Godot freezes without any obvious errors on build - game-engine

I've recently worked on a project in godot (3.4 mono).
During the process of developing the game I encountered the bug that the godot engine freezes during the build of my project (Has worked fine until then).
What I've tried:
I thought that it would be an error in any of my scripts so I went to debug my recent script -> Freezing happens before the script is launched because the debugger won't start.
So I went to my other scripts and wanted to debugger those -> Same result.
Next step: Created an empty scene -> same result.
Next step: Created a new project and encountered the same behaviour..
Final step: Downloaded a fresh godot version and got the same behaviour in a new project.
If someone encountered a similar problem or knows a point where to start it would help me a lot!
Thanks in advance!
Edit: with the help of Theraot I found the log files!:
[Godot Log]


Cannot Create a Maven project in eclipse - not showing any error but keeps on loading forever

loading #33% goes on forever
Please pull me out of this Its been days since i have been looking for a solution and finally posting it here!
tried re-installing the ecplise downloaded latest jdk and other things suggested online but couldn't find a way out !

Runner got struck after running the test cases I am using 1.1.0 version [duplicate]

We have currently about 200 test features. We start to face something strange, most of the times tests are just stuck and would not proceed when we run mvn test command as the following:
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags $tags" -Dtest=TestRunner -Dkarate.env=$env
Some tests would run as it was perfectly fine. But at some point the rest will just stuck as it it hangs.
We run the tests in parallel using 10 threads.
It stucks like this
Anybody experienced similar things? Any ideas what could possibly went wrong?
This should be fixed in 0.9.5.RC3 - it is stable to use for API testing, so I recommend you upgrade.
If anyone faces this problem for any other version of Karate, please understand that the best (and possibly only) way to troubleshoot or solve this - is to follow this process: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/wiki/How-to-Submit-an-Issue
I actually have the same problem as you but I can't comment because of reputation, my project works with Gradle and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and JDK1.8(at another moment before all this I tried Jetbrains SDK11 but had the same problem, I downgraded to java 8 and everything worked again) on this ocassion I did as peter said and upgraded to 0.9.5.RC4 but still when I execute some of my features they never end, for example, I'm currently working on a very simple feature that calls another feature for login, it works for many other features but for this one it appears to get to the end of its execution and never go back to the caller feature, as I was running out of options I made a new simple project copied the resources folder I store my features in and my run parallel class and tried again but it behaves in the same way, the execution never ends.
I'll upload an image with my screen while it executes as you can see it's been executing for 15 minutes

Karate Tests Stuck on Running Forever

We have currently about 200 test features. We start to face something strange, most of the times tests are just stuck and would not proceed when we run mvn test command as the following:
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags $tags" -Dtest=TestRunner -Dkarate.env=$env
Some tests would run as it was perfectly fine. But at some point the rest will just stuck as it it hangs.
We run the tests in parallel using 10 threads.
It stucks like this
Anybody experienced similar things? Any ideas what could possibly went wrong?
This should be fixed in 0.9.5.RC3 - it is stable to use for API testing, so I recommend you upgrade.
If anyone faces this problem for any other version of Karate, please understand that the best (and possibly only) way to troubleshoot or solve this - is to follow this process: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/wiki/How-to-Submit-an-Issue
I actually have the same problem as you but I can't comment because of reputation, my project works with Gradle and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and JDK1.8(at another moment before all this I tried Jetbrains SDK11 but had the same problem, I downgraded to java 8 and everything worked again) on this ocassion I did as peter said and upgraded to 0.9.5.RC4 but still when I execute some of my features they never end, for example, I'm currently working on a very simple feature that calls another feature for login, it works for many other features but for this one it appears to get to the end of its execution and never go back to the caller feature, as I was running out of options I made a new simple project copied the resources folder I store my features in and my run parallel class and tried again but it behaves in the same way, the execution never ends.
I'll upload an image with my screen while it executes as you can see it's been executing for 15 minutes

XCode hangs every time when i write few lines of code in playground

I have just started working with Swish after buying my new imac and i am working on play ground. for last 2 days i am banging my head with wall but i could not fix this problem.
When ever i am writing few lines of code, Xcode hangs and mouse turns into small colored circle when you hoverover on the xcode window. I have to quit by force every time when xcode hangs.
I tried all possible option which i could find on stackoverflow;
I draged xcode from application to trash bin, cleaned trash bin, restarted the imac, downloaded xcode from app store installed it.
when i opened xcode after installation, it opened all my files automatically and problem was still there.
Then i followed this solution How to uninstall Xcode 5.0.2 from MAC 10.9 and removed all xcode related files by using appCleaner. It cleaned all files and folder. I restarted my system and installed xcode again :( and problem is still there.
I tried to uninstall xcode with sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all but it does not work, terminal says
sudo: /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools: command not found
I could see that there is something wrong with this run time compiler.
and yes i downloaded and installed the xcode 6.4 beta version and problem still there.
Can any one turn my face from :( -> :)
Here is a solution which #user3344236 provids. If someone has same problem use this trick. Create an empty project and then add playgrounds file in it. It would not crash or Xcode would not hang.
Playground is in early stages and there is something fishy with "standalone" playground, If you create swift file with File->New->PlayGround, there is high chances that Xcode will hang and you can have same problem what i had for 2 days.
A little late, but I have run into similar problems with the latest XCode (7.2) on Yoesmite. This is espcially annoying when you are, for example, writing up a long tutorial in the editor and risk losing content because of a Force Quit situation.
The simplest workaround I have found, especially when I am initially entering all the text and code (and hence really don't want it continuously trying to execute) is to insert the following at the top of each new file - removing it when I am ready to autorun the code.
don't execute
It can be any text, as long as it doesn't parse. The playground environment won't try to run while there is a syntax error in the file. But you still get all the context-sensitive help and auto-completion magic to aid in your writing.

Why does IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 show sbt files with so many lines in red?

I had a working sbt based project. After some small change that I can not specifically identify all the sbt files are having object resolution issues (see screenshots).
I tried the following:
sbt refresh
project rebuild
reimport project
These did not work.
Then I started going farther afield to resolve the issue. I copied the *.sbt files from another project on top of the ones in this project. Still no dice. Now I do not have time presently to actually completely destroy, rebuild the project from scratch - and in any case that does not lead to any insight on the root cause here.
Has anyone experienced this issue - and any suggestions on remedies/workarounds?
Update I finally tried
sbt gen-idea
even though this project was **not ** built that way.. It did make a difference: at least the crazy errors went away. But now a different set of problems arises: the assembly and packaging imports are not being resolved (see LAST screenshot). But this seems a bit more healthy at least .
Following screenshot is after running sbt gen-idea. Situation has improved but now get assembly/packaging import errors.
Another update
OK, I have quit and restarted IJ and things are finally back.
So the objective changes that I made:
sbt gen-idea
stop/restart IJ
This is feeling like magic incantations here .. Not a solid process.
A sort of a workaround could be to upgrade to the latest EAP of IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3 build 135.909, released on May 23rd, 2014. It comes with more sophisticated Scala plugin that is much clever than the previous versions and hopefully could help here and there.