Auth0 Gmail SS0 doesn't work when I enable Customize Login Page (using auth0 mvc sample) - authentication

This is my ASP.NET MVC sample
Now I'm clicking log in button and it redirects me to the Auth0 custom login page
Now, I'm clicking login with the google button and I already signed in to my Gmail account but it doesn't bring token, and no redirection
and it hits the AuthorizationCodeReceived method but does not bring the token
Please, auth0 community developer look into this bug and resolve. I'm using your provided MVC sample but it doesn't work.
Sample I downloaded from :
Please help me. Thank you!!
Issue reproducing sample (my auth0 Gmail SSO sample),
When I enable this button, Gmail login does not work in the auth0 universal custom login page
auth0 custom universal login page


.NET Core 5.0 error 400 after redirected to login page from Quickbooks OAuth, issue resolves if i revisit the Url by pressing enter

I have a .NET Core 5.0 application which authenticates & integrates Quickbooks with OAuth and then redirects to the application login page. When I click login, I get an http 400 error and cookie for ASP.NET Core Identity is not created, yet but if select the url and press enter then it just works fine, anybody has any suggestions on this?
I tried a couple of things like adding authorize in that controller form where I am redirecting and also tried several cookie settings I found but nothing worked so far

Xamarin iOS : Web View User authentication and SAML Authentication

I am implementing SSO for my app. I am facing the following problem.
1.) SSO page opens up in web view. How to close the web view after the user is authenticated ? And also how should I capture the cookie or data after login ? Is there any way ?
2.) Backend is using SAML auth. How to implement in my app ? I am using Xamarin iOS for development.
There are two official document here:
For the first question:
For the second question:
These docs can guide you to start project.After that , if have detailed questions ,you can ask new questions.

Multiple ember apps with one login app

I have multiple ember apps, but just one of them has the login page. I want to authenticate all of them with this unique page. How can I redirect other apps to an external login page using ember-simple-auth and redirect to the corresponding app after the authentication?
You need to write custom authenticator. In it's authenticate method I suggest to not redirect, but open a child window with login page. And that login page should be able to communicate with your ember app in some way (window.postMessage for example) in order to give your app auth token. Authenticator must wait until it receive answer (promise and timer will help with waiting). I used such method with google's oauth in node-webkit application (my authenticator opens google's oauth page where user prompted to give my app an access). I don't want to share a code because its too big, complex and have code specific to nw.js but I hope my answer will help. I used code of oauth2 authenticator to develop my own, it helped me a lot.

ServiceM8 Oauth Authentication not working

I am trying to set up an integration API between ServiceM8 and another 3rd party application. I need to create a webhook which requires Platform Services Authentication using Oauth.
I have created a developer account and a store item after which I got the APP ID and APP Secret which are required for the authenticatcation.
I initiated the authentication by redirecting the user to the url[App ID]&redirect_uri=[my redirect url]&scope=manage_jobs
The user was es expected directed to the login page.
However after logging in, instead of prompting the user to accept the required permissions and redirecting to the redirect_url the user is being redirected to the ServiceM8 dashboard page.
Can someone please help me.

Facebook Login for Web

According to this link Facebook Login for the Web, I can let my users login with facebook accounts (after logging to my facebook app).
now, all the work is done here in javascript which is a client-based code, it means it is insecure and a hacker could easily trespass my login step.
I know i should be using PHP SDK (for example) to secure the login process, but my question is why would I use this method ????