I have been trying to convert a matrix to an image in Halcon. So far I have only managed to do with set_grayval in a for loop through all pixels. Can someone suggest a better way to do it?
Thank you!
This should do it:
get_domain (Image, Domain)
get_region_points (Domain, Rows, Columns)
set_grayval (Image, Rows, Columns, GrayvalValues)
I want to convert a map I have into a healpy map. I am fairly new to working with healpy so any suggestions would be appreciated.
The current map looks like this, in the format GLONxGLATxR(Kpc):
You need to use the healpy.ang2pix function, so given your coordinates you can understand which is the associated pixel.
See https://healpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/healpy.pixelfunc.ang2pix.html
As an example, see this tutorial:
I have the following issue:
When I transform from one map projection to another using Cartopy, the output picture displays a quite ugly aliasing with "steps" larger than one pixel. I attach the input and output pictures as example.
Input - PlateCarree:
Output - Transformed:
Could anyone explain me why that happens? Is it possible to correct it?
So, I have this usual error message where the number of rows and columns of my images don't match (in cross ref).
I have generalised one of my images and then use expand to make the resolutions match again.
However, in the process I lost a few columns (which doesn't bother me), however, I don't know what to do in order to make my both images the same size again.
Can someone help me ?
Thank you very much
To make similar column and rows,
Convert layer from raster to vector (rastervector conversion tool)
Convert the vector converted layer in to raster (resample the layer that has required column and row)
I have an numpy array which I save to a image using savefig(). Then I read it in my code and the image is multiplied bigger than my original aray as dpi while saving is 100.
Is it possible to use dpi to make the image size larger and get it in a numpy array without saving and loading it again?
Sounds like you want to take an array of size (a, b) and scale it by an arbitrary factor s so that the resulting array has shape (a*s, b*s)?
There are several ways of doing this as far as I am aware, but perhaps the best resource is the cookbook page on rebinning: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Rebinning
I am new to VB.NET and I am trying to write code in vb.net to find a equation when data points are given. For example (1,5),(2,6) etc.
I need to find a equation(not necessarily always linear) from the given points.
I tried to use the help given in
How do I calculate a trendline for a graph?
but couldn't figure out how to get equation.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
What you're looking for is called Interpolation
Basically it's a field in numerical analysis, and it helps you create a polynomial representation of the data points.