Binance how get account information? - account

I want to get some unique account information like email or user id from binance api using any way, I have api key and secret.


Ameritrade API to get account value

Is there an API call to Ameritrade services to pull account value? I don't need other data, just how much is in my account (total). What is the URL and how do I authenticate?
You can find all of this information in their developer docs. Additionally, they have a simple UI where you can test request and generate request/responses.
Use the Authentication method to get oAuth bearer token. This token will be used in a request header to access other APIs such as Get Account.
Get Account endpoint to access balances, positions, and orders for a particular account

eBay API token detect if a user has already reauthorized, any way to decode the eBay token?

I have a web application that will authorize a user with eBay so that I can post items for them. But I want to cap the limit at 50 per account and eBay account. I can easily track how many item posts they performed in my application. But what prevents the user from opening another account with my application and re-authorize with the same eBay account.
So I tried it with my application and my eBay account and looking at the tokens from account1 and account 2 there's literally 5 characters difference at the beginning of the token String (around character 15). Rest of the token is the same.
Is there a way to tell from the token if it's the same account?
Ok to handle this you would need to get the eBay User and compare to see if they have already registered. Using the user authorized token make a call to get the user details via:
GetUserCall gu = new GetUserCall(ApiContext);
UserType user = gu.getUser();
Now compare and save relevant data.

Is there a way to create a new Coinbase account for someone else (as a gift) using the API?

I'd like to know if there's a way to use the Coinbase API create a new Coinbase account for someone who doesn't have a Coinbase account and possibly even deposit some Bitcoin/Ethereum for them in it?
I've seen the API docs on Authentication but it seems like accessing one's own account or letting existing Coinbase access a 3rd party app.
The closest thing I can think of is to simply send the gift crypto currency to an email address.
If the email address already has a coinbase account associated with it the account will simply be credited. If the email does not have a coinbase account they can easily sign up to claim the gift just by entering the password they want for their account. The account will be created using the email the gift was sent to and the password they chose after clicking the link in the email.

Verify Evernote API key details

The email account used to generate the API key has been deleted.
I have the API key details but I want to verify they are correct.
How can I verify the API key details? Is it possible without the email account?

Client ID and Client secret to access foursquare api

I am going to access foursquare api. As I was going through their documentation,I am going to use service to serach for the venues.
To use this api we need client id and secret and has to be appended in the above URL.
But how to get this client id and scret. Should I register my app in the foursquare site.
Is the following url correct for registering the app:
If it is correct,it is asking for the app market id. Our application is not in any of the app market because it is an enterprise app.So in that case how to get client id and client secret??
Kindly help.
You can complete the form without inputting details about App Market IDs by simply hitting the 'Save Changes' button (the App Market fields are not validated on submit). This will bring you to a screen that contains your client id & secret.