What is the resource definition address of XRD in resim - smartcontracts

I want to transfer XRD to another account in the simulator but I don't know its resource definition address.
What is it ?

The address of the resource definition of the Radix token in the resim simulator, as of v0.5 is resource_sim1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzqu57yag
For example, if you want to send 3000 XRD to another account you created with resim new-account, you would write:
resim transfer 3000 resource_sim1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzqu57yag [account2_address]


Issues during implementation of custom ETH settler

I have investigated and played with corda-settler project. Following the recommendations within the documentation, I have created a custom ethereum module (with an outline similar to the ripple module), providing the option to settle obligations using off-ledger payments in ETH. The implementation (https://github.com/vladichhh/corda-settler)
consists of the following significant pieces:
registered DigitalCurrency for ETH
added logic for ETH payment verification
override fun makePayment(obligation: Obligation<*>, amount: Amount<T>): EthPayment<T> {
// get ETHService client
val ethClient = serviceHub.cordaService(ETHService::class.java).client
val recipient = obligation.settlementMethod?.accountToPay.toString()
val amountToSend = amount.quantity.toString()
// trigger ETH transfer
val txHash = ethClient.sendEth(recipient, amountToSend)
// return the payment
return EthPayment(txHash, amount, PaymentStatus.SENT)
fun sendEth(recipient: String, amount: String): String {
val weiAmount: BigInteger = Convert.toWei(amount, Convert.Unit.GWEI).toBigInteger()
val credentials: Credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials(walletPassword, walletFile)
val transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt = Transfer
.sendFunds(web3j, credentials, recipient, BigDecimal(weiAmount), Convert.Unit.WEI)
return transactionReceipt.transactionHash
In order to send the required ETH amount to the specified recipient account, we have to do some Ethereum specific stuff:
we are connecting to Ethereum public blockchain environment, using “web3j” library
in order to trigger am Etherem transaction and transfer specified ETH amount, "web3j" requires an access to the file, containing encrypted sender's wallet
thus we have to provide password (to decrypt wallet) and location of the file, containing encrypted sender's wallet
And here are the issues:
I got the exception that the file could not be found, no matter where I am putting it. I have checked even the “swift” implementation and tried to use the class loader to load my file, but without success.
I suppose, the file with encrypted sender’s wallet should be located on one of the following places:
Finally I have hardcoded the location in that way:
and seems that the file was found but got another exception:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - screenshot
Seems that the operation of wallet decryption is highly consuming, which breaks maybe the flow. There is an option to reduce the algorithm complexity of the wallet generation, which will reflect in lower resources required to decrypt the same wallet at the next step, but this will reduce the security as well.
And here are my three basic questions ...
How could I specify (location/mechanism) and make flow to find successfully my file, containing the sender’s encrypted wallet ?
How could I access a files in the flow, or if there is another mechanism to attach only the file with encrypted wallet and pass the decryption to core Corda ?
Do I need just to increase node resources (tuning JVM params increasing -Xms/-Xmx) in order to avoid OutOfMemoryError ?
Content of the file (containing encrypted sender’s wallet):
I will appreciate any help! Thanks in advance :)
VERY strange that Corda is giving you an out of memory error when running that flow.
I'd actually say that we'd need to be able to see the code for the flow in order to know how it could have run out of memory.
Are you running it in a container? Just make sure that you're meeting the requirements to run a JVM with an application on top.
tl;dr use a 8GB RAM machine to run your Corda node on the latest version of corda that should hopefully solve this issue.
Here's the docs page on the memory requirements;

How to test contract with multiple accounts / addresses in truffle?

I want to test my truffle contract with multiple msg.sender addresses. Like "the first user sell token, the second user buys this token". For one address I simply write something like contract.buy.value(10 wei)();. But where I could get another address and how to send money from him?
I write my tests on solidity, not on javascript.
as you can see in the Truffle docs, you can specify two different accounts to interact with your deployed smart contract like below (Metacoin example):
var account_one = "0x1234..."; // an address
var account_two = "0xabcd..."; // another address
var meta;
MetaCoin.deployed().then(function(instance) {
meta = instance;
return meta.sendCoin(account_two, 10, {from: account_one});
}).then(function(result) {
// If this callback is called, the transaction was successfully processed.
alert("Transaction successful!")
}).catch(function(e) {
// There was an error! Handle it.
This is about how you can do with your own created token.
If you want to transfer Ether between accounts, you can specify accounts in your truffle execution file (a javascript file). And these accounts may come from your configured local blockchain (Ganache, if you are using Truffle Suite to test your smart contract, it will provide you with several accounts and you can configure these by yourself).
Moreover, you may need javascript API to specify the sender and receiver: web3.eth.sendTransaction.
First time to answer a question, hope this will help.

ip address updation in openflow

I am trying to modify the destination address for an incoming ping request at the switch using a POX controller. I use packet.next to modify the destination address. Once this address is modified I create a new packet with the incoming source IP and the new destination IP. But my pings aren't getting through. I also make sure that the nw destination of the message is modified before it is sent to the switch.
It will be really helpful if someone can help me solve this issue.
I'm using the l3_learning.py sample program present in Mininet.
I've added this condition in the handle_PacketIn function to the ifinstance(packet.next,arp).
My code
: : if str(packet.src)==str("00:00:00:00:00:19") and (inport)==19: packet.src = EthAddr("00:00:00:00:00:22") inport = 22 if str(packet.dst)==str("00:00:00:00:00:19") and inport==19: a1.protosrc = IPAddr("") a1.hwsrc = EthAddr("00:00:00:00:00:22")
I then send an ARP packet.
I have changed the nw_dst using ofp.match() –
I figured out what I was doing wrong. Instead of programming flows I was directly trying to modify the packets to redirect to the hosts. That was why I was unable to get a ping response.

softlayer get list of 'replica' volumes authorized to a host

I have a set of block volumes authorized to a host on datacenter DC1. These volumes have been 'replicated' to datacenter DC2. The 'replica' volumes (_REP) on DC2 have been authorized with a host on DC2.
Now I want to find out this list of volumes for that given host.
Using list_instances() with allowedNetworkStorage and blockDevice masks as suggested here does not return the list of 'replica' volumes. It only lists the volume that were provisioned on DC2 and authorized for this host.
So, how can I get the list of 'replica' volumes authorized for the host?
~ Urjit
Please, could you try to use: allowedNetworkStorageReplicas instead of allowedNetworkStorage, or you can use both:
allowedNetworkStorage returns result, it means that the network
attached is the storage
allowedNetworkStorageReplicas returns result, it means that the
network attached is the replication
I verified that the request returns the storage's name (but it means that the replication from the storage is attached), but if you wish to get the storage replication's username, try the following:
id_mask = "mask[id, hostname,

How to display the ip address and port number in an text box that should be generated dynamically

Is there a way to display the system ip address and port number in a text box that is generated dynamically???
I want the system to put the ip address into a text box according to the machine.
Since you mentioned a text box, I can only postulate that you are talking about a web browser, and in that case 99.9% of the time you are talking about http and then 99.999% of the time a TCP connection. This means that your connection will have a 4-Tuple consisting of the source ip:port and the destination ip:port. In most cases the port numbers are fairly standard (80) for the destination (client).
Then you get into the very common issues of NAT and the like, so again I think you need to clarify what type of ip address you want. The publicly routable ip address is obtained server side and the LAN address will be obtained from the localhost.
For the more interesting case (publicly routable ip) I would just use a server side script (python, PHP, C, etc...) to read the incoming ip address and then use a little ajax to set the value of the text box. I did something similar for a project and it worked really well. Our client program was written in Python and C but this will give you an idea...
# Returns the client's public IP address (past any NATs)
def get_public_ip():
return urllib.urlopen('http://ddih.org/ip.php').read().strip()
I think something like set the inner html... from that webpage...
Hope this helps.
Your system does not have a port number. Port numbers are a software concept to differentiate different IP or UDP applications that might want to listen for connections on your IP address.
Also, it is quite possible to have more than one IP address. In fact, your system almost always has two if you count the loopback address ( Even if you don't these days even many consumer PC's have multiple ethernet jacks.
You didn't say you were using Win32 so I don't know that it will be useful to you, but here's some code I wrote once that puts all local IP addresses (loopback excepted) into a an MFC CComboBox. It's a bit more C-ish than I'd like to see these days, but here it is.
size_t const Max_Expected_Addresses = 20; // Something rediculous
unsigned long IPADDRTBL_Size = sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MIB_IPADDRROW) * Max_Expected_Addresses;
if (GetIpAddrTable (IP_Address_Table, &IPADDRTBL_Size, TRUE) == NO_ERROR) {
for (DWORD i = 0; i < IP_Address_Table->dwNumEntries; i++) {
// Skip the loopback.
if (IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr == 0x0100007f) continue;
if (m_IP_Address == "") m_IP_Address = String_Address(IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr);
m_IP_Address_List.AddString (String_Address(IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr));
m_IP_Address_List is an MFC control defined as a CComboBox which gets filled in by this snippet.
m_IP_Address is a CString tied to an MFC textbox control (IIRC) which I use to store the currently selected (or first found on startup) IP address.