Nested library namespace in CMake - cmake

When I see CMake libraries with namespaces they are always in the form
If I have a sufficiently large library, there may be subsections of that library that have components. I am wondering if it is possible/appropriate to do something like ParentProject::Subgouping::SpecificComponent or for a more real world example Raytracing::Math::Utils.
In short, can I use multiple namespaces in a CMake library name? If it is possible, is it a good idea?

In short, can I use multiple namespaces in a CMake library name?
Yes. A colon (:) is just like any other character in a CMake target name. However, the target_link_libraries command will interpret any argument containing :: in its name as a proper CMake target, rather than as a potential system library. So if you mis-type a target name or it otherwise doesn't exist, you'll get a useful error at configure time, rather than a broken build.
Having multiple instances of :: in the name behaves the same as having just one.
If it is possible, is it a good idea?
It's about as good an idea as nested namespaces are in C++. If it makes sense, do it. The only minor difference is that CMake has no using namespace equivalent, so they're slightly less convenient to type.
In several of my projects, I use a namespace like Project::Tools:: to hold any build-time tools (like custom code generators) that need to be built separately for the sake of cross-compilation (when CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR is not an option).


How can I avoid clashes with targets "imported" with FetchContent_MakeAvailable?

Suppose I'm writing an app, and managing its build with CMake; and I also want to use a library, mylib, via the FetchContent mechanism.
Now, my own CMakeLists.txt defines a bunch of targets, and so does mylib's CMakeLists.txt. If I were to install mylib, then find_package(mylib), I would only get its exported targets, and even those would be prefixed with mylib:: (customarily, at least). But with FetchContent, both my app's and mylib's (internal and export-intended) targets are in the "global namespace", and may clash.
So, what can I do to separate those targets - other than meticulously name all of my own app's targets defensively?
I would really like it if it were possible to somehow "shove" all the mylib targets into a namespace of my choice.
Note: Relates to: How to avoid namespace collision when using CMake FetchContent?
In the current CMake (<=3.24) world, there are no features for adjusting the names of the targets in other black-box projects, whether included via find_package, add_subdirectory, or FetchContent. Thus, for now, it is incumbent on you to avoid name-clashes in targets, install components, test names, and anywhere else this could be a problem.
Craig Scott says as much in his (very good) talk at CppCon 2019, see here:
The convention he proposes is to use names that are prefixed with SomeProj_. He doesn't suggest to literally use ${PROJECT_NAME}_, and I wouldn't either, because doing so makes the code harder to read and grep (which is extremely useful for understanding a 3rd-party build).
To be a good add_subdirectory or FetchContent citizen, however, it is not enough to simply namespace your targets as SomeProj_Target; you must also provide an ALIAS target SomeProj::Target. There are a few reasons for this:
Your imported targets from find_package will almost certainly be named SomeProj::Target. It should be possible for consumers of your library to switch between FetchContent and find_package easily, without changing other parts of their code. The ALIAS target lets you expose the same interface in both cases. This will become especially pressing when CMake 3.24 lands with its new find_package-to-FetchContent redirection features.
CMake's target_link_libraries function treats names that contain :: as target names always and will throw configure-time error if the target does not exist. Without the ::, it will be treated as a target preferentially, but will turn into a linker flag if the target doesn't exist. Thus, it is preferable to link to targets with :: in their names.
Yet, only IMPORTED and ALIAS targets may have :: in their names.
Points (2) and (3) are good enough for me to define aliases.
Unfortunately, many (most?) CMake builds are not good FetchContent citizens and will flaunt this convention. Following this convention yourself reduces the chance of integration issues between your project and any other, but obviously does nothing to prevent issues between two third party projects that might define conflicting targets. In these cases, you're just out of luck.
An example of defining a library called Target that will play nice with FetchContent:
add_library(SomeProj_Target ${sources})
add_library(SomeProj::Target ALIAS SomeProj_Target)
OUTPUT_NAME Target # optional: makes the file on disk
install(TARGETS SomeProj_Target EXPORT SomeProj_Targets)
install(EXPORT SomeProj_Targets NAMESPACE SomeProj::)
For a more complete example that plays nice with install components, include paths, and dual shared/static import, see my blog post.
See these upstream issues to track the progress/discussion of these problems.
#22687 Project-level namespaces
#16414 Namespace support for target names in nested projects
As #AlexReinking , and, in fact, Craig Scott, suggest - there's no decent current solution.
You can follow the following CMake issues through which the solution will likely be achieved:
#22687 Project-level namespaces (more current)
#16414 Namespace support for target names in nested projects (longer discussion which influenced the above, recommended reading)

Naming convention for components and namespaces in cmake

In Short:
Is there any preferred naming convention for cmake library targets - in particular when using namespaces?
Unless there is really an objective reason for it, I'm not asking about personal preferences, but whether there is either an "official" (e.g. recommended by kitware) or established (which might deviate) convention.
Lets say I have a library/framework foo which has the individual components bar and baz. So far, my naming convention looks like this:
add_library(foo-bar src1.cpp, scr2.cpp)
add_library(foo-baz src3.cpp, src4.cpp)
Now I want to add alias targets using the namespace (::) convention. E.g.
add_library(Foo::Bar ALIAS foo-bar)
add_library(Foo::Baz ALIAS foo-baz)
(Of course the question also extends to export sets, but I didn't want to complicate the question)
What I couldn't really find out however, is if there is a preferred or even official naming convention for those targets.
Things I've seen:
Namespace part:
some projects seem to capitalize the first letter, some not (the former seems to be more common)
Component part:
in some projects, the component name is the same as the binary name
with or without the "lib" prefix (libfoo-bar vs foo-bar)
with or without the namespace (foo-bar vs bar)
some projects capitalize the first letter
some projects use CamelCase some snake_case, even if the binaries or project names don't follow those conventions.
I guess the main problem is that there is no naming convention for libraries in general so that makes it hard to come up with a naming convention in CMake, but at least the capitilization for the first letter of the namespace and the component seem to be pretty common, so I was wondering if there is some guideline I should follow for future projects.
The cmake-developer documentation gives the following advice on namespaces:
When providing imported targets, these should be namespaced (hence the Foo:: prefix); CMake will recognize that values passed to target_link_libraries() that contain :: in their name are supposed to be imported targets (rather than just library names), and will produce appropriate diagnostic messages if that target does not exist (see policy CMP0028).
And the CMP0028 policy documentation says on the "common pattern" in the use of namespaces:
The use of double-colons is a common pattern used to namespace IMPORTED targets and ALIAS targets. When computing the link dependencies of a target, the name of each dependency could either be a target, or a file on disk. Previously, if a target was not found with a matching name, the name was considered to refer to a file on disk. This can lead to confusing error messages if there is a typo in what should be a target name.
And no, there are no CMake specific convention for the naming of library targets. But since the name is taken by default as the target's output name:
I prefer to take the same name for the targets as for my source code directory
And add no lib prefix, since this is automatically added by CMake depending on the platform you are compiling your project with
From the CMake Tutorial
The most official source you could get is probably an extract from the "Mastering CMake" book written by Ken Martin and Bill Hoffman from Kitware.
The tutorials from the book all use CamelCase and no namespaces for component/target names.
What is the naming convention for CMake scripts?
cmake usefulness of aliases

How to get cmake to find size of type in third-party header mpi.h?

I am working on a free-software project which involves high performance computing and the MPI library.
In my code, I need to know the size of the MPI_Offset type, which is defined in mpi.h.
Normally such projects would be build using autotools and this problem would be easily solved. But for my sins, I am working with a CMake build and I can't find any way to perform this simple task. But there must be a way to do - it is commonly done on autotools projects, so I assume it is also possible in CMake.
When I use:
check_type_size("MPI_Offset" SIZEOF_MPI_OFFSET)
It fails, because mpi.h is not included in the generated C code.
Is there a way to tell check_type_size() to include mpi.h?
INCLUDE (CheckTypeSize)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
check_type_size("MPI_Offset" SIZEOF_MPI_OFFSET)
It may be more common to write platform checks with autotools, so here is some more information on how to write platform checks with CMake.
On a personal note, while CMake is certainly not the most pleasant exercise, for me autotools is reserved for the capital sins. It is really hard to me to defend CMake, but in this instance, it is even documented. Naturally, setting a separate "variable" that you even have to reset after the fact, instead of just passing it as a parameter, is clearly conforming to the surprising "design principles" of CMake.

Getting imported targets through `find_package`?

The CMake manual of Qt 5 uses find_package and says:
Imported targets are created for each Qt module. Imported target names should be preferred instead of using a variable like Qt5<Module>_LIBRARIES in CMake commands such as target_link_libraries.
Is it special for Qt or does find_package generate imported targets for all libraries? The documentation of find_package in CMake 3.0 says:
When the package is found package-specific information is provided through variables and Imported Targets documented by the package itself.
And the manual for cmake-packages says:
The result of using find_package is either a set of IMPORTED targets, or a set of variables corresponding to build-relevant information.
But I did not see another FindXXX.cmake-script where the documentation says that a imported target is created.
find_package is a two-headed beast these days:
CMake provides direct support for two forms of packages, Config-file Packages
and Find-module Packages
Now, what does that actually mean?
Find-module packages are the ones you are probably most familiar with. They execute a script of CMake code (such as this one) that does a bunch of calls to functions like find_library and find_path to figure out where to locate a library.
The big advantage of this approach is that it is extremely generic. As long as there is something on the filesystem, we can find it. The big downside is that it often provides little more information than the physical location of that something. That is, the result of a find-module operation is typically just a bunch of filesystem paths. This means that modelling stuff like transitive dependencies or multiple build configurations is rather difficult.
This becomes especially painful if the thing you are trying to find has itself been built with CMake. In that case, you already have a bunch of stuff modeled in your build scripts, which you now need to painstakingly reconstruct for the find script, so that it becomes available to downstream projects.
This is where config-file packages shine. Unlike find-modules, the result of running the script is not just a bunch of paths, but it instead creates fully functional CMake targets. To the dependent project it looks like the dependencies have been built as part of that same project.
This allows to transport much more information in a very convenient way. The obvious downside is that config-file scripts are much more complex than find-scripts. Hence you do not want to write them yourself, but have CMake generate them for you. Or rather have the dependency provide a config-file as part of its deployment which you can then simply load with a find_package call. And that is exactly what Qt5 does.
This also means, if your own project is a library, consider generating a config file as part of the build process. It's not the most straightforward feature of CMake, but the results are pretty powerful.
Here is a quick comparison of how the two approaches typically look like in CMake code:
Find-module style
target_link_libraries(bar ${FOO_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(bar ${FOO_INCLUDE_DIR})
# [...] potentially lots of other stuff that has to be set manually
Config-file style
target_link_libraries(bar foo)
# magic!
tl;dr: Always prefer config-file packages if the dependency provides them. If not, use a find-script instead.
Actually there is no "magic" with results of find_package: this command just searches appropriate FindXXX.cmake script and executes it.
If Find script sets XXX_LIBRARY variable, then caller can use this variable.
If Find script creates imported targets, then caller can use these targets.
If Find script neither sets XXX_LIBRARY variable nor creates imported targets ... well, then usage of the script is somehow different.
Documentation for find_package describes usual usage of Find scripts. But in any case you need to consult documentation about concrete script (this documentation is normally contained in the script itself).

How to reuse Fortran modules without copying source or creating libraries

I'm having trouble understanding if/how to share code among several Fortran projects without building libraries or duplicating source code.
I am using Eclipse/Photran with the Intel compiler (ifort) on a linux system, but I believe I'm having a bigger conceptual problem with modules than with the specific tools.
Here's a simple example: In ~/workspace/cow I have a source directory (src) containing cow.f90 (the PROGRAM) and two modules m_graze and m_moo in m_graze.f90 and m_moo.f90, respectively. This project builds and links properly to create the executable 'cow'. The executable and modules (m_graze.mod and m_moo.mod) are stored in ~/workspace/cow/Debug and object files are stored under ~/workspace/cow/Debug/src
Later, I create ~/workplace/sheep and have src/sheep.f90 as the program and src/m_baa.f90 as the module m_baa. I want to 'use m_graze, only: ruminate' in sheep.f90 to get access to the ruminate() subroutine. I could just copy m_graze.f90 but that could lead to code getting out of sync and doesn't take into account any dependencies m_graze might have. For these reasons, I'd rather leave m_graze in the cow project and compile and link sheep.f90 against it.
If I try to compile the sheep project, I'll get an error like:
error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [M_GRAZE]
Under Properties:Project References for sheep, I can select the cow project. Under Properties:Fortran Build:Settings:Intel Compiler:Preprocessor I can add ~/workspace/cow/Debug (location of the module files) to the list of include directories so the compiler now finds the cow modules and compiles sheep.f90. However the linker dies with something like:
Building target: sheep
Invoking: Intel(R) Fortran Linker
ifort -L/home/me/workspace/cow/Debug -o "sheep" ./src/sheep.o
./src/sheep.o: In function `sheep':
/home/me/workspace/sheep/src/sheep.f90:11: undefined reference to `m_graze_mp_ruminate_'
This would normally be solved by adding libraries and library paths to the linker settings except there are no appropriate libraries to link to (this is Fortran, not C.)
The cow project was perfectly capable of compiling and linking together cow.f90, m_graze.f90 and m_moo.f90 into an executable. Yet while the sheep project can compile sheep.f90 and m_baa.f90 and can find the module m_graze.mod, it can't seem to find the symbols for m_graze even though all the requisite information is present on the system for it to do so.
It would seem to be an easy matter of configuration to get the linker portion of ifort to find the missing pieces and put them together but I have no idea what magic words need to be entered where in the Photran UI to make this happen.
I confess an utter lack of interest and competence in C and the C build process and I'd rather avoid the diversion of creating libraries (.a or .so) unless that's the only way to make this work.
Ultimately, I'm looking for a pure Fortran solution to this problem so I can keep a single copy of the source code and don't have to manually maintain a pile of custom Makefiles.
So can this be done?
Apologies if this has already been documented somewhere; Google is only showing me simple build examples, how to create modules, and how to link with existing libraries. There don't seem to be (m)any examples of code reuse with modules that don't involve duplicating source code.
As respondents have pointed out, the .mod files are necessary but not sufficient; either object code (in the form of m_graze.o) or static or shared libraries must be specified during the linking phase. The .mod files describe the interface to the object code/library but both are necessary to build the final executable.
For an oversimplified toy problem such as this, that's sufficient to answer the question as posed.
In a larger project with more complex dependencies (in my case, 80+KLOC of F90 linking to the MKL version of LAPACK95), the IDE or toolchain may lack sufficient automatic or user-interface facilities to make sharing a single canonical set of source files a viable strategy. The choice seems to be between risking duplicate source files getting out of sync, giving up many of the benefits of an IDE (i.e. avoiding manual creation of make/CMake/SCons files), or, in all likelihood, both. While a revision control system and good code organization can help, it's clear that sharing a single canonical set of source files among projects is far from easy given the current state of Eclipse.
Some background which I suspect you already know: Typically (including ifort) compiling the source code for a Fortran module results in two outputs - a "mod" file that contains a description of the Fortran entities that the module defines that the compiler needs to find whenever it sees a USE statement for the module, and object code for the linker that implements the procedures and variable storage, etc., that the module defines.
Your first error (the one you solved) is because the compiler couldn't find the mod file.
The second error is because the linker hasn't been told about the object code that implements the stuff that was in the source file with the module. I'm not an Eclipse user by any means, but a brute force way of specifying that is just to add the object file (xxxxx/Debug/m_graze.o) as an additional linker option (Fortran Build > Settings, under Intel Fortran Linker > Command Line). (Other tool chains have explicit "additional object file" properties for their link stage - there may well be a better way of doing this for the Intel chain.)
For more involved examples you would typically create a library out of the shared code. That's not really C specific, the only Fortran aspect is that the libraries archive of object code needs to be provided alongside the mod files that the Fortran compiler generates.
Yes the object code must be provided. E.g., when you install libnetcdf-dev in Debian (apt-get install libnetcdf-dev), there is a /usr/include/netcdf.mod file that is included.
You can now use all netcdf routines in your Fortran code. E.g.,
program main
use netcdf
but you'll have link to the netcdf shared (or static) library, i.e.,
gfortran -I/usr/include/ main.f90 -lnetcdff
However, as user MSB mentioned the mod file can only be used by gfortran that comes with the distribution (apt-get install gfortran). If you want to use any other compiler (even a different version that you may have installed yourself) then you'll have to build netcdf yourself using that particular compiler.
So creating a library is not a bad solution.