chance_of_rain", "FLOAT", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Precipitation_mm", "FLOAT", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Cloud_coverage", "INTEGER", mode="REQUIRED"),
bigquery.SchemaField("Visibility_km", "FLOAT", mode="REQUIRED")
table = bigquery.Table(table_id, schema=schema)
table.time_partitioning = bigquery.TimePartitioning(
field="Date", # name of column to use for partitioning
table = client.create_table(table) # Make an API request.
"Created table {}.{}.{}".format(table.project, table.dataset_id, table.table_id)
print("Table {}_{} already exists".format(yday.isocalendar()[0], yday.isocalendar()[1]))
def get_weather():
print(f"API could not call city {city_name}")
global day, time, dailytemp, dailyhum, dailycond, chance_rain, Precipitation, Cloud_coverage, Visibility_km
day = []
time = []
dailytemp = []
dailyhum = []
dailycond = []
chance_rain = []
Precipitation = []
Cloud_coverage = []
Visibility_km = []
for i in range(24):
dayval ="^\S*\s" ,x["forecast"]["forecastday"][0]["hour"][i]["time"])
timeval ="\s(.*)" ,x["forecast"]["forecastday"][0]["hour"][i]["time"])
for i in range(len(time)):
time[i] = int(time[i][:2])
def main():
i = 0
while i < len(list_city):
global city_name
city_name = list_city[i]
complete_URL = Base_URL + API_key + "&q=" + city_name + "&dt=" + Date
response = requests.get(complete_URL, timeout = 10)
global x
x = response.json()
table = client.get_table(table_id)
varlist = []
for j in range(24):
variables = city_name, day[j], time[j], dailytemp[j], dailyhum[j], dailycond[j], chance_rain[j], Precipitation[j], Cloud_coverage[j], Visibility_km[j]
client.insert_rows(table, varlist)
print(f"City {city_name}, ({i+1} out of {len(list_city)}) successfully inserted")
i += 1
except Exception as e:
In the code, there is direct reference to two files that is located locally, one is the list of cities and the other is the JSON file containing the credentials to access my project in GCP. I believed that uploading these files in Cloud Storage and referencing them there won't be an issue, but then I realised that I can't actually access my Buckets in Cloud Storage without using the credential files.
This leads me to being unsure whether the entire process would be possible at all, how do I authenticate in the first place from the cloud, if I need to reference that first locally? Seems like an endless circle, where I'd authenticate from the file in Cloud Storage, but I'd need authentication first to access that file.
I'd really appreciate some help here, I have no idea where to go from this, and I also don't have great knowledge in SE/CS, I only know Python R and SQL.

For Cloud Functions, the deployed function will run with the project service account credentials by default, without needing a separate credentials file. Just make sure this service account is granted access to whatever resources it will be trying to access.
You can read more info about this approach here (along with options for using a different service account if you desire):
This approach is very easy, and keeps you from having to deal with a credentials file at all on the server. Note that you should remove the os.environ line, as it's unneeded. The BigQuery client will use the default credentials as noted above.
If you want the code to run the same whether on your local machine or deployed to the cloud, simply set a "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" environment variable permanently in the OS on your machine. This is similar to what you're doing in the code you posted; however, you're temporarily setting it every time using os.environ rather than permanently setting the environment variable on your machine. The os.environ call only sets that environment variable for that one process execution.
If for some reason you don't want to use the default service account approach outlined above, you can instead directly reference it when you instantiate the bigquery.Client()
You just need to package the credential file with your code (i.e. in the same folder as your file), and deploy it alongside so it's in the execution environment. In that case, it is referenceable/loadable from your script without needing any special permissions or credentials. Just provide the relative path to the file (i.e. assuming you have it in the same directory as your python script, just reference only the filename)

There may be different flavors and options to deploy your application and these will depend on your application semantics and execution constraints.
It will be too hard to cover all of them and the official Google Cloud Platform documentation cover all of them in great details:
Google Compute Engine
Google Kubernetes Engine
Google App Engine
Google Cloud Functions
Google Cloud Run
Based on my understanding of your application design, the most suitable ones would be:
Google App Engine
Google Cloud Functions
Google Cloud Run: Check these criteria to see if you application is a good fit for this deployment style
I would suggest using Cloud Functions as you deployment option in which case your application will default to using the project App Engine service account to authenticate itself and perform allowed actions. Hence, you should only check if the default account under the IAM configuration section has proper access to needed APIs (BigQuery in your case).
In such a setup, you want need to push your service account key to Cloud Storage which I would recommend to avoid in either cases, and you want need to pull it either as the runtime will handle authentication the function for you.


How to invoke an on-demand bigquery Data transfer service?

I really liked BigQuery's Data Transfer Service. I have flat files in the exact schema sitting to be loaded into BQ. It would have been awesome to just setup DTS schedule that picked up GCS files that match a pattern and load the into BQ. I like the built in option to delete source files after copy and email in case of trouble. But the biggest bummer is that the minimum interval is 60 minutes. That is crazy. I could have lived with a 10 min delay perhaps.
So if I set up the DTS to be on demand, how can I invoke it from an API? I am thinking create a cronjob that calls it on demand every 10 mins. But I can’t figure out through the docs how to call it.
Also, what is my second best most reliable and cheapest way of moving GCS files (no ETL needed) into bq tables that match the exact schema. Should I use Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Functions, DataFlow, Cloud Run etc.
If I use Cloud Function, how can I submit all files in my GCS at time of invocation as one bq load job?
Lastly, anyone know if DTS will lower the limit to 10 mins in future?
So if I set up the DTS to be on demand, how can I invoke it from an API? I am thinking create a cronjob that calls it on demand every 10 mins. But I can’t figure out through the docs how to call it.
StartManualTransferRuns is part of the RPC library but does not have a REST API equivalent as of now. How to use that will depend on your environment. For instance, you can use the Python Client Library (docs).
As an example, I used the following code (you'll need to run pip install google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer for the depencencies):
import time
from import bigquery_datatransfer_v1
from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
client = bigquery_datatransfer_v1.DataTransferServiceClient()
TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID = '5e6...7bc' # alphanumeric ID you'll find in the UI
parent = client.project_transfer_config_path(PROJECT_ID, TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID)
start_time = bigquery_datatransfer_v1.types.Timestamp(seconds=int(time.time() + 10))
response = client.start_manual_transfer_runs(parent, requested_run_time=start_time)
Note that you'll need to use the right Transfer Config ID and the requested_run_time has to be of type bigquery_datatransfer_v1.types.Timestamp (for which there was no example in the docs). I set a start time 10 seconds ahead of the current execution time.
You should get a response such as:
runs {
name: "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/us/transferConfigs/5e6...7bc/runs/5e5...c04"
destination_dataset_id: "DATASET_NAME"
schedule_time {
seconds: 1579358571
nanos: 922599371
data_source_id: "google_cloud_storage"
state: PENDING
params {
run_time {
seconds: 1579358581
user_id: 28...65
and the transfer is triggered as expected (nevermind the error):
Also, what is my second best most reliable and cheapest way of moving GCS files (no ETL needed) into bq tables that match the exact schema. Should I use Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Functions, DataFlow, Cloud Run etc.
With this you can set a cron job to execute your function every ten minutes. As discussed in the comments, the minimum interval is 60 minutes so it won't pick up files less than one hour old (docs).
Apart from that, this is not a very robust solution and here come into play your follow-up questions. I think these might be too broad to address in a single StackOverflow question but I would say that, for on-demand refresh, Cloud Scheduler + Cloud Functions/Cloud Run can work very well.
Dataflow would be best if you needed ETL but it has a GCS connector that can watch a file pattern (example). With this you would skip the transfer, set the watch interval and the load job triggering frequency to write the files into BigQuery. VM(s) would be running constantly in a streaming pipeline as opposed to the previous approach but a 10-minute watch period is possible.
If you have complex workflows/dependencies, Airflow has recently introduced operators to start manual runs.
If I use Cloud Function, how can I submit all files in my GCS at time of invocation as one bq load job?
You can use wildcards to match a file pattern when you create the transfer:
Also, this can be done on a file-by-file basis using Pub/Sub notifications for Cloud Storage to trigger a Cloud Function.
Lastly, anyone know if DTS will lower the limit to 10 mins in future?
There is already a Feature Request here. Feel free to star it to show your interest and receive updates
Now your can easy manual run transfer Bigquery data use RESTApi:
HTTP request
About this part > {parent=projects//locations//transferConfigs/*}, check on CONFIGURATION of your Transfer then notice part like image bellow.
More here:
following the Guillem's answer and the API updates, this is my new code:
import time
from import datatransfer_v1
from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
client = datatransfer_v1.DataTransferServiceClient()
config = '34y....654'
parent = client.transfer_config_path(PROJECT_ID, TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID)
start_time = Timestamp(seconds=int(time.time()))
request = datatransfer_v1.types.StartManualTransferRunsRequest(
{ "parent": parent, "requested_run_time": start_time }
response = client.start_manual_transfer_runs(request, timeout=360)
For this to work, you need to know the correct TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID.
In my case, I wanted to list all the BigQuery Scheduled queries, to get a specific ID. You can do it like that :
# Put your projetID here
from import bigquery_datatransfer_v1
bq_transfer_client = bigquery_datatransfer_v1.DataTransferServiceClient()
parent = bq_transfer_client.project_path(PROJECT_ID)
# Iterate over all results
for element in bq_transfer_client.list_transfer_configs(parent):
# Print Display Name for each Scheduled Query
print(f'[Schedule Query Name]:\t{element.display_name}')
# Print name of all elements (it contains the ID)
# Extract the IDs:
# You can print the entire element for debug purposes

Is it possible to use service accounts to schedule queries in BigQuery "Schedule Query" feature ?

We are using the Beta Scheduled query feature of BigQuery.
We have few ETL scheduled queries running overnight to optimize the aggregation and reduce query cost. It works well and there hasn't been much issues.
The problem arises when the person who scheduled the query using their own credentials leaves the organization. I know we can do "update credential" in such cases.
I read through the document and also gave it some try but couldn't really find if we can use a service account instead of individual accounts to schedule queries.
Service accounts are cleaner and ties up to the rest of the IAM framework and is not dependent on a single user.
So if you have any additional information regarding scheduled queries and service account please share.
Thanks for taking time to read the question and respond to it.
BigQuery Scheduled Query now does support creating a scheduled query with a service account and updating a scheduled query with a service account. Will these work for you?
While it's not supported in BigQuery UI, it's possible to create a transfer (including a scheduled query) using python GCP SDK for DTS, or from BQ CLI.
The following is an example using Python SDK:
r"""Example of creating TransferConfig using service account.
Usage Example:
1. Install GCP BQ python client library.
2. If it has not been done, please grant p4 service account with
iam.serviceAccout.GetAccessTokens permission on your project.
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {user_project_id} \
'' \
where {user_project_id} and {user_project_number} are the user project's
project id and project number, respectively. E.g.,
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding my-test-proj \
3. Set environment var PROJECT to your user project, and
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the service account key path. E.g.,
$ export PROJECT_ID='my_project_id'
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=./serviceacct-creds.json'
4. $ python3 ./
import os
from import bigquery_datatransfer
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct
PROJECT = os.environ["PROJECT_ID"]
credentials = (
client = bigquery_datatransfer.DataTransferServiceClient(
# Get full path to project
parent_base = client.project_path(PROJECT)
params = Struct()
params["query"] = "SELECT CURRENT_DATE() as date, RAND() as val"
transfer_config = {
"destination_dataset_id": "my_data_set",
"display_name": "scheduled_query_test",
"data_source_id": "scheduled_query",
"params": params,
parent = parent_base + "/locations/us"
response = client.create_transfer_config(parent, transfer_config)
print response
As far as I know, unfortunately you can't use a service account to directly schedule queries yet. Maybe a Googler will correct me, but the BigQuery docs implicitly state this:
A scheduled query is executed with the creator's credentials and
project, as if you were executing the query yourself
If you need to use a service account (which is great practice BTW), then there are a few workarounds listed here. I've raised a FR here for posterity.
This question is very old and came on this thread while I was searching for same.
Yes, It is possible to use service account to schedule big query jobs.
While creating schedule query job, click on "Advance options", you will get option to select service account.
By default is uses credential of requesting user.
Image from bigquery "create schedule query"1

Get AWS bucket List Boto/Boto3

I have developed a Tornado API which gets me the AWS S3 bucket contents, Below is the code snippet which run perfectly with Boto. However this doesn't work for the buckets in some different location.
The method returns a list(resp) which is consists filename, size, and file type.
Want to achieve similar using Boto3. Tried a lot but Boto3 methods returns the all contents of the s3 bucket with full path.
def post(self):
resp = []
path = self.get_argument('path')
bucket_name = self.get_argument('bucket_name')
path_len = len(path)
conn = S3Connection()
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name)
folders = bucket.list(path, "/")
for folder in folders:
if == path:
if str("/"):
file_type = 'd'
file_name = str([path_len:-1]
_file_size = self.filesize(folder.size)
file_type = 'f'
file_name = str([path_len:]
resp.append({"bucket": bucket_name, "path": path, "name": file_name, "type": file_type,
"size": _file_size if file_type == 'f' else ""})
Razvan Tudorica built a small replacement for Boto3's upload and delete methods which uses Tornado’s AsyncHTTPClient; he published a blog post here concerning the work and posted his code on GitHub.
As the original SO enquiry highlights that the code snippet supplied "doesn't work for the buckets in some different location", of specific interest here is Razvan's note that, "the main idea around [his] replacement is to use botocore to build the request (AWS wants the requests to be signed using different algorithms based on AWS zones and request data) and only to use the AsyncHTTPClient for the actual asynchronous call."
I hope Razvan's work still proves useful to you or, minimally, to others researching similar efforts (as I was recently).

Making a Google BigQuery from Python on Windows

I am trying to do something which is very simple in other data services. I am trying to make a relatively simple SQL query and return it as a dataframe in python. I am on Windows 10 and using Phython 2.7 (specifically Canopy 1.7.4)
Typically this would be done with pandas.read_sql_query but due to some specifics with BigQuery they require a different method
This method works fine unless you want to make a Big Query. If you make a Big Query on BigQuery you get the error
GenericGBQException: Reason: responseTooLarge, Message: Response too large to return. Consider setting allowLargeResults to true in your job configuration. For more information, see
This was asked and answered before in this ticket but neither of the solutions are relevant for my case
Python BigQuery allowLargeResults with
One solution is for python 3 so it is a nonstarter. The other is giving an error due to me being unable to set my credentials as an environment variable in windows.
ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See for more information.
I was able to download the JSON credentials file and I have set it as an environment variable in the few ways I know how but I still get the above error. Do I need to load this in some way in python? It seems to be looking for it but unable to find is correctly. Is there a special way to set it as an environment variable in this case?
You can do it in Python 2.7 by changing the default dialect from legacy to standard in pd.read_gbq function.
pd.read_gbq(query, 'my-super-project', dialect='standard')
Indeed, you can read in Big Query documentation for the parameter AllowLargeResults:
AllowLargeResults: For standard SQL queries, this flag is
ignored and large results are always allowed.
I have found two ways of directly importing the JSON credentials file. Both based on the original answer in Python BigQuery allowLargeResults with
1) Credit to Tim Swast
pip install google-api-python-client
pip install google-auth
pip install google-cloud-core
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
in create_service() with
from google.oauth2 import service_account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('path/file.json')
Set the environment variable manually in the code like
import os,os.path
I prefer method 2 since it does not require new modules to be installed and is also closer to the intended use of the JSON credentials.
You must create a destinationTable and add the information to run_query()
Here is a code that fully works within python 2.7 on Windows:
import pandas as pd
my_qry="<insert your big query here>"
### Here Put the data from your credentials file of the service account - all fields are available from there###
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "cb4recs",
"private_key_id": "<id>",
"private_key": "<your private key>\n",
"client_email": "<email>",
"client_id": "<id>",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "<x509 url>"
df=pd.read_gbq(qry,project_id='<your project id>',private_key=my_file)
That's it :)

Renaming an Amazon CloudWatch Alarm

I'm trying to organize a large number of CloudWatch alarms for maintainability, and the web console grays out the name field on an edit. Is there another method (preferably something scriptable) for updating the name of CloudWatch alarms? I would prefer a solution that does not require any programming beyond simple executable scripts.
Here's a script we use to do this for the time being:
import sys
import boto
def rename_alarm(alarm_name, new_alarm_name):
conn = boto.connect_cloudwatch()
def get_alarm():
alarms = conn.describe_alarms(alarm_names=[alarm_name])
if not alarms:
raise Exception("Alarm '%s' not found" % alarm_name)
return alarms[0]
alarm = get_alarm()
# work around boto comparison serialization issue
alarm.comparison = alarm._cmp_map.get(alarm.comparison) = new_alarm_name
# update actually creates a new alarm because the name has changed, so
# we have to manually delete the old one
if __name__ == '__main__':
alarm_name, new_alarm_name = sys.argv[1:3]
rename_alarm(alarm_name, new_alarm_name)
It assumes you're either on an ec2 instance with a role that allows this, or you've got a ~/.boto file with your credentials. It's easy enough to manually add yours.
Unfortunately it looks like this is not currently possible.
I looked around for the same solution but it seems neither console nor cloudwatch API provides that feature.
But we can copy the existing alram with the same parameter and can save on new name