what does latDist mean in sumo traci.vehicle.changeSublane(vehID, latDist)? - sumo

I want to know something more about the latDist component in traci.vehicle.changeSublane(vehID, latDist) rather than what sumo says in "https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/TraCI/Change_Vehicle_State.html#lane_change_mode_0xb6". Does it have any interval? Do the values it takes are the matter of distance? Does it have values as threshold? What do we mean when using for instance "3.00" as latDist?

In SUMO's sublane model every vehicle has a continuous lateral position meaning it can be freely positioned in the boundaries of the edge, occupying one or more sublanes. This means a "lane change" is nothing more than a lateral movement. To make it independent of the actual sublane width (which has not so much relevance in reality) the offset to change is now given in meters and not in lane (or sublane) numbers. So an offset of 3.0 means move 3 meters to the left (in a right hand driven network).


Checking if a Coordinate is Within a Range - BigQuery GIS

I'm looking at the freely available Solar potential dataset on Google BigQuery that may be found here: https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/table/bigquery-public-data:sunroof_solar.solar_potential_by_censustract?pli=1&tab=schema
Each record on the table has the following border definitions:
lat_max - maximum latitude for that region
lat_min - minimum latitude for that region
lng_max - maximum longitude for that region
lng_min - minimum longitude for that region
Now I have a coordinate (lat/lng pair) and I would like to query to see whether or not that coordinate is within the above range. How do I do that with BQ Standard SQL?
I've seen the Geo Functions here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/geography_functions
But I'm still not sure how to write this query.
Assuming the points are just latitude and longitude as numbers, why can't you just do a standard numerical comparison?
Note: The first link doesn't work without a google account, so I can't see the data.
But if you want to become spatial, I'd suggest you're going to need to take the border coordinates that you have and turn them into a polygon using one of: ST_MAKEPOLYGON, ST_GEOGFROMGEOJSON, or ST_GEOGFROMTEXT. Then create a point using the coords you wish to test ST_MAKEPOINT.
Now you have two geographies you can compare them both using ST_INTERSECTION or ST_DISJOINT depending on what outcome you want.
If you want to get fancy and see how far aware from the border you are (which I guess means more efficient?) you can use ST_DISTANCE.
Agree with Jonathan, just checking if each of the lat/lon value is within the bounds is simplest way to achieve it (unless there are any issues around antimeridian, but most likely you can just ignore them).
If you do want to use Geography objects for that, you can construct Geography objects for these rectangles, using
[ST_GeogPoint(lon_min, lat_min), ST_GeogPoint(lon_max, lat_min),
ST_GeogPoint(lon_max, lat_max), ST_GeogPoint(lon_min, lat_max),
ST_GeogPoint(lon_min, lat_min)]))
And then check if the point is within particular rectangle using
ST_Intersects(ST_GeogPoint(lon, lat), <polygon-above>)
But it will likely be slower and would not provide any benefit for this particular case.

Compute Maya Output Attr From Previous Frame's Outputs

Does Maya allow one to compute the output attributes at frame N using the output attributes calculated at Frame (N-1) as inputs? With the proviso that at (e.g.) Frame 0 we don't look at the previous frame but use some sort of initial condition. Negative frames would be calculated by looking forward in time.
e.g. The translate of the ball at Frame N is computed to be the translate of the ball at Frame N-1 + 1cm higher. At frame zero the ball is given an initial translate of zero.
The DataBlock has a setContext function but the docs appear to forbid using that to do 'timed evaluation'. I could hit the attribute plugs directly and get value with a different time but that would be using inputs outside of the data block.
Is the Maya dependency API essentially timeless - only allowing calculation using the state at the current time? With the only solution to use animation curves which are also essentially timeless (their input state of key frames remaining the same regardless of the time)?
A simple node connection is supposed to be updated on demand, ie for the 'current' frame. It's supposed to be ahistorical -- you should be able to jump to a given frame directly and get a complete evaluation of the scene state without history.
If you need offset values you can use a frame cache node to access a different point in the value stream. You connect the attribute you want to lag to the frameCache's 'stream' plug, and then connect either the 'future' or 'past' attribute to the plug on your node. The offset is applied by specifying the index value for the connections, ie, frameCache1.past[5] is 5 frames behind the value that was fed into the frameCache.
You can also do this in a less performant, but more flexible way by using an expression node. The expression can poll an attribute value at a particular time by calling getAttr() with the -t flag to specify the time. This is much slower to evaluate but lets you apply any arbitrary logic to the time offset you might want.

Differenet results from 2 identical gps modules using the same program at the same location

I have two identical gps modules running the same program with antennas side by side. I get different results. I don't understand why
One example is 4211.41545 from the first unit and 4211.41481 from the second the timestamp is the same.
You don't say what the values you quote are so I will assume that the value you are showing is the Lat or Long value from the NMEA output data. If this is the case then the difference between the values is 0.00064 minutes of arc. The maximum physical distance that this will represent is around 1.1 metres (along a great circle). At 60 degrees north this would correspond to around 55cm in an E/W direction.
You do not say how far apart the antennae are or whether there are any obstructions above the level of their horizons which will introduce varying multipath signals that will be different for the two antennae. The two receivers will not necessarily be sampling the satellite signals at the same instants and so can have marginally different signal timings resulting in a different position result.
A typical consumer grade GPS will have a CEP figure of 2.5 metres meaning that 50% of the values for position in an unobstructed sky view position will lie within a 2.5 metre radius circle of the true position.
Taking this into account you should not expect any two adjacent GPS devices to give identical results.

Is there a more efficient search factor than midpoint for binary search?

The naive binary search is a very efficient algorithm: you take the midpoint of your high and low points in a sorted array and adjust your high or low point accordingly. Then you recalculate your endpoint and iterate until you find your target value (or you don't, of course.)
Now, quite clearly, if you don't use the midpoint, you introduce some risk to the system. Let's say you shift your search target away from the midpoint and you create two sides - I'll call them a big side and small side. (It doesn't matter whether the shift is toward high or low, because it would be symmetrical.) The risk is that if you miss, your search space is bigger than it would be: you've got to search the big side which is bigger. But the reward is that if you hit your search space is smaller.
It occurs to me that the number of spaces being risked vs rewarded is the same, and (without patterns, which I'm assuming there are none) the likelihood of an element being higher and lower than the midpoint is equal. So the risk is that it falls between the new target and the midpoint.
Now because the number of spaces affects the search space, and the search space is measured logrithmically, it seems to me if I used, let's say 1/4 and 3/4 for our search spaces, I've cut the log of the small space in half, where the large space has only gone up in by about .6 or .7.
So with all this in mind: is there a more efficient way of performing a binary search than just using the midpoint?
Let's agree that the search key is equally likely to be at position in the array—otherwise, we'd want to design an algorithm based on our special knowledge of the location. So all we can choose is where to split the array each time. If we choose a number 0 < x < 1 and split the array there, the chance that it's on the left is x and the chance that it's on the right is 1-x. In the first case we shorten the array by a factor of x and in the second by a factor of 1-x. If we did this many times we'd have a product of many of these factors, and so the 'right' average to use here is the geometric mean. In that sense, the average decrease per step is x with weight x and 1-x with weight 1-x, for a total of x^x * (1-x)^(1-x).
So when is this minimized? If this were the math stackexchange, we'd take derivatives (with the product rule, chain rule, and exponent rule), set them to zero, and solve. But this is stackoverflow, so instead we graph it:
You can see that the further you get from 1/2, the worse you get. For a better understanding I recommend information theory or calculus which have interesting and complementary perspectives on this.

How to group nearby latitude and longitude locations stored in SQL

Im trying to analyse data from cycle accidents in the UK to find statistical black spots. Here is the example of the data from another website. http://www.cycleinjury.co.uk/map
I am currently using SQLite to ~100k store lat / lon locations. I want to group nearby locations together. This task is called cluster analysis.
I would like simplify the dataset by ignoring isolated incidents and instead only showing the origin of clusters where more than one accident have taken place in a small area.
There are 3 problems I need to overcome.
Performance - How do I ensure finding nearby points is quick. Should I use SQLite's implementation of an R-Tree for example?
Chains - How do I avoid picking up chains of nearby points?
Density - How to take cycle population density into account? There is a far greater population density of cyclist in london then say Bristol, therefore there appears to be a greater number of backstops in London.
I would like to avoid 'chain' scenarios like this:
Instead I would like to find clusters:
London screenshot (I hand drew some clusters)...
Bristol screenshot - Much lower density - the same program ran over this area might not find any blackspots if relative density was not taken into account.
Any pointers would be great!
Well, your problem description reads exactly like the DBSCAN clustering algorithm (Wikipedia). It avoids chain effects in the sense that it requires them to be at least minPts objects.
As for the differences in densities across, that is what OPTICS (Wikipedia) is supposed do solve. You may need to use a different way of extracting clusters though.
Well, ok, maybe not 100% - you maybe want to have single hotspots, not areas that are "density connected". When thinking of an OPTICS plot, I figure you are only interested in small but deep valleys, not in large valleys. You could probably use the OPTICS plot an scan for local minima of "at least 10 accidents".
Update: Thanks for the pointer to the data set. It's really interesting. So I did not filter it down to cyclists, but right now I'm using all 1.2 million records with coordinates. I've fed them into ELKI for analysis, because it's really fast, and it actually can use the geodetic distance (i.e. on latitude and longitude) instead of Euclidean distance, to avoid bias. I've enabled the R*-tree index with STR bulk loading, because that is supposed to help to get the runtime down a lot. I'm running OPTICS with Xi=.1, epsilon=1 (km) and minPts=100 (looking for large clusters only). Runtime was around 11 Minutes, not too bad. The OPTICS plot of course would be 1.2 million pixels wide, so it's not really good for full visualization anymore. Given the huge threshold, it identified 18 clusters with 100-200 instances each. I'll try to visualize these clusters next. But definitely try a lower minPts for your experiments.
So here are the major clusters found:
51.690713 -0.045545 a crossing on A10 north of London just past M25
51.477804 -0.404462 "Waggoners Roundabout"
51.690713 -0.045545 "Halton Cross Roundabout" or the crossing south of it
51.436707 -0.499702 Fork of A30 and A308 Staines By-Pass
53.556186 -2.489059 M61 exit to A58, North-West of Manchester
55.170139 -1.532917 A189, North Seaton Roundabout
55.067229 -1.577334 A189 and A19, just south of this, a four lane roundabout.
51.570594 -0.096159 Manour House, Picadilly Line
53.477601 -1.152863 M18 and A1(M)
53.091369 -0.789684 A1, A17 and A46, a complex construct with roundabouts on both sides of A1.
52.949281 -0.97896 A52 and A46
50.659544 -1.15251 Isle of Wight, Sandown.
Note, these are just random points taken from the clusters. It may be sensible to compute e.g. cluster center and radius instead, but I didn't do that. I just wanted to get a glimpse of that data set, and it looks interesting.
Here are some screenshots, with minPts=50, epsilon=0.1, xi=0.02:
Notice that with OPTICS, clusters can be hierarchical. Here is a detail:
First, your example is quite misleading. You have two different sets of data, and you don't control the data. If it appears in a chain, then you will get a chain out.
This problem is not exactly suitable for a database. You'll have to write code or find a package that implements this algorithm on your platform.
There are many different clustering algorithms. One, k-means, is an iterative algorithm where you look for a fixed number of clusters. k-means requires a few complete scans of the data, and voila, you have your clusters. Indexes are not particularly helpful.
Another, which is usually appropriate on slightly smaller data sets, is hierarchical clustering -- you put the two closest things together, and then build the clusters. An index might be helpful here.
I recommend though that you peruse a site such as kdnuggets in order to see what software -- free and otherwise -- is available.