Reliable HTTPClient For Symfony 3.4 - httprequest

I've spent a few hours looking for a reliable httpClient for my Symfony3.4 (php 7.2) project. I need to get data from an external API endpoint. I tried:
symfony/http-client (didn't work since it's created for symfony 4.3 and higher)
guzzle/http-client (didn't work, because I received an error that GuzzleHttp\Client service doesn't exist)
php-http/httplug-bundle (didn't work as well due to "Unexpected exception when instantiating class.")
Maybe someone could suggest a reliable and working library for making api requests?

In our Symfony 3.4 project, we use the kriswallsmith/buzz bundle to perform HTTP requests.


How to integrate HttpClientFactory with Restsharp best way

I showed that Restsharp moved to a HttpClient in the version 107.
But I think that is not well integrated with Httpclientfactory, because you need to pass the HttpClient in the constructor thus creating a RestSharpClient every time, see this video from Nick Chapsas as a source of information.
The recommended way to use Restsharp is via singleton but as you can see in previous video it has known DNS problems

.net-core api session is not stable in flutter requests

I have a webApi .net core. I use this api also for angular 7.
In api sessions are not stable. I solve ths proble 'withCredentials': true. for angular 7.
But for Flutter I can not find anything like that.
I tried import 'dart:html';. But I get
Target of URI doesn't exist: 'dart:html'.
Try creating the file referenced by the URI, or Try using a URI for a file that does exist.dart(uri_does_not_exist)
is there any way to set withCredentials:true ?

WSO2 API Manager doesn't respond correctly to the APIs

I've got installed the manager, and put it on some APIs, the problem comes when I try to make a call to the API and the result is always the same. It shows:
I really don't know why is that.
Version: WSO2 API Manager 2.2.0
Try following the Invoking the API section of the below document. If you are going to try with CURL, this will show the CURL request format too.

How to add remote issue link in jira-rest-api

I've got a program which creates JIRA issues using the jira-rest-api supported by Atlassian.
What I'd like to do is to create a link within the issue to an external URL (actually a presigned Amazon S3 link).
At the REST level this should be doable with a POST request to the Jira api to create a remoteLink. However I cannot find methods in the client APIs or a RemoteLink dto in the Java library.
Nor does the Java library appear to give any access to lower level REST handlers.
Now, I could set up my own REST handling code, going right back to the endpoint URL and authentication, but that's messy, when most of the code the code should already be there. Also I can't clearly see which json fields are required, and which not can be left to the API.
Am I overlooking something obvious in the documentation? I can't even seem to locate source for the client implementation, only the interface layer.
My current code is using version 3.0.6 of the api, but I've just checked v4 (which seems to be the latest on offer) and there's still no RemoteLink support.
Have you tried with these?

Redmine REST API - users

I am writing an application using data from Redmine. I use its REST API to get data.
It works fine with projects or issues, but when I try to access users' data I just can't because it asks for credentials in the browser, and it responds with HTTP error code 401 to my HTTP request from my program.
How do I find a solution to this problem?
Redmine version 2.1.2.stable
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i386-mingw32)
Ruby on Rails version 3.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter MySQL
I've figured out. It is described very detailed on the Redmine wiki.
There are a couple of options to authenticate yourself.
The easiest is to include a plus field in your query, named key. You must include your user's REST API key there in each query.
It is very interesting because in earlier versions (2.1.0) it asks for the authentication for each XML file. But in my version, 2.1.3, it doesn't ask, only if I request users data.