local src file doesn't exist when trying to use expo go - react-native

So I'm new to React Native Expo and am trying to build a social app. Trying to test my app on my iPhone, I used my camera to scan the QR code provided by the Metro Bundler and tried to open my app on Expo Go. So I have different screens and a js file for each of the screens, and the bundler returns an error says the source code for the screens doesn't exist. It worked fine on a web browser on my computer. Any idea how to solve this? This might be a stupid question. Thanks a lot.
Here is a screenshot of the error:
error image


React Native Expo app shows white screen on TestFlight

I have been building an app in React Native with Expo for the last few months.
I just got accepted as a Apple Developer so now I am trying to publish my app to TestFlight.
Everything seemed to go perfect, the building process passed and I uploaded my app through the Transporter app. Now I have my app installed on my phone but every time I open the app it shows a very short Splash image and then goes to a white screen forever. I've searched every possible solution but can't seem to find anything and I am running out of options.
I checken my app.config.js and my eas.json file and it all seems valid to me. So please, if someone experienced this and knows how to solve this, it would be very helpful!
I was expecting to see my app just like I saw it before, while testing it in the Xcode simulator. I have tried changing my config files but it all seems correct to me.

React native app to react native web problem (typescript, babel)

Hello so I'm working on an app for android and iOS which is quite developed by now and I'd like to activate react-native-web on it. the problem is that I have a bug when I try to run the script to launch the web development server :
The first error at the top is the one I'm struggling with I've tried updating my babel config :
I tried deleting the babel config at the root of my project and it changed nothing like the babel config has no importance
It is being used though to build the android app i know that, but for the react native web build it seems he has no importance
But is still get the same error again and again
please let me know if you need any more information's on this issue

how can I change web application without changing the app with expo

I have an expo react native project which works perfectly fine on every android device that I have tried.
but when I tried to build a pwa version of the project with expo build:web , the components renders in a totally wrong position and the output is not acceptable at all.
I want to know if anyone has the same problem with expo web builds, and how you manage to fix this problem.
is there any way that I change the implementation of the web application without changing the output of android app?
thank you all.
Did you try to use Platform Specific Code with https://reactnative.dev/docs/platform-specific-code
With your situation, it will be something like this
HeaderBar.js # Webpack, Rollup or any other Web bundler
HeaderBar.native.js # React Native bundler for both Android and iOS (Metro)
HeaderBar.android.js # Android only

Can't test published Expo project on Expo GO when not developping it

I'm working on a react-native app using expo.
I have no problem to display the application on my Android Phone using the QR CODE provided by Metro Builder.
But I would like my customers to be able to see my project even when i'm not working on it.
I published my application using expo publish and Metro Builder gave me a link that is similar to this : https://expo.io/#USERNAME/projects/MyProjectName. My project is in unlisted visibility, so that anyone with the link can see it.
Yet, i'm not able to open it in my Android Expo application. When I visit the link, it doesn't ask me to open it with Expo, and there's no button to do it. If I try to copy the link to my clipboard, and then click Open from clipboard in Expo Go, it will open the navigator again.
I also tried to generate a QR CODE from the link, but it does the same.
How do you open your project in Expo Go when you're not into development ?
You can just use the QR code which already generated by expo is provided in that project link eg. https://expo.io/#USERNAME/MyProjectName or with release channel https://expo.io/#USERNAME/MyProjectName?release-channel=MyReleaseChannelName
Take a screenshot of that QR code and send it. Regardless of the project visibility they will be able to install the app by scanning it with their phone.

What is the Difference between running react native code on Web Browser and Expo GO?

I am running React Native Code on the Web browser and in Expo Go. In the web browser, it runs fine without any error but in Expo Go, it is not importing even a single module and showing module not found error again and again on almost all modules even after reinstalling them and also reinstalling node_modules.
Can anyone tell what's the difference between running react-native code on Expo Go and Web Browser?
Also what is this issue and how to solve it?