vuejs router children in children - vue.js

I want to show child component in component with vue js, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Could you help.
When I click profile from the menu, "http://localhost:3000/admin/profile" logs in. When I click on the sub menus in the "ProfileDashboard", I want the child component to open. I think like accordion style.
const routes = [
path: '/',
component: DashboardLayout,
redirect: '/admin/overview'
path: '/admin',
component: DashboardLayout,
redirect: '/admin/overview',
children: [
path: 'overview',
name: 'Overview',
component: Overview
path: 'profil',
name: 'Profil',
component: ProfilDashboard,
children: [
path: 'siparisgecmisi',
name: 'siparisgecmisi',
component: Gecmis
{path: '*', component: NotFound}
export default routes
<router-link to="/admin/profil/siparisgecmisi" tag="li" class="list-group-item"><a>My order history</a></router-link>

A 404 for is coming from your server, not from the Vue application. You need to setup your server to be able to interpret the JS routing without going to look for files in directories that do not exist.
On their docs, Vue Router have some example for the most common server configurations, take a look here.

In order to do like that, you should create particular js file like this:
const menuTree = [
name: "Main menu",
link: "/ ",
icon: "main_icon",
list: [
name: "Sub menu 1",
link: "/",
icon: "any_icon",
list: [
name: "sub sub menu 1",
link: "/any/route",
name: "sub sub menu 2",
link: "/any/route/1"
export default menuTree;


Vue Router Sidebar navigation item link changes while visiting inner pages

I have a SPA App in Vue JS, I have a side navigation bar which I want to stay visible for all pages. I have following links setup in side navigation bar
name: 'Overview',
icon: 'ti-dashboard',
path: 'overview',
name: 'Areas',
icon: 'ti-map-alt',
path: 'areas',
name: 'Assignments',
icon: 'ti-check-box',
path: 'assignments',
name: 'Records',
icon: 'ti-view-list-alt',
id: 'third-party',
children: [
name: 'Vaccination',
path: 'vaccination',
name: 'Out-of-Area Vaccinations',
path: 'vaccination/outer',
name: 'Surveys',
path: 'survey',
name: 'Archived',
path: 'archived',
Following is my router setup
const routes = [
path: '/',
component: App,
path: '/login',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/AppLogin.vue'),
path: '/platform/projects',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/Projects.vue'),
meta: {requiresAuth: true},
path: '/project/:projectId',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/UIComponents/SidebarPlugin/SideBarNew.vue'),
props: route => ({projectId: route.params.projectId}),
children: [
path: 'overview',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/mvdProjectOverview.vue'),
path: 'areas',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/AddVaccinationArea.vue'),
path: 'assignments',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/AssignAreaUsers.vue'),
path: 'vaccination',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/VaccinationRecord.vue'),
path: 'vaccination/outer',
name: 'projectOuterVaccinations',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/OuterVaccinations.vue'),
path: 'archived',
name: 'projectOuterVaccinations',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/ArchivedRecords.vue'),
path: 'survey',
component: require('../../../assets/js/components/Template/Surveys.vue'),
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history'
When I visit vaccination/outer All of my side bar navigation links are appended with vaccination
Attaching images for more clarity
Here the URL is good and should stay like this only
When I navigate to vaccination/outer
The issue: Now all the links gets vaccination in between
I have a very basic knowledge of VUE ROUTER and ROUTER LINK. A help or guidance would be great. Thanks in advance.
I am pretty sure you are using paths from presented array as: <router-link to="LINK">some label</router-link>. However, as your path values are not starting with / - vue router will add value of to property to the current URL instead of replace it.
Let's imagine I am on /a/b/c URL.
When I click on <router-link to="dogs">Dogs</router-link> - I will be redirected to the /a/b/c/dogs.
When I click on <router-link to="/dogs">Dogs</router-link> - I will be redirected to the /dogs.
All you need to do is, start paths with the slash. So instead of path: vaccination/outer use path: /vaccination/outer and it will work as you want to.

Vue.js weird behavior of router after refreshing page

I have a problem with dynamic routes in my vue.js application. When i enter page from a routerLink click everything works as it should. But when i refresh that page or i enter there from normal href the page acts weird. It looks then like it's not loading static assets like styles which were reset in public/style.css. Also component lifecycle methods are not firing up (created(), mounted() etc.).
Reproduction here:
1. Enter
2. Enter on one of profiles
3. Refresh when on*******
here is my router file
export default new Router({
mode: "history",
routes: [
path: "/landing",
name: "Landing",
component: Landing
path: "/register",
name: "RegisterForm",
component: RegisterForm
path: "/",
name: "Dashboard",
component: Dashboard
path: "/profile",
name: "UserProfile",
component: UserProfile
path: "/profile/:id",
name: "Profile",
component: Profile
path: "/edit-profile",
name: "EditProfile",
component: EditProfile
path: "/friends",
name: "Friends",
component: Friends
path: "/profiles",
name: "Profiles",
component: Profiles
path: "/friend-requests",
name: "FriendRequests",
component: FriendRequests
path: "/post/:id",
name: "Post",
component: Post
path: "/chat/:handle",
name: "ChatWith",
component: ChatWith

Vue tree navigation (pluggin) how to map routes

I have used vue-tree-navigation for implement this Tree navigation menu .
When I hit a menu item (eg :- Create item) it should route to the create item component.
But it's only print the name of the route in the navigation bar and doesn't route to any where.
how do I fixed this problem?
this is my routes.js file
const routes = [
{ path: "/", component: welcome },
path: "/inside",
component: inside,
name: inside,
children: [
{ path: "/category", component: category, name: category },
{ path: "/sub-category", component: subCategory, name: subCategory },
{ path: "/item", component: item, name: item }
This is my component
<div class="inside">
<div class="sideBar"><vue-tree-navigation :items="items" /></div>
<div class="content"><router-view></router-view></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [
{ name: 'Item Master', route: 'inside', children: [ // /about
{ name: 'Create item category', element: 'category', },
{ name: 'Create item sub category', element: 'sub-category', },
{ name: 'Create item', element: 'item', },
Try to change a bit of things in the router file, it works well for me:
The components starts in Uppercase (just a convention)
The name with ''
Delete the / in the path
Like this:
path: "inside",
component: Inside,
name: "inside",
children: [
{ path: "category", component: Category, name: 'category' },
{ path: "sub-category", component: SubCategory, name: 'subCategory' },
{ path: "item", component: Item, name: 'item' }
And the most important, load (if you are not doing it already) the VueRouter with:
var router = new VueRouter({
const routes = [
Hope it helps!

Router-link inside data function Vue js

I'm looking to acces to the news component from this file with path but it isn't working, I've used also to={...} but still don't work. Could anybody give a good link for any kind of documentation to fix it?
data() {
return {
settings: [{
title: "Profile"
}, {
title: "E-mail"
}, {
title: "News", path: "./News",
}, {
title: "Custom"
}, {
title: "Edit"
router should be set up like this
export default new Router({
mode: 'hash',
routes: [{
path: '/',
component: Home
path: '/login',
component: Login

vue-router default child route for tabs

I'm trying to have a homepage with tabs containing 2 lists, with 1 open by default.
I have the following route config, I've changed the names to simplify
let routes = [{
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: require('./views/Home.vue'),
children: [{
path: 'list1',
name: 'home.list1',
component: require('./views/List1.vue')
}, {
path: 'list2',
name: 'home.list2',
component: require('./views/List2.vue')
Inside ./views/Home.vue I have a <router-view></router-view> below 2 <router-link>s for each tab (child route).
When I visit the app route http://domain/ I would like to activate the list1 tab. The only way I can currently do this is if I visit http://domain/list1.
I have tried
children: [{
path: '',
name: 'home.list1'
and this initially works well, however if I visit http://domain/list2 both my tab links (router-links) have the active state.
JSFiddle which I can't get to run but helps for context
Is there a better solution to this?
Add one more child route with redirect (should be first)
children: [{
path: '',
redirect: 'list1', // default child path
For making a component(tab) appear default at visiting the parent route, you need to add a path as '' (empty string)
The following is a n example from the Vue Router docs
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
path: '/user/:id', component: User,
children: [
// UserHome will be rendered inside User's <router-view>
// when /user/:id is matched
{ path: '', component: UserHome },
// ...other sub routes
Don't use a '/', it will be considered as the root route.
You need to put the redirect on the parent, and it works on the first load.
Otherwise, it only works when I reload the page.
put redirect: 'home.list1' on the parent
put your child as path: ''
hope it works.
let routes = [{
path: '/',
name: 'home',
redirect: {name: 'home.list1'}, // Redirect to named route
// redirect '/list2' // Or redirect to path
component: require('./views/Home.vue'),
children: [{
path: '',
name: 'home.list1',
component: require('./views/List1.vue')
}, {
path: 'list2',
name: 'home.list2',
component: require('./views/List2.vue')
I think what you want to do works if your home route isn't "/"
routes: [
{ path: '/home',
name: 'home',
component: require('./views/home.vue')
children: [
{ path: '/', name: 'list1', component: list1 },
{ path: 'list2', name: 'list2', component: list2},
This will load the home component and the list1 component inside of your initial . Then you can user router link to nav to list2:
<router-link :to="{ name: 'list2', params: { ...}}">
Or, maybe I don't understand the question.
Here is what works.
You have to use redirect: {name: 'home.list1'} (for the named route) property on your parent route 'home'.
Make sure you use the correct redirect property format either for named route (as above) or for path: redirect: '/list1'.
Here is the correct routes config which is only 1 line (the redirect one) different vs your config:
let routes = [{
path: '/',
name: 'home',
redirect: 'home.list1',
component: require('./views/Home.vue'),
children: [{
path: 'list1',
name: 'home.list1',
component: require('./views/List1.vue')
}, {
path: 'list2',
name: 'home.list2',
component: require('./views/List2.vue')
Then every visit to / (your 'home' route) would be redirected to /list1.
Moreover, the router-link-active and router-link-exact-active will be correctly assigned on child link (both of them) and on parent link (only router-link-active).
This will also work for deeper nested non-child and child routes.
For more redirect & aliasig options see the official docs.