How to add Authentiction to WebApp with Pulumi - authentication

I am trying to add an authentication provider to a Pulumi WebApp but is totaly unclear to me how to achieve that. The class WebApp from package #pulumi/azure-native/web only offers the property identity but no property tho assign e.g. a Microsoft AD. Can anybody provide a hint on how to set this up?

There are some of the Pulumi Azure pre-requisites and have the appropriate permissions in your tenant and Azure subscription.
Follow the below steps to add the authentication to app service webapp with pulumi and deploy:
Creating the project:
Start by creating the application, and adding the AzureAD package we’ll need to create the Azure AD application registration.
pulumi new azure-csharp `
--name easyauth-webapp `
--description "azure ad secured app" `
--stack dev `
--config azure-native:location=eastus
dotnet add package Pulumi.AzureAD
We next need to update the contents of the file to contain a few additional config items. Paste the following into the file:
azure-native:location: eastus
azure-native:subscriptionId: UPDATE_ME
azure-native:tenantId: UPDATE_ME
easyauth-webapp:tenantId: UPDATE_ME
easyauth-webapp:ownerId: UPDATE_ME
easyauth-webapp:siteName: UPDATE_ME
easyauth-webapp:appRegistrationName: UPDATE_ME
You can set siteName and appRegistrationName to whatever you want.
The subscriptionId and tenantId should be set to the appropriate target’s for your Azure app service and Azure AD application registration, respectively.
The following commands may be helpful in retrieving these values:
# Get your user's id
az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId
# List all subscriptions (and their tenant) that you have access to
az account list
Deploy the website (with no security):
We’ll next create the website we want to deploy. We’re going to use the run from ZIP package functionality to deploy the contents of the wwwroot folder.
Create that folder and add some content to the index.htm file:
<!-- wwwroot/index.htm -->
<title>A very secure app</title>
Hello EasyAuth with Pulumi!
Now we can deploy this file to Azure with Pulumi.
Modify the MyStack.cs file to contain the below code, which has been adapted from the Pulumi Function Stack example:
// MyStack.cs
using System;
using Pulumi;
using Pulumi.AzureAD;
using Pulumi.AzureAD.Inputs;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Resources;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage.Inputs;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Web;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Web.Inputs;
class MyStack : Stack
public MyStack()
var config = new Pulumi.Config();
var tenantId = config.Require("tenantId");
var ownerId = config.Require("ownerId");
var siteName = config.Require("siteName");
var appRegistrationName = config.Require("appRegistrationName");
var rg = new ResourceGroup($"RG-{siteName}");
var storageAccount = new StorageAccount("storageaccount", new StorageAccountArgs
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
Kind = "StorageV2",
Sku = new SkuArgs
Name = SkuName.Standard_LRS,
var appServicePlan = new AppServicePlan("appserviceplan", new AppServicePlanArgs
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
Kind = "App",
Sku = new SkuDescriptionArgs
Tier = "Basic",
Name = "B1",
var container = new BlobContainer("zips", new BlobContainerArgs
AccountName = storageAccount.Name,
PublicAccess = PublicAccess.None,
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
var blob = new Blob("appservice-blob", new BlobArgs
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
AccountName = storageAccount.Name,
ContainerName = container.Name,
Type = BlobType.Block,
Source = new FileArchive("wwwroot"),
var codeBlobUrl = SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, container, storageAccount, rg);
var app = new WebApp("app", new WebAppArgs
Name = siteName,
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
ServerFarmId = appServicePlan.Id,
SiteConfig = new SiteConfigArgs
AppSettings = {
new NameValuePairArgs{
Value = codeBlobUrl,
this.Endpoint = app.DefaultHostName;
// From
private static Output<string> SignedBlobReadUrl(Blob blob, BlobContainer container, StorageAccount account, ResourceGroup resourceGroup)
return Output.Tuple<string, string, string, string>(
blob.Name, container.Name, account.Name, resourceGroup.Name).Apply(t =>
(string blobName, string containerName, string accountName, string resourceGroupName) = t;
var blobSAS = ListStorageAccountServiceSAS.InvokeAsync(new ListStorageAccountServiceSASArgs
AccountName = accountName,
Protocols = HttpProtocol.Https,
SharedAccessStartTime = "2021-01-01",
SharedAccessExpiryTime = "2030-01-01",
Resource = SignedResource.C,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
Permissions = Permissions.R,
CanonicalizedResource = "/blob/" + accountName + "/" + containerName,
ContentType = "application/json",
CacheControl = "max-age=5",
ContentDisposition = "inline",
ContentEncoding = "deflate",
return Output.Format($"https://{accountName}{containerName}/{blobName}?{blobSAS.Result.ServiceSasToken}");
[Output] public Output<string> Endpoint { get; set; }
We can now deploy the site and verify it has worked as intended:
pulumi up --stack dev
curl (pulumi stack --stack dev output Endpoint)
Securing the site:
To configure Easy Auth we first create an Azure AD application registration.
In this example I’m specifying AzureADMyOrg which restricts access to the tenant the application registration is deployed in. I’m also adding a RedirectUri that points at the Easy Auth middleware of the deployed site. A password is needed to use as a client secret (the web application being the client in this case).
Once the application registration is created we can add WebAppAuthSettings to our site. The example specifies no anonymous access (using RedirectToLoginPage), and connects the site to the application registration using the ClientId and ClientSecret (password).
Paste the below code just after the this.Endpoint... code in the above MyStack.cs:
// MyStack.cs
// After this.Endpoint = app.DefaultHostName;
var adApp = new Application("ADAppRegistration", new ApplicationArgs
DisplayName = appRegistrationName,
SignInAudience = "AzureADMyOrg",
Owners = new[] { ownerId },
Web = new ApplicationWebArgs
ImplicitGrant = new ApplicationWebImplicitGrantArgs
IdTokenIssuanceEnabled = true
RedirectUris = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> { $"https://{siteName}" }
var applicationPassword = new ApplicationPassword("appPassword", new ApplicationPasswordArgs
ApplicationObjectId = adApp.Id,
DisplayName = "Client secret for web app"
var allowedAudience = adApp.ApplicationId.Apply(id => $"api://{id}");
var authSettings = new WebAppAuthSettings("authSettings", new WebAppAuthSettingsArgs
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
Name = app.Name,
Enabled = true,
UnauthenticatedClientAction = UnauthenticatedClientAction.RedirectToLoginPage,
DefaultProvider = BuiltInAuthenticationProvider.AzureActiveDirectory,
ClientId = adApp.ApplicationId,
ClientSecret = applicationPassword.Value,
Issuer = $"{tenantId}/v2.0",
AllowedAudiences = new[] { allowedAudience },
We can now update the site, From the command line we can’t get much further than this.
But in a browser we’ll get redirected to complete the login flow and access the site.
pulumi up --stack dev
# Redirect to HTTPS
curl (pulumi stack --stack dev output Endpoint)
# Access denied
curl "https://$(pulumi stack --stack dev output Endpoint)"
Refer this Github link for pulumi samples.


connection string generated by atlas cluster using terraform not in correct format

So im using terraform to create an atlas cluster but the output im getting is incompleteate to do my request terraform is givim me this:
and what i need shoul be more like this:
or atleast thats the format that works with what im testing.
this is my terraform code:
terraform {
required_providers {
mongodbatlas = {
source = "mongodb/mongodbatlas"
version = "1.4.6"
provider "mongodbatlas" {
public_key = var.atlas_public_key
private_key = var.atlas_private_key
resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "db-cluster" {
project_id = var.atlas_project_id
name = var.db_cluster_name
# Provider Settings "block"
provider_name = "TENANT" //free tier
backing_provider_name = "AWS"
provider_region_name = "US_EAST_1" //free tier
provider_instance_size_name = "M0" //free tier
resource "mongodbatlas_database_user" "dbuser" {
username = var.db_user
password = var.db_password
project_id = var.atlas_project_id
auth_database_name = "admin"
roles {
role_name = "readWrite"
database_name = var.environment
resource "mongodbatlas_project_ip_access_list" "test" {
project_id = var.atlas_project_id
cidr_block = var.cidr
output "db_cn_string" {
value = mongodbatlas_cluster.db-cluster.connection_strings.0.standard_srv
code i use to connect
const environment = process.env.ENVIRONMENT;
const uridb = "mongodb+srv://" // working format
//dburi = "mongodb+srv://" --- format from terraform
console.log('environment:::::', environment);
'process.env.ENVIRONMENT': JSON.stringify(environment),
'process.env.PORT': JSON.stringify('80'),
'process.env.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING': JSON.stringify(uridb)
need a way to genarate the proper connection string

Module with multiple providers

I have a question regarding the following.
I am using terraform with fortios provider
these are my providers in the root-prod:
provider "fortios" {
hostname = "xxxxx"
token = "xxxxx"
insecure = "true"
vdom = "PROD"
provider "fortios" {
hostname = "xxxx"
token = "xxxx"
insecure = "true"
vdom = "OPS"
alias = "isops"
I h got my root-module-prod:
module "AWS_xxx"{
source = "../modules"
name = "AWS_PROD"
prefix_lists = local.aws_prod
providers = {
fortios.dc1 = fortios
fortios.dc2 = fortios.isops
provider & resource within-child-modules:
terraform {
required_providers {
fortios = {
source = "fortinetdev/fortios"
version = "1.13.1"
configuration_aliases = [ fortios.dc1, fortios.dc2 ]
resource "fortios_router_prefixlist" "prefix_lists" {
name =
dynamic "rule" {
for_each = var.prefix_lists
content {
id = rule.value["id"]
action = rule.value["action"]
prefix = rule.value["prefix"]
ge = rule.value["ge"]
le = rule.value["le"]
my goal is for the above module to create two instances of the resource, one in each of the declared providers.
My issue is that while the resource is created in the first provider PROD it doesn't crated in OPS.
Do you have any clue on this..?
Not really did not work through Terraform-multi-providers.
In our case, I found a way through Jenkins Parallelism.
We launch in parallel multiple envs with the credentials saved encrypted in Jenkins server.

Identityserver4 doesn't work by ip address

I've used IdentityServer4 with asp net core Web, all works fine when debug in localhost:50481, but when I use myipaddress:50481 on the same computer and debug mode, it failed. I do not use a temporary credential, instead, I created a RSA cert:
public static RsaSecurityKey GetSigningCertificate()
var filename = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "certificateKey.rsa");
if (File.Exists(filename))
var keyFile = File.ReadAllText(filename);
var tempKey = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TemporaryRsaKey>(keyFile, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new RsaKeyContractResolver() });
return CreateRsaSecurityKey(tempKey.Parameters, tempKey.KeyId);
var key = CreateRsaSecurityKey();
RSAParameters parameters;
if (key.Rsa != null)
parameters = key.Rsa.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters: true);
parameters = key.Parameters;
var tempKey = new TemporaryRsaKey
Parameters = parameters,
KeyId = key.KeyId
File.WriteAllText(filename, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tempKey, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new RsaKeyContractResolver() }));
return CreateRsaSecurityKey(tempKey.Parameters, tempKey.KeyId);
I also checked the jwks of localhost and ipaddress, they are matched.
When I publish the project to local IIS, localhost does not work too, present a 500 Internal error.
all the url in my app is "http://localhost:50481"
I have to say this is a stupid mistake, I have not notice the authConfig,
let config;
if (window.location.hostname === 'localhost') {
config = configForDevelopment;
} else {
config = configForProduction;
when I use ip address, the config is switch to prod, change localhost to my ip address make sense.
hope it could others.

Update claims after login with identityserver3 2.1.1

We need to update users claims after they log in to our website. This is caused by changes in the users licenses done by another part of our system.
However I am not able to comprehend how to update the claims without logout/login.
Rigth now this is our client setup
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
//user validation host
Authority = UrlConstants.BaseAddress,
//Client that the user is validating against
ClientId = guid,//if not convertet to Gui the compare from the server fails
RedirectUri = UrlConstants.RedirectUrl,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = UrlConstants.RedirectUrl,
ResponseType = "code id_token token",
Scope = "openid profile email roles licens umbraco_api umbracoaccess",
UseTokenLifetime = false,
SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies",
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
SecurityTokenValidated = async n =>
_logger.Info("ConfigureAuth", "Token valdidated");
var id = n.AuthenticationTicket.Identity;
var nid = new ClaimsIdentity(
// get userinfo data
var uri = new Uri(n.Options.Authority + "/connect/userinfo");
var userInfoClient = new UserInfoClient(uri,n.ProtocolMessage.AccessToken);
var userInfo = await userInfoClient.GetAsync();
userInfo.Claims.ToList().ForEach(ui => nid.AddClaim(new Claim(ui.Item1, ui.Item2)));
var licens = id.FindAll(LicenseScope.Licens);
// keep the id_token for logout
nid.AddClaim(new Claim("id_token", n.ProtocolMessage.IdToken));
n.AuthenticationTicket = new AuthenticationTicket(
_logger.Info("ConfigureAuth", "AuthenticationTicket created");
RedirectToIdentityProvider = async n =>
// if signing out, add the id_token_hint
if (n.ProtocolMessage.RequestType == OpenIdConnectRequestType.LogoutRequest)
var idTokenHint = n.OwinContext.Authentication.User.FindFirst("id_token").Value;
_logger.Debug("ConfigureAuth", "id_token for logout set on request");
_logger.Debug("ConfigureAuth", "Old PostLogoutRedirectUri: {0}", n.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri.ToString());
n.ProtocolMessage.IdTokenHint = idTokenHint;
var urlReferrer = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
if (!urlReferrer.Contains("localhost"))
n.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri = GetRedirectUrl();
n.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri = urlReferrer;
_logger.Debug("ConfigureAuth", string.Format("Setting PostLogoutRedirectUri to: {0}", n.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri.ToString()));
if (n.ProtocolMessage.RequestType == OpenIdConnectRequestType.AuthenticationRequest)
n.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri = GetRedirectUrl2();
n.ProtocolMessage.AcrValues = GetCurrentUmbracoId();
_logger.Debug("ConfigureAuth", string.Format("Setting RedirectUri to: {0}", n.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri.ToString()));
We get our custom claims in SecurityTokenValidated
var licens = id.FindAll(LicenseScope.Licens);
I do not follow how to get this without doing a login? Any help is highly appreciated.
That's a reminder that you should not put claims into tokens that might change during the lifetime of the session.
That said - you can set a new cookie at any point in time.
Reach into the OWIN authentication manager and call the SignIn method. Pass the claims identity that you want to serialize into the cookie.

azure active directory graph REST api call through SP.WebRequestInfo on SharePoint Online

Trying to make a REST call through SharePoint's SP.WebRequestInfo.
I'm getting the error "The remote server returned the following error while establishing a connection - 'Unauthorized'." trying to call[Client]/users?api-version=2013-11-0.
I've successfully retrieved a access token.
Can you help me out why i'm getting this error?
Here is the code i'm using:
var url = "";
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var request = new SP.WebRequestInfo();
"Authorization": token.token_type + " " + token.access_token,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
var response = SP.WebProxy.invoke(context, request);
context.executeQueryAsync(successHandler, errorHandler);
function successHandler() {
if (response.get_statusCode() == 200) {
var responseBody = JSON.parse(response.get_body());
} else {
var httpCode = response.get_statusCode();
var httpText = response.get_body();
deferred.reject(httpCode + ": " + httpText);
The code for retrieving the token is:
this.getToken = function (clientId, clientSecret) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var resource = "";
var formData = "grant_type=client_credentials&resource=" + encodeURIComponent(resource) + "&client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(clientId) + "&client_secret=" + encodeURIComponent(clientSecret);
var url = "";
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var request = new SP.WebRequestInfo();
var response = SP.WebProxy.invoke(context, request);
context.executeQueryAsync(successHandler, errorHandler);
function successHandler() {
if (response.get_statusCode() == 200) {
var token = JSON.parse(response.get_body());
} else {
var httpCode = response.get_statusCode();
var httpText = response.get_body();
deferred.reject(httpCode + ": " + httpText);
function errorHandler() {
return deferred.promise;
Erik, something is strange here - you are using the client credential flow from a JavaScript client - this reveals the secret issued to the client app to the user of the JS app.
The client credential flow also requires the directory admin to grant directory read permission to the client application - not sure if this was already configured - nevertheless it must only be used with a confidential client, not a public client like a JS app.
Azure AD does not yet implement the implicit_grant oauth flow using which a JS client app can acquire an access token on behalf of the user over redirect binding (in the fragment). This is a hugh-pro requirement that we're working on - stay tuned.