vue3 multi language site, possible side effects with computed properties, dynamic components, - vuex

I display the header and footer of a website with the help of vuex + vue-router + dynamic components.
I fetch the current routes from vue-router via vuex and "inject" the data into App.vue, where I have my header and footer. I can console.log the correct routes of every page.
The app.vue markup looks like that:
<component :is="selectedHeader"></component>
<component :is="selectedFooter"></component>
Now I use the computed properties selectedFooter and selectedHeader in order to display the correct components:
computed: {
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/return-in-computed-property
selectedHeader() {
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties
this.currentRoute = this.$store.getters.getRoute
if(this.currentRoute) {
if(this.currentRoute.includes("de")) {
return "de-header";
if(this.currentRoute.includes("en")) {
return "en-header";
if(this.currentRoute.includes("es")) {
return "es-header";
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/return-in-computed-property
selectedFooter() {
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties
this.currentRoute = this.$store.getters.getRoute
if(this.currentRoute) {
if(this.currentRoute.includes("de")) {
return "de-footer";
if(this.currentRoute.includes("en")) {
return "en-footer";
else if(this.currentRoute.includes("es")) {
return "es-footer";
It pricipally works, but I think that I'm already experiencing side effects because I don't use the computed properties correctly, e.g. one route displays to the wrong language header, even though the route data from the store is definitely correct?
I guess that it would be better to use watchers, but how?


How to generate computed props on the fly while accessing the Vue instance?

I was wondering if there is a way of creating computed props programatically, while still accessing the instance to achieve dynamic values
Something like that (this being undefined below)
export default {
computed: {
...createDynamicPropsWithTheContext(this), // helper function that returns an object
On this question, there is a solution given by Linus: looking like
computed: {
...mapPropsModels(['cool', 'but', 'static'])
This works fine but the main issue is that it's fully static. Is there a way to access the Vue instance to reach upon props for example?
More context
For testing purposes, my helper function is as simple as
export const createDynamicPropsWithTheContext = (listToConvert) => {
return listToConvert?.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr] = curr
return acc
}, {})
What I actually wish to pass down to this helper function (via this) are props that are matching a specific prefix aka starting with any of those is|can|has|show (I'm using a regex), that I do have access via this.$options.props in a classic parent/child state transfer.
The final idea of my question is mainly to avoid manually writing all the props manually like ...createDynamicPropsWithTheContext(['canSubmit', 'showModal', 'isClosed']) but have them populated programatically (this pattern will be required in a lot of components).
The props are passed like this
<my-component can-submit="false" show-modal="true" />
PS: it's can-submit and not :can-submit on purpose (while still being hacked into a falsy result right now!).
It's for the ease of use for the end user that will not need to remember to prefix with :, yeah I know...a lot of difficulty just for a semi-colon that could follow Vue's conventions.
You could use the setup() hook, which receives props as its first argument. Pass the props argument to createDynamicPropsWithTheContext, and spread the result in setup()'s return (like you had done previously in the computed option):
import { createDynamicPropsWithTheContext } from './props-utils'
export default {
setup(props) {
return {
If the whole thing is for avoiding using a :, then you might want to consider using a simple object (or array of objects) as data source. You could just iterate over a list and bind the data to the components generated. In this scenario the only : used are in the objects
const comps = [{
"can-submit": false,
"show-modal": true,
"something-else": false,
"can-submit": true,
"show-modal": true,
"something-else": false,
"can-submit": false,
"show-modal": true,
"something-else": true,
const CustomComponent = {
setup(props, { attrs }) {
return {
template: `
>{{ attrs }}</div>
const vm = Vue.createApp({
setup() {
return {
template: `
v-for="(item, i) in comps"
vm.component('CustomComponent', CustomComponent)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">{{ message }}</div>
Thanks to Vue's Discord Cathrine and skirtle folks, I achieved to get it working!
Here is the thread and here is the SFC example that helped me, especially this code
created () {
const magicIsShown = computed(() => this.isShown === true || this.isShown === 'true')
Object.defineProperty(this, 'magicIsShown', {
get () {
return magicIsShown.value
Using Object.defineProperty(this... is helping keeping the whole state reactive and the computed(() => can reference some other prop (which I am looking at in my case).
Using a JS object could be doable but I have to have it done from the template (it's a lower barrier to entry).
Still, here is the solution I came up with as a global mixin imported in every component.
// helper functions
const proceedIfStringlean = (propName) => /^(is|can|has|show)+.*/.test(propName)
const stringleanCase = (string) => 'stringlean' + string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)
const computeStringlean = (value) => {
if (typeof value == 'string') {
return value == 'true'
return value
// the actual mixin
const generateStringleans = {
created() {
for (const [key, _value] of Object.entries(this.$props)) {
if (proceedIfStringlean(key)) {
const stringleanComputed = computed(() => this[key])
Object.defineProperty(this, stringleanCase(key), {
get() {
return computeStringlean(stringleanComputed.value)
// do not write any `set()` here because this is just an overlay
This will scan every .vue component, get the passed props and if those are prefixed with either is|can|has|show, will create a duplicated counter-part with a prefix of stringlean + pass the initial prop into a method (computeStringlean in my case).
Works great, there is no devtools support as expected since we're wiring it directly in vanilla JS.

Simple Vue store pattern - initial server fetch not reacting

This app isn't complicated. I'm trying to create a simple store (not keen to use Vuex for something this light) which should coordinate server requests and make sure there's a single source of truth across the app.
import Vue from "vue"
import axios from "axios"
class Store {
items = []
constructor() {
fetchData() {
.then(response => this.fillFieldsFromServer(
fillFieldsFromServer(data) {
// 1: this.items = data
// 2: this.items = this.items.concat(data)
// 3: Array.prototype.push.apply(this.items, data)
export const itemStore = Vue.observable(new Store())
<li v-for="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
import { itemStore } from "../../stores/item-store.js"
export default {
computed: {
items() {
return itemStore.items
Obviously I'm fundamentally misunderstanding something here.
What I thought would happen:
The store singleton is created
A server request is fired off
Vue makes the store singleton reactive
The component renders with an empty list
The component watches store.items
The server request returns
The store updates items
The component sees that changes
The component re-renders with the server data
But what's actually happening is that step (8) doesn't occur. The server request returns fine, but the component doesn't see the change so it doesn't re-render.
Obviously I'm doing something wrong. But what?
Vue.observable makes an object reactive by recursively replacing existing properties with get/set accessors, this allows to detect when they are changed. As for arrays, Array.prototype methods that mutate existing array are also replaced to track their calls.
This isn't supposed to work because Array.prototype.push.apply !== store.items.push:
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.items, data)
It should be either:
fillFieldsFromServer(data) {
this.items = data;
fillFieldsFromServer(data) {
Here is a demo.

Can be exclude `this` keyword in vue.js application?

Actually I am following Douglas Crockford jslint .
It give warning when i use this.
[jslint] Unexpected 'this'. (unexpected_a) 
I can not see any solution around for the error . Don't say add this in jslist.options and mark it true.
Is there is any approach without using this?
// some vue component here
export default {
name: "RefereshPage",
data() {
return {
progressValue: 0
console.log(this.progressValue); // ERROR come here [jslint] Unexpected 'this'. (unexpected_a) 
Check out this jsfiddle. How can you avoid using this?
as i already stated in the comments:
using this is an integral part of how vue.js works within a component. you can read more about how it proxies and keeps track of dependencies here:
As others have said, you're better off just disabling your linter or switching to ESLint. But if you insist on a workaround, you could use a mixin and the $mount method on a vue instance to avoid using this altogether ..
let vm;
const weaselMixin = {
methods: {
getdata() {
mounted: function () {
vm = new Vue({
mixins: [weaselMixin],
data: {
users: {
foo: {
name: "aa"
See the modified JSFiddle
As you can see, this only complicates what should be a fairly simple component. It only goes to show that you shouldn't break the way vue works just to satisfy your linter.
I would suggest you go through this article. Particularly important is this part ..
Vue.js proxies our data and methods to be available in the this context. So by writing this.firstName, we can access the firstName property within the data object. Note that this is required.
In the code you posted, you appear to be missing a } after getRefreshQueue definition. It's not the error your linter is describing, but maybe it got confused by the syntax error?
It is possible using the new Composition API. Vue 3 will have in-built support, but you can use this package for Vue 2 support.
An example of a component without this (from
<button #click="increment">
Count is: {{ state.count }}, double is: {{ state.double }}
import { reactive, computed } from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
const state = reactive({
count: 0,
double: computed(() => state.count * 2)
function increment() {
return {

Vue.js best approach to organize API endpoints?

On my components I am having to access my endpoints (API Gateway/Lambda), this is currently requiring me to hardcode this on a per-component level. Obviously not ideal, haha.
Here is an example of what I have now on a Vue component:
async mounted() {
.then(response => { =;
Ideally I am trying to find an elegant way of populating these axios.get() sections, so I can have a main reference for the execution id and environment (dev/qa/prod/etc).
I am new to Vue.js, so I am struggling to find the ideal approach. Currently my thought would be to create string that pulls from main.js then adds onto the .get url. Such as .get(LAMBDA_URL + 'test'), ideas?
First of all, you can abstract away all api calls to their own file, somewhere in an api folder. You can then make your own get, post, put and delete methods that perform some basic boilerplate stuff like prepending the lambda url and parsing common things such as the status code.
You can go further by only calling these api endpoints in your vuex store if you have one. The nice part of that is that your components are no longer concerned where they get the data from. The implementation of getting the data is all in some fetch action somewhere in your store. Your components will use a getter to show things.
// api/index.js
import { apiUrl } from '#/config';
function apiRequest(method, url, data, whatever) {
return axios({
url: `${apiUrl}/${url}`
// etc
export function get(url, data, whatever) {
return apiRequest('get', url, data, whatever);
// etc
// Component
{{ data }}
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'my-component',
computed: {
data: 'animals/birds'
mounted () {

is it possible to specify which component should be used on router.go() in VueJS

In VueJS im trying to setup a scenario where the component used is determined by the url path without having to statically map it.
router.beforeEach(({ to, next }) => {
.then((response) => {$ = response
// I'd like to specify a path and component on the fly
// instead of having to map it
router.go({path: to.path, component: response.pageComponent})
.catch((err) => {
router.go({name: '404'})
Basically, I'd like to be able to create a route on the fly instead of statically specifying the path and component in the
Hope that make sense. Any help would be appreciated.
I think that what you're trying to archive is programmatically load some component based on the current route.
I'm not sure if this is the recommended solution, but is what comes to my mind.
Create a DynamicLoader component whit a component as template
<component :is="CurrentComponent" />
Create a watch on $route to load new component in each route change
export default {
data() {
return {
CurrentComponent: undefined
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
let componentName = to.params.ComponentName;
this.CurrentComponent = require(`components/${componentName}`);
beforeMount() {
let componentName = this.$route.params.ComponentName;
this.CurrentComponent = require(`components/${componentName}`);
Register just this route on your router
{ path: '/:ComponentName', component: DynamicLoader }
In this example I'm assuming that all my componennt will be in components/ folder, in your example seems like you're calling an external service to get the real component location, that should work as well.
Let me know if this help you
As par the documentation of router.go, you either need path you want to redirect to or name of the route you want to redirect to. You don't the component.
Argument of router.go is either path in the form of:
{ path: '...' }
or name of route:
name: '...',
// params and query are optional
params: { ... },
query: { ... }
so you dont need to return component from your API, you can just return path or name of route, and use it to redirect to relevant page.
You can find more details here to create named routes using vue-router.