Sending a mail using 365 instance -

I am developing an app on Microsoft Teams, and I would like to send a mail with an instance of a logged in user.
This means that a user logs into my Microsoft Teams app, wants to send a custom mail that the app generated, now I want to send a request to my REST API to send this mail as the user.
I could not find any relevant information regarding sending an email like this, I only found methods to send emails with supplying username/password or using the current logged user on the machine (which I can't use since I want to do that using my REST API).
Example of what I found but is irrelevant:

You don't mention if your app is a Tab or a Bot app (or something else), but I'm presuming a Tab. In any case, both Bots and Tab's offer the ability to do SSO sign-in of the user, in which case you can easily get a token for the user. In your backend API, you can exchange this for an "on behalf of" (OBO) token, which lets you access the Microsoft Graph API on the user's behalf. Once that's done, you can call the "send mail" operation on Graph.
To find out more about the above, see:
here for an excellent video overview on SSO with Tabs
here for a blog post on how to exchange the tokens and make the graph call securely
here for the specific operation in Graph (sending email)


Auth0 get profile of other user client side

To learn some new technologies, I am building a small chat application that allows users to send messages to each other. I have set up my app with auth0 for client authentication and user management. My chat messages include the sub of a user as the unique author_id.
Now, for my use case, I would like everyone who has received a message to pull up a small user profile card for the message author. This means querying the user management system with the author_id to retrieve the user profile.
I have found the get users by id endpoint which seems to fit my needs. The problem here is that this API requires a management API token, which will not be available on the client side.
Should I set up a pass-through API which authorizes users based on their app JWT token, and then requests the user profile from the auth0 API with the management token? Or should I be looking at a different approach (the fact that this API requires a management token seems to suggest so)?
Due to the rate limit of the management API it is considered better practice to use an external database to save and retreive user data.

How to integrate Google business messaging through API

I am unable to enable Business Messages API, Because "Business Messages API" is not showing API list, While i am going to enable the API through the
I want to use auth token, while hitting the API, but the document is saying use the service.json for the credentials. i am following these doc. I am using "Google\Client()" with Laravel application.
I am following these steps:
Login with google business account in the Dashboard
App taking multiple permissions as I have attached the permissions list and taking the auth token.
Open the chat box for the Business.
So please guide me, where i am going wrong. What is correct way to implement this.
I want to create a custom chat box for google businesses, Where business owner will login into the web app and He can easily manage the multiple business chats in one dashboard.
As per your given information, you have to be a partner of Google. As per google documentation, you need to be a partner of google and then you can create the agent and can send and receive messages. You can integrate the business messages API by following this documentation:
In this process, you need to be a partner of Google. The complete process is given on the link. If you follow this link, then you can use their built-in libraries easily and can send messages easily.
So far the permission for API, it might not be found for you because you might have to take permission for the particular project that is registered on google and then you will see the business messages API and you can enable it and use it. The reason as per the basic step:
Sometimes, you have to submit the request form to take the API access for particular APIs. Or Share how are you using that API.
If you do not find a form for business messages API then you can ask for the information from they mostly respond on a working day.

soundcloud authentication for server-side code (no app!)

I would like my server-side code to upload tracks to soundcloud in its own name, then later it will retrieve comments, favourites and listener counts. I do not want to do this on behalf of an app user - for there is no app! Previous questions here on stackoverflow§ (there is no "me too" button) and the API docs seem to suggest I cannot do this. Am I correct?
§ Can track belong to the application and not individual users?
This is called "Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen" in the API docs:
An "app" in this case is a program that wants to access the Soundcloud API. You register them here:
Normally you would make a unique username, and register the app to that user. Then, the code logs in as that user to authenticate.

How to send invitation to facebook friend from my application

Hi I am working on Rails application. My application is currently in 'invitation only' mode. What I want to do is once user signed up to my application then user should be able to invite his Facebook friends to my application. So what is the best way to do it? I want to do similar like pinterest does. pinterest is also in invitation only mode. But still it allows my facebook friend to whom I have sent an invite to sign up directly. So how I can implement it in my application? Any guidance will be helpful..
Use the requests dialog:
Store the list of user id's you get back (which you need to do anyhow
to delete the request programmatically when the come to your app)
When a user tries to login to your app, ensure that they're on your
list of id's you stored earlier.
Delete their app request
Deleting Requests When a user is directed to your application, by
clicking a Request from the application, the games dashboard, or from
a Request notification, you must delete the request after it has been
accepted. Requests are not automatically deleted once they have been
clicked, thus it is the developer’s responsibility to clear them once
they have been consumed.

Accessing linkedin api without repetitive sign in?

I am new to linkedin api. I have a doubt regarding the api.
I am integrating the api in my application, so different user have to register in the linkedin to get the data using that api? Can it be pre registered and the user can get the data whatever he wants.
Suppose user wants to search about company. He will type the company name and will get the names of the company related to search. He should not log in in linked in before searching.
Is it possible?
If you are using the JavaScript API, then yes, you may need to have the user log in each time as the JavaScript API's authorization is cleared every time the user closes their browser.
If you are using the REST API, you can store the user's OAuth token and use that to make the calls on behalf of the user, saving them having to sign-in each time.