Splide Slider - Using progress bars when initializing with a for loop? - slider

I'm trying to get my splide progress bars to work when initializing the sliders with a for loop as shown below.
I'm not sure about how to get it right.
The sliders and progress bars seem to initialize fine, but then only the last slider updates its progress when it's moved.
Any ideas from someone who have dealt with Splide?
var splides = document.querySelectorAll('.splide-slider');
for(var i=0; i<splides.length; i++){
var splideElement = splides[i];
var splideId = splideElement;
var splideClassname = splideElement.classList[0];
var splideDefaultOptions =
lazyLoad: 'nearby',
preloadPages: 2,
autoWidth: true,
wheel: true,
arrows: true,
pagination: false,
waitForTransition: false,
perPage: 1,
var splide = new Splide( splideElement, splideDefaultOptions );
splide.on( 'mounted move', function () {
var getBar = '.'+ splideClassname + ' .my-slider-progress-bar';
var bar = splide.root.querySelector(getBar);
var end = splide.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1;
bar.style.width = String( 100 * ( splide.index + 1 ) / end ) + '%';
} );
and the HTML:
<div class="splide-slider">
<div class="splide__track">
<ul class="splide__list">
<div class="splide__slide"></div>
<div class="splide__slide"></div>
<div class="splide__slide"></div>
<div class="my-slider-progress">
<div class="my-slider-progress-bar"></div>
<div class="splide-slider">
<div class="splide__track">
<ul class="splide__list">
<div class="splide__slide"></div>
<div class="splide__slide"></div>
<div class="splide__slide"></div>
<div class="my-slider-progress">
<div class="my-slider-progress-bar"></div>

Ok so for anyone who might be in the same situation i missed to scope issue. The working solution is:
for (let i = 0; i < splides.length; i++) {
funcs[i] = function() {
let splideElement = splides[i];
var splideClassname = splideElement.classList[0];
var splideDefaultOptions =
lazyLoad: 'nearby',
preloadPages: 2,
autoWidth: true,
wheel: true,
arrows: true,
pagination: false,
waitForTransition: false,
perPage: 1,
var splide = new Splide( splideElement, splideDefaultOptions );
splide.on( 'mounted move', function () {
var getBar = '.'+ splideClassname + ' .my-slider-progress-bar';
var bar = splide.root.querySelector(getBar);
var end = splide.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1;
bar.style.width = String( 100 * ( splide.index + 1 ) / end ) + '%';
for (var j = 0; j < splides.length; j++) {


Cannot read properties of null (reading 'find')

Hello I am a beginner in JavaScript and Vue.js but trying to make some apps to understand how it works.
I am following this article to create a sample application.
I could fetch data from the API yet there are some errors in the console in the next step.
Here is my code and my console error.
Could you please explain why I get this error and how to fix it?
<div class="container" id="app">
<h3 class="text-center">VueNews</h3>
<div class="row" v-for="posts in processedPosts">
<div class="columns large-3 medium-6" v-for="post in posts">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-divider">
{{ post.title }}
<a :href="post.url" target="_blank"><img :src="post.image_url"></a>
<div class="card-section">
<p>{{ post.abstract }}</p>
const NYTBaseURL = 'https://api.nytimes.com/svc/topstories/v2/';
const ApiKey = 'MyApiKey';
function buildUrl(url) {
return NYTBaseURL + url + '.json?api-key=' + ApiKey
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
results: []
mounted() {
methods: {
getPosts(section) {
let url = buildUrl(section)
axios.get(url).then((response) => {
this.results = response.data.results
}).catch(error => {
computed: {
processedPosts() {
let posts = this.results
// Add image_url_attribute
posts.map(post => {
let imgObj = post.multimedia.find(media => media.format === 'superJumbo')
post.image_url = imgObj ? imgObj.url: 'http://placehold.it/300x200?text=N/A'
// Put Array into Chunks
let i, j, chunkedArray = [], chunk = 4
for (i = 0, j = 0; i< posts.length; i += chunk, j++) {
chunkedArray[j] = posts.slice(i, i+chunk)
return chunkedArray
The problem is not all posts have a multimedia array. Some have multimedia: null, and null doesn't have a find method. Only arrays (and other iterables) do.
In short, you might want to replace
let imgObj = post.multimedia.find(media => media.format === 'superJumbo')
let imgObj = (post.multimedia || [])
.find(media => media.format === 'superJumbo')
If post.multimedia is null, it will search in an empty array, which has a .find method, so your app doesn't break.

How to modify and convert Google app UI into HTML

I try to convert this simple google apps script code below to HTML services code. The code below is written with the deprecated google apps script UI services! Could anyone please help me with HTML services example code in this usecase?
I'm not really sure how to approach it as I haven't been coding for too long.
A little bit of help would be very much appreciated.
function() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var scriptProps = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
var label1 = app.createLabel('XERO Settings').setStyleAttribute('font-weight', 'bold').setStyleAttribute('padding', '5px').setId('label1');
var panel1 = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('panel1');
var grid = app.createGrid(7, 2);
var absPanel = app.createAbsolutePanel();
var handler = app.createServerHandler('saveSettings');
var clientHandler1 = app.createClientHandler();
var clientHandler2 = app.createClientHandler();
var clientHandler3 = app.createClientHandler();
var btnSave = app.createButton('Save Settings', handler);
var lblAppType = app.createLabel('Application Type: ');
var appTypes = {Private:0, Public:1, Partner:2};
var listAppType = app.createListBox().setName('appType').addItem('Private').addItem('Public').addItem('Partner').addChangeHandler(clientHandler1).
addChangeHandler(clientHandler2).addChangeHandler(clientHandler3).setSelectedIndex(appTypes[(scriptProps.getProperty('appType') != null ? scriptProps.getProperty('appType'): 'Private')]);
var lblAppName = app.createLabel('Application Name: ');
var txtAppName = app.createTextBox().setName('userAgent').setWidth("350")
.setValue((scriptProps.getProperty('userAgent') != null ? scriptProps.getProperty('userAgent'): ""));
var lblConsumerKey = app.createLabel('Consumer Key: ');
var txtConsumerKey = app.createTextBox().setName('consumerKey').setWidth("350")
.setValue((scriptProps.getProperty('consumerKey') != null ? scriptProps.getProperty('consumerKey'): ""));
var lblConsumerSecret = app.createLabel('Consumer Secret: ');
var txtConsumerSecret = app.createTextBox().setName('consumerSecret').setWidth("350")
.setValue((scriptProps.getProperty('consumerSecret') != null ? scriptProps.getProperty('consumerSecret'): ""));
var lblcallBack = app.createLabel('Callback URL:');
var txtcallBack = app.createTextBox().setName('callBack').setWidth("350")
.setValue((scriptProps.getProperty('callbackURL') != null ? scriptProps.getProperty('callbackURL'): ""));
var lblRSA = app.createLabel('RSA Private Key:');
var txtareaRSA = app.createTextArea().setName('RSA').setWidth("350").setHeight("150")
.setValue((scriptProps.getProperty('rsaKey') != null ? scriptProps.getProperty('rsaKey'): ""));
if (scriptProps.getProperty('appType') == "Private" || scriptProps.getProperty('appType') == null)
else if (scriptProps.getProperty('appType') == "Public")
clientHandler1.validateMatches(listAppType, 'Private').forTargets(txtcallBack).setEnabled(false).forTargets(txtareaRSA).setEnabled(true);
clientHandler2.validateMatches(listAppType, 'Public').forTargets(txtcallBack).setEnabled(true).forTargets(txtareaRSA).setEnabled(false);
clientHandler3.validateMatches(listAppType, 'Partner').forTargets(txtcallBack).setEnabled(true).forTargets(txtareaRSA).setEnabled(true);
grid.setWidget(0, 0, lblAppType);
grid.setWidget(0, 1, listAppType);
grid.setWidget(1, 0, lblAppName);
grid.setWidget(1, 1, txtAppName);
grid.setWidget(2, 0, lblConsumerKey);
grid.setWidget(2, 1, txtConsumerKey);
grid.setWidget(3, 0, lblConsumerSecret);
grid.setWidget(3, 1, txtConsumerSecret);
grid.setWidget(4, 0, lblcallBack);
grid.setWidget(4, 1, txtcallBack);
grid.setWidget(5, 0, lblRSA);
grid.setWidget(5, 1, txtareaRSA);
grid.setWidget(6, 1, btnSave);
Unfortunately there is no converter. Your dialog is relatively simple and I think I have captured everything of interest. I expect you to handle the property services.
In the dialog I changed the appType from Public to Private to show that the changed values are sent to the server for property service as shown in the execution log.
I inadvertently put include in Code.gs because I normally put CSS in one file, HTML another and js in a third. I didn't do that in this instance.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
#label1 { font-weight: bold; }
.textBox { width: 350px; }
.table { display: table; }
.table-row { display: table-row; }
.table-cell { display: table-cell; }
<p id="label1">XERO Settings</p>
<div class="panel1">
<div class="table">
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell">Application Type:</div>
<div class="table-cell">
<select class="textBox" id="appType" onchange="appTypeOnChange()">
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell">Application Name:</div>
<div class="table-cell">
<input class="textBox" id="userAgent" value=<?= userAgent?>>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell">Consumer Key:</div>
<div class="table-cell">
<input class="textBox" id="consumerKey" value=<?= consumerKey ?>>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell">Consumer Secret:</div>
<div class="table-cell">
<input class="textBox" id="consumerSecret" value=<?= consumerSecret ?>>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell">Callback URL:</div>
<div class="table-cell">
<input class="textBox" id="callBack" value=<?= callBack ?>>
<div class="table-row">
<div class="table-cell">RSA Private Key:</div>
<div class="table-cell">
<input class="textBox" id="rsaKey" value=<?= rsaKey ?>>
<input class="btnSave" type="button" value="Save Settings" onclick="saveSettings()">
function appTypeOnChange() {
let value = document.getElementById("appType").value;
if( value == "Private" ) {
document.getElementById("callBack").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("rsaKey").disabled = false;
else if( appType == "Public" ) {
document.getElementById("callBack").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("rsaKey").disabled = true;
else {
document.getElementById("callBack").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("rsaKey").disabled = false;
function saveSettings() {
let props = {};
props.appType = document.getElementById("appType").value;
props.userAgent = document.getElementById("userAgent").value;
props.consumerKey = document.getElementById("consumerKey").value;
props.consumerSecret = document.getElementById("consumerSecret").value;
props.callBack = document.getElementById("callBack").value;
props.rsaKey = document.getElementById("rsaKey").value;
props = JSON.stringify(props);
(function () {
let appType = <?= appType ?>;
if( appType == "Private" ) {
document.getElementById("callBack").disabled = true;
else if( appType == "Public" ) {
document.getElementById("rsaKey").disabled = true;
function showTest() {
try {
let html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('HTML_Test');
html.appType = "Public";
html.userAgent = "John Smith";
html.consumerKey = "12345678";
html.consumerSecret = "My Secret";
html.callBack = "www.goggle.com";
html.rsaKey = "abcdefg";
html = html.evaluate();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html,"Show Test");
catch(err) {
function include(filename) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename)
function setProperties(props) {
Execution log
Head setProperties Unknown May 11, 2022, 8:27:15 AM 0.57 s
Cloud logs
May 11, 2022, 8:27:16 AM Info {"appType":"Private","userAgent":"John Smith","consumerKey":"12345678","consumerSecret":"My Secret","callBack":"www.goggle.com","rsaKey":"abcdefg"}
HTML Service Templated HTML

Vue JS animation/transition effect on specific v-for item text on function call

I would like to create a transition/animation effect from a method where the text changes upon firing an event (not created) customTextAnim(key) which works independently for each of the v-for items.
When run, the text appears larger (22px), then shrinks to the normal 14px size after about a .3 second animation.
The text I would like to animate starts out 1t 14px, then jumps to 22px and shrinks back down to 14px. This is the text i would like to animate this.auctions[key].username*
I have literally no idea how to do this, i really need all the help i can get
<h1>Live Auctions {{ unixTime }}</h1>
<button #click="tempSetAuction()">set auctions</button>
<button #click="tempClearAuction()">CLEAR ALL</button>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<br /><br />
<ul class="row">
<li class="col-lg-4" v-for="(auction, key, index) in auctions" :key="auction.id">
<div><span>{{ auction.name }} ({{ auction.id }})</span><br /></div>
<div>END TIME: <span class="end-time" ref="endTime">{{ auction.endtime }}</span><br /></div>
<div>TIME LEFT: <span class="bid-seconds" ref="bidTimeSeconds">{{ auction.time_left }}</span><br /></div>
<div>BID TIME: <span class="bid-time" ref="bidTime"></span><br /></div>
<br />
<span ref="serverTime">{{ auction.date_now }}</span><br /><!---->
<span ref="totalBids">{{ auction.total_bids }}</span><br />
<span ref="user">{{ auction.username }}</span><br />
<div ref="newBid" class="button">
<button #click="bidOnThis(auction.id, key)">Bid on this item</button>
<button #click="countDown()">Countdown</button><br /><br />
<hr />
export default {
// Probably remove this
props : {
items: []
data() {
return {
auctions: [],
newBid: '',
totalBids: '',
user: [],
bidTimeArray: [],
unixTime: '',
timeToUpdate: '0',
textEnded: 'Ended',
show: true
created() {
axios.get('/timenow').then(result => {
this.unixTime = result.data;
axios.get('/auctions').then(result => {
// Set up the remaining seconds for each auction on load
this.auctions = result.data;
for (let i = 0; i < this.auctions.length; i++){
this.bidTimeArray[i] = this.auctions[i].bid_time -1;
if(this.auctions[i].endtime <= this.unixTime){
this.auctions[i].time_left = this.textEnded;
this.auctions[i].bidTime = this.textEnded;
} else {
this.auctions[i].time_left = this.auctions[i].endtime - this.unixTime;
axios.get('/getuser').then(result => {
this.user = result.data;
methods: {
_padNumber: number => (number > 9 || number === 0) ? number : "0" + number,
_readableTimeFromSeconds: function(seconds) {
const hours = 3600 > seconds ? 0 : parseInt(seconds / 3600, 10);
return {
hours: this._padNumber(hours),
seconds: this._padNumber(seconds % 60),
minutes: this._padNumber(parseInt(seconds / 60, 10) % 60),
bidOnThis(id, key) {
if(this.$refs.bidTimeSeconds[key].innerHTML >= 0){
axios.post('/auctions', { id: id, key: key });
//alert(+this.bidTimeArray[key] + +this.unixTime);
this.auctions[key].endtime = +this.bidTimeArray[key] + +this.unixTime;
this.auctions[key].total_bids = parseInt(this.auctions[key].total_bids) + 1;
//this.$refs.totalBids[key].innerHTML = parseInt(this.$refs.totalBids[key].innerHTML) + 1 ;
this.auctions[key].username = this.user.username ;
this.unixTime = this.unixTime+1;
this.timeToUpdate = this.timeToUpdate+1;
if(this.timeToUpdate >= 60){
this.timeToUpdate = 0;
axios.get('/timenow').then(result => {
this.unixTime = result.data;
//console.log('Just updated the time');
if(this.auctions.length >0){
for (let i = 0; i < this.auctions.length; i++){
if(typeof this.auctions[i].time_left == 'number' && this.auctions[i].endtime >= this.unixTime){
//if(this.auctions[i].endtime <= this.unixTime){
this.auctions[i].time_left = this.auctions[i].endtime - this.unixTime;
var newTime = parseInt(this.$refs.bidTimeSeconds[i].innerHTML);
this.$refs.bidTime[i].innerHTML = this._readableTimeFromSeconds(newTime).minutes+ ':'+this._readableTimeFromSeconds(newTime).seconds;
} else {
this.$refs.bidTime[i].innerHTML = this.textEnded;
this.$refs.newBid[i].innerHTML = '';
axios.get('/auctions/set').then(result => {
axios.get('/auctions/clear').then(result => {
mounted: function () {
window.setInterval(() => {
Not the complete solution. It's just the idea that I'm providing here. You can add the styles of transition. I hope that can guide you
<div id="list-demo">
<button v-on:click="add">Add</button>
<transition-group name="list" tag="p">
<span v-for="item in items" v-bind:key="item" class="list-item">{{ item }}</span>
data: {
items: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
nextNum: 10
methods: {
add: function() {
.list-item {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
.list-enter-active, .list-leave-active {
transition: all 1s;
.list-enter, .list-leave-to
/* .list-leave-active below version 2.1.8 */
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(30px); //Enter your transition transforms here

keep selected item of dropdownlist as you move from page to page in a webgrid

I have a page that has a dropdownlist and a webgrid. The webgrid has pagenumbers. If I am on page 1 and I select page 2 the item
selected on the dropdown is lost and goes back to "Select Branch"
I want to be able to keep the item selected as I move from page to page. How do I do that? I tried the request.form but did not work
public ActionResult Index()
var currentUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.ToString();
Edmviewmodel objedmtest = new Edmviewmodel();
string ddlState_SelectedStateValue = Request.Form["ddlDropDownList"];
if (currentUser != null)
objedmtest = _edmDataService.GetRequiredData("A05");
ViewData["SelectList"] = HttpContext.Session["SelectList"] ?? new List<string>();
catch (Exception ex)
return View(objedmtest);
Here is the html code.
var grid = new WebGrid(source: Model.GetCatDataByLocation,
defaultSort: "CustomerName",
canSort: true,
rowsPerPage: 5
<label for="ddlBranch">Branch:</label>
#Html.DropDownList("ddlDropDownList", Model.BranchesSelectList, "Select Branch", new { #class = "css-class" })
tableStyle: "grid",
headerStyle: "head",
alternatingRowStyle: "alt",
columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column("Select", format: #<text><input name="CustomerName" type="checkbox" value="#item.CustomerName" #Html.Raw(((List<string>)ViewData["SelectList"]).Contains(#item.CustomerName) ? "checked" : "") /></text>),
grid.Column("CustomerName", "CustomerName"),
grid.Column("CustomerNumber", "CustomerNumber"),
grid.Column("Orderdate", "Orderdate", canSort: false),
grid.Column("OrderNumber", "OrderNumber"),
grid.Column("Routenumber", "Routenumber"),
grid.Column("Primaryrep", "Primaryrep"),
grid.Column("Isvalidated", "Isvalidated")
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
//check for existance of query string
var urlg = window.location.href; //global url
var previousIndex = 0;
if (urlg.indexOf("ap") > 0) {
previousIndex = (urlg.substring(urlg.indexOf("ap=") + 3));
$('select>option:eq(' + previousIndex + ')').prop('selected', true); //zero-based
$("a").click(function (event) {
$("td a").each(function () {
var old = $(this).attr('href');
idx = $("select[name='ddlDropDownList'] option:selected").index();
$(this).attr("href", old + "&ap=" + idx);

Calling a function from data()

I'm new to vue.js 2 . I'm currently recreating this graph inside with the vue framework :
I need to get some datas from a generateDayWiseTimeSeries() function .
I'm currently calling it from DATA() and it leads me to this error :
[Vue warn]: Error in data(): "ReferenceError: generateDayWiseTimeSeries is not defined"
I have tried out returning data with the .this syntax and placing the function inside of the created: part, with no luck.
This is my vue.js code, i would appreciate if you could tell me if that's the right way to do .
Vue.component("apexchart", VueApexCharts);
const Dashboard = {
data: function() {
return {
series_5: [
generateDayWiseTimeSeries(new Date("22 Apr 2017").getTime(), 115, {
min: 30,
max: 90
components: {
apexcharts: VueApexCharts
methods: {
generateDayWiseTimeSeries: function(baseval, count, yrange) {
var i = 0;
var series = [];
while (i < count) {
var x = baseval;
var y =
Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) +
series.push([x, y]);
baseval += 86400000;
return series;
template: `
<div class="container">
<div class="row" >
<div class="col-sm col-xs-12">
<div class="card " style ="margin-bottom : 20px" >
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Indices de ventes</h5>
<p class="card-text">Ventes totales .</p>
<div><apexchart type="bar" :options="options_1" :series="series_1"></apexchart></div>
<div class="col-sm col-xs-12">
<div class="card " style ="margin-bottom : 20px" >
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Ventes</h5>
<p class="card-text">Indice des ventes total.</p>
<div><apexchart type="line" :options="options_2" :series="series_2"></apexchart></div>
EDIT : Modified
series_5: [
this.generateDayWiseTimeSeries(new Date("22 Apr 2017").getTime(), 115, {
min: 30,
max: 90
And now it seems to be working !
Your issue can be solved by adding this to your call to generateDayWiseTimeSeries().
series_5: [
this.generateDayWiseTimeSeries(new Date("22 Apr 2017").getTime(), 115, { min: 30, max: 90 })
It is not declared as a global function, so you need to provide the context when calling it.
That being said, it seems like what you are looking for is a computed property. Modify your JavaScript as follows:
const Dashboard = {
data: function() {
return {};
components: {
apexcharts: VueApexCharts
computed: {
series_5() {
return this.generateDayWiseTimeSeries(new Date("22 Apr 2017").getTime(), 115, { min: 30, max: 90 });
methods: {
generateDayWiseTimeSeries: function(baseval, count, yrange) {
var i = 0;
var series = [];
while (i < count) {
var x = baseval;
var y =
Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) +
series.push([x, y]);
baseval += 86400000;
return series;
In general, logic doesn't belong in the data() function. By convention, data() just returns a JSON object that represents the Vue instance's data.