In R/ggplot2 ,when I use geom_bar(stat='identity',position='fill'),
the 'sales' tip show '0.80000',how to change it to '80.0%' ?
(I know mutate a new variable use scales::percent(sales),can work in geom_point)
test_data <- data.frame(category=c('A','B','A','B'),
p <- test_data %>%
One option (and perhaps the easiest one) would be to compute your percentages manually instead of making use of position = "fill" and create the tooltip manually via the text aesthetic which makes it easy to style the numbers, ... as you like:
test_data <- data.frame(
category = c("A", "B", "A", "B"),
sub_category = c("a1", "b1", "a2", "b2"),
sales = c(1, 2, 4, 5)
test_data <- test_data %>%
group_by(category) %>%
mutate(pct = sales / sum(sales))
p <- test_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = category, y = pct, fill = sub_category)) +
geom_col(aes(text = paste0(
"category: ", category, "<br>",
"sub_category: ", sub_category, "<br>",
"sales: ", scales::percent(pct)
ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
industriesData <- read.csv('Industries.csv')
skills <- read.csv('Skills.csv')
sp500 <- read.csv("")
companies <- sample(sp500$Name, 100)
locations <- c('Northwest', 'Midwest', 'Northeast', 'South', 'Southwest', 'Southeast',
'International') # Locations
gpas <- c(4,3.5,3,2.5,2)
n <- 100
locPrefs <- numeric(n)
studentSkills <- matrix(nrow=100,ncol=10)
studentInd <- matrix(nrow=100,ncol=5)
jobSkills <- matrix(nrow=100,ncol=5)
for(j in 1:n){ # Samples random skills assigned to students
studentSkills[j,] <- sample(skills[,1],10,replace=FALSE)
studentInd[j,] <- sample(industriesData[,1],5,replace=FALSE)
jobSkills[j,] <- sample(skills[,1],5,replace=FALSE)
studentData <- data.frame('first names'=randomNames(n, which.names = 'first'),'last
names'=randomNames(n, which.names = 'last'),'username'=seq(1,
n),'password'=password(8,numbers=TRUE),'gpa'=gpa(n, mean = 85.356, sd = 3.2, name =
"GPA"),'visa'=sample(c("N","Y"), size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.78, .22)), 'loc
pref'=sample(locations,n,replace = TRUE), 'skill'=studentSkills, 'Industry'=studentInd) # Student data
employerData <- data.frame('company names'=companies, 'pref
gpa'=sample(gpas,n,replace=TRUE), 'sponser?'=sample(c('N','Y'), size=n, replace = TRUE, prob
= c(.78, .22)), 'job id'=sample(seq(100,999),n,replace=FALSE),'pref skill'=jobSkills,
'industry'=sample(industriesData[,1],n,replace=TRUE),'location'=sample(locations,n,replace =
TRUE)) # Employer data
I am trying to send certain columns of the studentData and employerData to tables in SQL, how would i go about doing that? I have a table named students where I would like to upload the first and last names of the studentsData data frame into this SQL table.
I created a empty dataframe table to location at Delta by using this code below:
deltaResultPath = "/ml/streaming-analysis/delta/Result"
# Create Delta Lake table
sqlq = "CREATE TABLE stockDailyPrices_delta USING DELTA LOCATION '" + deltaResultPath + "'"
I am new to spark and do not fully understand sparkSQL code. What I want to do is instead of inserting values from another dataframe, I would like to add values generated in python script.
Something like modifying the code from:
insert_sql = "insert into stockDailyPrices_delta select f.* from stockDailyPrices f where f.price_date >= '" + price_date_min.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "' and f.price_date <= '" + price_date_max.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "'"
Time = 10
cpu_temp = 3
dsp_temp = 5
insert_sql = "insert into df (Time, cpu_temp, dsp_temp) values (%s, %s, %s)"
However, I see the error following:
ParseException: "\nmismatched input 'Time' expecting {'(', 'SELECT', 'FROM', 'DESC', 'VALUES', 'TABLE', 'INSERT', 'DESCRIBE', 'MAP', 'MERGE', 'UPDATE', 'REDUCE'}(line 1, pos 16)\n\n== SQL ==\ninsert into df (Time, cpu_temp, dsp_temp) values (%s, %s, %s)\n----------------^^^\n"
How can I fix this code?
I could make it work with something like this
spark.sql("insert into Result_delta select {} as Time, {} as cpu_temp, {} as dsp_temp".format(Time, cpu_temp, dsp_temp))
in perl, i want to insert year and parti from database 2 to database 1 if name from database 1 and name from database 2 is equal
database 1 database 2
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------
table truc table truc2
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------
id name year parti id name year parti
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------
1 Lapin 14 Lapin 2014 MODEM
118 Koala 33 Murène 1347 EELV
14 Murène 2 Ragondin 4218 SP
3 Ragondin 3 Koala 1512 CPNT
i want the result:
database 1
table truc
id name year parti
1 Lapin 2014 MODEM
118 Koala 1512 CPNT
14 Murène 1347 EELV
3 Ragondin 4218 SP
thanks for any response,
my code of perl and sql are here
Read from one database and update in the second one:
my $query2 = $db2->prepare('SELECT id, name, sex, year, parti FROM truc2');
my $query1 = $db1->prepare('UPDATE truc'
. ' SET year = ?, parti = ? WHERE name = ?');
while (my #row = $query2->fetchrow_array) {
$query1->execute($row[3], $row[4], $row[1]);
Tested with:
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ say };
use open IO => ':encoding(UTF-8)', ':std';
use DBI;
my $db1 = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:', "", "",
{ sqlite_unicode => 1 });
$db1->do('CREATE TABLE truc'
. ' (id INT, name TEXT, sex VARCHAR, year INT, parti TEXT)');
my $db2 = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:', "", "",
{ sqlite_unicode => 1 });
$db2->do('CREATE TABLE truc2'
. ' (id INT, name TEXT, sex VARCHAR, year INT, parti TEXT)');
my $insert1 = $db1->prepare('INSERT INTO truc (id, name, sex)'
. ' VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
$insert1->execute(#$_) for [ 1, 'Lapin', 'M'],
[118, 'Koala', 'F'],
[ 14, 'Murène', 'A'],
[ 3, 'Ragondin', 'F'];
my $insert2 = $db2->prepare('INSERT INTO truc2 (id, name, sex, year, parti)'
. ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
$insert2->execute(#$_) for [14, 'Lapin', 'A', 2014, 'MODEM'],
[33, 'Murène', 'F', 1347, 'EELV'],
[ 2, 'Ragondin', 'M', 4218, 'SP'],
[ 3, 'Koala', 'F', 1512, 'CPNT'];
my $query2 = $db2->prepare('SELECT id, name, sex, year, parti FROM truc2');
my $query1 = $db1->prepare('UPDATE truc'
. ' SET year = ?, parti = ? WHERE name = ?');
while (my #row = $query2->fetchrow_array) {
$query1->execute($row[3], $row[4], $row[1]);
my $verify = $db1->prepare('SELECT * from truc');
while (my #row = $verify->fetchrow_array) {
say "#row";
UPDATE database1.truc
JOIN database2.truc2 ON =
SET database1.truc.year = database2.truc2.year
database1.truc.parti = database2.truc2.parti;
No binding, no copying data into arrays, no loss of id, etc.
Is there some simple way, either on the SQL side or on the R side, to append a data.frame to an existing table that has more columns? The missing columns should just be filled in with NAs. Bonus points if it gracefully handles table 2 having more columns than table 1?
# Create
db <- dbConnect( SQLite(), dbname="~/temp/test.sqlite" )
# Write test
n <- 1000
testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor( sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE) ))
if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
dbWriteTable( conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE )
testDat2 <- data.frame( key=seq(n+1,n+100), x=runif(100) )
> dbWriteTable( conn = db, name="test", value = testDat2, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
Warning message:
In value[[3L]](cond) :
RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: table test has 6 columns but 2 values were supplied)
I could envision a wrapper for this as well. The algorithm would look something like:
Read 1 row from existing SQL table.
Get column names from that read.
Add column names to data.frame with the non-included names; fill with missings.
dbWriteTable now that the data.frame has the same columns as the SQL table.
That's simplified by the fact that SQLite has mutable class. But I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if it already exists.
Just a note to clarify: these datasets are large. The SQL database will be about 30GB, and the data.frame (actually a data.table for obvious reasons) is about 4GB. So solutions that require reading the SQL table into R are non-starters.
An alternative algorithm would be to do it in SQL:
Write R data.frame to a temporary SQL table.
SQL magic to append that table onto the main SQL table.
Delete temporary SQL table.
One solution would be to read one table in pieces of, say, 1000 rows using dbSendQuery and add them in the other table (adding required columns).
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * from tests")
while(!dbHasCompleted(res)) {
data <- fetch(res, n = 1000);
### Put the data in the other table
There is also a way to do it in a single SQLite query. If you know which columns to add (fill with NULL) the SQL query would look like this:
INSERT INTO target_table SELECT col1,NULL,col2,col3,NULL,NULL,col4 FROM source_table
rbind.fill from plyr offers a nice way to do this concatenation from within R:
X <- rbind.fill(testDat, stDat2)
Not sure this quite answers your question though, since it looks like you want to do the append on the connection side.
Solution that also deals with factors:
#' Function to return column names from a SQLite database
#' #param conn An RSQLite connection to a database
#' #param name Character string giving the name of the table you want column names for
#' #export dbGetColnames
#' #return Character vector of column names
dbGetColnames <- function(conn, name) {
x <- dbGetQuery( conn, paste0("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = '",name,"' AND type = 'table'") )[1,1]
x <- sub( "^.*\\((.+)\\).*$", "\\1", x )
x <- str_split(x,",")[[1]]
x <- gsub('[\t\n"]','', x)
x <- gsub('^ *','', x)
vapply( str_split( x ," " ), first, "" )
#' Write a table via RSQLite with factors stored in another table
#' Handles data.tables efficiently for large datasets
#' #param conn The connection object (created with e.g. dbConnect)
#' #param name The name of the table to write
#' #param value The data.frame to write to the database
#' #param factorName The base name of the tables to store the factor labels in in the SQLite database (e.g. if factorName is "_factor_" and the data.frame in value contains a factor column called "color" and the name is "mytable" then dbWriteFactorTable will create a table called mytable_factor_color which will store the levels information)
#' #param append a logical specifying whether to append to an existing table in the DBMS.
#' #param \dots Options to pass along to dbWriteTable (e.g. append=TRUE)
#' #return A boolean indicating whether the table write was successful
#' #export dbWriteFactorTable
#' #examples
#' library(RSQLite)
#' load_all( file.path(.db,"R-projects","taRifx") )
# Create
#' dbFilename <- tempfile()
#' db <- dbConnect( SQLite(), dbname=dbFilename )
# Write test
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor( sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE) ))
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' dbWriteTable( conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE )
#' testDat2 <- data.frame( key=seq(n+1,n+100), x=runif(100) )
#' dbWriteTable( conn = db, name="test", value = testDat2, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
# Read test
#' testRecovery <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' testSelection <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test WHERE g3=='h' OR g3=='e' ")
#' testSelection
# Test removing rows matching criteria
#' for(i in 1:10) dbWriteTable( conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
#' dbSendQuery( db, "DELETE FROM test WHERE g3=='a'" )
#' # Test factor conversion
#' testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor( sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE) ))
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test_factor_g3")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test_factor_g3")
#' dbWriteFactorTable( conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE )
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test_factor_g3")
#' testDat$g3 <- factor( sample(letters[6:15],n,replace=TRUE) )
#' dbWriteFactorTable( conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test_factor_g3")
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' dbWriteFactorTable( conn = db, name = "test", value =, row.names=FALSE )
#' dbReadFactorTable( conn = db, name = "test" )
#' dbReadFactorTable( conn = db, name = "test", query="WHERE g3=='a'" )
#' # -- Test merging of tables where the columns don't line up -- #
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor( sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE) ))
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' dbWriteFactorTable( conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE )
#' dbGetQuery( db, "SELECT * FROM test" )
#' # Add a table with columns that are a subset of the SQL table
#' testDat2 <- data.frame( key=seq(n+1,n+100), y=runif(100) )
#' dbWriteFactorTable( conn = db, name="test", value = testDat2, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
#' dbGetQuery( db, "SELECT * FROM test" )
#' # Add a table where the columns are a superset of the SQL table's
#' testDat3 <- data.frame( key=seq(n+101,n+200), x=runif(100), n=runif(100) )
#' dbWriteFactorTable( conn = db, name="test", value = testDat3, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
#' dbGetQuery( db, "SELECT * FROM test" )
#' # Finish up
#' dbDisconnect(db) # close connection
#' unlink( dbFilename ) # delete tempfile
dbWriteFactorTable <- function( conn, name, value, factorName="_factor_", append=FALSE, ... ) {
# Test inputs
stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(value))
if( grepl("[.]",factorName) ) stop("factorName must use valid characters for SQLite")
if( "data.table" %in% class(value) ) {
dt <- TRUE # Is value a data.table, if so use more efficient methods
} else {
dt <- FALSE
# Convert factors to character
factorCols <- names( Filter( function(x) x=="factor", vapply( value, class, "" ) ) )
if(length(factorCols>0)) {
for( cl in which( colnames(value) %in% factorCols ) ) {
cn <- colnames(value)[cl]
factorTable <- data.frame( levels=levels(value[[ cn ]]) )
factorTable$levelKey <- seq(nrow(factorTable))
fctNm <- paste0(name,factorName,cn)
fctTableExists <- dbExistsTable( conn = conn , name = fctNm)
# Write out the factor table
if( append & fctTableExists ) {
oldFactorTable <- dbGetQuery( conn = conn, paste("SELECT levelKey, levels FROM",fctNm) )
levelExists <- factorTable$levels %in% oldFactorTable$levels
if(!all(levelExists)) {
startLevelKey <- max( oldFactorTable$levelKey ) + 1
addLevels <- factorTable$levels[!levelExists]
newFactorTable <- data.frame(
levels = addLevels,
levelKey = seq( startLevelKey, startLevelKey + length(addLevels) - 1 )
dbWriteTable( conn = conn, name = fctNm, value = newFactorTable, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE )
} # If all levels exist, don't update the table -- go straight to converting the factor to character
} else {
if(fctTableExists) {
warning(paste("Append set to FALSE but the factor table named",fctNm,"exists. Deleting."))
dbRemoveTable( conn=conn, name = fctNm )
dbWriteTable( conn = conn, name = fctNm, value = factorTable, row.names = FALSE )
# Convert variable cl to character in the main data.frame (value) that we'll write to the main SQL table
if( dt ) set( x=value, j=cl, value=as.character(value[[ cn ]]) )
if( !dt ) value <- japply( value, which( colnames(value) %in% factorCols ), as.character )
} else {
#warning("No factor columns detected.")
if( append ) {
# If we're appending, check that the number of columns of the new table is equal to the number of columns of the old table
# Only run this code if we're appending, because otherwise the table won't exist
sqlColnames <- dbGetColnames( conn, name )
colnamesSubset <- !all( sqlColnames %in% colnames(value) )
colnamesSuperset <- !all( colnames(value) %in% sqlColnames )
if( colnamesSuperset ) {
addCols <- colnames(value)[ !colnames(value) %in% sqlColnames ]
for( ac in addCols ) {
warning(paste("Adding column",ac,"to SQL table"))
dbSendQuery( conn,
} # If it's a superset but not a subset, then we're done (allow it to return back to the second if where it just writes value directly)
if( colnamesSubset ) {
# Write our database to a temporary table
tempTableName <- "temp_dbWriteFactorTable"
if(dbExistsTable(conn,tempTableName)) dbRemoveTable(conn,tempTableName)
dbWriteTable( conn = conn, name=tempTableName, value = value, row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE )
# Add any columns to input data.frame that are in target table, then merge
sqlColnames <- dbGetColnames( conn, name ) # Reset these now that we've possibly tinkered with them in the superset section
dfColnames <- sqlColnames
dfColnames[ !sqlColnames %in% colnames(value) ] <- "null"
status <- dbSendQuery( conn,
"INSERT INTO", name,
paste( dfColnames, collapse="," ),
# Remove temporary table
if( !append || (append & !colnamesSubset) ) { # Either we're not appending, or the columns in the input and target tables exactly match (possibly after we added columns with the superset code)
status <- dbWriteTable( conn = conn, name = name, value = value, append=append, ... )
return( status )
#' Read a table via RSQLite with factors stored in another table
#' #param conn The connection object (created with e.g. dbConnect)
#' #param name The name of the table to read
#' #param query A character string containing sequel statements to be appended onto the query (e.g. "WHERE x==3")
#' #param dt Whether to return a data.table vs. a plain-old data.frame
#' #param factorName The base name of the tables to store the factor labels in in the SQLite database (e.g. if factorName is "_factor_" and the data.frame in value contains a factor column called "color" and the name is "mytable" then dbWriteFactorTable will expect there to be a table called mytable_factor_color which holds the levels information)
#' #param \dots Options to pass along to dbGetQuery
#' #return A data.table or data.frame
#' #export dbReadFactorTable
dbReadFactorTable <- function( conn, name, query="", dt=TRUE, factorName="_factor_", ... ) {
# Test inputs
if( grepl("[.]",factorName) ) stop("factorName must use valid characters for SQLite")
# Read main table
if( dt ) {
value <- dbGetQuery( conn, paste("SELECT * FROM",name,query), ... ) )
} else {
value <- dbGetQuery( conn, paste("SELECT * FROM",name,query), ... )
# Convert factors to character
factorCols <- sub( paste0("^.*",name,factorName,"(.+)$"), "\\1",
Filter( Negate(,
str_extract( dbListTables( conn ), paste0(".*",name,factorName,".*") )
if( length(factorCols>0) ) {
for( cn in factorCols ) {
fctNm <- paste0(name,factorName,cn)
factorTable <- dbGetQuery( conn, paste0("SELECT * FROM ",fctNm) )
factorLevels <- factorTable$levels[ order( factorTable$levelKey ) ] # sort by levelKey so we maintain a consistent reference category (SQL databases don't guarantee the row order remains the same)
if( dt ) {
cl <- which( colnames(value) %in% cn )
set( x=value, j=cl, value=factor( value[[ cn ]], levels=factorLevels ) )
} else {
value[[ cn ]] <- factor( value[[ cn ]], levels=factorLevels )
} else {
#warning("No factor columns detected.")
This will show up in taRifx at some point, I suspect. The part that I added to solve this question is the if(colnamesSubset) block.