Server not available to handle this request, either not initialized yet or it has been disposed - anypoint-studio

This was the issue occurred, when testing the mule application, after successfully deploying in my system.
error-Server not available to handle this request, either not initialized yet or it has been disposed.
But, the same code, by deploying in other systems, without any changes in the configurations, success response could be seen. So, what should be done to resolve the issue.


WCF InstancePersistenceCommand Exception

I have a WCF application which consists in some async communications with ecternal services. When we start a new expedient, a new instance is created; it process data and send an xml to a external service and waits for the response. This response requires that a person review the xml and send the response so it usually it is delayed for a long time. For this reason, the workflow go to idle and we use persistence with AppFabric.
The fact is that sometime, when we receive the response, the next exception is raised:
The execution of the InstancePersistenceCommand named {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:System.Activities.Persistence/command}LoadWorkflowByInstanceKey was interrupted by an error.
Normally this error does not occur, it can occur very sporadically. However, we are trying to update the app to include a new functionality (it does not modify the workflow) but when the application is deployed to the server, the instances that were created with the old deployment and were waiting for the response, throw this exception when they receive the response from the external service. However, the instances initiated with the new deployment process the response without problem.
I have been looking for information about this problem but I haven't found much. Anybody can help me?
Thanks a lot for your answer, it may be helpful for me in the future. In this case, the problem was that I was updating an assembly version of one of the implicated project (to upload a nuget package) and for a reason that I don’t understand, the instances created with an old version raised this exception when the service with the new version had to manipulate the mentioned instances.
If I change the assembly version to upload the nuget and then set the original version and deploy with this version, everything works ok. Anybody knows what is the reason?
Thanks a lot.
This may be because there is a program running in the background and trying to extend the lock on the instance store every 30 seconds, and it seems that whenever the connection to the SQL service fails, it marks the instance store as invalid.
You can try <workflowIdle timeToUnload="0"/>, if it doesn't work you can look at the methods provided by other links.
Windows workflow 4.0 InstancePersistenceCommand Error
Why do I get exception "The execution of the InstancePersistenceCommand named LoadWorkflowByInstanceKey was interrupted by an error"
WF4 InstancePersistenceCommand interrupted

SO_KEEPALIVE issue in Mulesoft

we had a Mulesoft app that basically picks message from queue (ActiveMQ), then posts to target app via HTTP request to target's API.
Runtime: 4.3.0
HTTP Connector version: v1.3.2
Server: Windows, On-premise standalone
However, sometimes the message doesn't get sent successfully after picking from queue , and below message can be found in the log -
WARN 2021-07-10 01:24:46,080 [[masked-app].http.requester.requestConfig.02 SelectorRunner] [event: ] org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.transport.TCPNIOTransport: GRIZZLY0005: Can not set SO_KEEPALIVE to false Invalid argument: no further information
at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_281]
The flow completed silently without any error after above message, hence no error handling happens.
I found this mentioning it is a known bug on Windows server and won’t affect the well behavior of the application, but the document is failing to set SO_KEEPALIVE to true rather than false.
Looks the message didn't get posted successfully as the target system team can't find corresponding incoming request in their log.
It is not acceptable as the message is critical and no one knows unless the target system realizes something is wrong... Not sure if the SO_KEEPALIVE is failing to be set to false is the root cause, could you please share some thoughts? Thanks a lot in advance.
The is probably unrelated to the warning you mentioned but there doesn't seem to be enough information to identify the actual root cause.
Having said that the version of the HTTP connector is old and it's missing almost 3 years of fixes. Updating the version to the last one should improve the reliability of the application.

How to be sure that channel.basic_publish has succeeded (internet connection error, ...)?

Im doing this :
channel.basicPublish("myexchange", "routing", MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN,
I would like to retry later to send the message if the publish didn't succeeded (connection loss, ...) but basicPublish is a void function and there is no callback in the arguments
Any idea ?
You are looking an HA client,
By default you have to implement the feature by your self.
If you use java there is : (it's just a bit old but it think it still work).
Anyway, if you want implement the functionality you have catch the exception and re-try later.
If the client lose the connection you should re-connect the client before re-send the message.
On the version 3.3.0 the last features is implemented by default to the java client:
java client
14587 support automatically reconnecting to server(s) if connection is
This point is very important you want send the messages sequentially.
A simple solution is put the messages in a client list and then remove the message from the list only if the message has been sent correctly.
I think you could find interesting also the Publisher Acknowledgements

MassTransit Consumer never invoked when using Windsor Integration

I can't seem to get the Castle Windsor Integration working for Mass Transit over RabbitMQ. Everything was working fine until I introduced Windsor into the picture. I referenced Castle.Windsor 3.2 and MassTransit.WindsorIntegration 2.9 and configured the container for use within my application. I'm registering the MassTransit Consumers via:
Container.Register(..., Types.FromThisAssembly().BasedOn<IConsumer>());
When I debug and inspect the container after this line is ran, I can see that it successfully registered all of the consumers along with all of my other components. I then have the following code to initialize and register the service bus:
var serviceBus = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
sbc.Subscribe(sc => sc.LoadFrom(Container));
I am using the LoadFrom(IWindsorContainer container) extension method provided by MassTransit.WindsorIntegration.
All of the examples I've found so far stop here and indicate that this is all you should have to do. Unfortunately for me my Consumers are never being called and messages are just piling up in the queue (eventually timing out and going to error queue). The fact that messages are showing up in the Consumer queue at all (+ I see a single consumer bound to the queue via the RabbitMQ Admin Tool) indicates to me that the consumers are probably being subscribed properly - so I'm not sure where the problem lies.
I added NLog logging for Windsor and MassTransit but no errors are showing up in the logs. I'm not sure how I should proceed troubleshooting at this point. Any ideas?
Also, this application is currently just a console application using Topshelf for development. Ultimately it will be installed as a Windows Service. Not sure if that is relevant or not but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
As a test I created a very simple Consumer with a parameter-less constructor for processing a very simple test message. This Consumer is successfully called! The "real" Consumers however have dependencies that need to be injected into them via the constructor. I was hoping the Container would resolve these but apparently it's having some sort of trouble. Weird that nothing is showing up in the logs about it. Stay tuned...
Okay I figured it out. Somewhere along the way when I was adding/removing NuGet packages I somehow managed to delete a reference to a DLL (ServiceStack.Text.dll) that one of my components needed (RedisClientsManager).
I started the debugger, let all my components get registered then popped open the Immediate Window and attempted to resolve each component one by one (by calling container.Resolve<RegisteredType>()) until I found the one that threw the exception when I attempted to resolve it.
The Exception message from Windsor at that point told me exactly what the problem was. I'm a little lost as to why this wasn't being logged or why the Exception was not raised when the container itself attempted to resolve it. Anyhow, moral of the story is make sure your components resolve.

Tomcat showing this error "This is very likely to create a memory leak". How to resolve this issue?

I have created a web application in Apache Cocoon.This website is running properly but after every 3-4 days, it stops responding. It doesn't run until and unless, we restart the tomcat service. In the catalina.2011-05-09.log file, it shows following error:-
"May 9, 2011 3:17:34 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [/webresources] is still processing a request that has yet to finish. This is very likely to create a memory leak. You can control the time allowed for requests to finish by using the unloadDelay attribute of the standard Context implementation."
I am not been able to understand the cause of this problem. Can someone suggest me how to resolve this issue?
You are using a library that is starting one or more threads and is not properly shutting them down or releasing other resources captured by the thread. This often happens with things like Apache HTTP components (I get this error with Http Components) and anything that uses separate threads internally. What libraries are you using in your Cocoon application?
It is telling you the issue:
[...] is still processing a request that has yet to finish
You need to find out what that request is/is going to. One easy way is to have something like PsiProbe installed.
Also, it's not a bad idea to restart Tomcat every night. It can help alleviate these kinds of issues until you find the root cause.