I'm using axios cancelToken in order to cancel requests made by the user in order to not overload the api. But for some reason I'm struggling to understand why it works only for odd number of requests and if the object of the remains with a reference. In the following code I'm experiencing glitches, it misses most of the requests.
some of the functions are mutations some actions
async add({ dispatch, commit, state }, { item }) {
let { data } = await this.$axios.get("/add", {
params: item,
cancelToken: state.loaders[item.id].token,
//commit adding the item
// every token is being created here
function createToken(id = null) {
let cancelToken = null;
cancelToken = this.$axios.CancelToken.source();
return cancelToken;
addLoader(state, { id }) {
if (state.loaders[id]) {
state.loaders = {
[id]: createToken.call(this),
removeLoader(state, { id }) {
let loadersObj;
let loader;
if (state.loaders[id]) {
loadersObj = { ...state.loaders };
delete loaders[id];
// cannot delete before keeping a reference for some reason
// loader = loadersObj[id];
// loader.cancel();
// delete loadersObj[id];
state.loaders = loadersObj;
} else {
console.log("didnt find any loader", id);
So basically if I'm using the code that i've marked it works perfectly for odd number of requets:
request1 - canceled
request2 - canceled
request3 - passed
when in even number of requests:
request1 - canceled
request2 - canceled
Appreciate it if you can guide me through to understand exactly what am I missing.
I was trying to make an app which lists a user's repositories from github using github API, however I'm having a big problem with fetching data from all pages (so far I can only get repos from one page). I tried to fix it by using an async/await function (instead of Promise), but it's also my first time using vue3 and I have no idea how to have a function inside of the setup() method.
The current code is here:
My try at using async/await, which didn't work:
import ListElement from "./components/ListElement";
import { ref, reactive, toRefs, watchEffect, computed } from "vue";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
setup() {
const name = ref(null);
const userName = ref(null);
const state = reactive({ data: [] });
let success = ref(null);
const userNameValidator = /^[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d]|-(?=[a-z\d])){0,38}$/i;
const split1 = reactive({ spl1: [] });
const split2 = reactive({ spl2: [] });
async function myFetch() {};
* Check for input in the form and then fetch data
watchEffect(() => {
if (!userName.value) return;
if (!userNameValidator.test(userName.value)) {
console.log("Username has invalid characters");
let hasNext = false;
state.data = [];
do {
async function myFetch() {
let url = `https://api.github.com/users/${userName.value}/repos?per_page=5`;
let response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
success.value = false;
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
success.value = true;
// check response.headers for Link to get next page url
split1.spl1 = response.headers.get("Link").split(",");
let j = 0;
while (j < split1.spl1.length) {
split2.spl2[j] = split1.spl1[j].split(";");
if (split2.spl2[j][1].includes("next")) {
let urlNext = split2.spl2[j][0].replace(/[<>(\s)*]/g, "");
url = urlNext;
hasNext = true;
} else {
hasNext = false;
// second .then
let myData = await response.json();
console.log("data", myData);
name.value = "";
myFetch().catch((err) => {
if (err.status == 404) {
console.log("User not found");
} else {
console.log("oh no (internet probably)!");
} while (hasNext);
// Sort list by star count
const orderedList = computed(() => {
if (state.data == 0) {
return [];
return [...state.data].sort((a, b) => {
return a.stargazers_count < b.stargazers_count ? 1 : -1;
return {
isActive: true,
Any help would be highly appreciated
The call to myFetch() near the end is a call to an async function without an await, so it is effectively going to loop (if hasNext was initialized to true, but it isn't) without waiting for it to complete.
You should probably change that line to await myFetch() and wrap it all with a try/catch block.
I also don't really care for the way you're directly updating state inside the async myFetch call (it could also be doing several of those if it looped) and perhaps it should be returning the data from myFetch instead, and then you can use let result = await myFetch() and then make use of that when it returns.
Also, instead of awaiting myFetch() result, you could not await it but push it onto a requests array and then use await Promise.all(requests) outside the loop and it is one operation to await, all requests running in parallel. In fact, it should probably be await Promise.allSettled(requests) in case one of them fails. See allSettled for more.
But also I wonder why you're reading it paged if the goal is to fetch them all anyway? To reduce load on the server? If that is true, issuing them paged but in parallel would probably increase the load since it will still read and return all the data but require multiple calls.
I have a vuex store that I am pulling data from into a component. When the page loads the first time, everything behaves as expected. Yay.
When I refresh the page data is wiped from the store as expected and pulled again into the store as designed. I have verified this is the case monitoring the state using Vuex dev tools. My getter however doesn't pull the data this time into the component. I have tried so many things, read the documentation, etc and I am stuck.
Currently I am thinking it might be an issue with the argument?...
If I change the argument in the getter, 'this.id' to an actual value (leaving the dispatch alone - no changes there), the getter pulls the data from the store. So it seems the prop, this.id has the correct data as the dispatch statement works just fine. So why then wouldn't the getter work?
this.id source - The header includes a search for the person and passes the id of the person that is selected as the id prop. example data: playerId: 60
Thoughts? Appreciate any help.
This code works on initial page load, but not on page refresh.
props: ["id"],
methods: {
fetchStats() {
this.$store.dispatch("player/fetchPlayer", this.id).then(() => {
// alert(this.id);
this.player = this.$store.getters["player/getPlayerById"](this.id);
this.loading = false;
This code (only changing this.id to '6' on getter) works both on initial load and page refresh.
props: ["id"],
methods: {
fetchStats() {
this.$store.dispatch("player/fetchPlayer", this.id).then(() => {
// alert(this.id);
this.player = this.$store.getters["player/getPlayerById"](6);
this.loading = false;
Here is the getPlayerById getter:
getPlayerById: state => id => {
return state.players.find(plr => plr.playerId === id);
Here is the fetchPlayer action:
export const actions = {
fetchPlayer({ state, commit, getters }, id) {
// If the player being searched for is already in players array, no other data to get, exit
if (getters.getIndexByPlayerId(id) != -1) {
// If the promise is set another request is already getting the data. return the first requests promise and exit
if (state.promise) {
return state.promise;
//We need to fetch data on current player
var promise = EventService.getPlayer(id)
.then(response => {
commit("ADD_PLAYER", response.data);
commit("CLEAR_PROMISE", null);
.catch(error => {
console.log("There was an error:", error.response);
commit("CLEAR_PROMISE", null);
//While data is being async gathered via Axios we set this so that subsequent requests will exit above before trying to fetch data multiple times
commit("SET_PROMISE", promise);
return promise;
and mutations:
export const mutations = {
ADD_PLAYER(state, player) {
SET_PROMISE(state, data) {
state.promise = data;
CLEAR_PROMISE(state, data) {
state.promise = data;
How to get all events logs of the contract in tron network using tronweb in node js without any limit? or is there need of any middle ware storage like redis, etc?
Need to get all data at once before loading dapp home page. The dApp is made in react js. And Trongrid api have this limit of 200 records in single request.
You can use fingerprint (it works like continue token)
async getContractTransferEventsByUser(eventName, userId) {
let result = [];
let tronGrid = new TronGrid(this.tronWeb);
try {
let continueToken = '';
while (true) {
let res = await tronGrid.contract.getEvents(YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, {
only_confirmed: true,
event_name: eventName,
limit: 200,
fingerprint: continueToken,
order_by: "timestamp,asc",
min_timestamp: minTime, //remove if you don't need it
filters: { id: userId.toString() } //if you need to filter events by one or more values, for example, by user id (if this information is presented in event log), remove if you don't need it.
if (!res.success) {
console.warn("Can't get events for the contract");
result = result.concat(res.data);
if (typeof res.meta.fingerprint !== 'undefined') {
continueToken = res.meta.fingerprint;
} else {
} catch (error) {
} finally {
return result;
My problem is that when I go from one user page to another user page the info in component still remains from first user. So if I go from /user/username1 to /user/username2 info remains from username1. How can I fix this ? This is my code:
mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch('getUserProfile').then(data => {
if(data.success = true) {
this.username = data.user.username;
this.positive = data.user.positiverep;
this.negative = data.user.negativerep;
this.createdAt = data.user.createdAt;
this.lastLogin = data.user.lastLogin;
data.invites.forEach(element => {
And this is from actions.js file to get user:
const getUserProfile = async ({
}) => {
try {
const response = await API.get('/user/' + router.currentRoute.params.username);
if (response.status === 200 && response.data.user) {
const data = {
success: true,
user: response.data.user,
invites: response.data.invites
return data;
} else {
return console.log('Something went wrong.');
} catch (error) {
Should I add watch maybe instead of mounted to keep track of username change in url ?
You can use watch with the immediate property, you can then remove the code in mounted as the watch handler will be called instead.
watch: {
'$route.params.username': {
handler: function() {
this.$store.dispatch('getUserProfile').then(data => {
if(data.success = true) {
this.username = data.user.username;
this.positive = data.user.positiverep;
this.negative = data.user.negativerep;
this.createdAt = data.user.createdAt;
this.lastLogin = data.user.lastLogin;
data.invites.forEach(element => {
deep: true,
immediate: true,
Your page is loaded before the data is retrieved it seems, you need put a "loading" property in the data and have a v-if="!loading" for your component then it will only render once the display is updated. Personally I would avoid watch if I can it is not great for performance of for fine grained handling.
Yes you should add wach on statement that contain user info.(you may have a problem to watch on object, so you can save user info in json, but im not sure). When user changing - call action, after recived response call mutation that should change a state, then watch this state.
And you might use better syntax to receive data from store. That is really bad idea call dispatch directly from your mouted hook, use vuex documentation to make your code better.
I want to pass an id to axios so that I can switch url dynamically.
My axios request in my template is as follows:
async asyncData({ params }) {
const { data } = await axios.get('http://localhost:8000/api/', {
params: {
id: 1
return { data }
The request being passed to my api is:
GET /api/?id=1
but I need
GET /api/1
What is happening here?
It looks like the asyncData function is called once when the page is loaded. I am still no wiser as to why it does not accept params in the way outlined in the docs and numerous tutorials, but it would not refresh the page because it is never called again.
To refresh the page data with a new api call, you need to return the axios promise from within the methods part of the export. The code below does the axios get request first, then adds or subtracts 1 from the id with plus and minus functions.
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
head() {
return {
title: 'Weather'
data: function() {
return { counter: 1 }
methods: {
plus: function(counter, data, datalength) {
this.counter += 1
axios.get('http://localhost:8000/api/' + this.counter).then(res => {
return (this.data = res.data)
minus: function(counter, data) {
if (this.counter >= 2) {
this.counter -= 1
axios.get('http://localhost:8000/api/' + this.counter).then(res => {
return (this.data = res.data)
} else {
this.counter = 1
async asyncData({ params, counter }) {
let { data } = await axios.get('http://localhost:8000/api/1')
return { data }
If anybody wants to elaborate or post a better solution, please go ahead - but I'm posting this because I searched so many tutorials and nothing worked until I found a way to interpret the documentation, which is certainly not beginner-friendly.